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Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love
Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love
Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love
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Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love

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About this ebook

Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love: 50 country song lyrics, details, romance, relationships solutions and real actual love to improve your life. The lyrics interspersed throughout are about the author extraordinary experiences and schizophrenia in his life and inspiration. It all started in the spirit world and thereafter I was born into a lifes path where my life was threatened to come to an end, but being for ordained to accomplish my mission on earth I persisted. Marriage for me is still a struggle but successful considering my illness and many challenges I face. My stories are an inspiration to anyone for relationships and to others who suffer from mental illness or struggle with loved ones. The Ten Commandment is a guide to good relationships peace and prosperity.
Release dateApr 28, 2014
Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love

Doug Pargeter

The Devil must have known I would be a disturber of his kingdom because of all the opposition I received in my life from nearly dying twenty two times to being stricken with two kinds of schizophrenia of which I have triumphed over due to my faith. My family was discouraged from being part of my life but I kept my self busy in spite of my illness writing books singing and song writing. Going back to my childhood I almost drowned when I was a toddler, when I was eight year old I was almost smothered to death when my underground fort caved in around me and my father saved me. After that there were twenty attempts on my life and God was there to save me he had just each time. I could feel his loving presence many times and hear his voice saying he had just saved my life. Sometime adversity can weaken a spiritual person if they do not have their heart set on the things of God and sometimes he tests us to see if we will prove ourselves if we will do all things he asks of us. Knowing he wanted me to write my experiences soon adversity arose. I had to go thru divorces and being put in a nursing home falsely because the medication was toxic to me. I spent twenty years on a medication which didn’t stop my symptoms and was covered up in favor of the manufacturer and bonuses at the VA because it was widely utilized. This led to divorces due to my paranoia. What Joy I felt as I was given the right medication and also healed from the paranoia thru my faith in Christ. I was born in Seattle WA in 1949 and grew up there in the same home my parents lived in for all their married life unlike myself who moved a lot of times. I was gifted with my hands and learned to build at an early age, I could build a motor bike and a boat and trailer or a house by the time I was in high school because of my creativity. My creativity allowed me to design and build several houses. I developed my education into a Bachelors of Science equivalent and became a Design Engineer and manager for Northrop, Los Angeles CA. My song writing ability took off later in my life and started to develop my own song over 20 years and still want to publish some for the 120 of them to marketable CD’s. I included them in my books though while living in our spacious country home in La Vernia TX. After becoming disabled in 1993 I spent a lot of time attending group at the South Texas VA Health Center for treatment not and found a doctor that finally believed in me and got me the right medication which was aided by the Lord and a miracle no longer suffering from paranoia due to my blessing from the Lord. There was thought to be no cure for schizophrenia and I was so happy that I had paranoia no more. I also contact prostate cancer which the prostate was removed completely with a 30% chance that it would return again. But after the surgery when I was in great pain so much that the morphine wasn’t enough the Lord came to me and touched me and healed me I knew he was there because of his greater overwhelming feeling of love which I felt at the time. The results I have been cancer free with no chance of it returning for 7 years. I had never felt such pure love as strong as I did that day which took away my pain and brought me peace and comfort but it made me feel weak when he was gone. I lost my mother at 91 years old a few years later and he had led a good life a righteous life and went to meat her God and friend I will publish her family History and genealogy work and give it to my children to bring them close to me. I have filled three missions for my church and served in the priesthood for most of my life and later in my life as a High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. I have baptized my five children, many friends into the church giving me much Joy and happiness. Somehow thru my poor example of anger while my children were living with me caused them to be victims estranged to me later in life. Some things you just can’t take back and undue even with great faith because you can’t take their agency from them to choose for themselves and I repent and I’m greatly sorry and hope my book will reach their hearts some day and they will return to me. My life is full now and the Lord is with me in my decisions as an Author of four books singer and song writer as well as my marriage and being a disabled veteran I also serve in the priesthood.

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    Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love - Doug Pargeter

    © 2014 Doug Pargeter. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/23/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0301-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0302-0 (e)

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    Bible Scriptures taken from The Book of Mormon, Copyrighted 1979 and published 1991



    Chapter                        Subject

    1                        Country Song Lyric’s

    2                        Tough Love

    3                        Romantic love

    4                        God’s Love

    5                        Love of Money

    6                        Self Love

    7                        Love Thy Neighbor

    8                        Loving God

    9                        Conclusion

    Marketing headline


    Heart Felt Lyrics 2 and Actual Love: 50 country song lyrics, details, romance, relationships solutions and real actual love to improve your life. The lyrics interspersed throughout are about the author extraordinary experiences and schizophrenia in his life and inspiration. It all started in the spirit world and thereafter I was born into a life’s path where my life was threatened to come to an end, but being for ordained to accomplish my mission on earth I persisted. Marriage for me is still a struggle but successful considering my illness and many challenges I face. My stories are an inspiration to anyone for relationships and to others who suffer from mental illness or struggle with loved ones. The Ten Commandment is a guide to good relationships peace and prosperity.

    Key word phrases


    My key words are Schizophrenia, song lyrics, relationships, romance, love, country, inspiration, poems and The Ten Commandments.`



    My song lyrics reflect the truth about life and provide stability, comfort and inspiration. Lyrics are country songs reflecting life’s experiences and treasures. Suffering and miracles in my life have taught me truth. I must have been a singer and song writer in the preexistence, because it comes so easy to me. My last marriage is a keeper I hope. My wife was the only one who fought for me and who was excepting me for who I am. Now I’m questioning our relationship due to my schizophrenia.

    Do you want to be a better person? They include life’s challenges, love and romance, new and lost relationships, and life’s greatest choice, inspired out of a failed and successful marriage, it seems like everyone was against me back then now it look like paranoia. See Heart Felt Lyrics at . The song lyrics I Love You Too speaks for its self and is available at,

    My illness made it possible to have the time to write the book and many songs over the years, I began in 1989. I was unable to work but found the time to write. In 1973 I was a weather observer in the USAF in Ansbach Germany an army base where I had my first symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. I lived with it unaware until 1993 when I became disabled. I had the privilege of working while suffering from my schizophrenia and became a college graduate, worked as a drafter and a tool designer becoming manager. I also built several houses on my own and developed a limousine company before I became disabled.

    My illness made me unable to work at any gainful employment It wasn’t till 2011 that I decided to compile my song lyrics and write my memwas. It wasn’t easy as I had to put up with constant distractions from my schizophrenia disjointed thinking. During my life I married five times due to repercussions of my illness. In my lyrics I reflected on the renewing of relationships. My relationships were stormy due to the nature of the illness but decided to let my wife know I had schizophrenia beforehand the last time creating trust where I needed it allowing her to put up with my paranoia. I have suffered as Job and regained much that I lost and I hope to share my success with the world thru my books and song lyric’s which has become therapy to me. See Insight into Disability and also Heart Felt Lyrics at

    About the Author


    The Devil must have known I would be a disturber of his kingdom because of all the opposition I received in my life from nearly dying twenty two times to being stricken with two forms of schizophrenia of which I overcame to write song lyrics, sing and successfully marry finally. My family was also discouraged from being part of my life but I keep myself busy in spite of my illness singing and song writing. Going back to my childhood I almost drowned when I was 8 year old and I was buried alive in an underground camp but saved both times. After that there were 20 attempts on my life and God was there to save me each time in spirit to come forth today to serve him.

    I was born in Seattle WA in 1949 and grew up there in the same home my parents lived in for all their life. I was gifted with my hands and learned to build at an early age, I could build a motor bike and a boat and trailer or a house by the time I was in high school. My song writhing ability took off later in my life although I could sing along with the radio on many of my favorite songs in grade school. I started to sing Karaoke in 1989 and soon memorized many pop and country songs until I wanted to develop my own songs but I wasn’t able to record them until fifteen years later. I sang acapello and copy righted hundreds of songs but didn’t get around to recording background music until recently.

    After becoming disabled in 1993 I spent a lot of time attending group and being treated for schizophrenia and depression but out of the journal entries over the last two years I discovered how to treat my paranoia myself more effectively thru music. I still used the conventional treatment methods but found a breakthrough to help, journal entries to look back for discovery of my symptoms along with relying on my feelings from my music. I strongly believed I was in the army and the air force when I was only in the air force. I believed I did a tour in the army because I dreamed about it, fuzzy memories seemed real to me. Often I would wake up from a dream that was recurring that referred to it but during the day it seemed real and not a dream. I saw troops and tanks on my property and I was storing food for the time when the nation would collapse into anarchy. Was this a paranoid delusion or was it real I had no idea? The group heeling helped me to make contact and deal with my demon symptoms thru

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