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Melchizedek, High Priest of God and Your Destiny in This Eternal Priesthood
Melchizedek, High Priest of God and Your Destiny in This Eternal Priesthood
Melchizedek, High Priest of God and Your Destiny in This Eternal Priesthood
Ebook159 pages2 hours

Melchizedek, High Priest of God and Your Destiny in This Eternal Priesthood

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About this ebook

This story gives an insight into how God is to bring about the fullness of Jesus as High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. It gives insights into the evidences found in the scriptures of the life of Abraham. It details how God called Abraham to service, his relationship with the mystical character of Melchizedek and why God chose him to become the father of the saviour Jesus.

It is an exercise in taking the Bible scriptures as literal truth, gleaning subtleties from the original Hebrew texts through the Strong's concordance and building a picture of life in those times.

It shows things that are not immediately evident in today's perspective of the scriptures. It shows the importance of starting at the beginning of the story about God and his plan for man.

The book presents explanations on why Melchizedek was so revered and why Abraham decided to take a tithe of the plunder of the battle that saved Lot and give it to Melchizedek.

Through this book we study some of the personalities and characters of the book of Genesis and put them into perspective by showing a realistic time line for some of the period covered by the Book of Genesis.

For those who have been a Christian for many years, reading this book could be the catalyst to your future success as a Christian. It could change your life and give it meaning and as a child of God giving it direction and a purpose.

PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJun 16, 2014
Melchizedek, High Priest of God and Your Destiny in This Eternal Priesthood

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    Book preview

    Melchizedek, High Priest of God and Your Destiny in This Eternal Priesthood - David Holland

    Copyright © 2014 by David Holland.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from The King James Version of the Bible, copyright © 1972 By Thomas Nelson Inc., Camden, New Jersey, USA.

    First Published By: Gallery2020 Publishing, wholly owned by the author

    Under the title: Will the real Melchizedek please step forward

    First published: 2008

    Printed: 2008, 2nd Ed. E-Book 2013

    Editors:               Jane Whisker

    Graham Pockett

    Map Illustrator: David Holland

    Cover Photograph: Lance Holland

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 12/29/2014







    Chapter 1 The Mysterious Melchizedek and his connection to Abraham and Jesus

    Chapter 2 Abraham takes his father’s place

    Chapter 3 Why Moses wrote the book of Genesis with a slant on history

    Chapter 4 How important is the Temple mount in Jerusalem in the times of Melchizedek?

    Chapter 5 God’s life and purpose invested Adam

    Chapter 6 Melchizedek the person

    Chapter 7 Melchizedek’s connections to Abraham

    Chapter 8 Melchizedek and the pre-flood peoples

    Chapter 9 What really caused Noah’s flood?

    Chapter 10 The distinction between the natural and the spiritual man

    Chapter 11 More to understand about Melchizedek writes the Apostle Paul

    Chapter 12 Learn who you are in Christ

    Chapter 13 A Christian’s role in eternity

    Chapter 14 Building your house for eternity

    Chapter 15 Restoring the dwelling place of God with our words

    Time-line of the Patriarchs

    Chart of Genealogies

    Map of plains of Canaan

    The Prayer of reconciliation to Christ or the Sinner’s Prayer


    About the Author


    I would like to thank my wife for her patience while I was writing this book and her growing faith in the Lord.

    My mother who read some of the Old Testament books in a story form when I was four years old and took me to a church that gave me a good grounding in old testament Bible understanding in my formative years.

    To my Pastor, who gave me the opportunity to study with Vision Christian College and who was our class tutor, and to Rev. Dr Ken Chant (a director of Vision Christian College) who through his course lecture notes and personal visits challenged me to think more widely in Christian Theology. Dr. Chant kindly reviewed the 1st edition of the book giving a good review with challenging comments.

    I would like to acknowledge Joyce Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministries who was one of the first to give me more understanding about how God is faithful to answer prayer. She, through her television programs helped me lift the limits of God, which were placed there by religious thinking in my early years.

    I would like to thank Kenneth Copeland for being faithful to God’s word and teaching me through the anointing to take a stand in my life and realise whom I am, in Christ.

    I was able to write this book because of all the experiences and relationships developed throughout my life and due to the deposit of the Spirit of God leading me to greater understanding of the scriptures.

    If you enjoy this book but find it challenging the way you had thought about Christianity, I am glad. Maybe it will change your perspective on life and how you view yourself. The understanding in this book has changed the way I think about myself. In any case I believe it is a book that needed to be written. I hope that I have done the subject justice.


    This book takes you through a journey of the ancient patriarchs of the Bible and how they became acquainted with God.

    It is an exercise in taking the Bible scriptures as literal truth, gleaning subtleties from the original Hebrew texts through the Strong’s concordance and building a picture of life in those times.

    It brings to light probable details of the early characters of the Bible and presents arguments that show the importance man has in God’s plan for the earth. It shows things that are not immediately evident in today’s perspective of the scriptures. It shows the importance of starting at the beginning of the story about God and his plan for man. This story gives an insight into how God is to bring about the fullness of Jesus as High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. It gives insights into the evidences found in the scriptures of the life of Abraham. It details how God called Abraham to service, his relationship with the mystical character of Melchizedek and why God chose him to become the father of the saviour Jesus.

    It highlights the calling that Adam had and after the fall of Adam and Eve from the full grace of God, how God started the plan of redemption through Abraham and in turn though Jesus Christ.

    We cover the meaning of Christ for Christians today, and the illuminate role of Melchizedek in the unfolding of God’s plan for mankind.

    The book describes the characteristics of Melchizedek and his priesthood, and shows this as the glue that makes God’s plan work.

    It shows how Jesus was not the ancient Melchizedek, but how Jesus is forever linked to this personality.

    The book covers the life of the Melchizedek of the ancients.

    This Melchizedek is also known as ‘the King of Salem’. An attempt is made to answer some questions about this personage. Who was he?’ ‘Why was he written in the scriptures?’ ‘Where did he live and why did he live there?’

    It brings to light scriptural facts about how Melchizedek determined to meet Abraham and alludes to the ultimate importance of this, and shows events of the time disproving that Abraham sort out to meet Melchizedek. It also presents an argument of why Melchizedek wanted to meet Abraham.

    The book presents explanations on why Melchizedek was so revered and why Abraham decided to take a tithe of the plunder of the battle that saved Lot and give it to Melchizedek.

    Through this book we study some of the personalities and characters of the book of Genesis and put them into perspective by showing a realistic time line for some of the period covered by the Book of Genesis.

    By using the King James Bible and the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the King James Version of the Bible, readers can follow most of the explanations in this book.

    To the enthusiastic Bible scholar the book should be interesting, maybe challenging, but if you are willing to persevere in the reading of this book you will find it enlightening and may even change the way you view the whole concept of faith and belief.

    For those who have been a Christian for many years, reading this book could be the catalyst to your future success as a Christian. It could change your life and give it meaning and as a child of God giving it direction and a purpose.

    The text may even hold the interest of a non-Christian, a person who has found religion of no meaning or power and who finds that it definitely cannot change the world and make it a better place. It may also appeal to a person that asks the question: If God exists, then why is there so much unhappiness and hurt in the world, when Christians say that their God is a God of love?

    This book is for all these people and they will all be staggered at what they read.

    It goes to the core of Christianity. It will challenge you to find the answer to the question; ‘is the gospel about Jesus the completeness of the good news of the Bible, or was it that Jesus’ life was a life living out the gospel (good news) which began at an earlier time?’

    Melchizedek is the key. If we know who Melchizedek is, then the secrets of the Bible start to unravel.

    I hope you enjoy this book and I hope that it will change your life.

    Chapter 1

    The Mysterious Melchizedek and his connection to Abraham and Jesus

    The Apostle Paul writes of Jesus:

    Hebrews 5:10-11

    "Called of God an high priest after the order of Mĕlchisedĕc, of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing you are dull of hearing."

    The mystery of Melchizedek, and who he was, is a pivotal part of unravelling the underlying power of the Word of God in the scriptures and the basis for believing them.

    Through the early chapters of this book we will be establishing the credentials and characteristics of Melchizedek and the Melchizedek priesthood.

    We will be pulling together as much as we can glean from the Biblical texts about whom Melchizedek met and try to fill in some of the background of the times from Adam through to Abraham that is related to this personage.

    This will involve moving about the historic time line and referring to relevant places and persons, so it may be helpful to reference the maps, chart and tables in the back of the book throughout these chapters.

    In those days names were basically a description of whom a person was, or a prophetic word on whom he/she will become.

    A good example of this was how God himself renamed Abram to Abraham as father of many nations. (Genesis 17:5)

    The word Melchizedek is a name referring to a King in the old Biblical testament, which is derived from two Hebrew meanings.

    If we look at the second part of

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