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The Grim Reaper Story: (The Life of a Reaper)
The Grim Reaper Story: (The Life of a Reaper)
The Grim Reaper Story: (The Life of a Reaper)
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The Grim Reaper Story: (The Life of a Reaper)

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The night was long and cold as it was the 11th month on the 12th day of 1803 when a woman by the name April Lee Smith was giving birth. There was a scream that could be heard across town, a man named Paul Reaper stood right by her side and held Aprils hand tight as April screamed from giving birth in the one room run down shack of a home where they have been living for the past two years. The town doctor was a man by the name Frank Smith was Aprils brother that was delivering Aprils baby. It was a happy time for April and Paul for this is their first child together. Paul was a black smith here in Shady Oaks, the town was sure not getting any rest on this night. No sir not one second of rest, but it was a day that will never be forgotten here in Shady Oaks.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 31, 2013
The Grim Reaper Story: (The Life of a Reaper)

Bobbie Duane McCoy

My name is Bobbie Duane McCoy. I was born in Eaton Rapids MI. I was raised in Holland MI. I attended West Ottawa Public Schools. I was adopted at the age of three, kicked out and arrested by the age of 17. in and out of foster care, living alone in this world with only the people I meet for conversation and friends I have five dogs and moving home to home at the moment, I want my books to make my living for me and hope to keep on writing my stories about a small town called Shady Oaks.

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    The Grim Reaper Story - Bobbie Duane McCoy

    Copyright © 2013 by Bobbie Duane McCoy.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4836-3562-0

                    Ebook         978-1-4836-3563-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 05/01/2013

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    The Begining Chapter 1

    Life After Learning Chapter 2

    First Love Chapter 3

    The Fight Of Power Chapter Four

    Building A New Life Chapter Five

    Going Crazy Chapter Six

    Evil To The Bone Chapter Seven


    I dedicate this novel to my grandparents, for the love and support they have given me through out the years, giving me a child hood when my parents wouldn’t, to all my readers for making all things possible in this life I couldn’t have done it with out you

    thank you from

    Bobbie Duane McCoy


    Chapter 1

    The night was long and cold as it was the 11th month on the 12th day of 1803 when a woman by the name April Lee Smith was giving birth. There was a scream that could be heard across town, a man named Paul Reaper stood right by her side and held April’s hand tight as April screamed from giving birth in the one room run down shack of a home where they have been living for the past two years. The town doctor was a man by the name Frank Smith was April’s brother that was delivering Aprils baby. It was a happy time for April and Paul for this is their first child together. Paul was a black smith here in Shady Oaks, the town was sure not getting any rest on this night. No sir not one second of rest, but it was a day that will never be forgotten here in Shady Oaks.

    Just outside the door was the rest of the Smith family and Reaper family, after a while the baby was finally out of the womb. There was a happy yell from Paul Reaper, he sure was happy when he heard he had a new baby boy, a son he would teach to be a man one day. The only thing that was wrong for the family is the baby did not have a name yet. April and Paul sat there all day to think of a name for the new family member, well a thought came into April’s head when she looked at Paul’s lips as he sat there with a large grin on his face, she looks at the her baby and called him grim reaper out loud.

    Paul asked April, what did you say to the baby? April said, grim reaper, Paul said, I like that name so that is the baby’s new name for his new life. The couple went to the rest of the family just out side ready to see the baby and gave them the baby to see with the name Grim reaper, everyone loved the name and everyone was in love with the newest member of the family. Paul’s family is very large and April’s baby is very small, it was not at all that tough for April to go to Paul’s family for the holidays and birthdays. April loved Paul’s family and she felt like she belongs and she does not give it a second thought. After all April only had herself and Paul and her new baby as family. The new baby was very well loved in this town. Paul was working very hard to give grim the life he never had, the family looked for a way to help out April. Paul and April had a fight about Paul’s working all the time, the fight was so bad it ended their relationship for good, but they fought over grim as well. The fighting did get very violent as people in town noticed how bad April looked, black eyes swollen shut most of the time, bruises all over her body.

    As the two went their separate ways grim was left with out a father. April felt like she was not stable enough to care for Grim. Paul was then kicked out of his family but they brought in April into the family, Paul was to never return to the family. Mrs. Rose reaper who was in deed Paul’s mother, talked April into taking grim to the local boarding school. A time of 5 days April took grim to the boarding school where grim will be raised till he becomes a man, this boarding school was top of it’s class,

    As Grim had grew older the boarding school was his home, it was all he ever known, as Grim grew bigger he gotten stronger. He was not only the most strongest kid in the boarding school. He was also the most smartest kid in the whole boarding school. Grim was always done with his home work and he never gotten an low grade. When he had extra time in class he would do push ups, he always worked on his body and eating the right foods from the local native Americans A local tribe by the tribe name Sioux served meals for the local boarding school. but in return the natives get free schooling for their children as well. Grim was always good friends with all the natives, he did not make friends so easy with the others in his class, the kids hated him because to them Grim was not a normal kid. But they sure was right he was not normal, he was way smarter and way more stronger and had a goal in life. That’s right Grim wanted to be a sheriff of Shady Oaks.

    Going threw school grim never got into a fight with another kid. He never had a crush on a girl or even tried to date a girl in the boarding school. Grim was just a kid who knew what he wanted in life and he sure was a go getter. He was determined to be the sheriff, little did everyone know Grim did his home work all a little to much. He knew everything there was to become a sheriff and it was his goal in life, Mrs. Johnston was Grim’s teacher. Mrs. Johnston loved Grim being in her class, in fact Mrs Johnston tried to have Grim as her own. Grim was one child that would have loved the chance to get out of the boarding school.

    It was in Grim’s files not to be turned over to anyone but April smith. It was a long time after Grim did was on the schools top list to succeed in the field of his choice. The thriller was after Grim turned about 13 people wanted to see Grim do better in school then how he has always done the last few years. Grim was doing the most good doing odd jobs around town to earn his first months rent and deposit for after he is able to leave the boarding school. Grim knew nothing about what it was like to live in the world with out being told what to do and how to do it. As he works on the outside of the boarding school Grim studies the law. He reads news in the local news paper, he speaks to others in town and gets everyone’s information on the laws and locals and sheriffs. It was not hard to learn how everyone hated the sheriff and learned why they hated him so much.

    Grim swears on his vary life that he will be a well loved officer of the law as well as a sheriff. Only thing is how long will it take to become a sheriff in this town, there was a top officer when the town was built back in 1745. Grim learned that the best way to learn how to be the best was learn from the best to be the best. Grim had about two hours to go to his place, he had always like to go at the local creek. It was Grim’s place to be, he had built a place to have a fire when he wanted to have a fire. He kept a stick near by to fish when he wanted to fish, he also had a nice place to sit down and do what ever he wanted to. No one knew about this place but grim, it was a nice peace where Grim could be at peace to get away from things for a little while.

    Grim took his two hour free time to think about his goal. He took the whole two hours to think about it and by the end of his two hours he decided to learn his way and learn by the best of the best. Yes even by the bounty hunters and the army as well as the people in the town and news papers. The facts will never be wrong and Grim will always be right never wrong.

    Over the next course of six years Grim became well known for working over time and working hard. He was known to be a great kid and had the best reputation in Shady Oaks. It was not long when grim was making head line news in the local news papers. Grim was the best thing that ever happen to the boarding school, it was recorded that nothing has ever happen in the boarding school before or after Grim being in the boarding school. There are times when Grim thought about his parents.

    Like when he looks at the moon are they looking at it to?

    Do they think about him?

    Do they read about him in the papers?

    Are they proud of him?

    Do they miss him?

    Do they love him?

    Why did they give him up?

    Will he ever meet them?

    All these questions stick in his head. The town was a mess when Grim was sick for a few weeks from the flu. Everyone thought Grim was going to die. The doctor was the one who gave everyone the news. It was a breath of fresh air when Grim got better, no one cared about anything else but how Grim was feeling. Everything was okay as long as Grim was okay. Grim knew how well he was loved in Shady oaks. But nothing could be more sweeter then the day he will be a man and on his own one day he could not wait.

    April watched for Grim in all the news papers. She knew all about him through everyone in town. Grim never knew she was just right around the corner from the boarding school. He never knew his mothers name or what she looked like, but she knew him all to well and was very proud. She did want him back and could have him back but she thought he was better off at the boarding school. Grim never knew the day she will meet him it was going to be very soon. April was doing very well for her self as well and she married a well off farmer. He had a lot of money and no children and he was very wealthy. She also bought a store with a loan he had gave her. April also wrote a story about her life, it was never seen by anyone but kept in a chest in the barn. The book was about how she loves Grim, and how much she misses him how she was trying to better her life for him.

    April’s new husband’s name was Mr. John Gilmore, he owned farms and stores and he even had a hard wear store. April was so in love with John, in fact April found away to make the farm even more known by giving first timers a chance for employment. He built shacks for them to sleep in, he had 200 shacks on his property. The known fact was john bought a bank of his own two years after him. April met John and never knew April was the mother of Grim. But he knew grim all to well and in person. John offered Grim a job for after he becomes a man and can leave the boarding house. It never crossed Johns mind that April was Grim’s mother. It was a secret April held and was ashamed that she let Grim go into the boarding school. It was a fact that John knew everyone in town and gave everyone a chance, he was known to hire outlaws who was hiding from the law men. He sure loved his job as well as helping others any way he can.

    John was the richest man in the whole county. It was 6th month 15th day 1814 when john went to the boarding school and had a nice lunch with April and Grim. He thought it was a chance for April to get to know grim, it was hard on April not to tell grim that she was his mother. She couldn’t tell John anything about it. John knew that the farm could do a lot better having Grim as a farm hand. Grim knew john was happy about having him working for John. April noticed how smart Grim turned out to be. Grim could read and write. The story Grim could tell April and John but Grim held his lips shut about him himself. The news was about to hit Grim pretty hard when he learns that April is his mother.

    John took Grim under his arm as his own son. Grim was not a bad child and a all around great guy growing up. Where was the day Grim would be moving to the farm and when will Grim start working on the farm. There was nothing left for grim to do in school. He only had two years left, but Grim was ready and done with school so the school held him till he was ready for the farm. The town was getting Grim ready for the real world. They let Grim study law for the last two years he was there in the boarding school. Grim knew nothing at all about the real world other then what he studied in school. But on his last day at the boarding school Grim met with Mr. Grady. Mr. Grady was a bounty hunter, he was very well known as a man who always got his man.

    The very next day Grim moved to the farm and became a man to live on his own. John still treated Grim like a son, there was a guy by the name Sam Reed Jr. Sam was a well known man all over town, but he was scared when Grim came to the farm. Sam did not like the fact that Grim was already in charge of him right away. Grim knew nothing about farming and did not know anything about being a boss. In his spare time he studied the law real hard. Grim was treated better then the farm hands on the farm, Sam got real jealous over Grim. Grim was hated by all the farm hands on the farm, grim got a spot working in the store but lived at the farm. Grim was a boss and ran the store as his own as if he owned it, but all the rest of the people all over town loved Grim,

    On the second day on the job, Grim had his first robbery while on the job. Grim was held up by a man with a pistol Grim knew how to control the situation, grim did not need no pistol, no sir, all he needed was a good broom. He learned to protect himself from natives in the boarding school. The broom was to keep the man confused as Grim backed the suspect up into a trap he had made. Grim did not believe in hurting anyone no matter what. His only trap was a rope that would tie up the suspect in a tight hold, it worked every time for Grim. He was well known as being tough and never robbed and the most tempted to get robbed. The local sheriff Frank Mills was not happy with Grim’s work. Remember Frank is the most hated because he is a drunk who does not like to do his job. He will also force women to make love to him. So he will not take their homes when the bank orders the house to be taken by the sheriff.

    It was a time that went by and a new family moved into town and had a daughter that was Grim’s age. The first time she went into the store while

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