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God Does No Wrong
God Does No Wrong
God Does No Wrong
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God Does No Wrong

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Thank you Bill for your friendship and your Wonderful endorsement it means so much to Anthony and I. And Titus, what can dad and I say. You have a flair for taking powerful pictures. Thank you for taking the one above of us on the swing for this book we will remember it always son.

Over a decade ago, the author of this book sent me a short story with a number of photos to place on my Eddy Arnold website, which I have maintained since 1997.

Happily, I posted it immediately as I was confident the visitors to the site would enjoy reading it as much as I did. The narrative was a beautiful true story of a young boy who loved his family, his God, his Church, and Eddy Arnold. It was a big hit on the site. It remains on the Index page of the site.

And now this narrative has grown into a book with over three hundred pages. Many of these chapters were written over a period of years. I found this book to be a Mom & Apple Pie, type... full of love and happiness and American families.

When reading this wonderful book you will experience romance, marriage, birth, death, happiness, sadness, health, sickness and always the love and power of the Almighty!

The author is so skilled in her writing that I could visually see the events described printed page.

Although you will shed, a tear or two while engaged with the real people in their sadness it will fade as the overall theme of the book will make you happy.

This book is a MUST READ for Eddy Arnold fans and all who enjoy reading just a plain GOOD BOOK!

Bill Comer, Webmaster for
Welcome to the World of Eddy Arnold
Release dateAug 7, 2014
God Does No Wrong

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    Book preview

    God Does No Wrong - Anthony Fred Howse

    © 2014 Jan Wooden Howse et al. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse   08/06/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2409-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2408-7 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 The Zondervan Corporation.


    PART 1

    Chapter 1

    1. Starting Our Roots In Florida

    2. Lee’s Birth

    3. Lee’s Homecoming To Our New Apartment

    4. Lee Meets The Legendary Eddy Arnold

    5. We Find Lee Has a Problem

    Chapter 2

    1. Walt’s TickingTime Bomb EXPLODES !!!!!

    2. Walt’s Call For Help

    Chapter 3

    1. Our Trip to The Unknown

    2. Walt and Lee Singing Eddy’s Songs

    3. The Decision OF Life or Death

    4. Walt Sings with Lee For the Last Time

    Chapter 4

    1. The Day of Surgery

    2. A Day of Waiting

    3. Waiting and Praying

    Chapter 5

    1. Our Prayers Are Answered, Walt Made it Through Surgery

    2. A Major Problem Just Going For Testing

    Chapter 6

    1. Walt’s Recovery Plan A Team Effort

    2. Back At The Hospital

    3. Almost ⁴th of July Lee Finally Could Visit His Dad

    4. Our Miracle If Only For The Lord’s Prayer

    5. It Was Now Wednesday, July ¹st

    6. It Was Now Thursday, July ²nd

    Chapter 7

    1. Friday July ³rd The Day Before Lee and Daddy’s Reunion

    2. Remembering Our Songs

    Chapter 8

    1. Lord, How Do I Explain To Lee When I Don’t Understand Myself?

    Chapter 9

    1. Memorial Service At Sea For Walter Russell Stang

    2. He Was A Merchant Marine

    3. How My Husband Wanted Lee and I To Embrace His Memory

    4. A Memory Away

    5. Last Watch

    6. Lowering Of The Wreath

    7. Couldn’t God See I Needed My Daddy

    Chapter 10

    1. A Lonesome Road Without Walt

    2. Lord, I’m Just One Person

    3. A Little Light at the End Of A Dark Tunnel

    4. Dating Was Not One Of My Priorities

    Chapter 11

    1. Joe’s Wonderful Surprise For Lee and I

    2. My Plan So Lee Can See Eddy


    4. Our Ride Home

    Chapter 12

    1. Joe Testing the Waters

    2. Miami Riots TO Wedding Plans

    3. May 22, 1980 Two Days Before Our Wedding

    Chapter 13

    1 Wedding Day Has Arrived

    2. June 13, 1980. Lee Came Running In The Door With Roland

    3. Saturday Morning Time 5:30 am June 14, 1980.

    4. Mom We Have To Give The Gifts To Dad NOW Four Hours later June 14, 1980.

    5. Saturday Afternoon 12:00 Noon June 14, 1980

    6. SaturdayAfternoon 12:30Baseball Try Outs June 14, 1980.

    Chapter 14

    1. Saturday Time 1:30 Let The Games Begin June 14, 1980 Picture It Through A Proud Mother’s Eyes

    2. Saturday – Time 5:00 p.m. Pack Everything Up For Home June 14, 1980

    3. Saturday -Time 6:00 p.m.Back at the Church June 14, 1980.

    4. Saturday - Time 6:25 June 14, 1980.

    5. May Our Circle Be Unbroken(We all clasped hands)

    Chapter 15

    1. Saturday - Time 6:30 p.m. June 14, 1980. I LOVE YOU MOM

    2. Saturday Time 6:40 p.m. June 14, 1980. The Unthinkable Tragedy

    3. SaturdayTime 6:50 - June 14, 1980. A Mother’s Memory

    4. Saturday Evening Time 7:10 June 14, 1980. Oh, God Lee’s Dead!

    5. I Will Never Believe In God Again!

    6. Saturday8:30 p.m.June 14, 1980.

    Chapter 16

    1. A Very Sad Father’s Day June 15, 1980.

    2. Sunday Afternoon

    3. Sometime in the afternoon Going To The Funeral Home Sunday, June 15, 1980.

    4. My World Had Changed Time 4:30 p.m. June 15, 1980.

    5. Sunday Evening Time 5:30 p.m. June 15, 1980.

    6. Sunday Evening Time 7:40 p.m. June 15, 1980.

    Chapter 17

    1. Monday MorningTime 10:20 a.m. June 16, 1980. Reality Sets In

    2. Monday 12:00 Noon, June 16, 1980. Lord Give Me Strength The Family’s Here

    3. Monday Time 4:30 p.m. June 16, 1980. Lee’s Viewing

    4. Time 9:45 p.m. Time’s Getting Late

    5. Time 1:30 a.m. June 17, 1980. My Thoughts

    6. Time 2:45 a.m. The Boys Letters

    Chapter 18

    1. Dreaming My Nightmares Am I Revisiting My Life I Can’t Live Without Walt And Now Our Son, I Can’t Lord! I Just Can’t

    2. My Deep Sleep

    3. Meeting Walt And Buying The Car

    4. A Call From My Dad

    5. Time to Wake Up To Reality

    Chapter 19

    1. Tuesday Morning 8:00 a.m., June 17, 1980. Mother and I Lock Horns Again

    2. I Cannot Bury My Son

    3. Time 9:15 June 17, 1980. End of Life As I Knew It

    4. The Final Talk With My Son

    5. Twelve O’clock June 17, 1980.Clouds – Just One of God’s Creations

    Chapter 20

    1. Late Afternoon June 17, 1980. Searching For Tammy

    2. Tacos, The Cemetery And Mom, I’ve Had Enough

    3. Wednesday Morning June 18, 1980. Family Goes Home Liberation!

    4. A Mothers Yearning To Be Close To Her Son

    PART 2

    Chapter 21

    1. The Devil Unleashes His Wrath

    2. Trying To Live A Normal Life

    Chapter 22

    1. The Devil’s Face Revealed My Reckoning With Joe

    2. The Devil Hits My Blindside Unexpectedly

    3. I’m Determined To Find Out One Way Or Another

    4. I Need To Be With Lee

    5. Giving Me the Runaround When I Want Answers

    Chapter 23

    1. The Devil Keeps Pushing Me To The Brink, Joe Hires An Attorney LORD HELP ME!


    3. South Miami The Attorney’s Office

    4. Meeting With The Bank President

    5. So Many Messages, Appointments, No Time to Think

    Chapter 24

    1. Laying Down The Law to Joe

    2. Joe’s First and Only Doctor’s Visit

    3. Doctors Reveal Roland’s Total Disconnect

    4. Making A List Checking It Twice

    5. It Never Rains It Always Pours

    6. Doctors Are Convinced Roland Has Major Problems

    7. Doctors Diagnosis And Roland’s Background Took My Breath Away

    Chapter 25

    1. Driven From Mourning To Survival

    2. Putting Out Fires All By Myself

    3. First But Not Last Of My Depositions

    4. Back To Reality

    5. Doctor’s Appointment’s

    6. My Life’s Changing, I Just Don’t Know Which Way I’m Going

    7. A Very Hard Day On My First Day Back

    Chapter 26

    1. Just Remember God Does No Wrong

    2. ECCLESIASTES Chapter 3 To Everything There Is A Season

    3. Trouble Shooting Problems

    4. Chucks’ Decision For His Future

    5. Trying to Get a Handle On My Life

    6. My New Job At Medical Center

    Chapter 27

    1. So Much For My Day in Court


    3. Shaking In My Boots

    4. Seeing The Judge

    5. Will Life’s Battles Ever End?

    Chapter 28

    1. Finally, Reasons I Can Live With Why God Did No Wrong


    WOW HONEY here’s another tissue,




    Whom without his enduring support and unwavering confidence in me I would not be experiencing my best Life.


    Who instilled in me at the age of five, despite our lives being burdened with sorrows and heartaches. It is enduring Love that will see us through. Thank You Grandma, I Love You.


    The happy childhood times we shared are now Jewels. Being the same age, seeing your life tragically taken at age seven, seared in my mind, the fact, death is a robber and the most precious gift we possess is Life.


    Conclude the only way we are able to move on, is to tuck our deceased Loved ones in that special chamber of our hearts. Where they will LIVE till God reunites us forever in our HEAVENLY HOME.


    Despite experiencing how painful and horrible suffering can be, it became more apparent, LIFE is not measured by our grief and losses, but by our VICTORIES through FAITHFULNESS in an AWESOME GOD.

    2:04 A.M. July 23, 2010


    Lord, I am now awake, jarred from a sound sleep. The Grief and Loss book I have been trying to write about, is the first thought in my mind this morning. While lying here I can almost hear you saying to me, Get up and write this book the right way. Do It NOW! So I PRAY. LORD, you know I have been trying to write this book for a long, long time. I know and you know how I want to help people that have had the same or similar trials in their lives. You also know how very hard it has been for me to do this. The fact, so much pain, sorrow, and grief involved so many people. Some who are still alive under no circumstances want either names or actions published in a book.

    There are things I cannot change, things most people do not even know about me. How or what would people say about me. How would they look at me? Would they perceive me as a different person if they would read my book? Would I open my life up to more hurt from those I now call friends? Would people look at me with pity or just shame to be called a friend of mine? A friend they know, who would write a book like this to tell the world about the indecencies of our world. Oh, the people out there know these things exist they just do not want to face someone who has gone through them in such an open way writing about them in a book. You know Lord, people can be very cruel to each other here on earth, I have been there and have experienced it firsthand. Lord, you also know how many times I have started this book and how many times what I was writing just did not seem quite right. I was truthful, but there was still so much anger there as if I was going through it all over again. Oh, the words were all true and honest about my life, but it was still not the book I intended to write to help others.

    You Lord, now have awakened me to the realization that I must get up, go to my computer and write this book the way I should, the way you wanted me to in the first place, all these years. Not so much about all the individuals involved in my life, but the facts, the truth and all the problems it caused in my life. How, YOU LORD, have worked in my life and are still working in my life, guiding me all throughout my life even now. I just cannot stay in bed any longer, you have made your point, and I know you will guide my words the way they should be and not all the dramatic explicit words in trying to tell my story. Lord, I pray the book I am about to get started on anew will surly bless and help people in their own grieving process from the losses they have had to endure in their lives.

    Help me to continue to reach out to them. Show them they are not alone that YOU are there for them, that YOU and YOU alone understand what they have gone thru and are still going thru and that YOU will never leave them no matter how much they may turn their backs on YOU as I once did in the worst of my tragedies. Still after the long, long grieving process, I could understand the GOD DOES NO WRONG for any of us. We just have to come to that point of realization in our lives that YOU will never leave us or forsake us. YOU, DEAR LORD are there for us no matter how hurt we become, no matter how selfish we become, no matter how far away from you we travel, or whatever life we live YOU and only YOU will be there for US FOREVER AND EVER no matter what our situation.

    Thank you Lord for waking me, showing me how, and what I now know, of how I really wanted this book to be and for whom I was really writing this book for. For showing me I could write this book, to help others and also help myself in the process and who knows, I might even be able to win some lost souls for YOU in the process. Thank you GOD, for all you have done in my life and what you are continuing to do in my life.

    Thank you for bringing Anthony and I together, we are both trying desperately in our individual lives as well as in our married life to be an example to others. To show others YOU are still on the Throne, You are there for us and we can lean on YOU whenever we want to talk and confide in, someone who will listen when no one else is around. Let others see through us, something that says YOU are there in all times of grief, lose and just the daily stress and anxiety this world has dealt all of us in our lives. Give us the strength Lord to overcome these things at our age now and grant us peace to continue to have the wonderful life and love you have given us which we both wanted from the start, when we were younger, married to different people and had separate lives.

    We now find in each other the peace a couple can have without such turmoil, anxiety and that we are both able to trust one another with everything. We both feel you brought us together for a reason, even with our age difference, to finally, finally have the happy and blessed relationship of a marriage we can trust and rely on. We are there for each other, always and forever.

    Thank you LORD for opening my eyes and making me see clearly, what it is you want me to do with this book. I will give you all the Glory as I continue to labor over my words. Give me the knowledge and the ability to reach as many people as I can with this writing. God grant me peace of mind as I do write this book anew, from start to finish. I want to be your instrument in reaching your people. Thank you God for standing by me always, without you, I know now, I would not have made it in this world of tragedy, lose and just the daily day in and day out hum drum world that is changing so fast it’s hard to keep up with.

    I Love you LORD and I have heard your VOICE. I am starting right now to do this book as I feel you now have given me the avenue in which to write it.

    I will talk to you this evening LORD, if not before. Amen ~

    Part 1


    Hey darlin; thought you were comin out here to swing with me for a little bit.

    I’m comin hon; I gotta get some fresh air anyway.

    There you are, darlin wait, what in the world are you ballin about. Come here, sit down, and tell me what’s wrong!

    Oh, you know it’s this time of year, it seems to creep up on me every year.

    Come here let me hold ya a little while pumpkin.

    Anthony, you’ve been calling me pumpkin since we met several years ago before we got married.

    Yeah, that’s because you’ve always been my little pumpkin.

    You know it makes me smile and I always relax in your arms when you’re holding me. It really does help to talk to you.

    That’s cause we’re good together and good for each other. We always say we are clones right? For sure, this is a very hard time for you right now, but you have not been ballin your eyes out every year. Other times you have had your quiet moments so what is with the crying now? Exactly, how long has it been anyway?

    Since 1980, it’s been since 1980!

    Wow! That has been some time ago and you have not been this upset in these past years, why now? What’s goin on?

    Because this year the days and dates fall exactly like they did back in 1980. They do every so often on the calendar.

    Darlin, why don’t you just calm yourself a little bit and tell me; tell me dar what you can about it, if you remember.

    Oh, I remember all right, I remember everything as if it just happened yesterday. It’s embedded in my mind and will be forever.

    Ok, tell me what happened so I can understand, I want to help you!

    I know you do hon and I appreciate it. In addition, all these memories are going to be fresh in the forefront of life forever; and this is no reason to make your life miserable in remembering the pain and heartache year after year. With me in learning over the years, to carry Lee’s death in a very special place in my heart; except when the dates fall exactly as they did back in the 80’s. All the memories from back then come flooding back and just automatically go into rewind; back just as if it were yesterday. So real, every picture frame in my head, exactly, picture after picture; I really try hard not to dwell on it, but, today I’m not having very much luck.

    Oh sug, lean on me; you know we’ve talked long and hard about this before and I know you’ve carried this burden with you year after year. It is not something you can turn on and off like a light switch, you will have this for the rest of your life. Some years are easier, but it is as if you are having flash backs. They cannot be helped you cannot stop them because they have become a big part of you and who you are. Your strength was the love inside you. Your life of tragedies really has made you strong. You know it but right at this moment, you do not think so, but they have. That is how you are able to help so many people through similar situations. God has been there for you every step of the way. HE may not have planned your life to be so difficult, but HE will never leave you or forsake you, ever. Believe that with all your heart hon. God has always been there with you and for you. You may not have thought so in the midst of your many trials you have suffered, but God is with you always and I think you know that by now.

    Anthony, if it wasn’t for God being with me, I don’t know where I would be today. He gave me you when I wasn’t even at a place in my life where I wanted to be married again.

    Yeah sug and now look at us. We are happier than we have ever been in our lives, ever. We’re in a good place, loving each other, doing God’s work as much as we can.

    I know you’re right, hon, I do. These depression spots when this time of year rolls around get terrible. Most years I’m better, but this year; very, very hard.

    Alright dar, you’re calmer now just tell me. Like we said, start from the beginning. Take your time and remember I love ya dar.

    And I love you Anthony, I’ll love you forever.

    Ok, hon go on, just start where you can, start from the beginning.

    Alright, well you know I was married before to Walt, Lee’s father.

    Yes, sure I do.

    Ok, I’ll start there.

    Ok, Sug go ahead, tell me.

    Starting Our Roots

    In Florida

    Walt and I were looking for a job when we moved to Florida. We were looking for a management position where we both could work together. We answered an ad managing Island Farm Groves in Davie, Fl. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Knapp owned the groves. If the name sounds familiar you most likely heard of Knapp shoes, well he was one of the same, yep, Knapp Shoes, Inc.

    Byron hired us on to manage his 120 acre groves; the grove consisted of orange trees, Navel, Tangelos, Tangerines etc. and grapefruit trees, both white and pink grapefruit. We also had the Ponderosa Lemon trees. The color of the lemon looked just like the small every day lemons. The Ponderosa lemons were large and as round as the center of a cantaloupe was in the middle; the elongated fruit from tip to tip-measured 7 to 8 inches. Our customers loved them. They only needed one Ponderosa lemon to make a couple pitchers of lemonade. The fact is we had never heard or seen the Ponderosa Lemon fruit ourselves before in our lives.

    For us not only was it a new fruit to add to our vocabulary, there was also a problem for me remembering the name Ponderosa. Now, there should have been no reason Ponderosa lemons would not come to mind while speaking to customers. No of course not, but while explaining to our customers about the lemon, somehow the name always came out as the Bonanza lemons. Our customers got a real laugh out of it and so did we while trying to explain to them it was our way of remembering the name Ponderosa, by way of Bonanza. It sure did break the ice and make for conversation with the customers because we all had a huge laugh as our faces turned red and we had to explain. Those customers were the ones who formed a great relationship with us and kept coming back to buy fruit. We were on a first name bases within the month.

    We had over a dozen employees (actually, they were fruit pickers) terrific men who we were in charge of to get the fruit picked, washed and packed for shipment. These men were our family and we theirs. Now, along with the groves there was a large packinghouse. All the fruit picked would be cleaned dried sorted, and packed for shipment. There was also a country gift shop and an office. One of the nicest parts about the job was the very large apartment above the packinghouse and it went along with the job. We fell in love with Byron, his wife and the beautiful grove in itself.

    Several months before Lee’s birth, Byron came down just before Christmas from his home in New York. We had managed the grove for over four years at that time. Byron was sad to inform us he had just sold the grove to Rolling Hills Golf Course. The golf course wanted the property so they could expand their business into a Country Club to benefit the golfers. We all cried because we all felt fruit trees were so much more important than people just playing golf were. It is what it is, businesses get bigger, and Bryon was up in years. He gave us a wonderful bonus but we would have rather had the job and the groves. Both Byron and his wife were like parents to us, we all loved each other. Now it was time to move on.

    As the delivery date was getting close for our baby, we both knew time was of the essence for us to find a new job. We loved working together so we got the local newspaper and searched for positions wanting a husband and wife. On the very first page there it was, the ad wanting a husband and wife to manage the Sir Han Apartments. The complex was just off Federal Hwy. in Ft. Lauderdale.

    We called to see if the job was still available and it was. We asked if we could apply for the position since we were about to have a child in a few months. Actually, the owner thought it was wonderful and told us to come right over. He loved that we would be having a child because his apartment complex was family oriented. Walt would handle all the maintenance, the bookkeeping and renting the apartments were my responsibility. We were hired on the spot. A large two-bedroom apartment, an eat-in kitchen and of course the pool all went along with the job. It had a large sign in front saying Manager with an arrow pointing right to our apartment. This was just what we were looking for.

    The surrounding buildings happened to have a very nice looking building on the corner of Federal Hwy. announcing the coming of some kind of chicken place. Workers were painting, plastering, and putting in a new driveway. We use to walk Lee in his stroller around the block. We were excited we would have a nice chicken place to eat pretty much right outside our door.

    Lee’s Birth

    Lee was born August 5th 1969. Walt and I named Lee after his mother’s name Leoda and my father’s name Levi. We only used the first letters of each name. Lee weighed in at 7 lb. 12 ½ oz. and was 22 ½" long. He was a very big boy for me to carry.

    Wow Jan! Did you have him wrapped around your backbone? You are such a little woman. Where did you put him?

    "Anthony, I guess you could say everywhere, and I carried Lee full term. When it came time to deliver, Walt rushed us off to the hospital for the birth. The doctors took one look at the size of me and the baby and said:

    We definitely need a C-Section this baby’s way too big for a natural birth.

    Doctor, are you sure? It seems to me the baby is ready to be delivered now.

    Lee was born into this world just 23 minutes later, NO C-SECTION.

    YEAAAAAAA! Thank you Lord.

    The nurses brought Lee to us in our hospital room after they cleaned Lee up. The first thing we noticed as new parents looking at our beautiful baby boy for really the first time was what looked like a swelling on the top corner of Lee’s head. This was something new for us to see.

    Walt, maybe it is his knowledge knot.

    His what, what is a knowledge knot?

    I heard my grandma say that about my cousin Garry when his head was swollen on one side at birth. Grandma called it his knowledge knot. Meaning he has been born with a highly intelligent brain.

    When the doctor came into the room, we asked him about the swelling.

    Oh, it is nothing to worry about; large babies need to find places to be able to fit in the womb while growing. The swelling should go down in a day or two. He’s really a very healthy and lively baby you have there, good luck with him.

    We now had our son Lee, where we now could hold him and give him all the love and opportunities this would has to offer him. He was a good baby just very fast with everything and so it was we had our little family now, our Blessed son and a very special moment in time for both of us.

    Lee’s Homecoming

    To Our New


    Oh Walt, it’s so good to be home with you and Lee.

    It sure is honey this is going to be wonderful for all three of us, here in our new job as managers of this apartment complex. We have been looking forward to this for a while now. I am so blessed to have you both hon.

    Walt look, Lee has a smile on his face. Wonder what Lee is thinking? Do you think he knows and feels how much we love him and each other?

    Maybe but then, maybe Lee is being just like a baby and he is passing gas.

    Oh, leave it to you to come up with something like that, you are so funny.

    Just think of me as a proud dad looking at what we have made together. Lee is starring at us as if he is memorizing our faces. Look at his little fingers they are so long for a newborn and he is really kicking those legs. Do you think he will be athletic like we were? It sure would be something. Oh, look he is smiling at us again and reaching for your finger, look, look at this child he sure is active for a baby of just a few days old.

    All I can say is Lee will know as he grows we are giving him all our love, and that is a wonderful thing for us to be able to give our child. Lee will thrive on our love and grow into one terrific young man.

    Honey, what’s wrong? Is it something about what was said or are you having the after birth thing when woman feel some depression after a baby is born. You did a wonderful job in delivering Lee and so fast too.

    Oh Walt, I feel like I am the one who is blessed. We both have made such a beautiful child. We are both so proud of Lee and rightfully so he is part of both of us. We have come such a long, long way since we met.

    Yes we have Jan and we have our whole lives ahead of us with our brand new son. Lee has gotten the best from both of us.

    Ah… honey look, as big as your fingers are Lee is able to wrap his little hand completely around your pointer finger and he’s going to sleep. I can see now I will have to keep film in my camera all the time so we don’t miss a trick with this little one.

    Jan, what is making you kind of melancholy today? This is one of the happiest times in our lives, say something so I can help you hon. What are you thinking; you know I love you and Lee, is it something we need to discuss about Lee or something else? Are you reminiscing about Chuck your firstborn and what happened to you and him? If so honey, you have to remember, none of that was any fault of yours, none what so ever. It was all your x-husbands doing.

    Yes it was but I was sitting here thinking about Chuck and what I missed out on not having him with me since he was three, it’s just so heartbreaking Walt.

    Yeah, I know it was the worst thing you ever had to go through in your life, living without your first born son. Believe this, if you do not believe anything else the rest of your life, none of it, do you hear, Jan none of it was ever your fault, and this will never happen with you and Lee. We will make sure we have all our bases covered and we will be happily married forever, I promise.

    Oh Walt, how much can you love someone? Think about it, then you will know how much Lee and I love you. The love we have for you will last you forever and a day. We will always have each other, our son will always have the best we are able to give him. You’re a great husband and our son will have a terrific father.

    Jan, looking back at my own life, other than my kids, somehow there would be no living without you hon you are the air, the breath that keeps us going. Without it, or you, how could we ever live without each other in our lives? All the love for you and now Lee will be endless, you will never have to think or worry about anything or anyone who would ever come between us. Because we are as one, now and forever as long as we both shall live.

    Oh Walt, honey, I feel the same way, I love you Walt. Oh, look, the baby has gone to sleep just listening to us. How bout we go into the nursery and put him down in his new crib, he will sleep more comfortable in his bed. Lee is really going to love his room when he gets a little bit older and starts moving around. Lee will have a lot of room to play with all his little stuffed animals. You decorated everything so cute for our little boy. He will love it and love the things we put in there for him.

    Come on Jan, you must be exhausted and you need your rest, especially while Lee is sleeping. No telling what schedule he was on at the hospital. With nurses round the clock when he would cry someone was there to tend to him. We are only two people verses say six or eight tending the nursery.

    Yeah, I am a little tired, maybe I will take a shower to relax and put on something comfortable. Then we can relax for the rest of the evening.

    Oh, I sure like the sounds of that, and while you are in the shower I will put on a little something for us to eat. How does that sound, plus I will even put on the music man himself, our Eddy Arnold?

    That sounds like a deal to me, I haven’t heard Eddy since I was in the hospital. Walt don’t go to allot of work fixing something to eat for me as I will be eating a little light for a few days until I see how food will lay on my stomach. You make whatever you want for yourself hon. Thanks for helping so much with Lee and making this homecoming so enjoyable for me, you are quit a man Walter Stang, quite a man.

    You better stop or my head will swell and I won’t be able to get it through the kitchen doorway.

    We both laughed quietly at ourselves just watching our beautiful little boy.

    Jan you go get your shower it will make you feel better and relax a little bit.

    Walt you head for the kitchen and brew up something good.

    Before either one of us moved, we both had to take one more look into the nursery to make sure Lee was all right. We stood at the crib watching our perfect angel we had created. We held each other tenderly in each other’s arms smiling at our son sleeping while we all listened to Eddy’s soft voice sing Welcome to My World.

    Lee Meets The



    Lee was turning six weeks old in a few days. We went on one of our little walks and noticed a huge Grand Opening sign going up. We could not believe our eyes when we read it, which was in large red letters. The sign read, Coming This Week - The Grand Opening of Eddy Arnold’s Chicken Restaurant.

    To say the least, we could not believe our eyes, moving right next to us the legendary artist Eddy Arnold’s restaurant and the sign said, Mr. Arnold will be here for the Grand Opening. We have been in love with Eddy and his music before we knew each other. It was one of the things we both had in common, our love for Eddy, and his music.

    Boy oh boy were we excited, we couldn’t talk about anything else, it was going to be quite an event and we would be able to be there and see Eddy live, in the flesh and maybe shake his hand if we were lucky.

    Lee was born August 5, 1969. Eddy’s place officially opened at the Grand Opening in mid-September, Lee was just 6 weeks old. As soon as they opened the doors for business, we walked over to see if Eddy was there. Sure enough, he was not only there Mr. Arnold opened the door for us to enter.

    Everyone in the place was in awe standing around with Eddy. We were not the only people who loved Eddy the place was really packed.

    We got some food and sat down as we watched Eddy just go from table to table greeting everyone. He made it to our table and asked if he could play with Lee. Of course, we said he could. Goodness! The great Eddy Arnold, picked Lee up out of my arms and was not only holding our baby, Eddy was walking around with Lee in his arms greeting other people who came to see him. What an experience it was. Lee loved walking around with Eddy. As parents, we could not believe our eyes, to see how much Eddy loved what he was doing. He was a natural so they say with the baby. There was not a whimper or a cry out of Lee, well not then anyway.

    We wanted a picture of Eddy with the baby but did not want to push our luck. Eddy must have been in the mind reading business. Five minutes after we finished our meal, Eddy came over to our table and said, Would you like a picture with me and Lee? Oh, yes Eddy, a picture would be wonderful, I have my camera right here. Eddy smiled at us and said, Yes I see that, and so does everyone else. We all laughed, and then Walt and I just followed Eddy. When we all got together, one of his anta rouge traveling with him took our camera and said smile. We were all set to have the picture taken when Lee let out the biggest cry. We just barely got him calmed down when the man snapped the picture, but you could still see Lee was whimpering. Eddy laughed and laughed since he had carried Lee all over the store for at least fifteen minutes or more and not a whimper out of Lee.

    This was the beginning of our son’s love for country music. Yep! Only a baby, but he listened to Eddy’s music all his life. Eddy’s music became Lee’s lullabies at nap times and bed times in the evenings. To our surprise, a picture arrived in the mail, the one taken with Eddy and our family. This picture was just like the picture we took of Eddy. Only this one was an 8X10 and it had a little blue paper on the inside corner which read To Lee from Eddy Arnold 1969.

    This picture has hung in our home by the stereo as a tribute to Eddy and the wonderful experience we had to meet one of Americans Country Legend with our son. We listened to Eddy’s latest records and continued to follow his career.

    We Find Lee

    Has a


    Lee was an exceptional child he excelled at everything. Just before Thanksgiving, 4 months old, Lee was sitting up all by himself. By mid-December, 5 months old, Lee took his first steps, by Christmas Lee was walking all over the house. Sometimes holding on to things; most times not, just walking in the middle of the room. We were just amazed at his progress.

    Lee started having problems sleeping at night. He was then only six months old and he would be up most of the day and sleep only 3 to 4 hours in the evening.

    We took him to the doctors; the doctor said to make sure Lee stayed awake during the day and put him to bed late. This way, he should be able to sleep through the night or pretty close to it. We kept him up all day long, wearing us out. It still did not have any effect on Lee what so ever. Still his sleep patterns had not changed.

    Back to the doctor we went again, this time the doctor had a plan.

    We can put Lee on medication to make him sleep for several hours and I strongly suggest it, so both of you could get some sleep.

    We did not like the idea for such a small child. Therefore, we decided as Lee’s parents, we would take shifts so one of us would always be up and awake when Lee was, instead of having Lee on medication at his young age. We did our shifts for almost 5 months. Then one evening while I was feeding Lee dinner he let out such an excruciating scream. Nothing we did calmed him. I ran to the changing table with Lee to see if a diaper pin might have come open and stuck him. When I removed Lee’s diaper, all I saw was a very large bulge in his groin area.

    Walt called our doctor, told him what we saw and we were going to the hospital. Lee’s doctor said he would meet us there.

    We rushed Lee to the emergency room; his doctors were waiting for us. Our doctor grabbed Lee and took off.

    We’ll be back in a few minutes.

    Our doctor was back in what seemed like seconds.

    Lee has a strangulation hernia and we need you to sign these forms. Lee needs surgery right away. We’re prepping him now for surgery as we speak.

    Of course, we were so worried for our son; we even had to ask the head nurse what a strangulation hernia was. All we knew it was serious. We were worried sick. He is only a baby, how was this happening.

    Lee was in surgery for almost two hours. The operation went very well. Lee and I were in the hospital over a week. It was not too bad as Walt went home, got our music player for Eddy’s songs and Lee calmed down when he heard Eddy singing to him. He was up and ready to walk the next day, but we could not let him. I had to hold Lee, and rock him to keep him still. With Lee standing up, it would damage all the work the doctors just repaired. The doctors were not using stitches on Lee; they used something new; a plastic mesh cover over the incision to keep the opening closed no stitches, and no scar.

    When time came and we left the hospital, Lee was doing great. The best thing was he began sleeping through the night. We attributed it to the fact this hernia had been bothering him for a while but we did not catch it until it got worse and was about to rupture.

    Lee grew to be a big boy and a good Christian boy. He was so smart in so many ways. We knew he was going to be a fast learner; his little story books we were reading to him, he knew all of them by heart. Lee could pick out the words from his little book right out of the newspaper when he saw them.

    Daddy, this is the and store and tea and this".

    When it came to Eddy’s songs, he could sing every word right along with Eddy. We were a singing family, especially when it came to Eddy’s songs and our Church songs also.

    By the time Lee was two years old, we were managing The Plantation Sunrise Apartments. The owner of the small 18-unit place came and told us, since we did so well with his small complex he wanted us to move to his larger complex.

    It was quite a jump both in size and in our salary. These apartments consisted of 320 units that were in eight separate buildings, along with three pools and a 14-man crew for the same attorneys we had with the small 18-unit place. Things seemed to be running along very well for us at that time. It was a big job, but we really enjoyed the involvement with our tenants and our staff.

    They all loved Lee. They could not get over how he loved to swim. Our boy was swimming under water when he was less than a year old. By the time Lee was three he was jumping off the side of the pool and swimming into our arms. He could swim like a fish people said.

    Walt and I became off property managers for the group of attorneys who owned 22 different apartment complexes, they wanted Walt and I to handle them all. This is when Walt and I found a house with a pool to rent on the option of buying. We moved into the house, Walt’s office was in the attorneys’ law firm building. He handled all rent collections, maintenance crews, people moving in or out and all others who came to do the lawns and the three pools. I did all the bookwork for all the complexes and gave the attorneys’ a monthly statement of monies collected and deposited into their account. We were happy.

    Our little family continued to follow Eddy, his career and his songs. We still had Eddy’s picture with our family hanging in our home next to our stereo. We always sent Eddy birthday cards every year. I am sure many people did, but we were very surprised when each year we received a little note thanking us for his card and signed by Eddy himself.


    Walt’s Ticking

    Time Bomb

    EXPLODES !!!!!

    We all were very happy in our home, our Church and in our jobs. Lee was almost four and then things started falling apart so they say. Walt started having severe headaches over his eyes. We thought it was his eyes, stress, or something like that. He started taking aspirin, like every four hours. When that did not help, we went to the eye doctors to see what was going on. They told us nothing was wrong as far as they could see from all the tests, but ordered him a pair of strong reading glasses. The headaches continued for several months. Walt began taking aspirin by the handfuls, which was way, way over kill with no results.

    We can’t keep going on like this the aspirin are going to kill you, you’re taking way too many of them.

    Alright, I’ll cut down on taking so many. But my head is splitting sometimes with no relief.

    We made an appointment at our regular doctor to see what he had to say. They could find absolutely nothing wrong to cause these headaches. The doctor prescribed a medication for Walt, something to relax him. They thought he was having tension headaches. Still nothing was changing.

    On one lovely summer evening, a special dinner was waiting for the three of us in the dining room. Everything was on the table and Lee was in his booster chair. Walt was watching television in the living room, so I went in there.

    Walt dinner is ready and on the table whenever you are ready.

    All he said, Ok.

    I returned to the dining room to fix a plate for Lee. Walt walked into the dining room and looked at the table.

    What kind of meal do you call this? It’s not fit for pigs.

    Walt proceeded to upend the dining room table. Food and dishes started flying everywhere. Dishes were crashing and breaking as they hit the walls and floor. Yelling for Walt to stop and lifting Lee quickly out of his seat we ran to his bedroom and locked the door to keep us safe. After about ten minutes, everything became quite and we walked quietly out of Lee’s room.

    When we returned to the dining room, Walt was gone.

    All that was there was the Hugh mess to clean up. Picking up Lee’s booster chair, we went into the kitchen so he could eat. Where Walt was, who knew. However, when searching for him, he was lying across our bed in the bedroom sound asleep. Afraid to wake him, it was, let sleeping dogs lie.

    After feeding Lee a little quickly, he then went to bed. Lee went quietly and so glad he did but at the same time sorry, this had to happen in front of him. Walt never actually raised his voice or came close to doing anything like this in all our years together. Now the mess in the dining room had to be cleaned up; spent most of two hours cleaning up the mess, cleaning the walls, throwing away broken dishes, glasses etc. all the while crying.

    While cleaning Walt came walking into the room looking for something to eat. He just stood there, looking and watching.

    What the heck happened here while I was sleeping? Did someone come in here and do this? Tell me hon, what happened?

    Yeah, like you don’t know what YOU did here tonight in front of Lee? Come on, you cannot say you do not know anything you did tonight. How can you stand there and say you do not remember Walt. If that is so then something is wrong with you. You are a danger to Lee and all of us Walt. Tell me what happened here tonight so I can understand and get you some help?

    Walt just stood there, and then walked away, got the broom and dustpan to help pick up broken dishes scattered all over the floor. He really could not remember a thing. The last thing he remembered was watching television awhile and nothing after that.

    Walt, we have to go to the doctor and find out what is going on here.

    However, weeks went by and he would never go. Then one night he was playing with Lee in the living room and Lee dropped something he was to hand to Walt. The next thing I heard was Walt become extremely angry and yelling at the top of his lungs at Lee (which he never did), hearing all the commotion, and rushing to the living room just in time to get between Lee and Walt.

    As Walt came down with his hand to hit Lee, I shoved Lee behind my back. Walt hit me instead. I grabbed Lee and ran out of our house to my neighbor next door. I could take a lot, but when Walt was putting our child in harm’s way, I was not going to stand by and let that happen, ever. I called the police, told them what happened a few weeks ago and what had just happened.

    Stay out of the house, I have patrol cars on the way and should be there any second now.

    When the police pulled up, Walt called the neighbor’s house to say~

    Jan, you tell the police I will kill the first policeman that walks through my front door. This is my house and they are not welcome.

    Not aware if Walt had a gun but told the police what he said.

    He’s out of control we don’t want any problems with him.

    Explaining to the police what Walt did a few weeks ago, the police thought from that and now with this, possibly Walt had some medical issues.

    Well, maybe we better just leave him alone and he’ll sleep it off again. For right now, we do not advise you and your son to go back into the house. He is a danger to you and himself. For tonight go to a motel with your son and do not go back to the house tonight. Tomorrow we will escort you back in to get your clothes and things needed for your son etc.

    That is exactly what we did. Pam the neighbor was nice enough to put some things together for us to sleep in and off to the motel we went with the police escort. The next day we called Walt’s office and told him the police would be escorting us to the house to pick up clothes for a little while.

    Walt, I won’t be back until you go to the doctor and find out what exactly is wrong with you.

    I’m so sorry honey; I will get to the doctor when I can. Where are you and Lee? I need to see you both.

    Walt that’s not going to happen, I will not tell you where we are, but will keep in touch at your office number. Get an appointment and get yourself to the doctor.

    Walt was very upset, but there was not going to be another incident and no more chances for Lee to get hurt. We both loved Walt so much and Lee would always tell Walt, I love you to the moon and back daddy that’s how much I love you.

    The next day, while dropping Lee at Holy Cross Lutheran School and talking to Karl Kruger, the Pastor of our Church and Director of Lee’s school everything would be all right.

    Jan, don’t worry about Lee, he will be fine here with us. If we see Walt pulling in the driveway the police will be called immediately, and notify you.

    Thank you Karl, you know Walt has never been like this, never. He needs to get to a doctor to find out what is going on with the terrible headaches he has. Until he gets some answers, Lee will be in danger.

    Don’t worry about us here at school; go do whatever you have to do to keep you both safe until Walt decides to see the doctor.

    Thank you both keep in touch no matter how small of an incident, please.

    All bases are covered here go and do what you have to do. God Bless.

    Leaving the school, next stop was to the police department for the escort to get our clothes and personal items, Lee’s books and toys. Then off to do some apartment hunting. After seeing several apartments I found one and what a find!


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