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Whispers of Hope
Whispers of Hope
Whispers of Hope
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Whispers of Hope

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Whispers of Hope deals with family and friends and memories of them. The Great Boops has a lot of memories of each of the uncles and aunt and what those memories meant to me as a child and now as I am much older. The book deals with making your life count for Jesus Christ, for the world may not see or come to know Him as personal Saviour unless it sees Christ in you, dear reader.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 31, 2013
Whispers of Hope

Patricia A. Sherrick

Patricia A. Boop Sherrick was born in Lima, Ohio, growing up on East Fourth St., in Perry Township. Her sisters are Lucille and Joan and she has two brothers, Ted and Terry Boop. Pat and husband Jim have been married 46 years and have 17 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

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    Whispers of Hope - Patricia A. Sherrick

    Copyright © 2013 by Patricia A. Sherrick.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2013911364

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 07/08/2013

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    Parents, Wake Up…

    Love Your Child to the Lord

    A Mother’s Loving Hands

    I Am Here for You

    Timothy… .

    I Haven’t Forgotten You

    Miya and Her Grandma

    Miya’s Thoughts about Tim

    Emmy and the Lord

    The Breath of Life

    Hand in Hand With Jesus

    How Did the Years Slip By?

    The Treasures of this Earth

    The Bitterness of Naomi

    Look out for Abigail has her License

    Is Life Not Worth Living to You?

    Hey, Did You Hear?

    Rylan is One This Year!!!

    Grow Old With Me

    Heart Thoughts to my Children

    But Lord, I Should Have Gone First

    A Family had a Preacher Boy

    Run Rabbit, Run

    Like Tiny Sparkling Diamonds

    in the Sky

    The Crown of Righteousness

    ‘The Ripe Old Age of 94

    The Last of the GREAT BOOP’S

    Remember When

    Christmas Day 2012

    Godly Fathers in the Home



    The Last of the Walnut Trees

    Alyssa’s Thoughts About God

    Flowers to Woo the Heart

    In the Life of Squeaky Squirrel

    It’s Raining, It’s Snowing

    The Joy of Springtime

    I Can Remember


    This One Thing I Know

    Happy Birthday, Dear Friend

    Did You Come to Visit Me?


    What is to Become of America?

    God Says To Me

    Pout, Who, Me?

    Feeding My Soul


    Ladybug Hug

    Asleep in a Dentist Chair

    The Day of the Tow Truck

    Mommy’s Home

    Out of the Mouth of Babes

    A Puppy Named Punkin


    Making Sure My Salvation

    Carrying Excess Baggage

    Little is Much When God is in it

    Early in the Morning

    I Stubbeth My Toe

    Why Do You Cry, Grandma?

    Tears in a Bottle

    Back in the (sing) swing of things

    Lord, Your Pain on

    Calvary was Greater than Mine

    God Never, No Never Lets Go


    Notes from the Past

    I’ll See You Later

    Watery Devastation in Japan

    The Desires of the Heart

    The Watchful Eye of God

    Am I a Saint?

    Ye That Love the Lord

    Be a Fisher of Men

    Whispers of Hope

    Send us Refreshing, Lord


    Parents, Wake Up…

    Love Your Child to the Lord

    God in His infinite wisdom, created man with feelings of love, compassion, hate, jealousy, shame, and especially the need of being wanted. If he were not to have any of these feelings, he would be a mindless robot, with no thoughts or capacity to love.

    In our fast paced world, our children quite often get shoved aside in our quest for a better home, better paying job, status in the neighborhood. Parents are so stressed out, both of them trying to work to keep up the all American image of two or more cars in the garage, gadgets in our home we could do without, simply living beyond our means.

    Parents, please wake up and be a part of your child’s life. Don’t allow TV or other influences to take that space that God intended for Mom and Dad to have.

    Back in the 1950’s, growing up as a child, Mom was in the home and not working. Dad worked at the railroad, doing his normal shift and picking up any overtime he could. We were a happy family and stress just was not there.

    I know we can’t go back in time to perhaps more peaceful days, but we can determine to show our children we are interested in their feelings, their ideas, showing them this home is theirs too.

    A child can sense right away whether a parent has trust in them. And, that child will not have the confidence he needs as an adult if the parent constantly chides, shows no affection, questions his actions and downgrades his every move.

    There will come a time when the child feels he is no longer wanted or needed and he will leave home, seeking someone or something to give the love which is not there in his home. In many homes, parents are divorced and remarried, causing emotional upsets. The child wrestles with the question, Am I the cause of Mom and Dad’s break up? When a parent remarries, hopefully that one will love the child just like it were their own, but, such is not always the case.

    Is it any wonder we have a generation of children who go blindly into marriage, not taking their vows before the Lord seriously, and find an easy way out of the marriage through divorce?

    We as Christian parents are told to Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6. Also in Proverbs 20:11, is the verse, Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure and whether it be right.

    Copyright May 13, 2002

    A Mother’s Loving Hands

    God, in his infinite wisdom instilled into a Mother, love for that young one upon her breast. That little babe nestled there, unaware of the world about her, secure in the warmth of her Mother’s caress, hearing Mother’s quiet voice.

    God gave this Mother kind, gentle hands; hands to gently comb out the tangles from her daughter’s hair, cleanse and bandage a scrape, listen to her child’s prayers. Her hands were outstretched to comfort her child.

    Many years have gone by and the little girl is now grown. The Mother, her hands once gentle, young and ivory in color, are now hardened and wrinkled from the toil of life’s daily work she has known. Her mind, once vibrant and young, shows signs of aging, her memory waning. She struggles to cope with a little forgetfulness now and then.

    As time goes on, the Mother can no longer care for herself; the decision must be made to leave her home and the memories lingering there.

    Mom, said the daughter, as she gazed upon her dear Mother. How oft you cared for me as a young girl, lovingly caring for my needs as only a Mother could. You’ve always been there for me, Mom. I, in return will do my best to care for your every need.

    But try as we may, we cannot hold on to that loved one forever. For the Lord knows his own. He calls them by name. He gave His Son, our redemption to gain. The Bible, God’s Word, tells of the silver cord loosed in Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it Eccl. 12:7.

    Oh, friend, do you know this Saviour of mine and of His salvation free to mankind? Earthly life is but a passing moment, but, Christ’s gift of eternal life is forever. (I John 5:11)

    Copyright January 17, 2003

    I Am Here for You

    Casting all your care upon Him, for He (Jesus Christ) careth for you (I Peter 5:7). I live and breathe in His promises every day. Thank you Lord,

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