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L.O.V.E: Look & Listen Often Offer Verbal Expressions of Expectations & Encouragement
L.O.V.E: Look & Listen Often Offer Verbal Expressions of Expectations & Encouragement
L.O.V.E: Look & Listen Often Offer Verbal Expressions of Expectations & Encouragement
Ebook98 pages1 hour

L.O.V.E: Look & Listen Often Offer Verbal Expressions of Expectations & Encouragement

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About this ebook

Have you been hurt or rejected by someone you love?

Are you afraid to love again?

Do you believe that you have lost the love you had for your spouse?

p>Do you want to rekindle the love that you once had?

Do you desire to enhance what you have?

Do you feel as though your love for God has gone away?

Are you contemplating divorce?

Are you committing adultery?

If you need help to get out of the situation that you are in, this could be the book for you.

My prayer is that as you read this book you will receive healing in the area that you need it most, or deliverance from the situation that you are in. I pray that the flame of fire that you once had will be rekindled in your heart and evidenced in your life.

God Bless you!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 25, 2015
L.O.V.E: Look & Listen Often Offer Verbal Expressions of Expectations & Encouragement

June A. Dawkins

June Dawkins is an individual who, through the help of God, has learned to argue less and pray more. She was employed in the retail business for thirty-two years, and during that time God gave her the inspiration to write. June is an avid reader and enjoys listening to gospel music. June and her husband, James, have been married for thirty years, and their union produced four beautiful daughters: Junise, Joelle, Jamell, and Jazmyn.

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    L.O.V.E - June A. Dawkins

    Copyright © 2015 June A. W. Dawkins.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8464-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8465-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015909564

    WestBow Press rev. date: 09/22/2015



    Acknowlegements/ Special Thanks



    Poem   Changed

    Chapter 1   What Is Love?

    Chapter 2   Who Has Love?

    Chapter 3   Afraid To Love - Don’t Be!

    Chapter 4   Honesty, Trust, Communication And Love

    Chapter 5   Those Whom God Has Joined Together

    Chapter 6   Loving Your Husband And God

    Chapter 7   Love Him Anyway

    Chapter 8   How Do You Treat Your Wife?

    Chapter 9   Husbands Love Your Wife As Christ Loved The Church-Part One & Wives Be Submissive To Your Husband

    Poem   Love - A Seed

    Poem   Love

    Chapter 10   Husbands Love Your Wife-Part Two

    Chapter 11   Beware The ‘Snake In The Grass’

    Chapter 12   Warning Against Adultery

    Chapter 13   Heart Condition

    Chapter 14   Divorce-The Easy Way Vs Going Through-God’s Way

    Chapter 15   What Faith, Love & Obedience Will Do For You

    Chapter 16   Fallen Star Vs. Fallen Christian

    Poem   Words Of Comfort

    Chapter 17   No Matter What-We Win!!

    Poem   Remember

    Chapter 18   A Prayer Of Encouragement

    Love Demonstrated

    Thoughts Of Love

    About The Author


    The profound things in life become simplified when they are understood. The foundation of care and purposeful living is based on love. Love is more than a warm feeling; it reveals the attitude of conduct with expressions of kindness to the benefit of others.

    We would agree that love is difficult to define but easy to recognize when experienced. However, we can say that love is caring and always seeking the highest good of another person even when there is no personal gain. I Corinthians 13:4-8 personifies love that transcends human love which is based on conditions, therefore the goal is to allow the love of God to be established in your heart so that the witness of God will be greater.

    Thank you June for your insightful nuggets and frankness of your personal triumph in developing the sacred ‘Jewel of Virtue.’

    I highly recommend this exposition to those looking to raise the bar in their relationships, and to add the value of truth to their lives!

    Get On Board and Read!!!!

    Apostle Paul J. Butler

    Senior Pastor

    Bahamas Christian Fellowship Center

    Nassau, New Providence



    I say thank you to all those who encouraged me to continue my writing throughout the years. Many persons saw within me the gifts that I did not yet see in myself, and to them I say thank you.

    There were others who did not think that I would make it or that God was even speaking to me, and to those I say thank you also because it caused me to pursue God even harder.

    I say a special thank you to those who kept me in prayer even when I did not know they were doing so; those prayers sustained me even in dark moments.

    Thank you to my Pastor who thought this work worthy enough to receive his stamp of approval.

    A special, special thank you to Livingstone who designed the cover for me and the art work inside. Thank you for putting up with my indecisions and uncertainties but still drawing the right pictures based on my sometimes confusing descriptions. Thank you for your creativity.

    Thank you! Thank you to Amanda who helped tremendously with computer conversions (I would still be lost without her special talent).

    Most especially I give thanks to God who gifted me with the ability, gave me the information and helped me to portray it in a manner that many can enjoy even as they receive the help or healing needed.




    My husband once told me that he did not know why he had married me. It made me very angry at the time, but approximately eleven years later I believe that the Holy Spirit had enlightened me about that particular observation of his. My husband prayed for a woman with long hair (he was between nineteen and twenty-one years old and this information was given to me by him). I was not told of any other specifications but he got a woman with long hair (he met me when he was almost twenty-three years old), a young lady with whom he acquainted himself from an early age. A young individual who seemed to possess the ability to conform to his desired plan, but God knew what was ahead and He had other plans.

    We became Christians on the same day during the same service in 1983. At another service he rededicated his life (or so I thought), and in 1984 our journey together led to Holy Matrimony. I continued to serve God, but my husband eventually began to slip back into his old lifestyle. It was three years after we were married that he made that hurtful statement, but like I said before God knew the plan. God knows in which areas we are strong and in which we are weak. God has strengthened me in every area of my life whether that area was weak or strong. Please do not think that I was a paragon of virtue, because there was a lot of work that God had to do in me and He is still working on and in me.

    God knew that somewhere along the way my husband would need a woman who would stick with him through thick and thin. A woman who was and is still not perfect, but was true to the vows she had made. A woman whom God could groom to His satisfaction and who would bring Him honor and glory. A woman, who at the time was not willing to change, began to change because of the love she received from God.

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