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Reunited with an old friend, Victor discovers there is something fishy going on with the towns people. This discovery starts an investigation full of mystery and excitement.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 19, 2013

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith enjoys reading books from a wide range of authors. Inspired by their work Chuck decided to write a book of his own. This book is designed to be easy to read, packed with excitement scene by scene, and no fluff.

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    Book preview

    Victor - Chuck Smith

    Chapter 1

    S torms are popping up everywhere. Victor is standing in his living room, and lightning is flashing outside as thunder shakes the ground. This is going to be a big one, thinks Victor as he searches for a flashlight. Victor is digging in a drawer when he hears a loud crash coming from the back room. That was no thunder, Victor whispers to himself. Thank God , Victor thinks as he finds the flashlight in the back of the drawer. He gently closes the drawer with the flashlight in hand. Victor carefully creeps down the hallway to the back room door. He hears rummaging and loud stomping coming from behind the door. It’s now or never , Victor thinks as he kicks in the door.

    What the fuck? screams Kelsey.

    What the hell are you doing here? Victor asks.

    Saving your ass! Kelsey replies as she guides Victor away from the window. Stay down and don’t go near the window, Kelsey orders as she closes the drapes.

    You want to tell me what’s going on? asks Victor.

    It’s happening like you said, Kelsey answers.

    I’ve said a lot of things, so you’ll have to be more specific, Victor replies.

    Kelsey says, It’s the people in the town—they’re… they’re…

    Victor rubs Kelsey on her back and says, Calm down and take a deep breath. What exactly is happening with the people in town?

    Kelsey breathes deeply and answers, They are headed this way, and they are not in their right mind.

    Victor says, When you say headed this way, do you mean headed this general direction or coming for me?

    Kelsey boldly answers, Coming for you, genius!

    Victor says, OK, OK, you don’t have to yell. Why are they coming for me? I don’t talk to anyone around here. I’m trying to keep a low profile.

    Kelsey replies, That’s just it, they don’t know you. They are freaking out about the storms and think you have something to do with them.

    Victor asks, Why would they think something ridiculous like that?

    Kelsey says, Because of that one time you were drinking at the local bar. You were talking with a guy and a girl. They wanted to do a tarot reading on you. You said OK for fun. They did the cards, and what the cards said scared them. You said a few cocky things, then the rain started pouring. You went outside and held your hands up, and the clouds parted and the sun shined through.

    Victor says, Yea, but that was a coincidence. I admit it made me look cool, but that’s all.

    Kelsey replies, They don’t see it that way. According to the readings on those cards, they think you are someone powerful, and rather than find out what kind of power, they would rather kill you first than ask questions.

    Victor says, That’s just absolutely crazy.

    Kelsey says, Well, crazy or not, that doesn’t change the fact that they are headed this way and they are not in the mood to talk. Now get dressed and let’s get the fuck out of here.

    Victor asks, How far away are they?

    Kelsey loudly replies, Not far now. Get your shit together, and let’s go.

    Victor asks, Where are we going?

    Kelsey says, My dad has an old fishing cabin out by the lake. Nobody knows about it. We can hold out there while we figure out the next move. Don’t just stand there. Let’s go! I see some lights topping the hill.

    Victor says, This is why I hate drinking with townsfolk. They’re just so dramatic.

    Kelsey yells, This is not a game. Now let’s go!

    Victor and Kelsey sneaks out the back and makes their way toward Kelsey’s dad’s cabin. They get out of there just in time because the townsfolk throw bricks through the windows and scream as they light the place on fire and watch it burn. Victor sees this off in the distance and says to Kelsey, I was looking for a good excuse to build a new computer and buy some new furniture.

    Kelsey asks, How can you joke at a time like this?

    Victor says, How can you not?

    When they arrive at the cabin, they notice cobwebs all over it. This is a good sign that nobody’s been here for a long time. Kelsey says, It may be dusty, but it’s definitely off the grid.

    Victor asks Kelsey if the place has Wi-Fi, and Kelsey slaps him. She says, Now is not the time to be cute. You start thinking of what we do next.

    Victor says, Those people just torched all my stuff. I can joke if I want.

    Kelsey says, I don’t think you realize the seriousness of the situation. Soon as that fire goes out, they will sift through the ashes and discover that you got away.

    Victor says, Think back to the bar before you went to my house. What exactly were the people doing before they freaked out and came after me?

    Kelsey replies, They were gathered around a poker table. They were playing with cards but not playing cards. These had pictures on them and were bigger than regular cards.

    Victor says, That’s just great. Those people are amateurs playing with tarot cards who haven’t the slightest clue as to how to read them. They are jumping to conclusions, and I bet I can tell you who is guiding their thoughts in this matter. Was the guy reading the cards with a skinny slutty-looking girl?

    Kelsey replies, Yes, as a matter of fact, she was dealing the cards as he interpreted the meaning to the crowd.

    Victor exclaims, Just as I thought! That is the same guy who tried to give me a reading that day I was drinking at the bar. The girl who was dealing the cards dealt one too many, and they read them anyway. I saw terror in their eyes when the rain started. I went outside and held my hands up as the clouds parted and the sun shined through. I was thrilled to see how much it messed with their head. I didn’t think anything of it at the time. That was a couple weeks ago. I guess they are still scared and want to get the whole town involved to do their dirty work.

    Kelsey says, "This is just a stupid game. Why would they take it so seriously, and what exactly would they want to kill you for?

    Victor answers, Those are great questions. For one, the guy and the girl playing the cards don’t think it’s a game. They think of it more like a religion. Playing the cards makes them feel powerful. When I came along and acted so calm about their reading and showed no weakness, they got scared. Most of the time, when they do their reading on people, it rattles the person being read.

    Kelsey asks, Who are this guy and girl?

    Victor replies, I don’t know their names or where they came from. I first saw them that day at the bar. They have only been around town for a couple weeks. I think our next move should be to find out all the information we can on that guy and girl. We will have to sneak back into town and gather all the intel we can without being seen.

    Kelsey says, That sounds great. We will do that first thing in the morning. But as for now, I’m getting some sleep. It’s been a hell of a day. You can crash on the couch. I’ll be in the bedroom.

    It is foggy the next morning. Kelsey is up and has coffee ready. Victor sits up on the couch and says, That coffee sure smells good.

    Kelsey replies, It may be a few years old, but it tastes fresh as can be. So what’s the plan?

    Victor sips his coffee and says, We have to find out where the guy and the girl are staying. If we stake out the bar, I’m sure we can follow them back to their place. While we are watching the bar, let’s also keep an eye on the townsfolk. They’re up to something, and I want to know what it is.

    Kelsey says great plan as she takes off her robe, revealing her naked behind, and slips into the bathroom for a quick shower.

    Chapter 2

    V ictor and Kelsey approach the town in the shadows of the trees. They find a nice cozy spot across from the bar but out of sight. They watch as the guy and the girl enter the bar.

    Kelsey says to Victor, I’m headed over to the bar for a closer look.

    Victor says, Are you sure that’s a good idea?

    Kelsey explains, Yes, they don’t know I’m with you. They are only after you. I can blend in with the crowd and get the information we are looking for.

    Victor says, OK, please be careful. I’ll meet you back at the cabin. I’m going to see if I can get us some supplies from what’s left of my house.

    Kelsey goes into the bar and takes a seat near the poker table.

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