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Preserving the Arton Federation: Book Ii 	The Passing of a King
Preserving the Arton Federation: Book Ii 	The Passing of a King
Preserving the Arton Federation: Book Ii 	The Passing of a King
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Preserving the Arton Federation: Book Ii The Passing of a King

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Many generations of beings ago in a far, far distant galaxy existed an unusual and complex system of planets know as the Arton Federation.

Arton meaning Paradise of Light in that long-forgotten language of the antiquated, lost civilization of mystics who had originally settled these quadrants. Eighteen inhabited planets, (each with its own nyxons), comprised four separate satar systems stationed around one larger central ruling power orb called Tonesia. Dominate upon Tonesia was the master city, Estonia.

In its time, the city Estonia was really little more than a massive two-hundred-castle complex. Mansions built of transparent pink stone circled a majestic, single-spire cathedral of white transparent quartz. Within those delicate mansions lived the main branches of the ruling family of Tonia. They were the race chosen to wear the Lliving Power Colors given to assist the planetary races. These were distant descendants of the ancient mystics, the keepers of the governing power and authority. Honored and revered were the guardians of the cathedral which housed the source of the great power that maintained the balance for the entire galaxy. That Light Power Source had existed and controlled through eons, without end, ever existing.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 21, 2014
Preserving the Arton Federation: Book Ii 	The Passing of a King

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    Preserving the Arton Federation - Muanita M. Mueller

    Copyright © 2014 by Muanita M. Mueller.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    This book is

    dedicated to all those beings who have dreamed of a different world; where the good, and the right, does prevail; to those who have or are in the process of prevailing in spite of their back grounds and upbringing. Dedicated to those who felt they were in the battle alone.

    You are not alone. This world, this universe is a large place full of many won battles, many champions. Keep up the good fight.





    Many generations of beings ago in a far, far distant galaxy existed an unusual and complex system of planets know as the Arton Federation.

    Arton meaning Paradise of Light in that long-forgotten language of the antiquated, lost civilization of mystics who had originally settled these quadrants. Eighteen inhabited planets, (each with its own nyxons), comprised four separate satar systems stationed around one larger central ruling power orb called Tonesia. Dominate upon Tonesia was the master city, Estonia.

    In its time, the city Estonia was really little more than a massive two-hundred-castle complex. Mansions built of transparent pink stone circled a majestic, single-spire cathedral of white transparent quartz. Within those delicate mansions lived the main branches of the ruling family of Tonia. They were the race chosen to wear the Lliving Power Colors given to assist the planetary races. These were distant descendants of the ancient mystics, the keepers of the governing power and authority. Honored and revered were the guardians of the cathedral which housed the source of the great power that maintained the balance for the entire galaxy. That Light Power Source had existed and controlled through eons, without end, ever existing.

    Surely there was once a time when there were beings now-living who understood the history and the background for this force, but this knowledge had been lost through generations of begetting, now-living, and passage. In the now, none living really understood. It had no beginning; it simply had always been and would always be.

    Although none could now remember its beginning or source, all Tonia were schooled from infancy in the importance of its keeping. For without The Light Power Source all life would cease to exist; while such great power in evil hands would mean total enslavement for the Federations peoples. A delicate balance of independence it was – The Light Power must exist for anything to exist and each planet must exist for The Power to be, this each Tonia knew.

    Little did most beings know of the terrible battles that were waged against evil, that this balance might be kept. Yet occasionally, were others enlightened, as they were chosen by The Light Power Source to assist in the battle against evil.

    The one and only door of the Crystal Cathedral had been open only once in nine hundred yarns when, at the near passage of the old rulers, a new Heir of Power had been chosen by The Light Power Source. Sarai and her faithful companion, Jayrue, had been the chosen participants in that miraculous event. They, now the Light Queen and King, had been summoned inside to receive together all the powers necessary to maintain and guard the Light Power Source, and oversee the use of the living Power Colors.

    Beloved of all the knowing beings, this radiant guardian couple had, since their crowning, maintained a strong bulwark to restrain and combat evil powers and corrupt designs to bless the galaxy with peace and freedom.

    Vibrant and youthful did Queen Sarai seem, yet she grew more certain of her impending demise with each passing light turn, for her powers were now ebbing and waning. How much now-time had she left, she did not know. Who would replace her? Only the Light Power knew.

    These were perilous times, times of great anxiety for the Arton Federation. For with the waning of the Light Queens mystic powers, evil powers grew stronger and bolder, ready to strike to seize possession of that most precious of gifts.

    Each yarn there were fewer beings who believed, who were willing to fight the dark evil. The numbers of those who chose evil grew at an alarming rate, as did those who were lulled into complacency.

    The Tonia were given permission to use The Power Colors in behalf of the races, only when the races were ardent in fighting the battle against evil themselves.

    In the past, because of a races wickedness, only the better part of that race had been spared.

    Even had whole races been allowed to self-destruct that other beings could be brought forth by The Light Power Source.

    Time was short, each light turn crucial if freedom were to be preserved.

    Yea, ever were there the stirrings of those dark eroding clouds of evil to be battled, for peace and freedom are commodities not without their price for any race or time. Freedom and peace, those intangible perhaps fleeting priceless jewels of unfathomable worth to every breathing creature, bought and rebought constantly with great sacrifice and pain.

    A federation freeborn of ancient hopes and ideals, created in strength, yet riddled with weaknesses. A galaxy home to many strangely varied extremes in unique beings bound together of necessity. A dependant union precariously held together by the light of honor, truth, virtue, and righteousness; while straining to explode from evil and darkness.

    These were times that bred heroes and sand-castle dreams; these were times that bred despair and failures.

    Thus our story continues.

    Spree, plant of the Woodland Elvin

    The day was beautiful, sunny and full of blossoms and fragrance. High above the ground amid the green branches of the moss twine trees, voices and laughter could be heard everywhere. Beneath the forest canapé, on tree forks and branches, within the thatched homes and upon the connecting bridges, Elvin adults and children moved and talked excitedly, anticipation was in the cool air.

    All men and boys were dressed in green or brown or yellow scout uniforms, with bow and arrow cases slung easily over the shoulder. All women and girls were dressed in filmy dresses of the same green, or bright yellow, long skirt and top in the latest layered fashions. Tall and slim, with long hair and pointed ears, no overweight among them, they looked what they were, a people always ready to defend themselves, ever ready, ever alert. Vegetarians by nature and active by habit, they exuded a spirit of zest for life.

    It was a holiday celebrated more than any other upon the Elvin worlds of Spree and Elfon, the ceremony of, The Joining of Bands.

    Not just any couple was being joined. This satar turn would see the joining of Sprees much loved Prince Ransol, son of Councilor Joshshar and his mate Onnie. The lady of choice was none other than Ginerree, only daughter of the Councilor of Elvin Eflon, Windell, and his mate Dereteta. Ginerree was also mere of Keefer, The Chosen Messenger of The Light and warrior dragon rider.

    And if that were not enough, two other of her sons were dragon rider warriors, at the age when most Elvin children were still in childhood training classes, spending their leisure time at play.

    Criptol, she designated for coordinating all aspects of the occasion, stopped upon the long suspended bridge over the Valley of Cargin. Nervously she looked down. Far below her the valley was crowded with large furious looking winged lizards of many colors and breeds, Yart, Toma, and Neese alike all taking their places of rank. Large dragons were moving and grunting to each other, jostling for space. When the festive celebration got under way, a very large number of mountain sheep and deer would be driven into this valley, this bridge would be sealed off, that none would have to witness their feeding. Although she feared the beings, she and her people respected the tireless battle they fought daily in behalf of all races. And she knew the tally of battle deaths for the dragon populous was increasing, taking lives that otherwise would have continued for lives far longer than any her people would know, although Elvin lived a long life span.

    The young lad, Efroll, approached quietly so as not to disturb Criptol’s thoughts. Tall and regal, she stood watching the activity below, long brown hair parted over her pointed ears, to flow loosely down her back, far past her waist. She was dressed in a filmy green draped robe, yet the short sleeves revealed strong lean muscular arms, built with much exercising. For no responsible elf would fail to keep in the best of battle shape.

    Honoring her and her station, he bowed his head as she turned to him. But seeing that her eyes looked far past him, he waited for her vision to end. Her family and his were visionaries as far back as the ancient scrolls recorded.

    He was trained by the best, but would never enter another’s vision unless bidden.

    "Seer I need your help." It was said calmly, pleadingly although, the large Yart dragon, the Lord Lear King knew he could command her.

    I will heed thee Holy One.

    More, of my kind, die with each light turn.

    It is a thing that breaks my heart.

    I see that ye understand. Understand now that I do a thing not done before.

    Thy wish is our command.

    "In the ever before Companions for us were rare and sought after only by vision, that hinders us now. I will set up a school now taught by those talented in companion warfare, we will seek all beings who will come. Other eyes will protect my kind, and other willing arms will increase the power of our fight. My warriors must be in the fray. I seek one of your kind who has the gift of sight as you do.

    I have chosen the young elf who comes to ye now."

    She caught her breath, for this was not a thing she foresaw.

    Efroll, is as ye say, he is schooled as a visionary. He is son of my son. He is schooled to take my place.

    "Then if you would offer another?"

    He knew from reading her mind that she would not, but he chose to be polite.

    There is no other as gifted. No other could help as much. If I understand ye well, he needs to read the mind and heart of those who come to train, and match them to the dragon they will companion. He also must be strong enough to weed out those to ill design.

    This is so.

    "Ye have read his mind and heart and already know his love for dragon kind. He talks of little else today. Another can be commissioned to me and my station. Ye have chosen very well. He will serve your kind well and faithfully.

    This is a great privilege for our families.

    I will send him to ye, that ye my commission him thyself."

    She bowed her head in the direction of the honored of the dragon rings.

    "My League, I have the tallies for thee. Ye will see that we have increased the herd count for the dragons, as you requested.

    Never in my now-life did I think to see one of these beasts of our old legions. Their clawed feet are bigger than I am!"

    Do not refer to them as beasts Efroll. These beings have lived many life spans as we know it and they are highly intelligent!

    She took the spun web paper he handed her. He had itemized every category and aspect of their preparations; she could find no fault in his numbers.

    A great job, I could not have done better myself!

    Her grey eyes twinkled as she smiled at the young Elf in training to her.

    "Now remember, the two Councilors will open the gates themselves–—for present is Wickett, Lord Lair King Companion to Keefer, and too many decorated warriors to even mention - we are truly honored this day!

    It is important that we perform all protocols!

    The heavy walls of the chapel have been removed, so that they may see the ceremony.

    Mark now whom I name, for we may never have this attendance again.

    In the place of honor, a the center of the field, with much space around him, is The Lord Lair King himself, Wickett, the one his kind call, The Wonderful Terrible, he is a son of Lord Winding Ride and Merge, leaders on Dragon Dal-Lag.

    See how colorful he is, seems every scale is a multitude of colors, he is truly beautiful. He is a Yart Dragon, the most intelligent, the fiercest in battle, if you were closer you would see a very dangerous, wicked head and jaw, oh, and those mighty wings! Yarts slither on land, holding only their head and upper body erect. He is companion to Keefer, Chosen Messenger of the Light; son of Lady Ginerree."

    Efroll knew of the young elf Keefer, he was amazed, He rides something so dangerous—my but he is but a child!

    "Oy, that he be. Now around him are the places of honor. See the Neese, the dragon who is all wings, with slender body, the green one? That is Speelk, companion to Ginerrees Ky. A Neese, is stronger in the skies, with very short legs, it is slow going for him on the ground, and he is third in intelligence in the dragon community. If you thought Keefer young, Ky is younger still.

    Now notice the Toma Dragon, the breed who is built heavier than the other two, the one who can walk upright, yes the Gold one that is Parkor, companion to Ginerrees even younger son, Ike.

    The next ring in the circle is to honor the three dragons sent to assist Eflon: Doughger, the black Toma with Green belly; Agglar, the dark gray/brown Neese; Zeolt; the gray and yellow Yart."

    What are the small dragons flying around all the others?

    Messengers. They keep communication between the ground and the 12 guardian dragons in the air.

    Efroll looked up to the blue skies but could see no dragon there.

    Yes they are there, although not visible now.

    She smiled, seeing the avid interest of the young boy beside her, Efroll, do not point, but see the three small scouts just below our bridge.

    The young boys dressed in canary yellow, and gold methrien chain mail?

    Yes, Efroll, those are the dragon companions, they go to the center circle to make sure their companions are comfortable.

    Companions–-Oy, ye mean Ginerrees sons!!

    Oy! They are waiting for you.


    "Oy, I made the request. Now mind what I say. Dragons are much on elaborate ceremonies. You will walk behind the Companions, when they bow, you bow to the same depth, which depth increases from outer circles to inner. You must stop at the outer edge of the inner circle, and wait for the companions to return.

    Do not sit, always stand and always face the Lord Lair King.

    Now off with you.

    I go to see Lady Ginerree."

    She handed the paper back to him and ran the length of the bridge spanning the distance between trees.

    As they left, a trio of musicians took their place and began to play an eerie, flute, strum, and tap tune for the dragons.

    Efroll could not believe his good fortune. He ran the bridges, and slid down a rope, to drop right behind the Elvin scouts, all who were younger than he. All three scouts turned to face him, each introducing themselves and extending an upturned hand in turn. He taped his upturned hand into theirs in a sign of unarmed friendship. All boys were tall for their age, yet younger and shorter than he. All were dressed in scout uniforms and scout caps of Canary yellow, their torsos covered in gold methrien chain mail that fell to their knees, upon each right shoulder was a white heart with two yellow canaries. Each scout cap displayed the Eflon crest also, black boots extended to their knees.

    Keefer had brown hair and green eyes, he could not have been over 12 yarns, but the serious eyes told Efroll he had seen much in those yarns. Efroll, felt those eyes were sizing him up. Feeling he would never get this opportunity again, he tried to note every detail so that he could tell others later.

    Keefers yellow waist sash held the Dal-lag crest of a bronze circle with three dragons flying across it. Keefers right hand mid finger held a ring of silver with a green heart shaped stone.

    Ky was not so serious looking; his brown hair and brown eyes lent him a softer appearance. As the wind blew his forehead tresses aside a colorful butterfly was displayed. His yellow cap displayed only the sign of Eflon, but his sash was made of many interwoven colors, it contained two crests, one being that of Eflon. The other being the crest of the faire planet Fiel, one central silver planet with 18 smaller globes circling it. Ky could not have been more than 10 yarns.

    Ike, just a babe, not more than nine yarns, did not seem a cuddly child, but more of a small adult. His blue eyes danced with merriment, as his overlong brown hair moved with the breeze. He was stockier built than most Elvin. His yellow sash was covered with three crests, Eflon, Spree (a green tree with a gold arrow through it), and Berta, (blue star burst with a silver shooting star).

    All three scouts greeted him warmly, not as he thought legends would.

    Efroll knew from his classes, that the dragons could read his mind. He was careful with his thoughts, as the companions stepped forward, and he kept a discreet distance behind them. He bowed his head at the first frightening circle, and at the waist for the inner circle. This exercise was a dream fulfilled, yet fright started to grip him, as he closed his eyes and tried to stand his ground. Then he found himself held up by a strong push to his back.

    Good you?? Back to us come? Answer, yes?

    Oy, I will be, just need to get my breath.

    He opened his eyes. Before him stood a thing, a thing he had not seen before. It spoke to him.

    Good you? Water drink you.

    Efroll did as he was commanded, taking the leather water bag and drinking long.

    Ah, that good be. Fine you be will. It ok, steady you be. Brace with tail I, no fall you.

    What are you?

    Dragon I, Norwort I, Reb I. Come Norwarts do, dragons need see to.

    I am embarrassed. Sorry

    No be you. Let go I. Stand now you. Aspa, Aspa! Send I away others. Cover for you did we, none know norwort but.

    Efroll steadied himself. He found he was looking into wild constantly moving eyes. Reb’s head was horse-like, with a horn in his forehead and long tusks on either side of his long jawed mouth. He was potbellied, covered in bumpy skin, and had long arms, with four claws on both hands. Long legs ended in two clawed feet.

    Thank You Reb!

    Name you?

    Efroll, I am student to Ceptroll. I wanted so much to see the dragons.

    Norwort help?

    Sorry, I was commanded not to move.

    Umm—Reb Tribal leader I, friend Keefer I, Take care Wonderful Terrible I. Many battle win I, much decorate I. Command better I, come you help I, command to inner circle I. Do as say I. Come. No faint you.

    Yes, thank you!

    Happily Efroll followed the Norwort. Reb walked upright, with much movement of his long tail to balance him. Efroll kept a weary eye on that tail, quickly leaping aside to keep from being hit by it. Little did he know the opportunity he was being given or how it would change his life.

    She knocked upon the door of a small thatched hut, decorated with pretty live flowers of many kinds. Those inside bade her enter.

    Ginerree turned to Criptol and gave her a big smile as the door opened.

    The tall slender Elvin girl wore a bright yellow gown, the skirt was of three layers, each looped upfront and back, to reveal the next shade of yellow, the last layer which dragged the floor was the darkest yellow. A pale yellow see-through train trailed behind her on the floor. The large Crest of Eflon, a white heart held up by two yellow canaries, was sewn upon the long train of the gown. The floor length gown rustled as she stepped forward to meet Criptol. The filmy long sleeves, decorated with lavender flowers gave off a rich scent as she grabbed the older Elves hands, her blue eyes danced with happiness.

    Thank you so much for all the work and time, all the effort spent in our behalf.

    No thanks are needed. All of us are happy to see you and Ransol so happy!

    Criptol kissed Ginerree once on both cheeks. She reached her hands up to feel the bright red head, crowned with long curly hair that reached far below her tiny waist.

    How beautiful it is! We have never seen such a color before, yet it feels like any other hair.

    Ginerree laughed. Her head shook causing long ringlets woven with purple flowered vines to dance about. Her blue eyes grew wet with tears.

    We are ready was the call from outside.

    A seemingly endless procession of Elvin had crossed the expanse of bridge, winding its way through the ancient trees. Each carried a small lit candle, which they placed in wall sconces about the thatched chapel, as they entered. The dark interior of the chapel became brighter as each candle was placed. This was done purposely to show the importance of each individual. Each being took a seat on long wooden benches that faced the front podium. Occupying the front benches were the families of Ransol and Ginerree, each immediate family member held a tall lit candle of purple color. A flute player began a sweet, but plaintive song, which was to symbolize the mere’s losing of her son.

    Side by side Ransol, (dressed in filmy green long sleeve shirt with the crest of Spree, a green tree with a golden arrow through it, and woolen scout pants), and his father, Joshshar tall and regal in green scout uniform, were the first to walk down the center aisle. Both carried a many pronged candelabra. As they passed each of their immediate family members, those beings stood to congratulate Ransol and to place their candle in his fathers candelabra. Ransol then stopped where his two brothers and three sisters sat with two pair of grandpares, each stood and placed a candle in his holder. With two candle spots left empty, Ransol stopped in front of Onnie. Joshshar placed his candelabra at the podium on the right side.

    Handing Joshshar one of her two candles, Onnie hugged her son and placed her candle in his candelabra, then Joshshar did the same. Ransol stepped up to the right of the podium, He placed his candelabra just in front of his Peres.

    Ransol smoothed back his raven black hair with moist shaky hands, his grey eyes glistened with tears as he started to chant to the music of the flute. He called forth the Shaman.

    I call thee forth, O Holy Shaman this wonderful day–a day of celebration, a day of binding my love to me -–-Show yourself Shaman please.

    A gruff voice replied, Who is this that calls me from my rest?"

    I call. I Ransol, son of Joshshar and Onnie call you forth to bind me to my love.

    And this love be who?

    My eternal love be sweet Ginerree of Windell and Dereteta of Eflon.

    Have you learned the responsibility of a binding lad?

    Aye, that I have. Many lessons have I learned from those who gave me Now-Life.

    Have ye the permission of her Mere and Pere, lad?

    Aye, that I have.

    And permission of the Grandperes, for the Grandperes are to be honored also.

    Aye, that do I have. Hers and mine do I have.

    An Elderly male elf entered an opening in the right side of the white curtains that hung at the back of the concave. He was dressed in robes of white, with a long green waist sash.

    Addressing the audience, the Shaman spoke. The binding is a serious rite. Who will stand to support this young lad in both the good times and the bad times of this binding, that the binding be not broken?

    Every relative of Ransol in the chapel began to sing forth in sweet, yet forceful chant.

    We will see to the keeping of the binding!

    An elderly brother of Joshshar rose, he waved a stout switch and proclaimed, If the son be errant in his keeping, who will join me in a thorough thrashing?

    All males on the right side of the chapel rise and while stomping sing,

    We will, we will. Note this fair Ransol- do not go astray- we be watching, we be watching! Seated behind the flutist, an Elvin drummer hit a drum in tune to the chants. Then the whole audience chanted. We Will. We Will. We be watching!

    Merry laughter followed in waves.

    From behind a curtain, at the back of the chapel, Ginerree watched. Her mind thought upon the failures of her first husband, only now did she realize it was the failing of his family also.

    Silence Please. Ah, well, this is good. Young man, call forth your love.

    I, Ransol call forth my love Ginerree to bind with me! All turned to watch the procession from the back of the room.

    Now the flutists song is changed to chirping bird song, (a musical tune of Eflon). Ginerree entered with her father at her side, each carry a candelabra which relatives fill. Wendall set his candelabra to the left of the podium. As in keeping with the ceremony Ginerrees five brothers and three grandpares placed purple candles in her candelabra. Dereteta and Wendall hugged her and give her their candles, then she places the candle holder to the right of the podium.

    Addressing Ginerree, the Shaman asks, Child have you been taught the responsibility of the binding?

    Aye, that I have by word and by actions of Mere and Pare and those relatives closest to me.

    This binding is a serious rite. Who will stand to support this maiden in both the good times and the bad times of this binding?

    Every relative of Ginerree in the chapel stands and together say. We will see to the keeping of the binding.

    Then in the custom of Elfon, each family member turns to Dereteta, and they sing," Do not fear dear one, for we will be diligent, we will support, we will council, we will not forget, we will not fail. (and turning to the young couple)

    Trials there will be, for ye two, know now that ye will not be alone.

    Happiness will be that we may all share.

    In sadness we will be there.

    Whether she be afar or home.

    We are with her; she will not be alone."

    Tears stream down Ginerree and Deretetas cheeks, because they know from past experience it was and will be so.

    Be seated please. Many promises have been made this day, in the way of Spree and the way of Eflon–see that ye keep them. When one fails we all fail.

    The Shaman brings forth a large wrapped scroll, he places the scroll upon the altar. He carefully unrolls it then stops at a certain place.

    "The Ceremony of the bands, is sacred, and should be everlasting. Only one or both of the beings can make it less so. I am but a Shaman, a teacher as it were. There be powers far greater than I, far greater than any being or society; ancient powers, great powers. These great powers all of us answer to whether we want to acknowledge it or not. What we create here is our legacy, our future in the next existence. What we create here and there affects all beings. We are not alone, we are never alone.

    Ransol and Ginerree, what you create together does affect those about you. I council you both to bring and keep happiness and goodness, to teach your children and all around you by example what now-life is to be. Share your happiness; help others in their grief and hard times; support each other in your duties and bind closely your love in the difficult times. Do not ever desert each other, for ye are now one, not two.

    Now face each other. (the shaman smiles)

    Good, good such beautiful smiles. Love is a wonderful thing. The love ye feel now is a small thing compared to love as it grows through the yarns together. I know that seems impossible, but it truly is to be so.

    Now Ransol, will ye bind with Ginerree, forsaking all others but her? Will ye seek

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