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Dramatic Encounters
Dramatic Encounters
Dramatic Encounters
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Dramatic Encounters

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Some things change, and some things dont. In order to become a woman, you have to go through life situations to know the difference between real love and lust.

In this book by Michele Burden, you will find that Keiadra had been in rough situations since the beginning of her life. Soon she will see that what she experienced while she was growing up would play an important part in her life as she becomes a woman. It would bring out either the best or the worst in her.

Would she ever find true love?
Would she really give up her career for the finer things in life?
Would Keiadra find herself in a situation that would almost take her life, her freedom?

Dramatic Encounters will live up to its expectations of situations that go on in a womans or mans life daily. So get ready to explore the life and drama of a typical woman.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 21, 2013
Dramatic Encounters

Michele Burden

Michele Burden have experience as well as helped a few people in her life deal with the struggles of everyday life. To lend a helping hand to those who need advice not only helps them but encourage her to continue to assist those who needs a listening ear instead of listening to respond. She is also the author of Dramatic Encounters and Dramatic Encounters Temptations. Her passion to write helps her to continue her journey. Michele resides in Hampton, Virginia, with her three children, where she continues to devote her passion as a writer.

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    Dramatic Encounters - Michele Burden

    Copyright © 2013 by Michele Burden.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 03/09/2013

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    Surviving The Trials




    Trying To Survive

    Love At First Sight

    Unexpected Plans

    My Life

    Thuggest Life


    Moving On


    Better Days

    Marry Me


    First, I would like to dedicate this book to God for his motivation and support and the blessings he has given me. Also to my three beautiful children, Randolph Junior, Rauzail, and Trinity.

    I also want to thank the people that helped me publish this wonderful book, and my family and friends, who supported me along the way. Without your motivation and cheers, I would have never kept struggling and staying strong to finish this book.

    To the love of my life, David, even though it has been years since we have been together, you have always been in my heart, and now that I have you in my life again, my life could not be any better than it is now. Let’s rule this world together, Pookie.

    To everyone that I didn’t shout out, thanks and I love you all.

    Surviving The Trials

    It all happened on April 18, 1981, at Decors Hospital, in Greensboro, North Carolina. There was a baby girl named Keiadra Smith born to a lovely and devoted, wealthy, intelligent young couple. Keiadra was a very alert, healthy dark-toned baby. Neither one of Keiadra’s parents wanted children at the time, so before they had Keiadra, they made arrangements to have the baby adopted. They made arrangements for the foster parents to take her right after she was born so that they would not have any contact with the child. Even though they were not ready for children, they loved Keiadra with all their heart. How could they not love her? After all, she was their daughter! Kim and James Smith were their names.

    Kim and James had found the perfect parents for Keiadra. Even though they didn’t have as much money as the Smiths did, Kim thought it was more about the love than the money. Kim looked into newspapers, on the Internet. They came upon a couple named Mr. and Mrs. Jonson. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jonson had graduated and had done at least a year in college. Their income was reasonable for the Smiths, and the Jonsons had already had some children of their own. Keiadra would have siblings, love, and both parents in the home, so the Smiths wrote their names down so they could give them a call to make arrangements before Keiadra was born.

    Debra Jonson and Tony Jonson were the name of the foster parents that the Smiths were interested in to adopt their daughter. All the paperwork was finalized at last, and the Jonsons could take their new baby girl home. Not every day was a good day for Debra though. Already taking care of four other children before adopting Keiadra, Debra knew it would have its bad days as well as good. It didn’t stop her from taking her daughter home and loving her just the same. Debra thought that her family was complete, and now there was not a thing to worry about—well, that’s what she thought. Tony had lost his job a day after the adoption. Debra was not working at the time. How were they going to pay their bills? Will the adoption agency come back for Keiadra? There was so much to worry about in such little time.

    Tony had gotten so depressed about not being able to provide for his family that he left in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep. He did not want his children to see him like that. It made him feel like he was less of a man to just sit back and watch the mother of all his children work to put food on the table. He left a note on his pillow, which read,

    I’m sorry, baby. I can’t provide for you all anymore, so I have to leave to try and better myself for my family.

    As the morning came, Debra knew she did not feel Tony beside her. This had woken up Debra. She was always greeted with a kiss every morning. This morning, no kiss, no Tony. Instead she had a letter waiting for her. Debra was so hurt that she just sat in her room and cried for hours, until one of the children came to her room.

    How could he just walk out and leave me with the kids like that, Debra cried. Debra wiped her tears and thought to herself, I have children to take care of right now. I have to get myself together for my girls. Debra had already had four girls before she adopted Keiadra. I have to be strong for my girls, Debra said to herself.

    Wherever Debra went to find help to take care of her kids, they turned her away. It was getting hard for Debra to keep food and shelter for her kids, so she put down her wall of pride and went to the local health department and got assistance for her and her children.

    Tony didn’t like this situation after he learned what Debra had done. They had to notify him that Child Support was coming after him for the return of the money they assisted Debra with. Debra didn’t care at the moment. It was all about her kids at this point. Debra had asked Tony to help out with the kids several times, but he kept making up excuses as to why he could not help. Debra grew tired after a while and did something about it.

    So typical of him, Debra said to herself.

    Meanwhile, not knowing the whole time Debra and Tony was married, he were having an affair with the lady next door. See, Debra had just learned of this when she was on the TRT coming home from work one evening. You know how people talk about people, and they don’t know they are talking around… Yeah, it was one of those situations.

    This lady Tony was cheating with was Debra’s best friend. They were the best of friends. They watched each other’s kids, went out on the streets to chill, and the whole time, this bitch was fucking Debra’s man. It all happened so fast. Everything seemed to fit into place, Debra thought. He didn’t leave because he couldn’t provide for his family; he left because he was having relations with her best friend.

    Even though it happened a while ago, Debra was still feeling angry about Tony cheating on her. Everything seemed like it was going downhill from then on.

    Debra and her girls lived in Greensboro, North Carolina, in the ghetto where most of the population of poor black folks resides. Everybody knew everybody and their business. You could not keep anything to yourself. It was one of those neighborhoods that whatever you did in the dark would come to light.


    His lips touched the back of her neck while his hands caressed her thighs slowly up and down.

    Keiadra? asked this sexy black man.

    Yes, Keiadra answered.

    Can I make love to you? he asked. Keiadra did not say a word. She did not know what to say. Keiadra never made love before.

    Keiadra, he called her name again.

    I do not feel like talking about this right now, Keiadra responded. Can you just leave and give me time to think? Keiadra asked him.

    The whole time, this beautiful brother accepted her request but wondered what the hell just happened. He gathered his belongings and let her be. Before he left, he told her Okay, I will wait until you are ready, just do not forget about me while you are thinking.

    What was she to do? She never imagined for their relationship to go this far so fast.

    It all happened one winter in November 1996. She met this young five-foot-nine muscular black man in a blue-and-white-striped suit with a nice pair of blue Stacy Adams on his feet. He was just sitting at the table all by himself. Keiadra had found this young brother attractive and

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