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The Change
The Change
The Change
Ebook212 pages3 hours

The Change

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In the deep dark day of night, Kim and Chloe pause from the shrieking coming from within the woods. Curiosity rises from within them as they stroll into the woods that greet them with open arms. Little do they know they have sealed their fate. They entered a realm of werewolves and vampires. Kim now a vampire, Chloe a werewolf; how will this affect their friendship? Will they pull through or let these new changes destroy what they have? With darkness at every corner, Chloe and Kim must find their outlet. The woods become their new home as they are thrown into this unrealistic world. What will these girls have to go through? How will they manage in this world and what will come of the world they used to know?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 16, 2013
The Change

Krissy Jankowski

Krissy Jankowski lives on Long Island, New York. Long Island is a great place to grow up with its change of seasons, rich history, beautiful parks and beaches as well as the excitement of Manhattan easily within reach. Many of Krissy’s ideas came from strolls at these picturesque parks. Krissy is following her dream of writing with passion guiding her every move. When Krissy is not writing she is searching for something new and adventurous to follow. Krissy likes hiking in the mountains, basking in the sun, and listening to the wave’s crash down at the beach.

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    The Change - Krissy Jankowski



    My friend and I were walking around the eerie neighborhood, when we heard noises coming from the woods. The sounds were unrecognizable. My ears felt as if they were bleeding from the roaring that was coming from the woods that seem to be opening a path to me. Don’t go in. But the woods are calling for you. Shouldn’t I leave though? My head says yes, but my gut says move forward.

    Let’s go see what it is, Kim, I finally spit out.

    Okay, Kim replied. Kim’s long blonde hair mimicked the wind’s movements. Her crystal like blue eyes watered as she walked into the wind with her pale white skin standing out in the darkness that surrounded us. I was short, with neon green eyes that light up my face. My long brown hair danced with the breeze, covering my face. My dark skin seemed darker in the mysterious fog as we entered the abandoned looking woods.

    We both were always curious, maybe too curious. We walked into the woods trying to be as quiet as possible. We maneuvered around the twigs; hoping that the sound of one breaking wouldn’t set off the unknown people ahead.

    The noises started to get louder with each step we took. All the screaming made it clear that there was a battle ahead, but we didn’t turn back like we should have. We kept on going. Maybe because it felt like we couldn’t turn back. It was almost as if we were being controlled and we had no say in our actions.

    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw vampires and werewolves fighting. I thought they weren’t real. At least that’s what everyone wanted us to believe. Someone must have known they were real, right? How else would these stories been leaked? Could it have just been a theory that now I’m finding out to be realistic? Do other people know about them? What would happen if everyone knew about them? Humans would annihilate them, wouldn’t they? I asked myself these questions over and over again until Kim brought me back to reality.

    Chloe, we should leave. Her voice hinted out the fear that was lingering in her body. That would be the sensible thing to do, but we were already here, already seen. There was no turning back now. Vampires and werewolves began to surround us making it impossible for us to leave. They looked like monsters, the kind of monsters that were created in comics and fiction movies that everyone knows so well. I kept imagining that we were thrown into one of those comic books. Okay, well maybe they were not exactly the same, but they were very similar.

    We were a part of this battle, whether we liked it or not. The last thing I remember was the roaring and shrieking of these creatures almost as if it was inside my head, just ringing. My body went numb as if I suddenly became paralyzed. The world around me seemed to blend together and the beautiful colors of the world around me faded to black.

    I woke up in the woods with Kim, who was still unconscious. All the vampires and werewolves were gone. I couldn’t help but think it was all just my imagination, but that is a funny thing to think. I tried to figure out what happened when Kim’s eyes shot open faster than a jolt of lightning. Her piercing blue eyes intently focusing on my every move. I knew right away something was off. Then I saw it, on her neck; it was a vampire bite. The wound was already healing, but I could faintly see where the vampire inserted his or her fangs.

    You’re a vampire, I stuttered. She looked at me and nodded unwillingly.

    We should have never come here, Kim said angrily. I could tell she regretted every second she was in the woods. I felt bad, but I couldn’t change what has already happened.

    But we did and we can’t change that. She didn’t say a word but she didn’t have to. Her eyes spoke for her. They spoke of anger and disappointment as well as a tinge of fear hidden inside. I couldn’t blame her, she was a vampire and there was no going back. It should be morning soon. We need to get you somewhere dark. She nodded and we began to walk. The walk was long and silent. The air felt heavy, not a breeze to be felt. I listened to the sound of the animals squealing. I’m not sure what kind of species these animals were that were lingering in these woods, but I wasn’t really trying to figure it out. I was still trying to wrap my head around what just happened. The air prickled at my skin. Winter was settling in.

    We arrived at a dark cave and walked in. The walls dripped with water. The spiders hung from the walls watching us closely. It was as if nature was studying us curiously. The morning was quiet as well and we both didn’t know what the future was going to hold. The thought of fiction coming to reality was finally setting in and that’s what scared me most of all.

    She looked at me and muttered, You’re bleeding. I looked down and saw my side was covered in blood. I tried to wipe most of it off, but as I did the wound that lay beneath began to reveal itself. My worst fears were realized—it was a werewolf bite. We both looked at each other. Best friends torn apart by curiosity and now we were sworn enemies, not by choice, but by force.

    This has to be goodbye, Kim, I said as I ran off into the sunset. The wind whipped my silky brown hair back. The powers of the bite were already settling in. My speed has increased dramatically. This was only the beginning. I tried not to think about what could have been if we never went into the woods last night. It’s not like it mattered anyway.

    As I was running, a group of scary-looking men surrounded me, forcing me to come to an abrupt stop. Werewolves! I stared at their fangs and their claws, but their eyes said they were harmless. They wanted to help me. No, they didn’t want to help me, they made me this way. One man—who I assumed to be the leader—held out his hand recoiling his claws. I reluctantly took his hand as I suppressed the fear that I was feeling.



    I was walking around the village were all the werewolves hide out. I never knew it was here. Does anyone else know it’s here? I couldn’t help but wonder. As I was in my own little world, admiring the architecture, I collided with something solid. Oh gosh, did I just run into a tree? I opened my eyes and looked up to see what I hit. It was another werewolf. At least it wasn’t as embarrassing as it would be if I hit a tree.

    I fell when I hit the muscular werewolf, but the guy didn’t even budge. He glared at me at first then realized I was the new girl. Now I know how it feels to be the new girl in school… it sucks.

    I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t paying attention. He scowled, disgusted by the idea of talking to me. He had long brown long hair that fell right above his orange eyes on his olive like skin.

    My name is Alex, and yours? he asked rudely.

    My name is Chloe, I responded. His friend was with him and he seemed to care more about running into me than Alex did. What’s your name?

    I’m Eric. Would you like me to show you around? I nodded.

    Thank you. He smirked. Eric had long blonde hair that swished across his forehead. His golden eyes, though, are what I first noticed. They stood out on his tan face. Follow me. He started walking and I followed him. I looked behind me to see if Alex would follow, but he was just standing there, staring intensely. My eyes met his, but he walked away before I could say anything to him.

    Well this is the main hall where we just meet up and hang out. Our parties aren’t like the parties you have when you’re human. They’re wilder.

    Yeah, I wouldn’t think they would be, I said.

    We’re not a lot different than humans. We can just shift forms into something with fur, fangs, claws, and all that good stuff. We’re just much cooler.

    Oh yeah, that’s not different at all, I said sarcastically.

    Yeah, not at all. He also joined into my sarcasm party.

    I tried to pay attention to what Eric was saying, but my mind was elsewhere. All I could think about was running away from Kim because she was a vampire and I was a werewolf. I finally got the courage to ask: Do you know what’s going to happen to my friend Kim? My voice hinted out the worry that was building inside of me.

    Kim? he asked.

    She was at the battle where I was bit by a werewolf, but she was bit by a vampire. He just looked at me.

    You can never associate with her again, I’m sorry. I looked down trying to hold back the tears. My best friend just ripped away from me. I couldn’t help but think it was entirely my fault. He looked at me then went on. So, uh, that round building over there is where the training takes place. He said trying to change the subject.

    Where do we eat? He laughed.

    You have a lot to learn about werewolves don’t you. I didn’t want to think about killing anything; I was hoping that was the fake part in the situation. That’s really all that’s around here. We don’t need much to survive.

    Yeah, I guess not, so uh, what’s that guy’s problem? I asked, trying to change the subject.

    Who, Alex? He’s a cool guy he just needs to warm up to you. He’s been through a lot. Maybe you two will become friends.

    Yeah, maybe, I said, not sounding too optimistic about the whole friendship thing.

    I walked into the training hall to find out what goes on there. The outside of the building was round, but probably went on for miles. As I entered I saw all the different directions I could investigate. Each hallway was dark and mysterious. The few lights that they held were dim, which gave off an abandoned feeling. Each hall was longing for someone to enter it.

    I forced myself forward even though the feeling of fear was crawling up my slender body. My legs shook as I pushed them along. I peered into one of the rooms and I saw all the werewolves in their actual form. They actually are nothing like how humans make them out to be. When a werewolf changes, their eyes become brighter or a different color altogether. They peer into your soul and accept you. Eric says that if your eyes change color it’s because you were born stronger than others. They had long, fierce claws that would terrify the average person as well as me. The last two things that change are that they grow a little more hair—not to much more—and their feet become curled making them look like a real wolf.

    Seeing all the werewolves training and in their actual form fascinated me. It actually lessened my fear and increased my excitement. I want to know how to turn. I felt the mixture of emotions twirling in my body, but I suppressed every one of them. I was more concentrated with my surroundings. I was in awe of what I was watching. I know the majority of people would be scared, but I was more interested than anything else.

    A girl came up to me in human form. Hi, my name’s Rose! You must be the new girl, Chloe! I nodded. She was really perky, maybe too perky. Her eyes were a bright green, but what made her different were her wavy red hair and her extremely rosy cheeks, which seemed to complement each other. Your trainer is going to be Shane! He is the leader of the pack. Not a lot of people get to train with him. You should be honored! He must see something in you that he doesn’t see in others.

    Cool, should be interesting, I responded trying to sound excited about the way she described my trainer.

    Interesting! You’re lucky, you better not let him down! I wish I got the chance to work with him! He really is the best of the best. I could tell that she could probably talk for hours. I always run into the perky girls who don’t know when to shut up.

    Shane showed up at the training hall, saving me from the overly perky chick. He had light brown eyes with short dark brown hair. Of course he was muscular and tall just like all the dreamy guys.

    Are you ready to become a werewolf? He asked getting right to the point.

    As ready as I ever will be, I answered him.

    Follow me, he said. I followed him into a big room. The first thing I spotted was the blood stains on the floor. It was scary. Was he going to fight me already? No, I don’t even know how to turn into a werewolf. He looked at me.

    When you first turn into a werewolf that’s when all the powers will kick in. Your speed will increase, even more than it already has. Your vision will increase, your hearing will increase, and you will be able to heal and change instantly. I nodded. The process at first may be a little painful, but you will feel no pain as you turn again. Your pain tolerance also increases when you’re a werewolf."

    So how do I turn? I asked, really wanting to know the answer and hoping that it would be simple.

    It’s not something that can be forced. When your body is ready to turn, it will turn, but you have to stay here until then. We will bring you everything you need to survive until then.


    You’re vulnerable when you turn for the first time. We can’t afford you getting hurt, or worse, killed. I felt my body tighten, becoming paralyzed from his words. I was no warrior. The fear crept from behind me, engulfing me. I wonder how painful the process will really be and what will be worse is the suspense of when it will happen. I didn’t want anything bad to happen so I had to listen. We can sense if you are turning so we won’t have to check up on you all the time. We will come straight away to help you when the phase begins. I nodded.

    So I’m going to be alone in here until then?

    For the most part, yes. We can’t let anyone know you’re here, it’s too dangerous. I stayed silent and just nodded. He looked at me one last time. He whispered something and then left. I couldn’t make out what he said, but I’m sure it wasn’t important. Well at least for now I needed to focus on the first phase to begin.



    I was in a dark village with only caves and dark, gothic-looking towers to surround me. I tried to get used to the idea of living here for the rest of my life when a girl walked up to me, distracting me. She had long black hair, bright blue eyes, and cherry-red lips. Her cheekbones were high and her fangs were long and sharp, almost too much. She was quite tall and very fit which gave her an intimidating look.

    Hi there, Kim. My name’s Katreena, I will be your mentor. She offered a soft smile.

    Hello, Katreena. I smiled back.

    Your change has begun quickly. Your eye color has changed significantly, your fangs are coming in nicely and the sunlight already affects you. This doesn’t happen in most of the vampires here, she said seeming very excited. You should know that you can be in the sun, but not for long periods of time because it will make you sick to your stomach after a while.

    Great, just what I need, Kim huffed.

    It’s nothing bad. You should consider yourself lucky. You don’t have to go through the pain most of us have to go through.

    Really? What makes me so special? Kim asked questioningly. Her eyes widen in surprise.

    You’re the chosen one. We bit you for a reason—you can help us end this war, she simply said.

    Why me?

    "Your inner

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