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So Perfect
So Perfect
So Perfect
Ebook482 pages8 hours

So Perfect

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About this ebook

Raven Montgomery, a successful orthopedic surgeon, must learn how to find happiness after suffering a devastating injury. Her best friend Emily Morris, a large animal veterinarian, establishes an equine therapy program hoping it will help Raven to heal and move on with her life.

Since childhood, Raven and Emily had dreams of finding love. Thinking this dream to be impossible now, Raven turns her energy to her career and to helping others with physical and emotional changes. When she least expects it, she meets the father of a young student, a stranger who could change her life forever if she has the courage to overcome her fears.

So Perfect is about overcoming lifes challenges and opening your heart to new possibilities. In a split-second your life can change and take you down a different path to an unexpected journey.

Release dateMar 24, 2015
So Perfect


When Janice was seven years old her mother sent her to the store for a quart of milk and she came back with a painted horse that had been tied to a telephone pole next to the store. She naturally related this story to her husband Mark and to her surprise in 1987 he presented her a gray Arabian by the name of J W Drummer Boy as a gift for Christmas. This started her love of the Arabian horse. Janice retired as a successful Mortgage banker in 1999 and started a second career of breeding and raising Arabian horses. When her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s she realized she needed to concentrate on his care and less time with her horses. When Mark passed away Janice knew she would not be able to continue breeding horses and foaled out her last foal in 2012. In 2013 she gave up her last three horses and found herself at a loss for how to occupy her time. In November of 2013 she announced she was going to write a book and named it So Perfect. So at the age of 77 began her third career! We hope you will enjoy reading this romance novel as much as Janice enjoyed writing it.

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    Book preview

    So Perfect - JANICE GRAMLICH

    Chapter One

    April 15, 2013

    Dr. Emily Morris stood at the window with her best friend’s father, Richard Montgomery. Her naturally curly auburn hair pulled into a bun at the back of her head. Her golden eyes looked toward Richard. I can’t believe Raven is finally running in the Boston Marathon. Do you realize how many years she has dreamed of this day? I’m so glad you were able to get reservations at this restaurant that overlooks the finish line.

    I made them over a year ago when Raven announced she was running this year. Being on the second floor we have a great view. They both had binoculars so they could have a close up at the exciting time of Raven crossing the finish line.

    Emily yelled! There she is! I can see her! Look, here she comes! Get your camera ready!"

    As they jumped with excitement they saw a huge cloud of smoke then heard a blast as spectators and runners were hurled through the air at the finish line.

    Oh my God! Emily screamed. Oh my God, we have to go down there, we have to find her! Oh my God!

    It took them less than five minutes to run down the stairs and out the door. Let me through, I’m a doctor. Let me through, I’m a doctor, Emily yelled with tears streaming down her face as she pushed through the crowd with Richard holding tight onto her hand.

    She rushed to the first body lying on the ground, than she remembered that Raven had a red shirt on and started looking for red shirts. She frantically ran to the first red shirt and then to a second. She found her on the ground unconscious with blood flowing from what had been her left leg. Dad, give me your belt we need to stop the blood.

    Oh my God, Richard moaned.

    Dad, give me your belt, I have to stop the blood. Richard ripped his belt off. Emily pushed it under Raven’s left thigh and tightened the belt. I hear an ambulance; oh please God let them hurry.

    April 17th 2013

    Emily sat quietly while warm tears slipped silently down her face. She glanced to the woman lying in the hospital bed. Raven, her best friend for over twenty years, so lifeless. Feeling helpless, she listened to the beep of the monitor as it tracked Raven’s heartbeat, hearing the thump of the respirator as it forced air into her lungs.

    Her thoughts went back to yesterday morning as she and Raven’s Dad, had so joyfully dropped Raven off at the starting point of the Boston Marathon. They were so excited to see Raven realize a dream. A dream that had started years ago, when Raven with excitement made the announcement that she was going to run in the Boston Marathon, and this had been her year. One thing was for sure; once Raven decided she wanted to accomplish something nothing could distract her from her goal. She was one of the most vibrant women Emily knew and it broke her heart to see her so injured.

    Raven was a true athlete, a superb equestrian. She was an orthopedic surgeon! Emily knew Raven would certainly understand the challenges she needed to overcome. The big question was; would she ever want to recapture anything that was a real joy to her? Would she have the strength or even the motivation to continue her life as it once was? Would she ever be able to gallop her horse with wild abandon as she was known to do?

    They had dropped Raven off with hugs and kisses wishing her success. Saying good bye, taking a cab to the restaurant where they had made reservations for breakfast. Knowing it would be a long wait before they saw her bright red T shirt. Never in their minds had the thought occurred to them that it might be the last time they would ever see her bright smile, listen to her remembering her day, laugh with her over silly things that only they could understand. Talking about all the memories stored within their hearts!

    Emily said a silent prayer of thankfulness that Raven’s life had been spared. Promising herself to do anything within her power to bring Raven back to the life she so loved. How would Raven ever be able to run again, ride again and above all stand the long hours it took for her to perform her miracles in surgery with only one leg?

    Emily turned to look at Richard, such a special man in her life as the father of Raven. His black hair now sprinkled with gray was tousled from his hands. She had called him Mr. Montgomery for years, but now called him Dad at his request. Dad, can I get you a cup of coffee or something to eat?

    Richard rubbed his hands over his face in desperation and exhaustion. He looked over to where she was sitting, his green eyes showing his sadness. No, sweetheart, we’re going to have to leave in a few minutes for them to take her vitals. We can go down then to the cafeteria and grab something.

    Emily smiled a wistful smile and nodded. I need to call my office and give them an update. Emily had realized her career dream when she completed her internship as a large animal veterinarian. She was fortunate to be asked to join a well-established Veterinarian practice in El Cajon with her own favorite vet. No matter how much she wanted to remain close to Raven and her Dad, she couldn’t take advantage for a long period of time.

    She heard conversations in whispers and turned as the nurses along with the doctor came into the room. After exchanging a brief greeting, Emily and Richard excused themselves.

    Richard touched Emily’s shoulder, I want to stop at the gift shop to buy something soft for Raven to hold on to when she wakes up, I remember how she loved her stuffed animals.

    Emily laughed softly, she still does, have you seen her bed? I don’t know where she has room to sleep. But then I shouldn’t make fun of her, I certainly have my fair share on my bed! I guess we’re saving them for the kids we’ll have someday.

    If only I could see Raven getting married and having kids. I’m sorry to sound so negative but I just can’t see that happening now with half of her left leg missing! She has so much pride.

    I know how difficult this is going to make her life, but just be glad that she’s alive. We’ll make sure she finds the courage to go on, we have to. We have no other choice! I’ve been doing a lot of thinking these past few hours and I want to talk about an idea I have. I think it would be the perfect solution for getting her going again and to help other people as well.

    As Emily and Richard sat down with their trays in a back corner of the cafeteria Richard asked her about her thoughts. Give me a quick rundown on what your idea is.

    Emily put down her coffee cup and looked at Richard. Remember when Raven, you and I volunteered at the Equine Therapy Ranch in Ramona when we were in High School? I want to start an Equine Therapy Clinic at the ranch where we board our horses. I would like to start by offering therapy to children that are mentally and physically challenged, naturally Raven would be our only adult in the beginning. What do you think?

    I think it’s a wonderful idea. You need to incorporate and make it a 501c3 so people can donate horses and money for tax write- offs. I’ll be happy to do the paperwork for the exemption with the IRS.

    So you like my idea? There are successful programs already like it throughout California.

    I love your idea. This will give me something to do, help keep my mind off of my worries over Raven. I’ll start the paperwork as soon as I can get my hands on the proper forms. There must be an IRS office close by. Richard looked over to where Emily sat when he was finished eating. Are you ready to go back upstairs?

    I’ll meet you later; I have to call my office and Raven’s office to let them know how she is doing.

    When Richard walked into Raven’s hospital room the doctor was just finishing his examination. Hello Mr. Montgomery. The good news is that Raven can now breathe on her own so we are taking her off the respiratory machine and will keep her on oxygen. All her vitals are good and her leg is looking like it should. She should be waking up sometime this morning. Expect her to be disoriented and frightened by what has happened to her. If you think of anything you want to know, have the nurse get in touch with me. I remember her when she interned at this hospital. We all thought the world of her and hated to see her go back to San Diego.

    One of the questions I do have for you right now doctor is when can she be moved to a hospital in San Diego?

    I wouldn’t plan on moving her for at least a week.

    Thank you, doctor. I appreciate all you have done for her and we pray for her to be able to go back to her practice.

    The surgeon held out his hand to shake Richard’s. I’ll see you later in the day. Right now I’m going to take a well-earned nap. Have the nurse find me when she wakes up.

    Emily walked into the room just after the doctor and nurses went down the hallway. I’m sorry I missed what the doctor said. How is she? Oh, they took her off the respirator, that’s a good sign.

    She’s holding her own according to the doctor. We won’t be moving her for at least a week so you may want to go home after she wakes up and you’ve had a chance to talk to her.

    I do need to be back to work next week. That will give me a chance to talk to the owner of the riding stable about having an equine therapy clinic.

    That’s a good idea. You might want to get a few quotes for what you need while you wait for Raven and I to come home. If I can locate the necessary forms we can start to fill those out together while you’re here. I have some experience in that field and can give you advice on what to do.

    I’m so glad I shared my idea with you Dad. This is just what we all need to help us move forward, especially Raven. I’ll try to find someone certified to be the Director. I can hardly wait to get started. Oh, you found a cute stuffed animal after we had breakfast?

    It reminded me of one that Raven had when she was a little girl. It’s called Dreamy. I remember how she cried when her mom had to throw it away because it just couldn’t be washed anymore and we couldn’t find a replacement.

    That will bring some of her childhood memories back when she’s awake, maybe give her something to think about other than what has happened.

    A soft moan came from the bed, both Emily and Richard jumped up to see if Raven was waking up. Raven, its Dad. Emily is here with me.

    Raven slowly opened her eyes and looked at Richard. Dad, what happened? Oh, God it hurts so badly. Where am I? Where’s Emily? I’m so thirsty can I have some water?

    I’m right here Raven. I’ll find a nurse and have her call the doctor, answered Emily.

    While Emily was gone, Richard tried to explain to Raven what had happened, but she kept drifting in and out of consciousness and couldn’t understand what he was telling her.

    The nurse hurried into the room. I hear she is awake, I’ve called the doctor.

    Richard looked up at the nurse. She has asked for some water but she is drifting in and out of consciousness. I guess that’s normal?

    The nurse smiled, It’s not uncommon for patients to drift in and out for a couple of hours after such a long surgery. Please don’t be alarmed. I see she has a little white kitty in her bed. How cute, the nurse looked at Emily, did you think of that Dr. Morris?

    No, actually her Dad bought it for her at the gift shop. It reminded him of one she had when she was little so he thought it would bring her some comfort.

    The nurse’s pager went off. That must be the doctor now. I’ll tell him how she is. He may want to wait a little longer to see her when she is more conscious. I’ll be right back after I talk to him.

    Raven moaned again and started to pull the IV out of her arm Take this out, it hurts. Can’t I have just a sip of water?

    Emily went to the water decanter, noticed that it was empty and left the room. She rushed right back with some ice chips. They said she could have some ice chips on her tongue until they hear from the doctor.

    Raven moaned again, can I have just a little sip, please? I’m so thirsty.

    Here, Raven I have some ice, can you open your mouth just a little and I’ll put some on your tongue for you to suck on?

    Ummmm, that felt so good. Can I have some more?

    You can have as much as you want. Emily dipped her spoon several times to slake Raven’s thirst. She immediately went back to sleep. Raven woke up again thirty minutes later and again they called for the nurse.

    The nurse came into the room and checked her again. I’ll get some more ice. I’m sure the doctor will allow her to have some juice when she is more alert, so I’ll bring some apple juice.

    Somebody help me! Raven screamed and then sobbed, please, someone help me!

    Richard leaned over her. Shush baby, Dad is here with Emily and there’s a nurse here too. What do you need, honey, just tell me.

    Make the pain go away, make the pain go away.

    The nurse leaned over Raven, Raven, I’m going to give you some more pain killer in your IV and the pain will go away in just a little while. We’re going to keep you as pain free as we can. Here’s the doctor now.

    The doctor took hold of Raven’s hand. Raven, I’m Dr. Otto, do you remember me when you were interning here? Do you remember anything that happened?

    Raven glanced up at the doctor, I think I remember you, yes. But I don’t remember why I’m here……… I remember a loud blast and a lot of screams.

    Dr. Otto leaned closer to Raven and spoke softly. Raven, you were injured in a bomb explosion. I’m sorry, but I had to remove the lower half of your left leg. The surgery went well. You’ll be walking again, I promise.

    Raven closed her eyes and let out a moaning cry. Emily and Richard grabbed each other’s hands and watched as tears fell down Raven’s face onto her pillow.

    Raven, continued Dr. Otto, we’re going to have you up tomorrow; we’re going to take you to the therapy room to get you acquainted with the staff there. I know that’s fast, but if you remember that’s how we do it here and I’m sure you try to do the same. I’ll see you later this evening to see how you are, I know it’s hard but try to relax and rest for now. He touched her on her shoulder, then turned and gave Emily and Richard a soulful smile. You two need to get some rest, I hear you were here all night. It’s important that you keep your strength up because you have a long road ahead of you and I can’t promise that it will be easy. She will be going through all the customary emotions that accompany injuries of this kind and just because she knows how to handle cases like this doesn’t mean she will handle it any better. I don’t mean to discourage you but we’re talking about many, many months of hard work.

    Richard nodded his head. We had better do what the doctor orders, Emily. We need to go to our hotel and rest. Maybe have an early dinner and come back this evening. Do you think you can do that? I know it’s hard leaving her, but the doctor’s right, we need to keep up our strength and spirit so we can give it to her.

    You’re right Dad. Just give me a minute. Emily walked over to Raven, leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. We’ll be back later sweetie, I love you.

    Richard gave Raven a kiss, take care, honey, I love you too.

    They turned in unison and went to the elevator. They had an early dinner, returned to the hospital and stayed until visiting hours were over. Raven slept through the evening while Emily and Richard watched, wishing silently that there was something they could do to help.

    Emily and Richard returned to the hospital early the next morning. Raven was sitting up in bed eating a small breakfast of hot tea and cream of wheat with a piece of toast. She slowly looked up when she saw the two approaching her bed. I’m trying to eat something before I go into therapy, but I’m not doing too well. It’s so hard for me to understand why this happened and I’m trying not to cry but I’m not doing too well there either! Raven broke down in heart wrenching sobs as Richard came over and put his arms around her.

    I’m so sorry this happened, Raven. You know if I could, I would take your place right now in a heartbeat. Richard stopped talking to control his emotions, took a deep breath and continued what he wanted to say. I know that you of all people will know how to handle this. After all this is your specialty. When you feel better and are back to work you can be an even better doctor because of what you are going through right now. I know that doesn’t make the pain go away, but trust me honey, just trust me. You know I would never tell you anything that’s not true.

    Emily walked softly to the other side of the bed with tears slipping down her chin and quietly took Raven’s hand. She didn’t have any words of comfort because she just didn’t have any at the moment.

    I know this may sound silly, Richard said, but did you see Dreamy lying in your bed? Do you remember her? He knew it was silly to bring something so minor up but he didn’t know any more to say. He was just absolutely speechless at the moment.

    Raven reached over and hugged the stuffed animal to her breasts. Thank you Daddy, yeah I remember Dreamy. I wish Mom was still with us, I really need her right now. And she burst into sobs again.

    Emily leaned over to Raven and said softly, Raven, Mom is watching over you. I’m just so positive that she’s in this room with us right now. I can feel her in this room. She will be with you all the way with Dad and me. Just don’t give up, please, you are my very best friend and I don’t know what I would do without you. Emily broke down in sobs and laid her head down on the bed.

    Oh, Em, please don’t cry I’m doing enough for both of us. You have to stay strong until I can be strong. We can’t break down together. We’ll never get back up!

    Just then the door opened and a male nurse entered the room. Hey, hey none of this boo hooing, we have work to do. Who wants to go first?

    Raven looked up, well, I guess that would be me. Will you guys still be here when I get back?

    Yeah, we aren’t going anywhere except maybe to the cafeteria or gift shop to get something to eat and read. How long will you have her? asked Richard.

    She’ll be gone for about an hour. The first day is a short session. Let’s go Dr. Montgomery.

    As Richard and Emily got into the elevator, Richard said There is an IRS office a few miles from here. I’m going to go there while Raven is in therapy and try to get those forms we talked about. I probably won’t be back until she gets back to her room. I think we should wait a few days before we tell her about your idea. She has to get over this shock before we give her anything else to dwell on.

    You’re right, besides we need to know if we can do this before we say anything. I called the airlines this morning and made reservations to leave tomorrow. My flight leaves at three in the afternoon. That way I can see her in the morning then go straight to the airport. Is there anything you can think of for me to do for you when I get home?

    Not at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll think of something before you leave. I’ll be back as soon as I can. As Richard walked away he turned around, love ya.

    Emily smiled at him, I love you too.

    Raven was wheeled into the therapy room. The nurse stopped the wheel chair and knelt down in front of Raven. I heard that you were running in the Boston Marathon. I was there watching and saw some of what happened.

    Yeah, that was one time I should have been a little slower. I really don’t remember much of it.

    I also hear that you’re an orthopedic surgeon and took your residency at this hospital. That’s amazing! We’ll set up a program to last for a week because I hear you will be going home sometime soon after that. Are you ready to get started?

    No, but I know that doesn’t work, so, do we do arm exercises first?

    You got it!

    A week later, Richard and Raven headed home on a chartered flight arranged by the hospital.

    Chapter Two

    September 6, 2014

    Raven sat on the cliffs of La Jolla Shores mentally reviewing her life. The wind tousled her raven black hair but the whirling didn’t seem to bother her she was so deep in thought. Her almost emerald green eyes glanced up at the seagulls as they joyfully soared with the wind current.

    She would be twenty nine years old next Tuesday. A day that had always been filled by a loving Dad and friends teasing her about her clock ticking. Always asking if there was anyone special in her life? Offering ideas on how to meet the perfect man that she and her best friend Emily had always planned on meeting when they had their selected professions secure. How could she even think about meeting someone, someone that would accept her crippled body when she couldn’t accept it herself?

    Time seemed to stand still as she struggled to get her body and mind to accept the loss of her lower left leg and the prosthesis that allowed her to return to the work she so loved. She knew that only time and a continued program of physical therapy would allow her to tolerate the demanding hours she needed to spend in surgery. The fulfillment of helping her patient return to a more active life, after a serious injury. She now realized the patience and pain it took to regain a normal life. How many hours had she spent assuring her patients that they would be able to function again?

    Raven glanced down at her watch. She would be meeting Emily at the therapy riding stables in an hour. She and Emily had met when they both started riding lessons at the age of seven and soon became close friends. They rode for ten years with a Pony Club competing and traveling to different equestrian events, giving it up to go to college. Emily choosing her career as a Veterinarian Doctor and Raven an Orthopedic Surgeon.

    They stayed in close touch throughout those years giving each other the support needed to continue the years of study necessary to realize their dreams.

    Both of them had their own practice now. Keeping an apartment together helped them to continue with their friendship. Before the accident, they had spent each morning running together to keep their bodies in good physical condition with the dream of Raven running in a marathon someday.

    Now they tried to keep as many weekends free as possible to work with disadvantaged children through the Equine Therapy program Emily had started after the accident.

    Keeping a busy schedule allowed Raven the excuse of why she didn’t have a special guy in her life. The idea of having a relationship right now was totally out of the question. At least until she herself was able to accept the loss of her leg. She couldn’t even count the many times she had turned down the invitation to have dinner or go to a movie because she was afraid of rejection.

    Raven walked slowly back to her car. She felt awkward, concentrating on keeping a steady even gait to her walking. Time would be the secret allowing her to walk without a limp and patience would be called upon on a daily basis.

    Several months ago she had finally been cleared to return to her practice and loved having other people to worry about, allowing her to stop feeling sorry for herself. She tried really hard not to have pity me parties. She now knew how her patients felt and was able to relate to them on a firsthand basis. Hopefully, her patients realized that she now spoke from experience and not from listening to lectures or reading books on how to keep her patients in a positive attitude. She now knew how easy it was to become depressed and how hard it was to smile!

    When Raven reached her car she couldn’t resist the small smile as she saw the cute little red BMW she had recently purchased. It was a bit extravagant considering her current financial status with just starting her practice again, but knew she would be getting an insurance settlement from the insurance she was wise to purchase when she graduated with her specialty in orthopedics. She would be able to have her car free and clear, as well as, put some money aside for emergencies.

    She knew she had time to pick up lunch for the two of them and some carrots for the horses. She loved giving the horses their favorite treat. She just knew that giving the horses good crisp carrots kept their teeth from getting sharp edges which would cause them to have to be floated more often. Emily just smiled when Raven would insist that their horses could go longer between teeth cleaning because of the crisp carrots given on almost a daily basis.

    As she entered the parking lot with the super market that always made their favorite sandwiches and had 25 pound bags of fresh cool carrots, she parked next to what looked like a brand new 5 wheel silver truck. Just like the one she and Emily dreamed about having some day. She couldn’t help being curious as to who owned the truck. Did they have a horse trailer to match or a trailer they used to camp with? Usually when someone spent that much money on a beautiful expensive truck like this one they could afford something to go with it.

    She couldn’t help silently saying, I wish I had that and they had a wart on their face, making her smile as she remembered all the times she and Emily used to say that and laugh at themselves. Life seemed just so serious these days and it helped to remember the good times.

    As the doors to the market swung open she made eye contact with a tall blonde man with dark glasses sitting on top of his head. Her heart skipped a beat as his blue eyes made contact with her. She admired his broad shoulders and the abs she could almost see with his tight T shirt stretched across his upper body. His Levi’s fit pretty well too! No one could keep her from looking at what could be if she were still whole!

    A half hour later Raven was back on the road headed to the boarding ranch where they had their equine therapy classes on the week end. It made her feel good about helping other people with their problems. She always looked forward and enjoyed the two days each week.

    She was working with a young student by the name of Jennifer who had been injured in a car wreck that had killed her mother. Not only had Jennifer been physically challenged, she had had a tough time because of needing a second surgery on her arm. It had affected her healing time and had affected her emotionally as well. Even though at first she was really scared of the horses, her grandmother always brought her on Saturday and was confident that being with horses was the best way for her to overcome her physical injuries and her emotional ones too.

    As Raven pulled into the parking lot and parked, she was amazed to see a silver truck pulling into the driveway. Was this the one she had seen at the store? If it was, maybe she would find out who the owner was!

    She gathered the grocery bags and was getting out of her car when she noticed the same man at the market get out of the truck and go to the passenger side to open the door. She was even more surprised to see Jennifer being helped out of the truck and wondered what the connection was between the seven year old girl and this handsome guy!

    Raven walked over, put her carrots on the ground and leaned down to give Jennifer a welcome hug. ‘Hi Jennifer, I’m so glad you could come today. Who’s this handsome guy you brought with you? Raven stood up and held out her hand, I’m Dr. Montgomery and I’ve been working with Jennifer for the past few months."

    It’s nice to meet you, I’m Brad Taylor, Jennifer’s Dad. I was able to change my schedule this weekend to see how she was doing. So Grandma gets a day off today. I’ve heard nothing but how fun it is to ride and how much she loves the horse you paired her with. I think his name is Ladd?

    As they smiled at each other and shook hands Raven felt a sharp jolt go up her arm and tried not to pull her hand back at the shock. She looked up and knew that Brad had felt it too then glanced down at Jennifer to hide her reaction.

    Jennifer has been doing really well with Ladd. He’s always glad to see her, especially since she brings him his favorite horse cookies. Jennifer, do you want to show your Dad where Ladd is and take both of them to the cross ties for grooming?

    Jennifer smiled, come on Daddy. I want you to see how beautiful Ladd is and help me get him ready. I’ll even let you give him some cookies.

    Her dad gave her a big smile and said, lead the way honey, I’m anxious to see you ride! Here, let me carry those carrots for you.

    Raven watched with her heart still pounding as Jennifer and her Dad headed for the shed row that was Ladd’s home. Now she knew where Jennifer got her beautiful blonde hair and bright blue eyes! Ladd would be glad to see her since she had a hand full of his favorite cookies. Time was when Jennifer was too afraid to go to the barn alone. She had made great strides in the few months she had been coming for therapy.

    Ladd whinnied when he recognized the young girl walking with someone he didn’t know. But being an Arabian he liked most humans and was looking forward to meeting this new person that smelled really good of spices and citrus!

    Hi Ladd, this is my Daddy. He has come to watch us ride so you need to be real good today. Jennifer looked up at her Dad. He gets really excited when he goes into the arena because he knows he gets to run after his saddle is on. I don’t lunge him yet. When I get stronger with my arm I’ll be able to do it. But that won’t be for a while yet.

    I used to ride all the time when my family lived on the ranch in Colorado. I’ve been looking at ranches around here to buy and when you’re able to ride we can find you a horse of your own.

    Jennifer’s eyes lit up as she realized what her Dad was saying. Wow! That would be really cool. Are you going to get a horse too?

    You bet! We’ll probably get several in case we have company and they want to ride. Maybe your friends here can help us find a few good riding horses. I know that Emily is a Veterinarian and probably has clients that have horses for sale.

    Raven couldn’t help but hear what Brad was saying and now knew why he had such a nice truck. It was apparent that he was serious about getting a ranch and she couldn’t help but get excited for Jennifer. He was a nice guy. Maybe that spark they felt would turn into something more than just a jolt? Would she be able to allow it to happen?

    Jennifer, you need to show your Dad where Ladd’s saddle, pad and bridle are then take Ladd to the cross ties. Don’t forget to brush him really well and clean out his hoofs. I’m sure your Dad will help you. I’ll meet you at the cross ties.

    Raven looked at Brad and said, Jennifer has learned a lot in the few months she’s been here. It would be nice if she could spend more time with Ladd and come out more than just on Saturday.

    Brad looked at Raven. Do you spend more than Saturdays here?

    Raven smiled, if my schedule permits me I try to take Wednesday afternoons off to ride and I usually ride on Sundays. Maybe you and Jennifer can join me sometime?

    Brad smiled back, I’ll try to arrange my schedule. I would really like to get back on a horse again. I used to help my Grandfather with the cattle when I was home. I haven’t been on a horse since I graduated from college and went into the construction business. Owning my own company will allow me to take the time to come out more often. You probably heard me tell Jennifer that I’ve been looking at ranches on the market and have found one that I might be making an offer on this week.

    Emily walked up. Did I hear somebody is buying a ranch? Do you need a good Vet?

    Brad turned around to look at Emily. Well, we need to get the animals first, but we will sure need a vet, know anybody? He gave Emily a brilliant smile that almost blinded her!

    Emily held out her hand and smiled at Brad. I’m Dr. Morris and I have a client who breeds, raises and trains horses and has a few for sale at a decent price. She is recognized in Europe and here as an authority on horses. You can probably guess by looking at the four horses we have at this clinic that Raven and I prefer Arabians. They just seem to like people more than the other breeds and really love kids. Let me know when I can help you. Remind me to give you one of my business cards before you leave. Good to meet you.

    As Emily walked off Raven yelled, your lunch is in the office and I’ll join you later just as soon as I help Jennifer. Is she still scheduled to work with Reva this morning?

    Emily turned around, yeah and Reva is waiting for her. I’ll meet you in the office.

    Raven turned to Jennifer, let’s get this horse saddled and lunged so you can show your Dad how well you ride.

    With Brad’s help Jennifer had Ladd ready in record time and was heading for the round pen where Reva was waiting.

    As Jennifer approached, Reva turned and noticed the tall handsome man walking toward her leading Ladd. Hi Jennifer, whose this good looking guy you have with you?

    Jennifer smiled at Reva and said. This is my Daddy and he’s come to watch me ride.

    Hi Daddy, Reva smiled and held out her hand. Good to have you join us, you’ll get to see how well Jennifer is riding and how confident she is at handling Ladd.

    Brad smiled back. My name is Brad and I’m looking forward to see Jennifer ride. I’m really glad my Mom found out about this riding clinic.

    Reva grabbed the lead rope and hooked the lunge line onto Ladd’s bridle. One of the reasons I volunteer my time is because I get to see how many people we can help with various challenges. Besides, I love horses and these horses here are the best. I have one of my own at a different boarding place but hope to have her here someday to be a therapy horse. Let’s get Ladd lunged now so Jennifer can ride. Reva unhooked the lead rope, here you can hold his lead rope for me.

    Reva and Jennifer led Ladd into the center of the round pen while Brad turned to walk out of the lunge area. Reva lunged Ladd while Jennifer and Brad watched. When your arm gets stronger, you can lunge him Jennifer, Reva said. I know you’re able to saddle him now and get his bridle on so you’re doing really well. Your Dad will be proud of your progress.

    Daddy said I could have my own horse someday. He’s going to buy a ranch for us to live on. Emily is going to help him find me a horse. I’d like to have one like Ladd. What color is he?

    Reva replied. He’s called a Bay, which means he’s dark brown with a black mane and tail. If he had a tail the same color he would be considered a chestnut. Arabians only come in four colors, black, bay, chestnut and gray according to the Arabian Horse Registry of America. Even if they look white they are called gray. They can be a different shade of each color but that’s how they are registered. Ladd has one white sock on his left hind leg and what is called a star on his forehead. If you look really close you can see that the leg that has the white sock has a white hoof. When horses have white socks they usually have white hoofs too! My horse is called a chestnut which means she is a red color like my hair and has a red mane and tail but she doesn’t have any white socks. What color do you think you would like to have?

    I think I’ll wait and try to find a horse that likes me, Jennifer said, that’s more important to me. I do like white socks though!

    Reva stopped Ladd and started toward the riding arena. Let’s get you on Ladd so you can show your Dad how well you ride. Just follow us Brad, we’re going to the other arena.

    Just as Jennifer, Brad and Reva got to the arena Raven joined them again. Jennifer took Ladd over to a mounting block and hopped onto the saddle.

    Okay, said Reva Go over to the letter C and start with a walk.

    Jennifer rode Ladd over and told him to

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