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The First National Tee-Party Candidate: Thrown into Prison for Speaking Out
The First National Tee-Party Candidate: Thrown into Prison for Speaking Out
The First National Tee-Party Candidate: Thrown into Prison for Speaking Out
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The First National Tee-Party Candidate: Thrown into Prison for Speaking Out

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What I will share with you in this book is HOW you can earn more money in the profession of direct sales and social networking than most people working in high paying management positions for large corporations earn today.

You have the option of believing what I will share with you or throwing this book into the trash can once you read it. However, until you can personally earn from a half million dollars to two million dollars per year, doing your thing, your way you will be wise to learn as much as possible about network marketing, social networking to tell others about what you do for a living and about what you have to share with the consumer public.

I THANK GOD daily that I was shown the social networking concept for achieving success that I learned about during the early years of my adult lifetime. If I had waited on those in government to do what they are supposed to do to preserve personal and financial independence for the poor and middle class working people, I would have never achieved the American Dream of living an abundant lifestyle. The information within this book CAN set you financially free.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 6, 2016
The First National Tee-Party Candidate: Thrown into Prison for Speaking Out

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    Book preview

    The First National Tee-Party Candidate - James Ray Phipps

    Copyright © 2016 by James Ray Phipps.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 04/04/2016





    Specific Reservation of Author’s First Amendment Rights

    First National Tee Party Candidate

    Acknowledgement of Receipt of Statement of Organization

    About the Author

    The Journey Begins

    Childhood Memories

    Young Adult Memories

    Daddy Dies and I Am Forced to Find My Own Way

    Midlife Crisis Rebirth

    The Lady in the Harbor


    Putting My Faith into Practice

    Helping Others with Talents

    Falling in Love: Ora Lee

    Why My Life Without Debt Plan Was So Popular with Direct Salespeople

    Keeping Score in the Act of Salesmanship

    How I Started My Mission to Free the Slaves

    Sample Copy of My Political Science Magazine

    Target of the IRS

    Starting Over after the Government Attack

    Campaigning for Governor: Alabama 2006

    Independent Candidate For Governor

    The Value of Time

    This Is How the Alabama Plan Works

    This Is How the Payments Works

    More Memories of Entering the Land in Oz

    Public Corruption within the Federal District Courts

    First Amendment Cases in Support

    It Is Not Illegal To Talk About Money, Credit, Debt, and Taxes!

    Separate Options

    My Life While in Federal Prison

    My Transfer to the Atlanta Camp

    My Mother Dies

    Fighting for My Freedom in the Atlanta Camp

    The National Media Exposes the Criminal Conduct of the IRS

    What Is in the Future?

    You Can Make a Positive Difference

    Building a Better Nation for All to Live In

    Nonviolent Inmates


    The Top Network Marketing Companies in America

    Question and Answers about Network Marketing

    The True Story of The Lady in the Harbor Poem

    Call to Action

    Great New Book!


    This book is especially dedicated to every American seeking economic, financial, social justice, and liberty to rise oneself out of financial oppression.

    This book is also dedicated to G. Edward Griffin, the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, which tells the story of how the federal reserve system was created between the years of 1910 and 1913. Mr. Griffin’s stories inspired me to start my own business in the mid-1980s and to write my Life Without Debt course that teaches people how to live productively and without credit cards or debt.

    Mr. Griffin is a master storyteller and investigative author who is second to none in explaining why all Americans need to change the way they think about doing business with the banking establishment. He explains why we should not place too much trust in the credit/debt system and why every American should live debt free.

    Of course, this book is also dedicated to my mom and dad who taught me to live my life as an independent thinker, to serve others to the best of my ability in order for all to have a happy life, to work hard and deal honestly in everything I would do throughout my life. Mom and Dad taught me the most important things in life, which simply can’t be taught by those in Washington DC.

    Finally, this book is dedicated to Ora Lee, whom I met in 1996 and have since spent ten wonderful years together prior to being thrown into prison. We remain as mates and as a dedicated couple to this very day. Most men spend a lifetime searching to find that special experience of true love, confidence in a relationship, total trust, and dedication to achieving the common goals that two people set together.

    I found all these things when I met Ora Lee. It has now been nineteen years since I first met her. We have now been apart/separated by actions of our national government that neither of us could do anything about for nine years, but we are still together working as a team to bring our story to you through the publication of this book. It is totally because of my love for Ora Lee that you are now able to read this book. For this, I will remain forever grateful.



    A writer who steals the work of another is called a plagiarist. One who takes information from the works of many in order to share the truth with the masses and find solutions to problems that plague mankind is called a researcher. I am a researcher. I am deeply indebted to the people that have provided me with the knowledge on the many topics of which I have studied over the past forty years, which are provided in small portions within this book.

    Naturally, there are too many sources to be quoted, so it would be literally impossible for me to name them all. Without the cumulative product of their efforts, it would have taken several lifetimes to gather all the information and material you are about to read. My intent is not to plagiarize anything but to use what is necessary to illustrate the findings of truth.


    Mr. Griffin is a well-informed writer and documentary film producer on difficult topics, such as our nation’s banking establishment, international banking, and internal subversion, the history of taxation, politics, the Supreme Court, the United Nations, and others. He is a recipient of the coveted Telly Award for Excellence in Television Production. He is the president of American Media, a publishing and video production company in Southern California, and author of the book titled The Creature from Jekyll Island.

    The Creature from Jekyll Island is a 608-page book that intricately detailed American history on the topic of the federal reserve system. After reading this book, I was so moved by the newly discovered facts concerning the cause for our nation’s constant financial crises and financial distress of the American poor and middle-class working people that I decided to add a common-sense financial planning section to my positive mental attitude courses that I had been writing for several years prior to the late 1990s.

    That financial planning material was titled Life Without Debt. I began to sell this course for $150, renewable on a monthly basis as desired by the purchaser. The Creature from Jekyll Island was provided in audiocassette format as well as book format, which made it an ideal product for me to include in my already-existing educational programs.

    The Creature from Jekyll Island material has been sold to millions of people since it was first presented to me in July of 1994. After, I was thrown into prison and sent to Fort Worth, Texas. I wrote to Mr. Griffin and told him what was going on and that I would like a copy of his latest printing of The Creature from Jekyll Island to share with other inmates that were interested in what I had started to share with them about my background in business and politics.

    Mr. Griffin sent me a brand-new autographed copy of his book and placed my letter from prison to him in his monthly newsletter. Over the last ten years, I have loaned that book out to countless dozens of inmates to read. Many loved it so much that they ordered their own copy from Mr. Griffin and then asked me to autograph it for them once they received it. I just wish that we could have CD disks in prison.

    In my sincere opinion, Mr. Griffin’s course is the best reentry program that the BOP could provide to any federal inmate. It is the best financial awareness program on how America’s banking system works that any American can purchase, and it explains why Americans should not get hooked on credit or credit cards, which, again, in my opinion, are not any different from the drugs that totally destroy countless millions of American lives.

    Specific Reservation of Author’s First Amendment Rights

    This book is an exposé of facts that some do not want the American people to know about. Therefore, the author hereby reserves his right under the US Constitution to exercise his First Amendment, protected speech, concerning the content of this book.

    It is not the intent of the author to libel or slander any institution or person but to simply provide proof of documents and other facts that are already in the public records and write an autobiography around these facts for the entertainment and enjoyment of every reader of this book.

    My intent is not to be unjustifiably critical of the US government or any person working within any agency but to gain the respect of all readers for having the courage enough to say what needs to be said concerning the conduct of many within government. In the end, I pray that you will see the next few hours or days that you spend reading this book as a learning experience of great value and that you will remember my words throughout the remaining years of your life.

    For more information, please submit all inquiries to or Ora Lee Calloway, PO Box 683, Alexandria, Alabama 36250-0683.

    First National Tee Party Candidate

    Most politically active Americans have heard of the Tea Party Movement, but most people do not know that there is an actual political party by the same name, officially established and registered with the Federal Election Commission. The spelling of the name Tee, rather than Tea, is to signify why the party was established. The Tee Party was established for American voters who are teed off by the way this nation is presently being run by Republicans and Democrats.

    The party was established to attract intelligent, business-minded, small-business-friendly individuals to run for public offices at both the state and federal level and to provide grassroots support for those individuals. The party platform is neither excessively conservative nor liberal. It is for those that tend to think independently based on the real and true facts placed before them on any topic addressed through the political process. The main plank of the Tee Party platform is providing economic social justice and liberty to the poor and middle-class American working people.

    The National Tee Party was established on October 8, 1999, when the author of this book and founder of the Tee Party ran for public office for the first time in 2000. At the time that the Tee Party was established, its grassroots financial support was provided through a legitimate private member, financial service course/provider known as Life Without Debt that was started three and a half years prior to the registration of the Tee Party with the Federal Election Commission (hereafter FEC).

    It is my sincere belief that the only real changes in the way things have been done in DC for decades will have to come as a result of every American voter understanding the reasons for the Tea Party Movement and then supporting it at election time whereby those presently in Congress and the Senate are finally sent back home and are replaced by people with a desire to solve problems rather than constantly creating them.

    In the most recent presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump has been able to say many of the things that I would have liked to say in 2000 when I first entered politics. I did voice many of the same feelings in my Life Without Debt material, but I was much more respectful to stupid people because I understood what average unskilled working people have to go through in life. My profession required that I strive to lift people up and out of their financial misery as fast as possible.

    I admire Mr. Trump for what he has been able to do in the 2016 election campaign if for no other reason than the fact he has turned the Washington bureaucracy on its head and shook the hell out of those that have been in Washington DC way too long. As for agreeing with Mr. Trump on everything he talks about, I do not.

    Hopefully, there will be more people like Sen. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio come along and gain the support of the Tea Party Movement in the near future. Then we can have countless qualified Americans with Tea Party spirit and desire to actually fix government at both state and the federal level who will run for public office for the right reasons. One thing that I am sure of as any American can be about the political system: the Tea Party Movement is here to stay regardless of what many within the Republican and Democratic Parties may think.

    Acknowledgement of Receipt of Statement of Organization


    999 East Street N.W.

    Washington, D.C. 20463




    Filed pursuant to the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended JAMES RAY PHIPPS - Candidate

    DATE: 10/08/1999


    Ora Lee Callaway - Treasurer



    You’re assigned FEC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER:C00349472

    In the future, this number should be entered on all subsequent reports filed under the Act, as well as an all communications concerning such reports and statements. This acknowledgment will be the only receipt provided directly by the commission, for documents filed. The commission recommends that all future filings be mailed certified or registered, return receipt requested, in order to insure timeliness of your filings and to provide additional receipts for your records.


    FED – FORM 20 (9/87)

    Supersedes FEC Form 13, 14 and 15

    About the Author

    James Ray Phipps was born in 1947

    He is the son of an average middle-class American farmer, and his mother was an average middle-class working woman that raised her family and worked for a small-town insurance agency during the 1940s to late 1960s. As a child, he worked with his father on the farm, going on wheat harvest during the summer and going to school just as any other child of the baby-boomer generation did.

    He grew up in Texas where he lived in a free-enterprise family environment consisting of several small business owner uncles and grandfathers that started and ran their own businesses and passed that ambitious, independent trait down to their children and grandchildren.

    At an early age, he excelled in mechanical skills learned from working with his father who was an exceptional skilled mechanic and inventor of farm machinery. He also learned early in life and excelled in the profession of salesmanship and earned his living as a direct commission salesperson to obtain the financial resources to pay cash for his own young adult needs and desires.

    He graduated from high school in 1966 and then attended college for a couple of semesters before dropping out of college and going to work. In the early 1970s, he was introduced to the sales concept of network marketing and began his journey from being a small-town average country boy that grew up in ragged blue jeans to becoming rich in financial means as well as living the American dream with literally thousands of friends working in sales, sharing the positive mental attitude philosophy of life.

    As a young man, he lived and worked in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, metroplex from the early 1970s to 2001. He made his home in a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas, known a Colleyville, a small town built and developed by a Dallas Cowboys football star in the 1970s when he became a part-time home builder. He built a large housing development named Tara Plantation, consisting of large expensive homes.

    As a resident of Colleyville, Texas, he became involved with the Lions Club; remained a member, supporting the work of that organization until he purchased a home in Alexandria, Alabama, in February of 2002; and completed the move from Texas to Alabama in September of 2002.

    In the late 1980s, he started in the mail-order network marketing of information and educational products, selling a single product and service to salespeople and in less than one year became a millionaire working from the comfort of his home in spite of the fact that he had to use snail mail rather than e-mail and the Internet that we all have today to use for communication with other people.

    In a period of less than ten years, he built his home-based publishing company into a multimillion dollar per month in sales, doing an average of almost $2 million per month in new sales and paying his independent contract salespeople up to 96 percent of his gross income.

    In the early 1990s, he became a politically motivated advocate of providing economic freedom to the American working people and getting the federal government out of the lives of the average working people. In 1999, he founded the National Tee Party and ran as an unknown average man, an independent candidate in the 2000 campaign for president, along with fifty-one other average Americans that most Americans never heard of because of the nature of the totally monopolized two-party political establishments that presently control all the political power in America today.

    In August of 2001, he became the first Tee Party candidate to be targeted by the IRS. In 2006, he ran for governor as an independent candidate in the state of Alabama and again was attacked for speaking out and refusing to shut up concerning his sincere belief about the way things should be in the USA for the average working person.

    On April 18, 2006, he was taken by force of arms by the federal government from his hometown of Alexandria, Alabama, and off the governor’s election campaign and into federal prison. The sole purpose of this book is to show that the author is a common man who simply went above and beyond the call of duty to help average people in need of assistance with common everyday problems in life the same as any other common everyday person can do in their own life without being a political or leader or even someone with countless degrees in education.

    It is also a story to bring special recognition to those who have been wrongfully injured by the actions of those working within high places in government, specifically within the judicial branch and within the law enforcement profession. The intent of the author is not to express his personal anger or to complain about what has happened to him but to simply inform the public about what he is presently going through.

    The Journey Begins

    Alabama, April 18, 2006

    It was a beautiful morning on April 18, 2006, in Alexandria, Alabama, where I lived happily with my sweet wife, Ora Lee, and a cat named Bandit. Around nine in the morning, I was sitting with a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other at my desk when the phone rang.

    A friend of many years was on the line, calling from his car a few miles away. My friend Chris Johnson had heard that I lived in Alexandria and was running as an independent candidate for governor of the state of Alabama. He set out to find me to see if there was anything he could do to help.

    Chris was also a professional network marketer. As usual, he had to fill me in on the latest project that he was involved in. We had a great time visiting for about an hour or so, talking about the good old times that span about forty years previous to that fateful day in both of our lives. Little did either of us know that our lives were about to change drastically. We didn’t know that after that morning, we would never see each other again. Neither of us knew that one of us would soon be dead of cancer and

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