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The Lotus Flower
The Lotus Flower
The Lotus Flower
Ebook167 pages1 hour

The Lotus Flower

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About this ebook

The Lotus Flower is a collection of poetry about healing; mother nature; love; relationships; spirituality; religion; depression amongst many other subjects. The Lotus Flower stays close to mother nature throughout. The poems were written in order to heal from mental health illness and gain a new life of spirituality and wisdom. The poetry depicts life in its minute form and brings small things to life. The poetry is written from a feminist point of view covering many areas of femininity and mother nature.

Beginning with the poem 'My Brand New Book,' shows my second chance in life of writing and living, still staying natural to my environment and my experiences. As the poems develop and come out of their shell I write about depresssion and relationships, asking the question: Who am I ? continuously. The title is inspired from the poem 'About Ancestor Voices' and it was after this poem my poetry was growing into another dimension, especially the lines: ' The lakes are laid with the Lotus, As they have fought from the depths of waters', Carrying hope, light and purity in their shield like petals.'The poetry develops into 'My World' and 'A Poetess Grows' showing the development in the poetry reflecting life. As it develops I express the importance of childhood and religion. As identity in finding life back is explored I return to religion and back to nature. After writing 'The Phoenix' the poetry expresses love and resurrection and how much we can learn from mother nature.
Release dateJun 11, 2014
The Lotus Flower

Shamim Razaq

Born on 3rd March 1980. Interested in all types of fiction and non-fiction. Did Access to HE and Creative Writing, 2007-8, (The Open University) I am married and mother to four. Gained interest in writing after Mental Health illness. I write short stories based on real life issues.

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    The Lotus Flower - Shamim Razaq

    © 2014 Shamim Razaq. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse   06/26/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-8246-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-8247-6 (e)

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    My Brand New Book

    Me and My Work


    Alone at Last

    Words and Numbers




    Small Wonders of Daily Life

    Human Numbers


    Sweet Hauntings

    Sons and Daughters

    Fragmented Families

    Panic Attacks


    Tears of Pain


    Early Intervention Service

    My World

    A Poetess Grows

    Binary Opposites

    Little Angels

    Little Ibraheem

    Rainbow Droplets

    Ibraheem and the Bullies

    The Earth Splits to Help it Grow

    The Autistic Child

    About Ancestor Voices (Poppies, Roses Lotuses too)

    Child Dissection

    In a Womans Voice

    The Olive Woman

    Olive Wise

    Allah (swt) Shower Me With your Blessing

    The Hermit in me

    Promise of Purity

    The Ultimate Test


    Virgin Mary/Maryam


    Lets’ Read Revelations

    The Holy Quran and the Dove

    Bait-Ullah Heritage

    The Lavender Flame

    Light in Gale

    The Marble Floors of Medina

    Tie Words with Love

    Equinox of Earthly Beauty

    Urdu Poetry

    Subah Ka Lafaz

    The Morning Word

    Mere Ghar Mein Ek Udassi Chaye Hai

    There is a Strange Sadness in My Home

    Jeena bhi Jihaad hai

    Living is to Thrive and Struggle in Allah (swt) Way

    Watan ki Pehchaan Ban kar

    Being an Identity for my Country

    Ekh Khamosh Hissa

    A Quiet Part of Life

    Lafzoon ka Sahara Le Liya

    I Took the Support of Words

    Searching for Sweetness

    Battle of Mind and Soul

    Read Aloud

    The Story of The Ant

    An Invitation

    A Woman in The Third World

    Women Weaving Garb(age)

    Excuse a Poetess in Salwar Kameez and Dupatta as she Talks about Voices

    The Peak of Light

    Descendants of Adam and Eve

    Sacred Flower—Love is not Enough

    The Lone Dandelion

    I Am Walking

    Walk of Life

    Nine Eleven

    Prince of Darkness

    Every Strip has a Silver Lining – Gaza

    Parts of Pakistan

    What is beyond the Sky?

    The Sun

    The Sky at Night


    Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

    Pacific Ocean


    Evening colours

    Small Blue Flowers

    The Sandcastle

    Dents in My Book


    Garden of Eternal Eden

    Dare to Dream—To the Growing Ones


    To Keats

    Save The Boy Who Cried Alpha Wolf

    Life in seasons


    I Still Write Butterfly


    World of Prosody

    Possibilities of Algorhythm

    A Spectrum of Altruism in Autobiographical Autism

    To my children and their future,

    For my mum for directing me,

    For my husband and his support.

    My Brand New Book

    P erfect; Delicate; Innocent and Pure,

    Detached from the world, and its war,

    The soft first page: I stroke my fingers through,

    The pages thirst for knowledge, as they

    Flicker through the aromatic breeze.

    The feint lines are my visual support,

    The solid pink margin is straight as a flying crow.

    The shiny front cover is seeking reality,

    A whispery echo rushes from the page,

    And vibrates in my ear, calling.

    My second chance, my brand new book.

    No pages turned over, free from my burdens

    This time there will be no mistakes,

    Each sentence will move along and

    Each word will shimmer like glass

    Blend in the page, and come alive.

    As I write many lyrical wisdoms,

    This book will give it form, and make it mine,

    Every page will be deep and every space filled,

    Every chapter will end before the next begins.

    My second chance, my brand new book.

    Me and My Work

    A s long as I have the flow

    I will carry on writing

    As long as I have a word map,

    I will carry on expressing,

    As long as I have authorship

    I will keep on accelerating,

    As long as I have the ability

    I will carry on writing.

    This is soul searching for me to explore;

    How best to present my constellation;

    How to turn my work into a universal metaphor;

    And turn this work into a memorable collection.

    I need the help of family and friends;

    I need the help of famous legends;

    I need the help of my guardian angel;

    I need the help of a good book label;

    I need the help of my pen and paper;

    I need the help of a peacekeeper;

    I need the help of the people who understand;

    I need the help of the fork on my hand.


    W hen words begin to fade;

    When words begin to whisper;

    When words begin to take shade;

    When words don’t sound crisper;

    Art begins to conceive;

    Art begins to form,

    Art begins to perceive,

    Art begins to transform.

    The colours begin to blend,

    The hands begin to direct,

    The mind begins to mend

    Words and Art begin to connect.

    Alone at Last

    A t last I have my thoughts,

    I have myself my pen and paper

    At last I can breathe and relax,

    They were calling, but I could not hear.

    I was lost deep in some evil trance,

    What was lost has now been found,

    This is the key to my freedom,

    Each bit dedicated to my four little angels with sight and sound.

    Things are beginning to get clear,

    And people want to see,

    But something is not complete, nowhere near,

    But one day it will be.

    Words and Numbers

    F rom the time of birth.

    In this world of words and numbers,

    I am lost from all its amazing wonders,

    We begin by making sounds,

    Talking in syllables, feeling astound.

    We stem out and begin to move,

    My sentences begin to make to sense,

    As the world around me grows,

    My curiosity is endless.

    My sentences began simple,

    But now have a mind of their own,

    Like endless patterns on a tapestry,

    Each bit speaking in rhythm and in tone.

    The numbers in my life keep me in shape,

    They began with an instrument,

    One; two; three, A; B; C

    One for you and one for me.

    The sums got complex as I grew,

    Found myself lost not knowing what to do,

    Let them slip away, believing I did right,

    But came back to them in better light.

    Sat like a shrunken plant without a stem,

    But now they know me and I know them,

    The world around me carries on growing,

    As I understand its magic maths glowing.

    Things are beginning to make senses,


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