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Lightning Storm: The Haxa Trilogy
Lightning Storm: The Haxa Trilogy
Lightning Storm: The Haxa Trilogy
Ebook197 pages3 hours

Lightning Storm: The Haxa Trilogy

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Rivera and Alexia Connely are two sisters used to figuring out things on their own. It has been three months since they saw their mother, Elizabeth, leader of their coven of witches. Tasked with protecting the Shadow Coven in their mothers absence, the sisters must rely on their Haxa magic to help prevent a takeover and a war. Alexia is the healer; Rivera is the destroyer. But everything changes when their mother suddenly returns with a war between the Haxa and the humans following closely at her heelsa war with the potential to cause catastrophic events.

Rivera, who is furious at her mothers plot, resolves to do the right thing. Alexia, less certain of the right thing, is content to follow a more confident Rivera, even if only for a little while. As Rivera and Alexia rely on their dark and healing magic to lead a group of Haxa into battle to save the humanswith help from Riveras best friend and an unlikely human partnerthe sisters face betrayal from every direction. Now only one question remains: will they survive?

In this young adult fantasy, two teenage Haxa sisters destined to fight in a war between morals and species are about to learn that the battle is only the beginning of a life ruled by choices.

Release dateOct 22, 2014
Lightning Storm: The Haxa Trilogy

Adrianna Clarkson

Rhea Calica is a recent high school graduate and is currently studying Electrical Engineering at West Virginia Institute of Technology. Born in Huntsville, Alabama, she was raised on a farm in West Virginia, with her younger brother, Nicholas. Rhea is currently working on another trilogy of the same genre. Adrianna Clarkson is a high school senior who was born and raised in Preston County, West Virginia. She loves playing basketball and soccer, reading, singing, and writing. Adrianna is happy to share her first writing experience with her best friend, Rhea.

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    Lightning Storm - Adrianna Clarkson







    Copyright © 2014 Rhea Calica & Adrianna Clarkson.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4649-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4648-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014916699

    iUniverse rev. date: 09/15/2014



    Chapter 1    Rivera

    Chapter 2    Alexia

    Chapter 3    Rivera

    Chapter 4    Alexia

    Chapter 5    Rivera

    Chapter 6    Alexia

    Chapter 7    Rivera

    Chapter 8    Alexia

    Chapter 9    Rivera

    Chapter 10    Alexia

    Chapter 11    Rivera

    Chapter 12    Alexia

    Chapter 13    Rivera

    Chapter 14    Alexia

    Chapter 15    Rivera

    Chapter 16    Alexia

    Chapter 17    Rivera

    Chapter 18    Alexia

    Chapter 19    Rivera

    Chapter 20    Alexia

    Chapter 21    Rivera

    Chapter 22    Alexia

    Chapter 23    Rivera

    Chapter 24    Alexia

    Chapter 25    Rivera

    Chapter 26    Alexia

    Chapter 27    Rivera



    For Megan Jennings,

    Thank you for being the most supportive of us

    And the best friend/reviewer we could have ever asked for.

    For my blood family and my non-blood family,

    Thanks for dealing with my stubbornness, and my attitude.

    Thanks for everything that you have done.


    E lizabeth looked down at her two babies and smiled. The one with the ebony hair was playing with who knows what while the blond laid in her arms asleep. There was quite a story to tell them when they were old enough. A knock came from the door. Charles, the help, answered it quickly. Elizabeth could hear muffled talk but couldn’t make out anything.

    Umm ma’am, there is a letter here for you. Elizabeth nodded and stood. Walking to the door, she realized it was a government postman.

    Sorry to bother you Madam Elizabeth, but I have a letter that is urgent.

    The postman talked with a slight accent meaning he was from the Capitol. Elizabeth knew this news was not good. The postman held out a rolled piece of parchment with the Capitol seal. Elizabeth took it and said her thanks to the deliverer. Sitting back in the rocker, she handed her baby over to the maid and carefully opened the letter. As she read the letter, the fear grew. When she had finished, her hands were shaking, and she couldn’t keep even breaths.

    Someone bring me the phone. She had some things to get straightened out before it was too late.



    C ome on, Alexia! You’re being extremely damn slow.

    It’s not my fault you’re a midget. You’re smaller so you can climb quicker than me.

    You’re younger. You’re supposed to have more energy.

    Whatever. A year isn’t that much of a difference, dumb ass.

    I rolled my eyes at my little sister. Just looking at us, you wouldn’t be able to see much resemblance at all. I was five-foot three with pitch black hair and golden eyes. My sister Alexia was pretty much the complete opposite with her five-foot-eight height, blonde hair, and blue-grey eyes. Even our personalities were total opposites sometimes. She was the one everyone liked just because of her magic. Alexia was the healer; I was the destroyer. I always wondered how we’d gotten two different types of magic; me black magic, and Alexia white. There was no one to ask, though. Our mother was rarely ever home.

    That’s actually why Alexia and I were climbing the mountain. Our mother was supposed to arrive home today. It’s been around three months since we last saw her. Our mother, Elizabeth Connely, was a diplomat for the government as well as the leader of our coven of witches, the Shadow Coven. Alexia and I? Well, we pretty much just served as her guard dogs. When Mother wasn’t home, we were supposed to protect the Coven. If a war started between the covens or the humans, we were supposed to step in and, if we couldn’t stop it, end it at all costs. It didn’t matter who was caught in the cross-fire.

    It was strange then, why we were running to meet her. Maybe it was just because we didn’t want the responsibility of the entire Coven anymore. I mean, I got used to it, and I think Alexia did, too. But that didn’t mean we wanted it. Hell, what seventeen and eighteen year olds want a responsibility like that? Still, we couldn’t exactly trade anyone for a lower status among the Coven. The change would bring chaos o everyone in the Haxa community.

    When Alexia and I reached the top of the mountain, I paused. Our mother wasn’t there. Instead, a messenger stood in her place. She wasn’t coming home this month either. I cursed softly. As the oldest, I had just a little more responsibility to the Coven. I was the one that had to pass or fail new laws in our mother’s absence. I guess I had another month of listening to other members of the Coven complain and whine about one another.

    Where is she this time, Layton?

    Lady Rivera, Lady Alexia, my apologies. Lady Elizabeth is still in Rome on her business trip.

    I groaned. Would you please drop the formalities? We grew up together. I think we’ll be able to forgive you if you just call us by our names. Did our mother say anything about when she may return home?

    Layton grinned but shook his head. Not a word. Did you really climb this mountain just to see her?

    No. We wanted to get rid of the responsibility. You know, you do actually know Layton, so you can talk to him, Lex.

    Yeah. I know. What’s your point, Riv?

    I rolled my eyes. She was an amazing healer and white witch, but damn. Alexia really needed to talk to people more. She did when she was around me or one of our few real friends, but apparently not with Layton. I had to find some way to get her to open up a little more.

    Layton Asher was not the typical dark wizard. Judging from his looks, he ought to be a healer like Alexia. Instead of the black or dark brown hair that normally accompanied a dark witch or wizard, Layton had light brown hair and jungle green eyes. I really wasn’t going to complain. It looked good on him. Still, his magic could use a little work.

    I understood that Alexia and I were more powerful than most of the Coven because of our mother’s power and position, but I shouldn’t be able to keep up with Layton. A year older than me, Layton should be able to put me down in training without any difficulties. That wasn’t the case. He and I were pretty well evenly matched. Of course, my nice sister would rather heal than fight… Unless it was against me of course. I laughed to myself, earning strange looks from both Layton and Alexia.

    Oh, shut up. My thoughts are entertaining. Layton and Alexia exchanged glances, and I rolled my eyes. Lay, I wish you’d reconsider and join us here. I could use a sane person to be around.

    Hey! I’m not sane?

    I glared at my sister. Do I need to answer that?

    Alexia flipped me off as Layton laughed. I wish I could, Riv, but your mom assigned me to act as her messenger. I can’t refuse her.

    I frowned and mumbled under my breath. You can. You just won’t.

    Layton walked over to me and gave me a hug. I pushed him back and took a step away. I didn’t want to be attached to him when he was just going to leave again. Don’t worry. I’ll be back to kick your ass in training soon.

    Yeah? You wish.

    Layton laughed as he teleported back to Rome with my mother. I groaned and turned to climb back down the mountain. I glanced up to see that Alexia was already gone. She probably drew on her magic to teleport back down. Oh, well. I needed to work off some steam anyway.


    The house was empty. Alexia had been called to help at the hospital, so I had the house to myself. Actually, I don’t think house is the right word. Our home was a large red brick Victorian manor. We had four bedrooms on the second floor with two bathrooms, the master bedroom on the ground floor, and two large bedrooms on the third floor. Those two were mine and Alexia’s.

    I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. Well… It was a little more than a bedroom, too. Right through the door was my living room. I had it decorated plainly. The walls were white with a black carpet covering the floor. A white couch sat with its back to the entry door and faced a large flat-screen TV. Two white chairs sat facing one another on opposite sides of the couch. An oak coffee table sat in the middle of the furniture with a few books lying on it. Overall, my living room wasn’t very spectacular.

    Through the first door on my right, I knew I’d find my bathroom with its pale blue walls and dark blue-green floor tiles. In the room beside it, I’d find my office. The walls would be light brown and covered by bookshelves. My mahogany desk would be centered opposite the door between the windows. It would be covered with a spell book and papers detailing each member of the Coven and all of the new and old laws. Instead of entering either room, I turned right and walked into my actual bedroom.

    The walls were mostly white except for the one opposite of the door. That one was dark blue. My bed was set against the blue wall between the window on the left and the glass sliding door on the right. The sliding door led to a balcony overlooking the mountains. Spells were written in white marker over the blue paint on the wall. Poetry was written in blue marker along all three of the white walls. Bookshelves covered the wall to my right. On the left wall, the only things interrupting the white were my brown closet doors. They opened to reveal a large walk-in closet. I walked forward and collapsed face-down on my bed. I didn’t want the responsibility my mother was leaving me with. The problem… How could I admit out loud that I needed her here to lead?

    Riv? You in here?

    Yeah. I’m here. What do you need, Lex? My sister knocked on my door hesitantly. I sat up. She never did that. Normally, she just walked in and threw something at me. Something was seriously wrong. What is it, Alexia?

    Someone’s here to see you. They’re in your office.

    I heard her retreat from my room and stared at the door. Who would be here that had her hesitant. Something was wrong. I just didn’t know what it was. I closed my eyes and thought back over our lives. The only time she was ever that hesitant was when Mother was home. Alexia always walked carefully around her. Probably because my little sister often had to heal me when Mother and I fought. Had Mother returned? It couldn’t be possible. Our mother prided herself on not wavering from her set schedule.

    I stood and walked toward my bedroom door. What was going on? I walked out and crossed the living room to stand before my office door. I glanced at the bathroom. I could probably escape if I really wanted. I sighed, berating myself for the thought. But then Alexia would be left holding the torch, and she was already quieter than normal. I wouldn’t do that to my sister. Slowly, I lift my chin and opened my office door.

    Lady Rivera. It’s a pleasure to see you.

    I walked through and sat behind my desk, ignoring the man standing in the center of my office. Now I understood my sister’s hesitation. I also wished Alexia was the older sister right now. That way, I could leave her to deal with Marco Cullins. He wanted complete control over Shadow Coven in order to have access to the Wizards of the Seven, the Haxa government. He begged for control every month my mother was away. It was just wishful thinking.

    What do you want, Marco? My mother’s leadership was not for sale last month when she failed to return. It hasn’t changed this month. What keeps bringing you here? My mind will not change.

    Just hear me out. Lady Elizabeth is rarely here to guard the Coven. You are only eighteen, Lady Rivera. You shouldn’t have the responsibility of an entire coven on your hands. Your sister should not need to face the trouble she does. Isn’t it time you betrayed your mother for the betterment of your sister?

    I hesitated. In a way, he was right. I didn’t want this responsibility, and I knew my sister was having trouble with meeting all the new people that our status required. To hand over the Coven to Marco would mean relief for my sister but betrayal to my mother. But I also knew what Marco would do. He’d raid the humans and launch a war between the species. With control of the strongest coven in North America, Marco would devastate the entire planet.

    Marco Cullins, you do not know what you ask. I understand the reasoning you’ve given me. I do wish for a better choice for my sister, but that’s not something I can fix. That is up to Alexia. So long as I am a member of the Connely family, I will never allow you to control the Shadow Coven. Now, leave my office and my home before I force you. I stood menacingly.

    Please, Lady Rivera, understand.

    Leave. Now!

    The wind whipped through the office at terrifying speeds, and my hair came loose from its braid. The papers on my desk flew around the room on the wind. Thunder boomed outside and shook the manor. Lightning struck the ground outside the window, and the fire in the fireplace to my left began to flare hotter than ever before. Such was the power of a true dark witch.

    Marco left my office in a hurry. Obviously, I got

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