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21 Black Roses
21 Black Roses
21 Black Roses
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21 Black Roses

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Dakota and her three brothers all grew up in beautiful small town Durango, Colorado. She is the youngest of the four siblings. Since the loss of their parents her brothers have become over protective of their baby sister, but sometimes it is just not enough. She reconnects with an old friend and it turns out to be the biggest mistake of her life. As threats on her life begin, her brothers must find out who is tormenting her and why before its too late.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 17, 2013
21 Black Roses

Val Ciardullo

I live in the beautiful Midwest with its ever-changing seasons. I have always loved ols cars, muscle cars, hiking, camping, off road and being outdoors. I am a huge animal lover at heart. I am happily married to a man that often inspires me with his drive to always try new things. We have had many adventures together over decades of love. And we have had many of life's challenges too. Which has made us stronger and inspired us even more. Follow your dreams and see where they can take you! Skies the limit!

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    Book preview

    21 Black Roses - Val Ciardullo

    Copyright © 2013 by Val Ciardullo.

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4836-8706-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4836-8707-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 09/13/2013

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Two Months Later


    To my wonderful husband Rick: Thank you for your support and encouragement to get this book published and especially for catching my errors. And yes, for laughing at me at times too. You believed in me when I doubted myself. That really means a lot to me that you have so much faith in me.

    To my great friend Julie: What can I say other than you amaze me! Thank you for your ideas, impressive imagination and your unbelievable talent in artwork. I can never thank you enough for what you have done for me. You have gone above and beyond for me. You are a true friend. You have an amazing and incredible talent that will take you so very far in life. Embrace it girl!

    To my dear friend, Mary: Thank you for your opinion as a reader and your support as a friend while I was writing this book and the encouragement to get it published. It has meant a lot to me.

    To my friend and one that I think of as family, Sharyn: Thank you for your ideas, your support and opinion as a reader. And the encouragement to get this book published.

    To my mother in-law Marge: Thank you for constantly telling me that I can do anything that I put my mind to. I think that it may have finally sunken in.

    To my friend, TJ: Thank you for your guidance with getting my book published. You were such a great help to me. I will be forever thankful.


    It’s that beautiful time of year in Durango, Colorado. The leaves are changing their colors of oranges, yellows and reds as the temperatures are cooling down some to sweatshirt and sweatpants type of weather. For some reason it always seems more peaceful this time of year.

    I can’t believe it’s October already and my fourteenth birthday. My mom is making my favorite dinner, which is homemade cheese ravioli stuffed with lamb and of course a chocolate cake for desert. My best friend Samantha, I call her Sam for short, is supposed to come over after school tonight to celebrate my birthday with us. We’ve been friends since we were five years old. I am a few months older than she is. She will turn fourteen in February. Sam is about my height and weight, which is about five foot two, and kind of on the slim side, she has shoulder length brown hair like I do and brown eyes and I have green eyes. Everybody says we can pass as being sisters because we look so much alike.

    I just finished my homework and now I have to bring it to either mom or dad for them to check it over. One of the rules of the house is that as soon as we get out of school we are to come, straight home and do our homework. Then either mom or dad checks it over and then we can watch T.V. or go out with our friends or do whatever until dinner is ready. If my parents are not available then my oldest brother Michael who is twenty years old has to check it over. Both of our parents work so Michael tries to help out. It’s kind of his way of paying them for letting him still live at home even though he is old enough to be out on his own. Michael is the oldest of us four kids. I have three brothers and they are all older than I am. They are all between five seven and five nine and have about the same type of medium build and weigh around the same too. With the exception of the hair they are the spitting image of our dad. Michael has short very neatly trimmed brown hair and a receding hairline already. Andy who is the second oldest is eighteen years old and has no hair and that’s because he shaves it off. He has a tattoo on his right shoulder of a wolf on the moon. He and our other brother Chuck went out and got tattoos when Andy turned eighteen years old a few months ago. Our dad flipped out! Whooped their butts good and grounded them both for two months. Chuck’s sixteen years old and had gotten a bull tattoo on his left arm. We are all very close and get along so well and for siblings that’s almost unheard of to have that kind of friendship and relationship with each other, but we do. We are very fortunate.

    My mom is about my height. She has short black hair that is kind of like a bob and she’s on the slim side as well. I bring my homework up to my mom who’s in the kitchen cooking dinner. Mom, I am finished with my homework.

    Can you bring it to your father honey? I’m cooking dinner right now. He’s out on the patio with Michael.

    Okay. I take my homework outside to my dad. He’s drinking a beer sitting at the patio table with Michael. My dad’s an ex-marine and looks every bit of one. He has the short flat top haircut, tall and muscular and he takes no shit from anybody! He’s definitely one to be afraid of if you misbehave or piss him off.


    Yeah sweetheart, what’s up?

    I’ve got my homework done. Can you please check it over?

    Okay, bring it here. I hand my dad my homework to look over. While he’s looking over my homework I decide to go and tease Michael. Michaels wearing his favorite baseball cap so I grab it off his head and put it on my head instead. He laughs at me and tries to grab it back but I run from him.

    You’re going to be sorry baby sister, for stealing my hat.

    Only, if you catch me.

    Oh, I’ll catch you. He chases me until he catches up to me, which doesn’t take him long because of his long legs. Once he catches up to me he scoops me up into his arms, takes his hat back and heads for the sprinklers that my dad has going in the back of the yard for some seed he had just put down.

    No! Michael! I am laughing and yelling for him to put me down. Michael, stop! Put me down!

    Oh no, you took my favorite hat and now you must pay.

    Dad, help me!

    I look over at my dad and he is laughing his butt off. Sweetheart, you got yourself into that mess. It’s the price you pay to play.

    DAD! Andy and Chuck come outside now and they are laughing too. Michael dips me down into the sprinkler getting me wet himself too. AH! THAT’S COLD! Put me down!

    Nope, I am not done with you yet.

    Andy! Chuck! Help me! Michael dips me down again but this time he sets me down onto the ground right in front of the sprinkler. He is laughing so hard he can barely breathe. He’s almost as soaked as I am. Michael! I pick up the sprinkler and point it at him as he runs away and I end up getting my dad wet instead. OOPS! Sorry dad! My dad starts laughing, gets up and comes after me too. I am apparently not very fast because he too catches up to me rather quickly. He grabs me and scoops me up, gives me a kiss on the head and heads straight for our pool.

    I’m not as nice as your brother is baby girl.

    DAD! He tosses me into the swimming pool and my brothers are laughing so hard they are crying. My mom is watching out the window and is laughing too. Dad, I didn’t mean to get you.

    Yeah well, I meant to get you. He says as he winks his eye at me.

    You guys are so mean to a girl.

    My dad laughs and points to me. The girl antagonizes it.

    Mom comes outside as my dad is helping me get out of the swimming pool. She’s holding some towels, shaking her head and laughing. Come on you guys, it’s time to eat. Mom hands Michael & I a towel. Dakota, go get yourself changed honey, you too Michael. I don’t want my chairs inside all soaked.

    Mom, is Sam not here yet?

    Sorry honey, she just called and said she couldn’t come, apparently she got herself grounded.

    What did she do?

    I don’t know, she wouldn’t tell me.

    My dad taps me on the side of my head as I walk past him. I’m not too sure if I feel comfortable with you hanging out with her anymore.

    What? Why? Dad, Sam and I have been friends since we were five.

    There’s something about that girl, she’s changed. I’m keeping my eye on her. For now you can stay friends but you may not be friends for much longer.

    But dad…

    My dad raises his eyebrows at me. Go change so we can have dinner and your homework is fine.

    I decide its best that I don’t argue with him. Okay, thank you.

    We’re at the table eating dinner as my dad looks up at Michael. Are you seeing your girlfriend Lisa tomorrow?

    No, we’re pretty much sticking with just seeing each other on the weekends for now. This way I can use my weekday time for studying.

    Good, keep up the good work son. Michael is going to school to become a police officer. He’s following in our dad’s footsteps. Our dad has been on the force for as long as I can remember. Andy wants to go into construction and would like to own his own business someday. He’s going to be starting school soon for business management. How about you Chuck? You’re getting close to finishing school so you need to decide what you want to do. We’ve talked about this before.

    I have decided. I am really interested in law enforcement too but in a different way.

    Oh? What way is that?

    I have been doing a lot of research over the past couple of months on becoming an attorney.

    Really, I think you will do well with that but there are many different types of attorneys. What type are you looking to become?

    Criminal law.

    Hmmm, good for you.


    I look up from my plate. What?

    What do you mean what? You’re fourteen, you’ll need to decide too and you need to start thinking about it now.

    My brothers didn’t have to think about it this soon.

    Yes they did. I’ve mentioned it to them before but you have to remember baby girl that it is much harder out there for women than it is for men so you really need to have a plan. I look at my mom and she’s nodding her head that she agrees with my dad.

    Yeah well, it just so happens that I already know what I want to do.

    Really? Michael says this with such surprise in his voice.

    Why are you so shocked?

    At your age I didn’t think it would be at the top of your list. When I was your age the thought wasn’t at the top of my list, not until dad talked to me about it.

    When dad spoke to Andy about what he wanted to do I was listening and it got me thinking too.

    Good girl! My dad praises me. So what did you decide on?

    I want to be a veterinarian.

    My dad looks at my mom. Well Joan it looks like all of our kids are going to do pretty damn good for themselves. I am really proud of all of you. We all say thank you. Then I decide to throw the ultimate question out to my mom and dad that dad is going to dread hearing.

    Mom, dad when can I start dating?

    Suddenly Michael drops his fork by accident and looks at me. NEVER! My other brothers start to laugh. I snarl at Michael and dad smirks at Michaels answer then looks at me.

    Damn that was a quick answer. I think I like Michaels answer.


    I’m sitting next to my mom and she puts her hand on my arm. Honey, you’re only fourteen. You are too young to date yet. Your father and I have already discussed this. Not until you’re sixteen.

    I have friends that are dating already. Why can’t I? And all of my brothers were allowed to start dating at fourteen. Why can’t I start at fourteen then?

    My dad looks up at me again from his plate. It’s different for a girl, that’s why.

    Well that’s chauvinistic of you. Michael kicks me under the table indicating for me to shut up.

    My dad instantly stands and glares at me. Excuse me? He looks at my mom while pointing at me. Did that really just come out of her mouth?

    My mom smacks my arm so hard that it stings. Ouch!

    Dakota, watch your mouth! You owe your father an apology right now!

    I hesitate to apologize and my mom hits my arm again but harder this time. OUCH!


    I’m sorry, but I’m just trying to understand why.

    Because that’s what your mother and I have decided. If I could keep you from ever dating I would, but your mother here tells me that’s not realistic. And if you keep this up I’ll raise the age to eighteen. So stop while you’re ahead. My dad starts sitting back down. And by the way you just got yourself grounded for two weeks in the house with no T.V. and no going out. Don’t you ever talk to me like that again!


    Michael whispers to me. Damn it Dakota, shut the fuck up already. I decide to follow Michael’s advice and keep my mouth shut.

    My dad turns his head slightly and glares at me. Do you want to try for three weeks?

    No sir. We finish up our dinner in silence and later have the cake my mom made, which I’m really not much in the mood for it now but I eat it anyways.

    It’s almost nine o’clock and I have to go to bed since I have school tomorrow. Thank god tomorrow is Friday. I start heading up stairs to get my shower in and get ready for bed when my cell phone rings and I notice that it’s Sam. Hey Sam, what did you do to get yourself grounded?

    I’ll tell you about it later Dakota.

    Oh, okay.

    Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to get together tomorrow night to study since we have a test on Monday.

    But I thought you were grounded?

    I am but my mom said I could see friends as long as it’s for studying only.

    Oh cool, but I have to ask my mom and dad. I just got grounded too for talking back to my dad. Can you hang for a moment?


    Okay, hold on.

    I head back downstairs as Chuck heads upstairs to get ready for bed. Goodnight Chuck.

    Goodnight Dakota. Hey!

    I stop at the bottom of the steps and look up at him. What?

    You need to learn when to stop while you’re ahead and keep your mouth shut. You’re lucky dad didn’t whoop your ass. He was pretty damn close to doing it. I just nod my head in agreement and continue walking. I know he’s right. I really pushed my dad to the limit today and shouldn’t have.

    Mom, dad, can Sam come over tomorrow evening after school to study?

    Both of my parents look at each other than at me. My mom turns her body a little so she can see me better. You’re grounded remember? And I thought Sam was grounded too?

    She is but her mom said she can come over to study. We have a science test on Monday.

    What did she get grounded for? My dad asks curiously.

    I don’t know. She said she would tell me why later.

    My parents look back at each other again then my dad answers. That’s fine but she comes here and it’s for studying ONLY.

    I understand thank you.

    I start running back upstairs as my dad yells out. You’ve got five minutes on that phone kiddo then off to bed!

    Yes sir. I get back on the phone with Sam.

    Sam, my parents said that its okay but you have to come here.

    Okay, see you at school tomorrow, bye. I get my shower in and go to bed.


    It’s Friday evening and Sam is due to come over at any time. Mom is in the kitchen cooking dinner as I’m getting my study material together. Mom, can Sam and I study outside on the patio?

    As long as you don’t have any distractions, that’s fine.

    Thank you. I bring my books out to the patio and everything else I need for studying. Then Sam arrives and my mom brings her out back to the patio.

    Hi Dakota.

    Hi Sam, are you ready for studying?

    Yeah, let’s get started. We get our materials together and start studying.

    We’ve been studying for two hours when Sam mentions taking a break. I need a brain break Dakota.

    We’ve only got about a half an hour left of studying to do.

    I know but I need a break.

    Oh okay, I guess a few minutes can’t hurt.

    Sam looks around us like she’s looking for something. Let’s go to the side of the house.

    Why on the side of the house? What are you up to?

    I want to show you something.

    You can’t show me here?

    No I can’t.

    Okay, whatever. I follow Sam to the side of the house and as she turns to face me she pulls out what looks like a cigarette.

    Sam is that pot?

    They call this a bud.

    It looks like pot.

    It’s another word for pot.


    Dakota, be quite! Somebody is going to hear you!

    Sam, why do you have pot?

    To smoke why else would I have it?

    Since when did you start smoking pot and how did you get that crap?

    Sam lights the rolled up joint and takes a swig of it. About three weeks ago, some friends introduced me to it and it’s not crap it is actually pretty good stuff. Here try it.

    I put my hands up in a protective manner. Um… No thanks. I’m not interested.

    It’s really not a big deal. It makes you feel pretty good actually.

    Where did you get it?

    Somebody at school, you don’t know him.

    A drug dealer, is this why you got into trouble yesterday?

    I guess you could call him that. Yeah my mom caught me smoking it out in the garage. My mom can be a real bitch.

    What are you talking about? Your mom is pretty cool. You used to think so too.

    Yeah well, she yelled at me about this and she used to smoke it herself. OH SHIT!

    What? I notice Sam looking past me so I turn to see what she’s looking at. Shit! It’s Michael! You’re going to get me into trouble Sam!

    Hey baby sister, what are you guys doing over here? You’re supposed to be studying. Mom wanted me to tell you that dinner is… . Michael stops in midsentence. IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS, SAM! Sam just freezes and doesn’t say anything. Suddenly Michael grabs my left arm and yanks me back. DAKOTA PHILLIPS, YOUR ASS IS IN SO MUCH FUCKING TROUBLE!

    I didn’t do anything! I swear! I promise I didn’t!

    You can tell mom and dad that!

    Michael, please!

    Let’s go both of you! Michael then grabs the joint out of Sam’s hand, puts it out and pushes her towards the backyard with us following behind her and the whole time Michael still has a hold of my arm. Once we get to the backyard Michael yells out. MOM, DAD! COME OUT HERE!

    Chuck comes outside instead. What’s going on out here?

    Chuck, tell mom and dad to come out here and that it’s an emergency please.

    Is that… ?

    Yeah, it is.

    Shit Dakota! Okay. Chuck leaves and goes into the house to get mom and dad.

    Michael, please let go of me. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t smoke anything! I swear!

    Maybe not yet but you were thinking about it.

    No she wasn’t Michael, she refused it.

    My dad walks out the door right before my mom does. What the hell is going on out here? What’s wrong? Michael says nothing and holds up the joint. Dad looks at it and then at Michael and raises his eyebrows. Where the hell did that come from?

    Michael points to Sam and I as he finally lets go of my arm. It came from these two girls here.

    My dad head whips back in my direction and looks at me. WHAT! Oh shit somebody just let the lion out of the cage. He is going to kick my ass. Dakota Phillips, bring your ass over here right this moment! My dad is pointing to the spot on the ground in front of him.

    My mom starts yelling now too. Where the hell did you get that Dakota?

    It’s Sam’s, I didn’t smoke anything I promise!

    My dad is still pointing to the spot in front of him. HERE! NOW! Don’t make me come to you. It will not be good if I do.

    Michael pushes me towards dad. Go, don’t piss him off anymore than he already is. If you haven’t done anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.

    As I walk over to my dad I start to cry. I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING, I PROMISE! I DIDN’T SMOKE ANYTHING!

    I stand in front of my dad and he grabs my chin and looks at my eyes. I believe you that you didn’t do anything now but I don’t know if you ever have before.

    No, I didn’t. I never have I promise.

    Sam tries to save my ass for me. Mr. Phillips, she turned it down. She’s never touched any drugs ever. That’s mine.

    My mom points at Sam and takes a step towards her. Samantha Rae Stevens, zip it! I am calling your mother and she can come and pick your ass up right now. You are NOT welcome in our home again. AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM DAKOTA! Your friendship with her is now over!

    Dad, I’ve never tried it. I’ve never done drugs, not now nor will I ever!

    Well you’ve got the ever part right! We’re going down to the clinic right now. You’re not only going to give blood but you’re also going to do a piss test too and so help me god if your tests come back showing anything, I will whoop your ass into the following week and you won’t be able to sit down again for a long time! Let’s go! NOW!

    DAD! My dad raises his eyebrows and points to the door, indicating that I better shut up and get my ass moving along. I start walking into the house and he smacks me on the ass real hard. Once we’re inside he grabs his keys and wallet and we head out the door and for the clinic. I look over at my dad and I can see all of the muscles in his jaw and neck. Holy shit he’s really furious with me. Dad, please don’t be mad at me. I didn’t do anything nor was I going to. I promise.

    What happen at the house Dakota, how did that joint come about and don’t lie to me?

    Sam brought it. We were studying for about two hours when she said she wanted to take a break. She said she wanted to go to the side of the house. When I asked her why she said it was because she wanted to show me something. Once we got there she pulled the pot out. She called it a bud or something like that and said it was another name for pot. She lit it and started smoking it and told me to try it and I told her no thank you.

    Pot has many names Dakota. Bud is just one of many. How long has she been smoking it?

    She started about three weeks ago.

    How long have you known?

    I just found out just now that she was smoking it.

    You really want me to believe that you’re best friends with her and you didn’t know she smoked pot until now?

    Yes I do because it’s the truth.

    Where did she get it?

    She said some guy at school. Said, I don’t know him.

    Hmmm, I am going to have to make sure the schools aware of that. Why did she get grounded? Was it because of drugs?


    And when did she tell you why she got grounded, last night when she called?

    No, she told me a little bit ago when we were on the side of the house. We pull up to the twenty-four hour clinic care center and my dad parks the car, turns and looks at me then sighs. I promise you dad, I have never done drugs ever and I have never been interested and I didn’t do it tonight either.

    He turns and starts getting out of the car. Let’s go.

    Dad! I protest by just staying put in my seat. My dad gets to the front of the car, looks over and sees that I haven’t gotten out of the car yet. He shakes his head in disgust, comes around to the passenger side of the car and opens my door.

    I said let’s go! Now! Don’t push me Dakota! I get out of the car and my dad grabs my arm and brings me into the clinic.

    The lady behind the desk asks my dad what we’re there for. I want my daughter to take a blood test and a piss test to be checked for drugs.

    Okay sir, what type of drugs do you think she has done?

    Not sure, I want her tested for everything.

    Okay, yes sir. Please fill out this paperwork and we will get her in right away.

    Once my dad fills out the paperwork then they take me in and do the complete testing on me. Once they complete the test they call my dad into the room. Mr. Phillips we did a complete test on Dakota. The blood test results will come back within a couple of days but we did the standard quick test also, which shows all of the major drugs such as… .

    My dad holds up his hand and cuts the doctor off. I know what it shows. I’m a police officer, I’ve seen it before.

    Okay, well for all of those drugs, she came up negative for them. So as far as the quick test goes she’s clean. We will let you know in a couple of days the results of the blood test. But I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.

    My dad sighs and looks at me with relief and taps my chin. Thanks doctor, for doing this so quickly.

    Thank you for caring enough to do something so quickly. I wish we had more parents that were proactive like this.

    Yeah, I do too.

    We leave the clinic and head home. We come to a red light and stop, my dad looks over at me and lifts my chin with his hand and turns my head so I’m looking at him as tears start to fall down my cheeks. I am proud of you for turning down the pot and not doing it but I never ever want to hear of you doing drugs, ever!

    But you didn’t believe me when I told you that I didn’t do anything and that I never have. I even promised you and you still didn’t believe me.

    Dakota, I refuse to be one of those parents with a blindfold on. Thinking, oh my kids would never do that and believe whatever they tell me. No matter how honest our kids have always been with us when it comes to drugs I am not taking any chances. If you get a hold of a bad drug do you realize what can happen to you? Let me put it into perspective for you. Worst case scenario is that you could die. Sam may think she’s indestructible but she’s not. Drugs and drug dealers are not something you want to fuck around with. Do you understand what I’m telling you baby girl?

    Yeah I do.

    I really hope so girl.

    The rest of the car ride was very quiet. We arrive at home and head into the house. I start to go upstairs and my dad grabs a hold of my arm. I don’t think so. We’re not done talking yet and you still need to eat dinner. Let’s go. He gestures towards the kitchen.

    I’m not hungry. I say in the rudest tone I can since I am still upset that he didn’t believe me.

    Dakota Phillips, stop with the attitude. To the kitchen, right now. I will not tell you again. I don’t say anything more and head for the kitchen. We go into the kitchen and my mom has all three of my brothers there sitting at the table waiting for us. Whenever there are any issues the whole family is required to sit in on whatever is going on. It’s my parents way of teaching all of us lessons at one time whether one has already been through it or not or is involved or not. It’s my parent’s way of making us learn from each other’s mistakes.

    Dad walks over and gives mom a kiss and shakes his head no. My mom responds to my dad’s unspoken answer. Oh thank god!

    He points to a chair by my mom where I normally sit. Dakota sit. Then he looks at mom. What did Sam’s mom say when she came to pick her up?

    Can you believe that Sam’s mother tried to blame Dakota?

    WHAT! She’s got some nerve.

    Luckily for our sons here her mother was still able to walk out of here.

    Michael chuckles. Yeah, mom almost grabbed Mrs. Stevens by her neck.

    Good, she saved me the trouble of doing it then. You should have taken Sam’s joint and shoved it up her mother’s ass.

    Alan! My mom scolds my dad then smiles and shakes her head. Sam set her straight. Told her mother that it was her joint and Dakota didn’t know anything about it until tonight. As a matter of fact, she said she didn’t tell Dakota sooner because she was afraid of Dakota saying something to us.

    So why did she tell her tonight?

    I guess she decided that she needed a buddy to smoke with.

    Dad walks over to where I am sitting and points his index finger down at me. You are no longer allowed to hang out with that girl. I don’t give a shit how long you’ve known her. Do you understand me?

    Yes sir.

    And you are grounded for an additional three weeks on top of your two that you already have for talking back. After school you come straight home and start studying. No T.V., no computer, no seeing friends and no phone. So that brings your count to five weeks. The only time you’re allowed to use your phone is to talk to your mother, your brothers or myself. Do I make myself clear?

    Yes, but why am I grounded longer? I didn’t do anything wrong.

    You should have instantly walked away when Sam pulled out that joint instead of standing there and watching her smoke it. That’s why you’re grounded. You can get into a lot of trouble with the law just being with somebody that has drugs on them. That can make you an accessory. When dad sets punishments for any of us they are always harsh no matter what the offense is. He believes being harsh right off the bat will make us learn our lesson quicker and it gets his point across. I think that’s the Marine side of him. Then my dad looks at my brothers. If you ever see her around Sam again, you better damn well do something about it or tell us. It’s a brother’s job to watch out for their sister. I don’t care how old she is. She could be seventy years old and you better still have her back. Do you guys understand me?

    They all reply back. Yes sir.

    My mom gets up and grabs dinner out of the oven. We waited for you guys to get back before eating. I kept the food warm in the oven.

    My dad gives my mom a kiss. Thanks babe but you didn’t have to make everybody wait.

    You know we always eat dinner together as a family.

    Yes we do. You are a good woman Joan.

    Mom smirks at dad. I know.


    It’s Tuesday evening and moms cooking dinner and I’m sitting at the table just finishing my homework. I haven’t talk to Sam since Friday. I’ve seen her around school and in class but since I’m not allowed to be friends with her anymore I just stay clear from her. I haven’t spoken to my dad either because I’m still mad that he wouldn’t believe me about not doing drugs. Mom I’m done with my homework.

    Michael just gets home from school as I say that to mom. I’ll check it mom.

    Hi Michael, oh thank you sweetheart. I hand my homework to Michael. As he’s checking it over the phone rings and my mom answers it. Hello.

    This is Mrs. Phillips.

    Oh yes.


    That’s great news.

    Thank you so much.

    Bye. We look up at mom as she hangs up the phone. Your blood test came back clean.

    I knew it would mom but nobody would believe me.

    She gives me a dirty look and sighs. Dakota, don’t start. Would you please cut these green peppers for me while your brother checks over your homework? I am going to set the table.

    Yeah, okay.

    Thank you.

    I start cutting up the green peppers just as my dad gets home from work. He walks up to mom who’s setting the table for dinner and gives her a kiss. Hi babe.

    Hi honey, dinner is almost ready.

    Hmmm, smells good.

    Thank you.

    I’m going to hang up my jacket. I’ll be right back.

    Hi dad.

    Hi Michael, how was school?

    It was good.

    No work tonight?

    No I have to tomorrow evening for a couple of hours.

    Hi Dakota. My dad says as he gives me a kiss on my head but I don’t answer him back since I’m still mad at him. Hmmm, still not talking to me, huh? That’s okay, love you anyways baby girl.

    Baby sister, you missed answering five questions. What were you doing day dreaming? My brothers call me baby sister a lot. That’s their nickname for me. They said they call me baby sister because I am so short compared to them and I’m the youngest. The nickname gets really annoying sometimes but they don’t care. They still call me it. I think they got that idea from our dad. My dad calls me baby girl all the time.

    I turn and look at Michael. I did? Are you sure? I double checked everything.

    You didn’t check it very well then.

    There’s no way I missed that many questions. What questions did I… ? OUCH! I just cut my index finger and there’s blood everywhere. I drop the knife and Michael leaps up from the kitchen table and comes over to me to look at my hand.

    Oh shit! Mom, come here.

    My mom comes right up behind Michael and takes a look at my hand. Oh shit, Dakota. Alan! Alan!

    What’s the matter? My dad comes back into the kitchen right away.

    Dakota cut her finger and it looks pretty bad.

    He takes a look at my finger then immediately grabs the dishtowel and wraps my hand up with it. Let’s go back to the clinic baby girl. Dad looks back at mom. It looks like she may need stitches. We’ll be back soon. You and the boys go ahead and eat dinner without us we’ll eat when we get back.

    Okay, oh, Dakota’s test came back today and she’s clean.

    My dad looks over at me and taps my chin. That’s good news.

    Jeez, I do believe that I have already told you guys that it would. I say that in the snottiest tone I can manage.

    Watch your mouth Dakota. We’ve been over this already. My dad warns me. Or you’ll be grounded for two months. Come on, let’s get you to the clinic and have that finger looked at.

    Two hours later we are finally back home from the clinic. The car ride there and back was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. We walk in the door and my mom starts warming up our dinner right away as she looks at my dad and I. What did the doctor say?

    I’ve got eight stitches in my index finger.

    Wow that many?

    My dad hands my prescription medication to my mom. They put her on some antibiotics to prevent any infection since it was a kitchen knife that she cut herself with. She only has to take it for a week.

    Did they give her any at the clinic?

    No, since she’s never been on antibiotics before they thought it was best that we have her take it with food. So we’ll have her take it with her dinner.

    My dad and I sit and eat our dinner and I take my medicine once I’m finished eating. I get up and bring my plate into the kitchen and Michael glances over at me from the table where he’s studying. Dakota, you still have those questions to do on your homework.


    The questions, that you missed doing?

    Oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks. I grab my books and head back over to the table to finish my homework.

    My mom and dad are finishing up the dishes when my dad looks over at me and raises his eyebrows. You’re supposed to do your homework as soon as you get home from school.

    Michael answers for me before I have a chance to say anything in return. She did dad, she just missed a few questions that’s all.

    Oh, okay.

    The questions that I missed were so easy that it only takes me about ten minutes to do them. Math has always been a strong subject for me. I finish my homework and instead of interrupting Michael during his, I decide to take it to my dad to check it over since mom is doing laundry. Here dad, I’m done. The ones with a dot next to them were the questions I missed doing.

    My dad checks over the questions I missed while I put away the rest of my schoolbooks and homework. These questions are good. My dad gets up from the couch and gestures for me to follow him. Dakota, sweetheart come here a moment. I want to wrap your hand so you can take a shower. The doctor doesn’t want you to get those stitches wet. I follow my dad into the kitchen and he wraps my hand in a plastic bag and wraps tape around it to hold it on tight. Once he’s done he gives me a kiss on the head. Go get your shower in and get to bed it’s getting late.

    Okay. I head up stairs and hop into the shower.

    A half an hour later I finish my shower and head back downstairs. Dad, I’m done with my shower. Can you unwrap, my hand now?

    Sure, grab the scissors for me so I can cut the tape. I grab the scissors from the kitchen and walk back over to my dad and hand the scissors to him. He gently cuts away at the tape he used to hold the bag on then hands the scissors back to me. I go and put away the scissors and throw away the bag. I guess I should forgive my dad some for not believing me before. So I decide to give my dad and mom a quick kiss before running up to bed. Goodnight dad.

    Goodnight baby girl.

    Goodnight mom.

    Goodnight honey. As I run upstairs to bed I hear my mom comment to my dad. See Alan, she’s not mad at you anymore.

    Yes she is. Just not as mad but that’s okay because I still wouldn’t change how I handled things. I just continue upstairs to bed shaking my head the whole way up.

    About an hour or so later I wake up unable to breathe. Oh my god what is happening to me? As I struggle to get out of bed I try yelling for my mom and dad but I can’t talk or breathe. I start heading to my bedroom door and I am barely able to make it. I’m wheezing like crazy, I’m dizzy, nauseous and feel so weak and I can’t swallow. Oh my god what is wrong with me? I am so scared. I open my door and head to the bedroom across the hall, which is Andy’s room. I start banging on the door as hard as I can manage not realizing that he’s not in his room. Instead another door opens from down the hall as I start to collapse to the floor. I look over and it looks like Chuck. He flips on the hallway light and runs to me as he sees me drop to the floor. Oh my god! Dakota! Chuck then starts screaming out. Dad! Mom! Somebody! Dad! Dad!

    I hear somebody running up the stairs. When I look up I see it’s my dad and Michael and mom’s trailing right behind them. Chuck, what’s wrong?

    It’s Dakota, I don’t know what’s wrong with her! Her face is all swollen and she doesn’t look very good and she’s wheezing really badly.

    My dad runs up to me and drops to his knees next to Chuck to look at me. Shit, baby girl! What’s wrong with you?

    My mom sees me and starts panicking. Dakota! Alan, what’s wrong with Dakota?

    I don’t know honey. We need to call an ambulance. One of you guys call 911 NOW! GO! Hold on baby girl.

    My mom is now on her knees too, panicking and crying. Alan, look at her face it’s all swollen.

    I know. My dad sits down on the floor, puts his back up against the wall and pulls me over into his lap and just holds me still. Hang on baby girl help is coming. Chuck go grab a washcloth and wet it in cold water.

    Okay, I’ll be right back.


    Don’t worry Joan, the paramedics will be here soon.

    A moment later, Chuck returns. Here’s a washcloth dad.

    Thank you, Chuck. My dad takes the cold wet washcloth from Chuck and puts it on my forehead. Hang on baby girl, paramedics are on their way.

    Within about ten minutes the ambulance arrives and one of my brothers lets them into the house and brings them upstairs. My dad still is sitting on the floor with me lying in his lap. He gets up as the paramedics come over to look at me. Her name is Dakota, she’s fourteen. I can hear the fear in my dad’s voice now setting in.

    Dakota, my name is Clay and this is Kevin. We’re the paramedics that are going to take care of you. Can you talk to us? I try to shake my head no as they lay me down on my back on the floor.

    Kevin checks my vital signs and tells Clay. Her pulse is a little week.

    Clay looks at my eyes and then looks inside my mouth at my throat. She’s having an allergic reaction to something!! Her face, tongue and throat are all swollen and her lips are starting to get a little blue. He notices my finger that is all wrapped up and looks at my parents. What happen to her finger?

    My dad puts his arm around my mom as he replies to the paramedic. She cut her finger with a kitchen knife earlier so I had to take her in for stitches.

    Clay looks back at me. Did the doctor put her on any medications?

    Some antibiotics but that’s all.

    I need to see the bottle because she might be allergic to the medication.

    I’ll get it. Michael retreats downstairs and returns a moment later and hands the bottle to Clay.

    When did she start this medication?

    My dad continues to answer the paramedic’s questions. It was about an hour to an hour and a half ago.

    Has she eaten or drank anything today that she hasn’t had before, fish or anything?

    No, anything she’s had today she has had before except the penicillin.

    She’s allergic to the penicillin. Kevin hand me the epinephrine pen. Clay gives me a shot of something in my thigh. We need to get her to the hospital. Within minutes my breathing starts to improve and the wheezing lets up some.

    My mom notices the difference and comments. She’s not wheezing so much anymore.

    Kevin the paramedic responds. Epinephrine is working but she still needs to get to the hospital. She needs further treatment right away.

    Oh my god, Alan.

    She’s going to be okay now honey.

    Kevin starts talking to me again. Dakota, we’re putting this mask over your nose and mouth to help you get some oxygen okay? So you have to leave it in place. I nod my head okay. Then we’re going to lift you up and put you onto this gurney. The paramedics put me on the gurney and start taking me out to the ambulance.

    Dad turns to Michael. Andy forgot his cell phone so you’re not going to be able to get ahold of him but he should be home any moment. You guys stay here and let him know what’s going on. Dakota’s going to be okay, so don’t worry. Your mom and I need to head out to the hospital. I’ll call you with an update.

    Okay. Michael comes up and gives me a kiss on the head. Love you baby sister. I just nod my head.

    Chuck comes and gives me a quick hug. You’ll be okay now.

    My dad gives mom a kiss. You go with Dakota. I’ll meet you at the hospital.

    Kevin looks up at my dad. Sorry sir, but nobody can ride along.

    Bullshit! My daughter is under age! One of us is riding with her and you won’t want it to be me! My dad then takes a step towards the paramedic, which then gets his point across. The paramedic just puts his hands up, shakes his head and says okay. They put me into the ambulance and my dad helps mom in and off to the hospital we go.

    Kevin, is that right?

    Yes ma’am.

    I’m really sorry about my husband. He’s very protective of our daughter.

    That’s okay ma’am. I have a daughter myself that’s younger than Dakota here. I completely understand. I would be the same way.

    We live very close to the hospital so when we arrive at the hospital dad is already there. They wheel me into a room and the doctor comes in almost immediately. Hi, I’m Dr. Reese.

    My dad shakes her hand. Hi I’m her father Alan and this is her mother Joan.

    It’s nice to meet you. The doctor then turns her attention to me. Hi Dakota, I understand that you’re having an allergic reaction to some Penicillin. I nod my head yes as she listens to my lungs and breathing. The doctor then starts to talk to my parents as she’s examining me. Even though we don’t hear her wheezing as much anymore I can still hear quite a bit in her lungs. The Doctor checks my face, tongue and throat. She still has a quite a bit of swelling as well. I’m going to put her on an I.V. of epinephrine. Within about an hour or so the swelling should be completely gone and she should be able to talk again and breathe easier once that happens we can release her to go home. My mom walks over to me and starts to cry as she gently rubs my arm. Dr. Reese tries to calm her down. Your daughter is going to be okay. You caught this on time.

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