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An experiment in creation, with some religious views, that shows the reasons why, we may not want, what we think we want. How plans take on a life of their own, and there is no going back.
Release dateJun 4, 2014

William A. Clifford

Born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Raised in Ancaster, in the country setting. Attended Ancaster High and Vocational School, where I got my diploma. After that I enrolled in the working world until my retirement. I am married with three grown children and six grandchildren. I build miniatures and like to build landscapes of my own design.

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    Amy - William A. Clifford

    Chapter One

    The Finding

    T he garden was feeling empty and a mist was in the air. It was mild for the season. The decorations and furniture were stowed in the garage and the pool was covered for the winter. There was still plants covering the fish pond and the waterfall was still running. The soothing sounds of water over the rocks made you relax and move without expectations. I duck to miss the lantern swinging on the holder by the door to the garage. Everything is as it should be in my mind. Halloween is over with no damage to the place or for the neighbours’ ei ther.

    I walk around the garden. I’m looking for the things I might have missed. The faery houses and gnomes can stay out. There isn’t a whole lot of space left and they are very durable. There are the leprechauns and some lights. I guess I’ll take the lights in but the wee folk can stay out.

    If there was anything else to do, I couldn’t think of it. That happens a lot. I call it sometimers. Sometimes your on top of things and sometimes, well you just aren’t even there.

    I have a long list of things to do but finding the list is number one on it. Remembering to write one should be. I feel dizzy again. That happens often. The one thing that took me off the workforce, vertigo. I drove heavy cranes and other machines that meant I would need to be in charge of my faculties. Vertigo came on when I nearly lost the vision in my right eye. I could compensate for a while but then it would hit me quickly without warning. That the company could not allow. They kept me on for a while, but the other problems worsened. When I could get my pension base raised, they said it was over and I had to go.

    I had always joked that it took three years to get in that place and thirty-two years to get out. I did feel they did right by me. I could not have had that chance in any other country.

    I feel it again. It is much stronger. I think I need to sit down.

    Oh wow. That was…What was that? I feel like I passed out. I’m checking myself for other symptoms. Other sudden onset symptoms. I lost consciousness and was dizzy but that’s all. No numbness or blurred vision, at least not more than usual. I stick out my tongue and it is straight. No other sign of stroke. There is one thing though. My clothes are loose on me. I mean really loose. I have lost a lot of weight! Incredible…!

    I hear a noise behind me and am conscious of being in two places at the same time. This is incredible! My prayers to God about that experiment in human existence has come true! I turn to look into the eyes looking into mine. The connection is materializing. It is forming slowly to allow us to prepare ourselves. I can feel her thinking the same things almost. She is not fully aware that this was because of prayer. She feels it is strange that she feels the wet grass she is on and the hard cobblestones that I am sitting on.

    I try to stand because I realize she is uncomfortable with me sitting on the hard stones, but I can’t yet stand. I am still too weak. She is too. I feel her trying to stand. She is sitting there naked and it is just too cold for that. I get myself on my knees but that brings excruciating pain. There is not much flesh protecting me from the rough old stones. I crawl onto the grass and pull off my jacket for her. She isn’t that cold that she is suffering. Her youth and new senses have protected her from the cold. The jacket is short but not on her.

    We help each other to stand on wobbly legs. I think about what she has to go through and she understands my concern and my thoughts. She wants to get warm now as the cold is starting to grip her. We get into the house. Right away I feel her enjoy the warmth. I suddenly remember my wife. She is usually vacuuming but, there is no vacuum on. Amy assures me that she is alright. She can feel my wife now and she lets me know what has happened in here.

    I hear her in the bedroom. The dizziness that I felt, hit her too. She went to lay down and was lying on the bed. I told her what had happened and she looked at me, as if I was crazy. She didn’t remember the prayer, or even us talking about it, but she looked at herself and knew I must be telling the truth. She also, had lost weight, and she had not been working on it like she wanted. She realized I must be telling her the truth. Nothing else could have explained, what she saw.

    I told her I had to get Amy some clothes.

    What would she wear? she said.

    I said I have some things that she could use left over from our son’s wardrobe.

    I went over what has to take place, to get Amy some I.D.. How she would have to feign amnesia and go through the medical exam and Police questioning. How we will have to be involved in the story of finding her unconscious in our yard.

    I knew my wife was not ready or able to go that far. She already had enough to do. Her mother was ill and she didn’t know how long she would linger. She was tired and longing to be able to retire. She had lost hope of getting the life she wanted and I was not able to help the way she would like. This is too much for her to go for. This is stupid. What did I want to pray for this, for? These are her thoughts. Amy was relaying them to me.

    So, finally I said to her Look at your body. You have a chance to get off the blood pressure meds. You will feel and look younger. As well as the weight, He took years from us to give to Amy. We will still be sixtyish but feel fifty fivish. We can have Amy live with us, and get some help in coping with things, while she goes to school.

    That helped. She did feel better and little by little, she was gaining her strength and composure back.

    I told her, Amy and I had common interests, and she shared her talent with her, too. Amy would help us keep space between us, if she lives with us, a little insulation from each other. Amy can translate your thoughts and desires to me, so that I can anticipate them. Oooh, she liked that. That is a good thing.

    How long would this go? she asked.

    I said it would take some time to assess her health, during which we would volunteer to take her in. It would take about a year, or so, for her to go through the courts and CAS, while they look for her parents. DNA tests will disprove any claims. Her willingness to live with us, and our record with children and the CAS. My disability would not be a big factor, since she is able to care for herself, and I would be available, anytime there is an issue. All this reassured her and helped her open up to the idea.

    Having a daughter in the CAS role of caregivers, will help the process and eventually, Amy will get identification that would move things along for her.

    All this time, Amy was listening to our thoughts and conversation. She let me know, how I was proceeding in my wife’s view.

    She asked Why did you call her Amy?

    I told her that in French, ‘amie’ means friend, and with the psychic connection Amy is closer than any friend could be. It was also short for amethyst which is the stone I am sending with her.

    It was getting near time to take Amy to the hospital, or police station, to start the process. She was comfortable and warm. She had eaten food from the fridge, while we were talking. She did not have to be near us to know what we were thinking, or let me know what was in the mind of my wife.

    I was very nervous and anxious, about having to talk to people. I usually have nosedives with my energy level, when I am like this. Having family with me helps avoid that, sometimes. This time was not so lucky. I had to sit down quickly, and Amy shoved a chair under me as I staggered. This connection can be a real blessing, as well as the true purpose it has.

    This helps me decide where to take her first. The hospital will have questions, but not to the intensity the police station would. It would make better sense to take her there first. Amnesia and her physical health, would have to be checked, and the Police will be brought in there. That is the plan then. I will have the energy drops in either location, so that will be easier to stay close to her in the hospital.

    She will be asked a lot of questions, and will be examined for sexual assault, as well as physical injuries. They will be suspicious about her clothing, especially when I say, she hadn’t had any on when I found her. She had not washed so the evidence from her being found outside on the grass, will be substantiated. They will also see whether she has been interfered with sexually.

    I am even more nervous for her, but I know she has a steadier mind than I.

    This is going to be intense.

    Marie, my wife, is going to be shaken by this even at home, since she does not have the psychic connection, with either of us. It is good that this is Saturday and there will be time to settle things down for us. More so, for Marie, because she will not know what is going on with Amy, after I leave her. I will be able to tell her, but she can be calmer, if she doesn’t have to worry about her.

    There are many things going on in our minds, so we must get things moving. I kiss Marie goodbye and Amy and I go out the door. We wish each other good luck as we climb into my van. Being able to communicate in thought rather than speech will take some time to master, but for now it is going along fine.

    We look to the house together, as we drive away, to wave goodbye to Marie. It is a tradition with Marie and I, to do this each time we leave, but Amy did it without thought, just as if she was me.

    Thoughts were still, as we drove away.

    Chapter Two

    The Presentation

    W e drove up to the Children’s Hospital and parked underground. We walked silently to the yellow elevators, that will take us to the Emergency department. Our thoughts are still, as if there is nothing to do but walk, nothing awaiting us. We rode up the elevator and got out on the second floor. We turned and walked down the hall, around the corner, and across the ward to the emergency desk. It was as if, we had both walked this route many times before. I had. Amy was using my memories, as if they were hers.

    When we got to the desk, I presented the nurse with the story, and gave her my ID card. She looked at Amy and asked for her card. I explained, that she had no ID, or anything else, when I found her.

    Did you check her clothes? she asked.

    She had none on. I explained.

    You found her nude, in your backyard. Why would she be in your backyard, with nothing on?

    I really don’t know why she would, but that is how she was found, lying on the wet grass. I said, acting frustrated.

    Was she conscious? she asked.

    She was just gaining her wits when I noticed her. I told her.

    Your clothes are dirty and wet. What caused that? she added suspiciously.

    I had fallen, and then I got dirtier, trying to help her up to her feet? I related the scene.

    Was she hurt?

    I shook my head Not that I could see. I brought her here to make sure. She did not know where she was, or who she was. She was cold, so I gave her some clothes my son had left, when he left for the west years ago. Then my wife thought I should bring her here first.

    First? She asked.

    I had thought to take her to the Police for their help, but my wife said that you would bring them in while you examined her. I had a feeling things were looking more benign to her as far as I was concerned.

    Alright, fill out this form, and we will get her checked out as soon as someone is available. Have a seat over there and we will get started trying to sort this out. she said clinically. She picked up the phone as we walked away.

    The usual bustle of the emergency ward went on, without us knowing how much was caused by us, but we did know, this wasn’t an everyday occurrence. We started filling out the information, when a nurse came and took Amy away to check her vitals and get her story. She was asked if I had been in any way, threatening to her. How did she come to be in my yard? Who she was and where did she come from? Did she have any memory of anything, prior to being found in my backyard? Did she feel any pain anywhere? The questions were seemingly constant and we both felt overwhelmed by it all. I was hearing them as if I was right there beside her.

    I see a policeman walk in and up to the desk. He was directed my way. I tensed up as he walk toward me.

    Mr. Wrent? I am officer Sarin. I would like to get your statement on the appearance of the girl. He tried to make me feel at ease. How did you come to find her?

    I told my story, just as I had to the nurse. I said I had not seen her before and it was good that I found her when I did, as I don’t usually go into that area, when everything was put away for the winter. I was just making sure, I had put it all away, when I saw her.

    You said you had fallen. What caused you to fall? he asked.

    I explained my disability to him in detail.

    You said your vertigo had started, when you nearly lost the sight in your right eye. I noticed you have some problem with your left eye.

    I went into detail about the surgeries on my left eye this summer.

    How is the sight in your right eye now?

    I just had that checked, and was given a clean bill of health, on that one. I beamed.

    So you have no trouble seeing to drive? He looked kind of unsure looking at my dilated left eye.

    No. I answered. I have no problem as long as I concentrate on my driving. I usually let my wife drive, when we are going into busy, or unfamiliar areas.

    "Did your wife come with you

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