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Invisible Shadows
Invisible Shadows
Invisible Shadows
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Invisible Shadows

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Hajime is a teenager in a world filled with mutants. Along his path he meets new friends. Although, some can be trusted while others can't. He discovers a strange power within his body. Who will survive in this horrid world? Will he put a stop to this mess or will he fall prey to the mutants? Many questions are asked but how many of them will be answered?
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateOct 23, 2014
Invisible Shadows

Ali Ahmed Alghamdi

My name is Ali Ahmed Alghamdi. My nationality is Saudi. I'm fourteen years old. I am also a ninth grader. I live in Riyadh which is the capital city of my country. I like to draw and read. I won the Young Author Contest at my school. I got 2nd Place in The Spelling Bee in sixth grade as well. My dream is to become a chemist one day with a side-hobby of novel-writing.

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    Invisible Shadows - Ali Ahmed Alghamdi

    Copyright © 2014 by Ali Ahmed Alghamdi. 623045

    ISBN:      Softcover         978-1-4990-2636-8

                    EBook             978-1-4990-2638-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 10/14/2014




    Ali Ahmed Alghamdi

    The sun’s bright light shining over my face woke me up. It was another day of this madness. I sit up over the hard branch. I didn’t get much sleep I mumble to myself.

    I grab my old backpack. It’s not in good shape. It’s been with me for quite a while now, and I can guarantee it has seen better days. I’m not in a perfect shape myself. My clothes are kind of old and torn apart. My brunette hair is full of flaws and I haven’t combed it recently. I reach inside my bag and start to fish for papers. I grab some and take them out with a pen. I have to admit I haven’t written anything about this because I was too traumatized by this whole experience. I pick up my pen and my hand was shivering a little. I grabbed the papers and started writing on them.

    (-Year 2185, 8th of Jan. Today is my birthday. I’m turning 18 today. It’s not the first time I didn’t get any presents on my birthday, but today is special in its own wicked and twisted way. My name is Hajime. I can’t even remember my last name. I’ve been alone for such a long time that I don’t remember who my family was. The actual question is who could have thought it would get to this? The mad scientists’ prediction started this highly unrealistic reality. I’m not even sure how a meteor could contain decaying cells of radioactive genes, crash and almost extinct the human race by decaying their own cells. I am pretty sure there’s a bigger mystery behind the scenes. I’m running out of ink and paper even though this is my first documentary of the whole situation. I didn’t have enough time to grab what I needed before that mutant attacked me in my well-defended fort, or so I thought it was. I am going to update my status with things whenever I can-)

    I wrote those words and I noticed the slight change of wind. The foul stench was dead easy to spot. My reaction was so slow that I never realized that a mutant was attacking until it was on top of me. I immediately kicked it off with both legs like a trampoline. Ugh, it looks hideous. The rotting flesh and white blank eyes match the horrid smell and the torn clothes. I dig out my knife from my backpack which I grabbed from the kitchen in the last minute during the mutant invasion at my fort which I now abandoned because it doesn’t even block the morning breeze anymore. I jumped on the mutant and got ready to deliver a finishing blow. I struck the rusty knife into his thick rocky skull. The knife found its home base, but with an effort. The noise coming from the mutant has stopped, and that’s when I finally noticed the police uniform. His name tag was torn off. I wonder why. It either probably got torn off by accident or somebody doesn’t want us to know who this thing used to be. I’m going with the first conclusion since it requires less thinking.

    The good outcome of this is that I found a gun and two handcuffs off of the mutant. The bad news is that the gun doesn’t have any ammo. This is terrible, because it looks like a good strong gun that can blow a mutant’s head off with a pull of a trigger. I take all my new precious items and stuff them in my backpack. Encountering a mutant wasn’t as bad as I feared it would be.

    I just head off into the forest again. Nobody knows the forest better than I do. I don’t mean to brag but I used to go here a lot when life hit hard and I know this forest pretty much better than anybody, or at least better than anybody still alive. My thoughts are cut off by a very disturbing noise. Moaning and groaning. I just peer over at what’s behind the tree, and I see it. I see my nightmare. Dozens of mutants are gathered in one big pile over some huge juicy red mess.

    Scared, I almost let out a shriek. I stop myself just in time, but I can’t help myself from wondering how they just gathered around that messy pile of meat. I should back off quickly without getting noticed. I bet they like fresh meat instead of plain old meat. I just take little tip-toes that turn into walking that in no time turn into run-for-your-life running. I gasp for breath as I slide down on the base of a tree after that exhausting run. I almost think I’m safe until I hear another voice from the tree in front of me.

    Hey amateur, You almost disturbed my weeks’ worth. The voice tells me. Who are you?! I have a knife and I’m not afraid to use it against you mutants! I shout at the voice. Mutants can’t talk you moron. The person comes out of a tree’s cover. There he stands. He looks a bit like me, mainly because he has brunette hair as well. The thing that surprises me is that he has a freaking rifle with him! He could take me out like I’m some sort of bug. You need to be quiet or else the mutants will get distracted and wander off the guy says. W-what’re you going to do? My voice gets lower. You’ll see. The stranger tells me as he climbs a big tree. He just sits there for a while until I hear the loud BOOM! It obviously left a rainstorm of

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