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What Is God’S Will for an Eighty-Plus-Year-Old Preacher?
What Is God’S Will for an Eighty-Plus-Year-Old Preacher?
What Is God’S Will for an Eighty-Plus-Year-Old Preacher?
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What Is God’S Will for an Eighty-Plus-Year-Old Preacher?

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In these eighty-one years I have lived here on earth and the fi fty two years I have
been blessed to preach the gospel from coast to coast preaching here and there,
from east to west from north to south, traveling by auto and airplane and I ask
myself after all these years how did I make it and every time it come back to me "By
the Grace of God", I have never considered myself as one that is smart and the Lord
have allowed me to write this my second book and get them published, produce two
sermons on DVD and record a CD's with fourteen songs on it after passing out earlier
that same day while preaching a sermon so I think this is a great accomplishment for
a common everyday preacher from Selma AL. with a little education. God have been
mighty good to me, my family and the people I have preached to over the years.
All of my family of six is dead but my sister and myself and she is eighty years old
herself and lives alone. It seem that the people of today don't know that God exist and
controls everything and that we are on a death wish and a hell scrap, the Devil is on a
least trying to take over the world and the church, all he have to do is get us to shut
our mouths and it's a done deal. So brother preacher" it's time", time for us to wake
up, time to get up, time to speak up, time to stand up and start talking and living for
Jesus. This has been my calling and I hope it is yours whether you are in a preaching
ministry or not, now is the time for all of God's people to tell the story of his suffering
under Pilate and on the cross, his death, his resurrection, his ascension to the Father in
Heaven, and his coming again for those who love him.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 5, 2013
What Is God’S Will for an Eighty-Plus-Year-Old Preacher?

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    What Is God’S Will for an Eighty-Plus-Year-Old Preacher? - David Savage Sr.



    Copyright © 2013 by David Savage.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2013913465

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4836-7535-0

       Softcover   978-1-4836-7534-3

       Ebook   978-1-4836-7536-7

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    Rev. date: 07/30/2013

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    My Move To Georgia

    Some Of The Other Special People I Met In My Pastoral Ministry

    God’s Message To The Minister, Whether They Be A Pastor Or Not

    Look To The Future With Great Anticipation

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    The World Hated Jesus And Has No Love For You And Me

    These Are Perilous Times That Have Come Upon Us

    This book is really a book I wrote earlier. The name of the book was

    You Are Not Dead Yet. But when I sent it to the printer for editing, it was changed to You Not Dead Yet, although I did enter too much of my personal life in it, which was exactly what I intended to do.

    Now this really is a continuation of that same book, plus the part left off from the other. In the other book, I covered only what happened at my first few churches, so now I will start here to give an account of after I left Florida.


    When I moved to Georgia, I brought some problems from Florida with me. I didn’t leave looking very good. I left a broken home, a wife, and six children; and I had been fired from a church that I had only served for less than one year, which didn’t look good on my record. I was carrying quite a bag of problems.

    I moved to Warner Robins, Georgia. But while living in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, in that short time at the Beulah First Baptist Church, I met a preacher named William Collier, who had lived in Tifton, Georgia. He had family in a place named Sunsweet, which is a little north of Tifton, where there is a church named St. John Baptist. His family was a member of that church, and they didn’t have a pastor. Collier called me and asked me if I was I interested in pastoring them. I said yes, so he drove to Georgia to introduce me to them and took me to the church. They talked to me about being their pastor and called me on Collier’s recommendation. This began the cleanup process of the mess in my life because he had me as a very capable, serious, and extraordinary preacher and pastor.

    Now this was not a large congregation, so when we talked about salary, they said they didn’t raise much money but if I took them, they would split the income with me half and half. I accepted their offer, not knowing how much I would get. I soon found out that my part would be less than a hundred dollars. Now that wouldn’t have been so bad if I stayed in the area, but I lived about a hundred miles one way from there, and this was on the second and fourth Sundays. Well, I took them, and the church began to progress financially, and they moved my pay to a hundred dollars a Sunday.

    I wasn’t paying much attention to the money, or how much the income was, because when the pastor becomes interested in the finances, the people would say that the pastor is a money-hungry preacher. Furthermore, they would say they have the deacons for that business anyway. But one Sunday, when they were finalizing everything and counting up the money, I heard them say that they had raised over a thousand dollars. So when they brought me my pay of a hundred dollars, I said to them, Didn’t we agree on a half-and-half deal of the income? They said yes, so my statement to them was You owe me four hundred more dollars. Now they nearly fell over because they were not ready to give me that kind of money, but they went back and got it. When they returned, they had a contract that read in part that I would not get that much money anymore. Even though I didn’t like the deal, I signed it anyway.

    At the same time I was at another church about fifteen miles east of there. The church was called Mount Zion Baptist of Brookfield, Georgia. They asked me if I would preach for them on the first and third Sundays. I accepted. When St. John found out that I had accepted them, they hit the ceiling saying I should not have taken another church smaller than them, that it made them look small. I said to them, God does not have small and large churches, just churches, and he values them equally. But it started a mess, so I began to think that, well, it’s about that time again.

    During that time another church about halfway between St. John and Warner Robins, Georgia, came open. When I heard about it, I called the deacon of that church for a hearing, and they told me to come on and preach one night when I was not supposed to preach at St. John. So I did. Now these towns are close enough that they know each other. When St. John found out that I was going to preach there, they sent a deacon to tape the service and bring it back to the church. Well, he did. When I came there at my

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