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'Til the Darkness Takes Us: Book 1
'Til the Darkness Takes Us: Book 1
'Til the Darkness Takes Us: Book 1
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'Til the Darkness Takes Us: Book 1

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Each new spring seems to bring with it the sense of a new beginning. Everything is once again sunny and bright, as if the past did not have to matter anymore at all, if one simply chose to wash it away. That past is often replaced with the feeling that anything would now be possible-this time, this year, this brand-new day.

However, that belief may only truly be the case in the bright and shiny world that is known to most as "reality."

What of another world beneath that so-called reality? A world that only exists in the shadows, a world that most would never believe existed at all. That is a world where those new beginnings may never bring any real hope or light at all. What may look like a new beginning in that world may actually even bring a less-than-happy ending to many of its denizens. For those that inhabit the world that is hidden in the shadows of the human world, if they survive their world at all, that survival may bring them nothing but darkness . . . of one kind . . . or another.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 13, 2013
'Til the Darkness Takes Us: Book 1

Janelle Walden

Janelle Walden has been writing books of multiple genres since age 12. Her debut romantic fiction, titled Fear Vs. Love, was published in 2001. The second of the same genre, The Heart’s Home, was published almost a decade later. She began writing simply out of boredom and a desire to escape from a painfully mundane world that severely lacked many “happily ever after” sort of endings. She continued writing into adulthood in pursuit of a better or more interesting world that could only be found by creating it and putting it down on paper for others to enjoy as well. Continuing this tradition, her writing has since veered into even more interesting genres such as science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural, which is what her most recent work is. The newest addition to her body of work is the first book in a supernatural series, titled ‘Til the Darkness Takes Us, which the first installment of will be available to readers in summer or fall of 2013.

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    'Til the Darkness Takes Us - Janelle Walden



    With the first settlers to the new world also came the man known to his peers as Isaiah Ewers. At that time, he claimed a huge tract of woodlands which still remains in the hands of his descendants to this day, nearly six hundred years later. The land is known to most of the outside world today as the Liberty Woods Wildlife Preserve. Those who veer far enough away from the comfort of the city to see any signs warning trespassers away, they see it as nothing more than what they are meant to believe it is: a place to preserve wild animals. Though those who live far from the fences of this preserve are not entirely correct in believing that that is what Liberty Woods actually is, nor are they entirely incorrect.

    Most of the six thousand acres of the fenced-in woodlands are indeed your average wildlife preserve. However, the four-hundred-acre lake within those fences is surrounded by reasonably spaced-out and sturdily built wooden homes for the families of those who are truly being preserved there. The largest structure of the group is not terribly larger than any of the dozen or so homes surrounding the lake. This structure mostly serves as a community meeting hall for the Garou of this particular Caern when there is an occasion to call all the families together, as there is each spring. And that most important occasion is commonly referred to by the people of the Caern as the pairing, and it is now time for it to take place once again.

    Once the teen and adult members of each of the twelve major families of the Caern were gathered and finished taking their seats, that was when the pairing could actually begin for this new spring. Upon hearing the din die down, Alix Ewers stepped up to the podium at the front of the room and lightly cleared his throat before addressing the members of his community late that afternoon.

    Alix himself immediately garnered the attention of his audience by his mere presence and not just his status in the pack. The twenty-four-year-old stood at six foot four, with light-blonde locks that nearly reached his shoulders and easily matched his pale-blue eyes. Though it was not just his physical appearance that made Alix nearly ooze charisma—perhaps the correct word to describe his draw was magnetism.

    All right, we all know why we’re here, and we’ve already waited a year, so let’s begin, shall we? He smiled to his audience, who offered polite smiles in return as they centered their attention on him. Well, normally the alphas go first, as you all know, though this year, it seems that Leonna happens to be running a little late, Alix continued with a pause and an attempt at a slight smile before speaking again. In light of that, this year, we’ll be switching things up a bit, so first we’ll have the unmated Garou from each house come up and announce their choices. He smiled once more as he glanced back toward the line of young people seated behind him on the makeshift stage. And since Leonna and I are going last this year, remember, we have veto power, so make sure you all have a second choice ready, he informed them in a teasing tone before nodding to the first of them and moving to the opposite side of the stage to take his own seat, next to Leonna’s still empty seat.

    The first Garou representative of the twelve families was a man of twenty-four as well, who had dark-brown curls that reached slightly past his ears and equally dark-hazel eyes. We’re doin’ this alphabetical huh? he teased as he glanced back toward Alix with a wry smile. Thanks, Mom and Dad, he added with a more playful smile toward where his parents and two younger sisters sat near the front of the room. Anyway, you all know me. I’m Lanning… Allatius, he said with another more sincere smile as he addressed the group. And this year, I’m going to be choosing, obviously, he added with a boyish nervousness before continuing. And if it’s all right with Alix, he teased again, I’ll be picking Sage Florescu. He smiled once more as his eyes immediately moved to a nineteen-year-old woman in the audience with striking straight black hair which provided a beautiful contrast to the ice-blue eyes that smiled back at him as she nodded her approval. Sage then pushed herself up from her seat to go to the stage and take Lanning’s hand where they each then took a slight bow before returning to seats amid their family members in the audience.

    Okay, I guess that means I’m next, the next young man of twenty-two greeted his audience nervously as he took the podium. He too had dark-hazel eyes and dark-brown waves that now nearly reached his shoulders, though he stood about four inches taller than Lanning and at the same towering six-foot-four-inch stance as Alix himself. Okay, I guess I’m supposed to say my name first since you’ve all only known me for twenty-two years. He chuckled. So I’m Jeryd Davanzati, and I guess it’s my turn to pick now. A slight pause as he looked out toward where Lanning and Sage now sat in the audience. And thanks for not giving it away, Lan. He smiled. I’m going to pick the lovely Candia Allatius. Get up here, girl. He smiled playfully as the eighteen-year-old blue-eyed brunette covered her grin and blushed as she shakily moved to join Jeryd on the stage for their bow as well.

    One more time for my big brother and Candia, the next man greeted the audience a moment later. He was a nineteen-year-old with hair as long as Jeryd’s and Alix’s, though his was nearly black. But he had the same deep hazel eyes as his brother, even if he did stand nearly six inches shorter than the older man. So I’m Tristan Davanzati, and I believe that today I shall be telling you all that my choice is going to be Ms. Gemma Carradine, he announced with a smile as he turned his eyes to the tall, thin redhead with hazel eyes who offered the slightest smile. Though her smile did seem more polite than joyous, she also rose from her seat to do her duty and join Tristan for their bow.

    The next Garou representative was the first female of the predominantly male group. She slowly moved from her seat on the stage with a look of less enthusiasm than most wore that day. The nineteen-year-old brown-eyed blonde stood at about five foot eight and allowed a brief, somewhat dark glance back at Alix before taking her place at the podium. Yeah, hi, she began with a slight clearing of her throat before continuing. I wasn’t really planning on deciding this year… but anyway… She cleared her throat again. I’m Scinna Ewers, and I suppose my choice would have to be the only one of you lovely men that I don’t feel like backhanding every time I see you, she began as the audience made an attempt at a polite chuckle. Anyway, yeah, it’s gonna be Ashe Xavier, she finished flatly as the fair-haired twenty-two-year-old man adopted a polite smile and rose from the seat he had next to a light-brown-haired young woman who somehow looked even less happy than Scinna right then.

    Once Ashe and Scinna took their awkward bows and left the stage, the next young man approached the podium with an equal awkwardness. He was twenty-two years old with shoulder-length black curls and eyes nearly as dark. With an obviously shy and soft-spoken demeanor, he began to speak. Grats again, Sage, he began with another smile in his younger sister’s direction before continuing. Well, I’m Kit Florescu, and at twenty-two, I guess I’m nearly an old man in this world, or so they’ve been telling me. He smiled again. Which means it’s time for me to make this call, and if I have to pick someone, I can see no better candidate to be a great mother than that beautiful girl right there, he said as he gestured to a twenty-three-year-old woman who looked to be of obvious Native American descent and was indeed beautiful. Step on up, Taurra Bava, he finished with another shy smile as she rose from her seat with a huge grin and made her way to the stage to take his hand.

    The next to speak was a light-skinned black girl who looked more thoughtful and serious that day than happy. She took a breath and offered a forced smile back toward Alix before slowly approaching the podium. Well, I’m Bianka Haining, and I was one of those of us who didn’t tell our lovely alphas who we were choosing ahead of time. They may call me a procrastinator, but I prefer the term ‘planner.’ She offered another forced smile. "So I realize I’m twenty-three already, but I still haven’t come to a firm decision, so I think that I may just have to decline to choose this time around. Sorry boys," she added playfully over the murmurs of the audience, as she seemed more concerned right then with glancing back toward Alix to see his less-than-pleased expression. But he said nothing for the moment, and Bianka simply nodded once more to the audience and moved off to the side of the stage, alone.

    That was when the other light-skinned black girl who was seated on the stage looked more than a little thrown as she made her way up to speak. My big sister, always the showstopper, she attempted to cover the surprise of her sister’s announcement. Anyway, I’m Katawna Haining, and even though I’m the baby sister and only nineteen, she couldn’t help adding, "I did let the alphas know who I was choosing ahead of time, so now I get to tell all of you. She offered another still slightly awkward smile. Get up here, Brant Xavier." She grinned as she looked out at her chosen. The nineteen-year-old man sported the same brown eyes and blonde locks as his older brother and looked more than a little caught off guard by hearing his name called but very quickly tried to hide it as he smiled and stood to nervously join his apparently new mate.

    Once the previous couple moved off of the stage, the next Garou moved to speak, though he too looked more bored than anything else at that point, obviously only there out of a sense of what was expected rather than any true desire he had to choose a mate. He had chin-length brown waves and pale-blue eyes, standing at a height just less than six feet. So I’m Mikah Ivan, and since I’m now twenty-one, well, here I am, he offered with a slight shrug. I know this is supposed to be a big decision and all that, but honestly, it’s just not something I put a lot of thought into. I mean, come on, I am only twenty-one, he offered with another shrug as he glanced back toward Alix, who still seemed unimpressed by the behavior of more than one of the pups in attendance that afternoon. Though Mikah was obviously a bit of a smart-ass, seeing the annoyance of his alpha did do well to set him back on track, as he then continued speaking. So let’s see, which of you hotties do I want? he asked himself aloud, causing more than a few snickers as well as even more rolls from the eyes of the older or more prominent members of the community. Okay, you know you’re hot already, so get up here Liselle Davanzati, he finished with a smirk. Liselle was a dark-eyed brunette of twenty-three years who was also one of those who rolled their eyes as Mikah made his decision. But she did also manage the smile she usually wore as she pushed herself up to go and join the pup onstage as was expected of them both. And a smile was more than what her cousins Jeryd and Tristan now wore. Though they too remained quiet as she and Mikah took their bows.

    The second to the last Garou now took the stage with a smile of his own. The twenty-eight-year-old had shaggy blonde locks that went nicely with his pale-blue eyes, and he stood at a height of six foot one. Wow, the little brothers got hitched before me. But then again, at twenty-eight, I have been putting this off a while, he teased. Well, they were gonna run me outta here soon, so let’s do this, then another smile. Anyway, you know me. Name’s Calin Xavier and this little girl has been waiting on me forever, or so it seems to most of you. Let’s just say I was waiting ’til she was legal. Or that’s my story anyway, and I’m stickin’ to it, then another smile. You know you want to come up here right after your big sis, don’t you? Viarra Davanzati everyone, he finished with the same smile as he looked toward the eighteen-year-old five-foot-six-inch beauty with brownish red locks and blue eyes, who looked surprised but quickly adopted a smile to cover her shock as she moved toward the stage as well.

    The tenth representative then rose from his seat with a small smile as well. He was twenty-three years old, with nearly black waves and eyes just as dark, also standing at six foot one. So I get to be last huh? He smiled. Thanks, Mom and Dad, he teased further before continuing. So I’m Bastian Zellner, and you all know who I’m going to pick: the sweetest girl in the Caern, in my opinion, he added with another sincere smile. Come on up here with me, Ms. Pietta Carradine. He grinned as the name left his lips and his eyes moved to his chosen. Pietta was a shy, if slightly awkward, twenty-year-old with gray eyes and hair as fire red as her sisters’. She allowed a slight tear above her sincere smile as she lifted her tiny five-foot-five-inch frame to take her place next to Bastian on the stage where they would take their bows as well.

    A moment after the combined applause died down, Alix then retook his place at the podium for the final two pairings of the day. Again, I’d like to congratulate our ten, err nine, new couples, he began with a pointed look toward where Bianka still lurked at the side of the stage. And as you can see, Leonna finally decided to join us, he said deliberately as he glanced toward Taurra’s twenty-five-year-old sister who was also of obvious Native American descent and had finally made her appearance during the last few pairings. After you, my dear. Alix nodded to Leonna with a measured tone to his voice.

    Leonna Bava took a deep breath and a small step closer to where he waited before speaking quietly to Alix without the aid of the microphone. Really, you can go ahead, she offered quietly.

    Now, now, Leonna, we’ve all waited quite some time today to hear our alpha female’s choice. Please, share it with us, Alix returned to her in the same pointed tone.

    Leonna narrowed her eyes at his insistence as she let out a slightly perturbed sigh before finally moving to a place next to him at the microphone. The reason I insisted that Alix go first is because I, like our friend Bianka here, have yet to make my decision. Perhaps next year, she offered as she simply turned away amid the murmurs, not bothering to see the look she knew Alix would be wearing in response to her still refusing to make a decision as alpha female and at age twenty-five as well.

    Well, you can’t accuse us of being a predictable bunch, can you? Alix offered an attempt at humor once Leonna left the stage as well, though the bitterness in his tone was not all that unexpected. So I guess that leaves me. I know you all can hardly wait, so without further ado, as alpha male of this Caern, I, Alix Ewers, announce that my choice for a mate is the lovely Ariana Allatius.

    As the name left his lips, every member of the Caern had separate reactions. They all moved their eyes to where the beautiful, young, dark-haired five-foot-two-inch pixie of a girl was now sitting. Ariana’s hazel eyes immediately widened in several kinds of shock at being named as the chosen mate of the alpha male of their pack.

    The predominant reaction of the audience, and of Ariana’s family in particular, was a variation of the whispered exclamation, But she’s only sixteen! Leonna too appeared shocked by Alix’s choice, though not nearly as shocked as Ariana herself. However, Bianka, who was still standing at the edge of the stage, wore an expression of not merely shock but a shock mixed with pure rage that even she was not strong enough to completely hide from anyone who happened to look her way right then.

    As she felt all eyes on her at the same moment, Ariana swallowed hard and tried to find the strength to push herself to her feet to go and join Alix on the stage. Though before she could do that, she had to somehow first manage to force herself to quickly let go of the hand she had been holding for the entirety of the ceremony. That hand belonged to a more-than-slightly-androgynous eighteen-year-old blonde boy with piercing blue eyes. His name was Ehrin Garden, and the look on Ehrin’s face as he felt Ariana quickly force herself to relinquish his hand went immediately from one of pure shock to one of deep despair. For he knew at that moment that anything he and Ariana had felt for each other would now have to only exist in the past tense. And that was a revelation that was beyond heartbreaking to both of them.

    Ariana swallowed hard once again as she shakily made her way to her feet. She found that she was unable to look anywhere but at the floor as she took even shakier steps toward the stage. Throughout each of those slow steps, Ariana made the concerted effort not to allow herself even the slightest glance back toward Ehrin. For if she looked his way at all, she knew there would be no hope of holding back the tears she had been choking on for each eternal second since Alix had first called her name.

    When she somehow forced her feet to carry her up the steps to the stage, Ariana’s eyes remained glued to the floor for every moment. At that point, she could not even manage any expression but a blank stare down at the boards beneath her feet. It was the only way she could possibly hope to keep those tears in check, for they would pour forth if she allowed herself to look at anyone or anything else surrounding her. The only thing that caused even the slightest crack in her blank expression was when she felt the heat of Alix’s hand closing around hers as he took his bow, and she somehow managed to robotically force herself to do the same, while never once raising her eyes from the floor.

    Just as the more than hesitant applause started to mark the end of the ceremony, there was another interruption as Bianka centered a dark look upon the still shocked and frozen girl who stood stiffly next to Alix. She then moved her nearly black eyes back to Ariana’s now vacated seat and more specifically to the boy still sitting next to it. There, Ehrin was nearly shaking against the willpower it took to keep from moving his deep-blue eyes up to the stage and to Ariana. In that moment of clarity, Bianka quickly moved back onto the stage and to the microphone, not allowing another look toward Alix and Ariana as she stepped past them.

    Something you needed to share? Alix asked Bianka with a raised eyebrow as she moved past him and his newly chosen mate.

    As a matter of fact, I did want to share something before you all leave, Bianka began with a smile that seemed more malevolent than joyous as she spoke into the microphone once more. In the last few minutes, I have managed to come to a decision. She smiled as more murmurs arose from the still shocked crowd. I’m going to pick a mate this year after all, she announced with another fake smile. And my choice is… Ehrin Garden.



    At last, the final bit of applause following that year’s pairing started up. That was when all of the other audience members went clamoring to share their opinions with one another or offer their congratulations to the new couples before heading back to their respective homes. This was the point at which Aidan Yarbro took the opportunity to remove himself from the crowd and exit through a side door of the meeting hall.

    Aidan was kin rather than Garou, as were over 90 percent of the Caern, and he was still not officially paired up with any of the few Garou females even at twenty-seven. Though that was only in the official sense. Considering his physical appearance alone, he was not exactly inexperienced when it came to the females he came in contact with, be they Garou, kin, or otherwise.

    He stood at six feet with nearly shoulder-length black curls and deep-brown eyes that almost appeared black in all but the brightest light. He and his older brother Ewan were born to a male Garou and a female kin. However, despite the two brothers inheriting their father’s strong build and fast metabolism, neither had inherited the component necessary to make either of them into Garou themselves.

    Aidan’s brother Ewan was of a slightly lighter complexion, taking after their mother in that way, though he was quite good looking as well. However, Ewan’s attraction had less of a smoldering type of feel to it than Aidan’s, or so it had seemed over the years of growing up together. After all, competing for female attention with his big brother was one of Aidan’s favorite pastimes. Perhaps it was because there were so many kin and so few Garou that it honed Aidan’s sense of competition. Perhaps he just enjoyed knowing that he could wrest mostly any woman away from his older brother if he just cranked up that magnetism that he had inherited so much of from their father.

    It only took a few moments of leaning back against the outer wall of the building and impatiently tapping his foot before he heard the door open again next to him. With a knowing smile, he moved his gaze to Leonna as she too exited the building through this door rather than the main door that the majority would be using.

    And what might you be out here waiting on? Leonna asked as she turned her dark eyes toward him as well, doing her best to keep any of her feelings about his presence out of her expression.

    Like you didn’t know I was out here? Tell me another one. He smirked back at her.

    She let out a slight sigh to give the impression of impatience with his presence but did continue the conversation regardless. And how can I help you, Aidan?

    Aidan couldn’t stop himself from chuckling with the slightest glance downward before looking back toward the beauty that stood only a few feet from him outside the door that late afternoon. That was quite the announcement in there, huh? he offered, playing up his disinterest in his companion as he spoke.

    And which announcement would that be? she scoffed slightly, not able to keep from tossing a brief glance back at the door to scan for any others who might interrupt their conversation.

    Yours, of course, he offered with another knowing grin.

    I didn’t really make that much of an announcement, now did I? she returned smartly.

    Which was exactly my point, he responded, pushing a firmness into his voice that would match the effortless confidence that Leonna herself was expected to project at all times, considering her role in their community.

    And you thought I should have made a different announcement? Is that what you’re attempting to say? Leonna returned smartly.

    I just found it kind of odd, that’s all, Aidan responded with a feigned shrug to cover up yet another smirk.

    What was it that was so odd again? she returned impatiently.

    You not picking a mate, he told her plainly.

    And why is it that you in particular find that so odd? she returned with narrowed dark-brown eyes.

    That was when Aidan could hold back the chuckle no longer, which only caused her annoyed expression to deepen before he couldn’t help speaking again. "Well, because, Leonna, I happen to have what some would call uh, inside information that you actually do like mating quite a bit. So you not picking a mate is well, odd." He just had to finish as her continued annoyance did manage to cause yet another smirk in him.

    That was when Leonna’s merely annoyed expression easily turned into a glare as she took a step toward him, moving so close that she had him nearly pinned to the wall, despite the four or five inches of height he had on her. Have you forgotten how easily I could tear your throat out? she growled angrily, holding his dark eyes with her own.

    Even though his fear only peaked through for the tiniest millisecond, it was always there anytime any Garou allowed their rage to be seen, especially an Ahroun, or warrior, like Leonna. Though considering the closeness of their actual relationship, Aidan did manage to push that fear down almost as quickly as it took hold of him and then could speak again. But there are many, many reasons why you won’t do that, he couldn’t help retorting to her only half-serious threat.

    "For nothing more than the son of one of my kind, you sure have more confidence than is healthy for you, boy," Leonna replied roughly, though she did move the slightest distance backward to allow him a tiny bit of breathing room once more.

    "Well, you know that’s your fault, don’t you?" he responded after allowing himself that slight breath.

    Excuse me now? Leonna retorted with a raised eyebrow as she moved to lock her gaze on his once again.

    You’re the one who made me this confident you know, he replied with another grin.

    By pinning your ass against the wall? she returned, eyebrow still raised in disbelief at that continued confidence of his, especially in the face of her own annoyance.

    Oh, I think you know exactly what you did to give me this confidence. I believe you did some of it just last night as a matter of fact, he couldn’t help adding wryly. "Hence, my surprise that after how much I know you enjoy mating, why you didn’t just tell the rest of them that today. He gave only a slight pause as a tiny crack appeared in her expression. See, I did have a point."

    Leonna just scoffed as she shook her head, but did finally release him from her strong grip. Well, I don’t seem to recall going up there and making a vow to be celibate. I just didn’t feel like going up there and making a vow to pick one of you to have a bunch of puppies with. Slight difference, she had to add smartly as she turned away from him, though still remained standing reasonably close by.

    "A bunch of puppies even? He allowed another tiny smile. Well, if you have so much confidence in our combined gene pool, maybe you actually should have picked me, eh?" he had to chide.

    Leonna simply shook her head at his comment before replying. Well, I didn’t, so stop pouting and get over it, she told him firmly.

    Aidan shook his head with a sigh before responding. So you and I have already been with each other more times than I can even count, so I can’t help wondering about the why of it. Why you didn’t just finally make it official. Care to share at all? he asked with a more gentle tone to his voice than his usual confident manner.

    Leonna let out another sigh. I’m a born warrior, one of the few we have in this pack, and you know that. I’m not exactly the maternal type. I’m one of the only ones who can hold that front line, and you know that too. I don’t know why you insist on having me spell it out for you as well, she finished.

    And you’re one of the few Garou left, and other warriors, even females, have chosen mates and have even had children. That I do know. So I can’t help wondering if there’s more to it than that. ’Cause I don’t know, but it sure seems like there is, Leonna, he finished, though managed to keep his tone gentle.

    She let out another annoyed sigh before she replied, So what if there is more to it? I’m the one who has to make this decision, not you. And you just have to accept it. Now would be a good time to start, don’t you think? With that final statement, Leonna turned and moved away. As she did so, she did not once allow herself to look back to see or hear any more protests from him or anyone else.



    That spring evening, in the heart of the city, there were other changes being made to the inner workings of a completely different society. There, in what was easily one of the most lavish homes in the state, a new leader had taken the reins of the city into her hands that very week. Her name was Alexia Lacroix, and she was the new prince of the city, as all Kindred referred to their leaders as princes, regardless of gender.

    Alexia was a beauty who originally hailed from the French countryside far across the sea. She was born there in 1468 and still retained every bit of the appeal she had at the age of thirty when she originally had joined the world of the Kindred. She had long black waves, ice-blue eyes, and unbelievably full lips, making her an extremely memorable woman to behold, indeed.

    As with the majority of the Kindred leaders, Alexia was a member of the clan who called themselves Ventrue, though they were only one of many different breeds of Kindred. However, it was the Ventrue who were the born leaders of their species, each of them

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