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The Tangled Web of Wicca: Through the Eye of a Traditional Wiccan Witch
The Tangled Web of Wicca: Through the Eye of a Traditional Wiccan Witch
The Tangled Web of Wicca: Through the Eye of a Traditional Wiccan Witch
Ebook301 pages5 hours

The Tangled Web of Wicca: Through the Eye of a Traditional Wiccan Witch

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About this ebook

I am a Traditionalist. A Traditional Wiccan High Priestess Witch.
I am not a person with an Ivy League education. Nor am I a scholar with 6 or 7 degrees!
I do not speak any language other than English, a few choice Spanish words and some pig latin. I don't use big fancy words where you have to have a dictionary to read the book and I don't use long, complicated sentences that you have to read 16 times to understand what I'm saying. I'm not a professional writer and even if I were, I felt this book needed to be written where anyone could read it without any difficulty no matter the level of reading one does or how long they've been on the path of Wicca.

Most people will agree there have been many books written on the subject of Wicca.
So many of them it can become confusing and frustrating for the Novice because most books are simply bits and pieces of Wicca thrown together coupled with a person's personal opinion and experience. There are many important details left out.
Details that are inclusive in most Traditional Wiccan training.
Keep in mind there's only one way to receive full training and it does not come from a book or from the internet.
This book is different than your average "how to" book on Wicca.
There are no spells. It is not about magic.
There are no instructions on how to cast a Circle or how to call the quarters.
There's plenty of books out there on all of those subjects.
If that is the kind of book you were expecting, I am happy to inform you that it is not.
This is a book that explains a (seemingly) fast disappearing perspective regarding important protocol and important elements that are missing in today's practices within the religion of Wicca in our American Wiccan communities today.
A perspective (believed by many) that should return.
The book also points out some of our problems and issues in the Wiccan community that are going on here today in the United States. Problems and issues that have arose since the occurrence of Wicca's massive growth spurt and the booming book and internet industry that surrounds it!

This book is written based on my training, experiences, knowledge and information that I have personally gained over the years from walking and living the life of a Wiccan Witch.
There is information contained within this book that you normally would not hear or know about Wicca unless you had (or have) a teacher. Teacher meaning a "Traditional Wiccan High Priestess or Priest Witch" to help you along, to guide, direct and train you.
The sole purpose of this book is to give you some of that information that you would not receive without training, without an experienced High Priestess or Priest to give it to you.
Much of it is information that you will not find in books and is vital to Traditional Wiccan practice. Some which is basic Wiccan protocol that has been passed down orally and/or verbally through the generations, some since the beginning of Wicca and its oral Traditions in the United States. Oral and verbal protocol that was (and still is) being given to Novices in their beginner level training in some of the working Traditional Covensteads.
My hope is that it will provide the reader/s with a fresh (yet certainly not new) look at Wicca and hopefully help guide them in the direction that's most beneficial for them.
If you find it to be controversial for, remember this is a perspective coming from a Traditional Wiccan Witch who has been formally trained in a Tradition of Wicca in a Traditional Wiccan Coven.
Either way, I hope anyone who reads it will get something from it even if its just a small something and that it will help in some way as you step onto the path of Wicca or onto the next crossroads of your journey in Wicca.

Before you begin to read this book, please understand that I am not staking any claims that I am the "Wiccan Guru" or the "Grand Poohbah of Wicca"!
I have never claimed such nor will I ever claim such !
So please do not take my words out of context or twist them in
Release dateOct 25, 2014
The Tangled Web of Wicca: Through the Eye of a Traditional Wiccan Witch

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    Book preview

    The Tangled Web of Wicca - Rain Dove

    © 2014 Rain Dove (Suzy Smith). All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse    10/23/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-4121-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-4122-0 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Chapter 1    Back To The Future

    Chapter 2    Don’t Shout From The Roof Tops!

    Chapter 3    Wicca Is (Not As) A Religion And A Faith

    Chapter 4     Where There’s A Will

    Chapter 5     So You Wanna Be The Buddha?

    Chapter 6    Witch Vs Witchcraft Vs Paganism

    Chapter 7    The Keys

    Chapter 8    The Circle Is Open But Never Broken!

    Chapter 9    The Tangled Web


    About The Author


    Dedicated To Community

    In Service To

    The Lady and Lord

    I owe a great deal of gratitude and thanks to so many people. From the very beginning of my spiritual journey there have always been people in my life and within the community who have influenced me, encouraged me, stood beside me, believed in me and have been supportive of me and all of the endeavors I’ve set out to do in this path. I can’t thank all of you for the things done and said over the years nor is there any way I could ever name all of the people. Know that you are thought of even if your name is not here. It truly has been an adventure so far and I look forward to the coming years.

    My thanks and gratitude go to the following people:

    1.   MY MOTHER and FATHER - My closest and dearest friends in all of the world. They both have left this life and moved on to their next. My parents were always supportive of anything I’ve ever set out to do. They were always right beside me. They were there for all things emotional, all things mental, spiritual and even monetarily. They were my number one fans. Life is all about throwing your own paint on your own canvas. My parents allowed me to do that. I could never thank them enough. I love you Mom and Dad and you are both missed so very much.

    2.   DEBRA WALLIN - A wonderful mentor who guided me in the first phases of my spiritual journey! During the course of our studies in Eastern philosophies coupled with her support and guidance Debra was very instrumental in leading me into the Occult and into Wicca. Her friendship, her care and compassion, her strength and ability to help others is (was) a great addition to my life. Debra has a peaceful spirit yet a strong and bold personality that is fun, bubbly and charismatic that will reel you in like a fish on a line! Thanks for reeling me in, Debra! I love you.

    3.   BROCK BARRETT - Another mentor who helped Debra guide me in the beginning of my spiritual journey. Brock was from the Bahamas and I could sit and listen to this man talk all day long and be taken in not only by the words he would say but by the sound of his voice and his beautiful accent. Brock was not only a mentor but a good friend! His humor, insight and intelligence always brought forth some small awakening within me. He was a man who understood me more than I understood myself. Brock has moved on to another plane and is still missed very much today.

    4.   BETWIXT & BETWEEN PAGAN COMMUNITY CENTER - (The Entire B&B Tribe, Dallas, Texas). For the support that you provided for the Pagan community as a whole and offerings of help that were extended and graciously received by several incidences that occurred in the Dallas area and for providing a place for our community to convene and gather so that we could all enjoy the camaraderie of like minds, B&B was some of my first encounters of the Pagan, Witch and Wiccan community as a whole. I am grateful for every experience I’ve had within those walls and thankful for all of those I met!

    5.   THE FIRE ROSE COVEN - (High Priestess Ember/Michelle Janes and High Priest Graystar/Ross Janes) for accepting me into their Coven, opening their home to me, for teaching and training me, for sharing with me all of the things they had learned and experienced in their own paths. HPS Ember and HP Graystar’s uncanny abilities as a teacher have been more than a blessing in my life. A heart felt thanks for their patience and their understanding they have given me over the years. A mound of gratitude for the giving of time, energy, blood sweat and tears through the writing of this book, their unbelievable talent for listening as I ranted and raved on different topics through the writing of it! I am grateful for both of them and their support in all the things I’ve set out to do thus far in my journey and am humbled by their continued support today. They have been there since the beginning with me. Through the loss of my business to performing our hand-fasting, she’s always made herself available at the times she was needed (one true quality {out of many} of a great teacher) and even though today we are suppose to be equals, I will continue to see HPS Ember as my teacher, my High Priestess, my initiator and Witch mom and HPS Graystar as my High Priest and Witch dad and both of them as true friends forever. They are both in my life to stay. I love you both dearly.

    6.   JOHN AND DEBBIE WILSON - for all of their support and hard work during the days of The Celtic Cauldron and RELEAF, for their work on the BOD of RELEAF, for donating their talent and time with music and food, a huge thank you for their time and energy with the work for the events we held and the work we were doing for our animal kingdom! I cherish those memories, our friendship and what fun we had together! I love and miss you both!

    7.   KAREN AND ED RICCARDE - for all of their support and hard work as part of the BOD during the RELEAF events! A huge thanks for the donation of their talent, time and energy in all matters concerning the events we did for our animal kingdom, from the music of Eammons Kitchen to the art work Ed produced for our t-shirts, I am forever grateful, and of course I’m grateful and thankful for the friendship we’ve had all of these years! I love you both!

    8.   RED MCWILLIAMS - I am so thankful that I had an opportunity in this life to have met you, to have gotten to know you, to hang out with you on many occasions and thankful to have had the fun we did! The memories I have are some of my fondest. From the Celtic Quill to RELEAF, I thank you for the donation of your time and talent for the cause and for community. I thank you for sitting on the BOD of RELEAF from the bottom of my heart. You are still a very special person in my life! You always have been and always will be. I love you Red!

    9.   TEXAS IRISH AND CELTIC FESTIVALS - for allowing me to participate as a vendor/merchant and allowing me to bring in my wares as this was great exposure for me and the things I set out to do. A special thanks to the SCMA (Southwest Celtic Music Association) for joining us with our RELEAF events. It was always such a pleasure being with you at any event! Best wishes to everyone at the SCMA.

    10.   THE DRAGON AND THE ROSE COVEN OF GEORGIA - (Little Dove/Theresa Hodges, Epona Rose/Kimberly Braddy, Jezebel Rose/Meghan Braddy, Dragonhawk/Terry Braddy) - there’s so much I could say. First, a huge thank you for their continued support and encouragement, for loving me, for having patience with me, for understanding me, for being there when things get tough, for always caring, always being there no matter what, for all of your inspiration and the you can do it’s and for pushing me to do what you know I love and care about so deeply. You are all so very important to me and are an integral part of my life. I cherish our friendships, our sisterhood and brotherhood and the love we share between one another. I love each of you to the Moon and back!

    11.   RAYMOND BUCKLAND - for all of the work this fascinating man has done since the very beginning of Wicca’s emerging in the United States. A High Priest and founder of Seax Wicca and the author of several books on Wicca, Witchcraft and the Occult along with all of the work and participation for our community speaks volumes about his character as well as speaks loud and clear of the level of knowledge and intelligence this man possesses. His writings have helped hundreds upon thousands and they continue to help as they continue to come into Wicca today. He is one of our most respected, regarded and honored Elders of our Pagan, Witch and Wiccan community. He is another pioneer in paving the way for all of those who have come behind him. I thank him for the support he has given me and shown me with the answering of questions surrounding the history of Wicca. He is deeply thanked for all of his contributions to our Pagan, Witch and Wiccan community through all of these years. A true scintillating and sophisticated man, there will never be another Raymond Buckland!

    12.   JANET FARRAR BONE AND GAVIN BONE - for their continued support in answering questions, taking the time for conversations about certain topics to help me gain a better understanding of things concerning Wicca (from the past and about it in the U.K.), a huge thank you for the work and writings of both Janet, Stewart and Gavin with their wonderful books which I have utilized and still use today. A huge thank you for Janet and Gavin’s continued work, efforts and contributions to the Wiccan, Witch and Pagan communities across the world today.

    13.   SELENA FOX - for her most intellectual insight, contributions and help to some of the questions in regards to the Pagan community as a whole, for all of the hard work she does for our Wiccan, Witch and Pagan communities in the political and civil rights arena. She is one of the trailblazers, one of the movers and shakers, a person who knows how to get things done. She sets an excellent example of how our community should be working both individually and collectively (for the betterment of and) toward not only equal rights, but all of the things we want, need and desire for all Pagans, no matter their path. You are a true inspiration and a blessing for our community and you are loved very much!

    14.   MARGOT ADLER - Margot passed on to the Summerlands before I could finish the book. I managed to get an email to her to thank her for all of her insight and help. Margot was one of our forerunners, our pioneer’s of the Pagan movement. Her concerns were for the Pagan community as a whole and even so, her personality and demeanor of a true High Priestess always shown through in everything she did and said. Some of us were truly blessed to have known her and the rest of us are truly blessed to have lived and walked this path alongside her. Goddess Bless her and all of the work she did for our path. She is loved dearly and will be sorely missed.

    15.   MY HUSBAND - could be the poster child for patience. I’ve never seen a person who has as much patience as this man. Thank you for supporting my dreams and giving me hope of success in everything I have aspired to do! I am amazed how you’ve always stood beside me throughout my journey and in my path even though you are not Wiccan yourself! You have supported me in all of my endeavors from the very beginning, from owning the shop to vending my wares on the road at different festivals and events to organizing RELEAF and helping with the work involved with that to listening to me rant and for being such a strong sounding board (thank the Goddess for headsets and i-phones, right?ha!) for being helpful with our home while I work long hours, for helping with family and for being more than understanding with it all, going above and beyond what would have been expected of anyone, while I took the time to write this book. It just shows that you are aware of the passion I possess to serve my Lady and Lord and community and understand how important it is to me. Thank you for being the person you are. I love you.

    16.   MY FAMILY - my brother, my two daughters, my son in law’s and my five grandchildren, all for being such an inspiration in my life, for lifting me up when I’m feeling down, for making me smile when I want to cry, for giving me a hug when I need it, for loving me unconditionally and for your support in all of my endeavors. I love you all!


    I am a Traditionalist. A Traditional Wiccan High Priestess Witch. I am not a person with an Ivy League education. Nor am I a scholar with 6 or 7 degrees! I do not speak any language other than English and a few choice Spanish words I don’t use big fancy words where you have to have a dictionary to read the book and I don’t use long, complicated sentences that you have to read 16 times to understand what I’m saying. I’m not a professional writer and even if I were, I felt this book needed to be written where anyone could read it without any difficulty no matter the level of reading one does or how long they’ve been on the path of Wicca. Most people will agree there have been many books written on the subject of Wicca. So many of them it can become confusing and frustrating for the Novice because most books are simply bits and pieces of Wicca thrown together coupled with a person’s personal opinion and experience. There are many important details left out. Details that is inclusive in most Traditional Wiccan training.

    This book is different than your average how to book on Wicca. There are no spells. It is not about magic. There are no instructions on how to cast a Circle or how to call the quarters. There are plenty of books out there on all of those subjects. If that is the kind of book you were expecting, I am happy to inform you that it is not. This is a book that explains a (seemingly) fast disappearing perspective regarding important protocol and important elements that are missing in today’s practices within the religion of Wicca in our American Wiccan communities today. A perspective (believed by many) that should return. The book also points out some of our problems and issues in the Wiccan community that are going on here today in the United States. Problems and issues that have arose since the occurrence of Wicca’s massive growth spurt and the booming book and internet industry that surrounds it! This book is written based on my training, experiences, knowledge and information that I have personally gained over the years from walking and living the life of a Wiccan Witch.

    There is information contained within this book that you normally would not hear or know about Wicca unless you had (or have) a teacher. Teacher meaning a "Traditional Wiccan High Priestess or Priest Witch" to help you along, to guide, direct and train you. The sole purpose of this book is to give you some of that information that you would not receive without training, without an experienced High Priestess or Priest to give it to you. Much of it is information that you will not find in books and is vital to Traditional Wiccan practice. Some which is basic Wiccan protocol that has been passed down orally and/or verbally through the generations, some since the beginning of Wicca and its oral Traditions in the United States. Oral protocol that was and still is being given to neophytes in their beginner level training in some of the working Traditional Covensteads. My hope is that it will provide the reader with a fresh (yet certainly not new) look at Wicca and hopefully help guide them in the direction that’s most beneficial for them. If you find it to be controversial please try to remember this is a perspective coming from a Traditional Wiccan Witch who has been formally trained in a Tradition of Wicca in a Traditional Wiccan Coven. Either way, I hope anyone who reads it will get something from it even if it is just a small something and that it will help in some way as you step onto the path of Wicca or onto the next crossroads of your journey in Wicca.

    Before you begin to read this book, please understand that I am not staking any claims that I am the Wiccan Guru or the Grand Poohbah of Wicca! I have never claimed such nor will I ever claim such! So please do not take my words out of context or twist them in any way! I ask that you understand and know that my words are in no way conveying that a person is not legitimately Wiccan or not legitimately practicing Wicca if they don’t do things the way I explain in this book or if they do not practice the way I do! It is not a book that says "do it this way and no other or that my way is the only way or the best way," not at all. The book was written for the reader to understand Wicca from a Traditional perspective to come to their own conclusions about what to do (if anything) after reading it.

    Again, this is a book written from my own training and experiences and from the knowledge I have gathered over the years of walking this path. I am sure some folks will go on with their usual way of doing things regardless of what I have to say. And I wouldn’t expect anything more or anything less. I do not wish to complicate things for anyone. I am in hopes it will answer some questions or rid the reader of any preconceived ideas or confusion she/he might have, maybe even eliminate some of the incorrect information you have come across during your seeking and/or walk in the path of Wicca thus far. If nothing else, maybe it will provoke thought on some new (yet not so new) ideas.

    With the people who are in the path of Wicca not following any protocol, not having any criteria to meet, not having or abiding by any rules of any kind is leaving a door wide open for mayhem. In my own personal opinion I feel the path of Wicca has gotten completely unleashed and it has caused a great many problems and issues for the religion and its original practices. I personally feel it is time we make changes that will help Wicca grow and prosper in a more positive way. These changes would include bringing the proper Traditional practices of Wicca back where they belong and where they use to be with the end result being that of a successfully recognized religion to these lands we live!

    Naturally, Wicca is not the be all or end all of Occult paths. Wicca is just one Occult path out of many that a person may learn and live. Learning as much as you can about the Occult is always encouraged. But if you are interested in Wicca (in particular) and you live in the United States, it would be wise to heed the advice of the older, trained and more experienced long term members of the Wiccan community who have practiced in the United States.

    Due to the love and passion I have for Wicca, I have been called to write this book and I must thank every person who has been with me through this journey thus far. This is because all of you have contributed in some small way in my writing it, directly and indirectly.

    A thank you goes out to those of you who have purchased the book and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.


    Please forgive and understand that due to the emphasis and purpose of the book, you will find repeated information contained within its pages. This is because every topic goes hand in hand and ultimately back to its emphasis.

    If you do not agree with something I have stated in this book and wish to debate it, please be an adult about it and show your level of spiritual maturity by writing your own book in rebuttal to it. If you have something to say in defense or do not agree with something and do not wish to write a book in rebuttal, you may refer to the discussion page that has been set up on Facebook under the title of the book so we can discuss it. The one thing I ask is that you have enough respect for me and for my Tradition that you do not stoop to personal verbal attacks, my training or my personal experiences and perspectives just because you don’t agree with me! I would be most grateful for that! Thanks!

    Happy Reading!

    Rain Dove



    (The Past, Present And Future Of Wicca)

    I have experienced an exceptionally varied and exciting existence not least through meeting people from so many dissimilar walks of life and I must say Gerald Gardner was one of the most fascinating and lovable of them all. (Patricia Crowther / Gardnerian High Priestess / Phoenix Publishing 1998 and the book titled High Priestess / Page 208)

    When I embarked upon the path of Wicca, the very first thing that was said to me by my teacher was know your history. So the very first thing I will say to the reader is "know your history. Most neophytes (beginner students) ask what exactly does know your history mean?" It means begin your studies by getting to know the history of your religion. I’ve always told my students if you are going to follow a religion, don’t follow it blindly. Find out everything you can about it so that you can determine whether or not it will resonate with you and most importantly, to see if it will work for you. If a religion doesn’t work for us, we’re more than likely not going to be able to walk our talk because we won’t stick with it. Or if we do stick with it just to have something to say we believe in, it eventually could make us look hypocritical and even contradicting at times, saying one thing and doing another, very similar to the way other religious people today claim they are one way but act another. Neither hypocrisy nor contradicting ourselves looks or sounds very appealing. Even though all human beings are hypocritical in some kind of way or another, religious hypocrisy is something that is not easily accepted or overlooked. Just as those things are not appealing, neither is someone who doesn’t know their religion or their history pertaining to it. If we are going to follow a religion and if we’re going to be able to explain to others about our religion or even teach others about our religion, we need to know it ourselves. And if we know our religion then it isn’t so hard to walk our talk, either. Walking our talk is an outward demonstration of our adherences to our beliefs. It demonstrates that we do what we say, we live and what we believe and we don’t just talk about it. Our actions are what matters!

    To begin your research in the Wiccan path would include digging further back than when Wicca first began. We know that Wicca’s beginning dates back to the late 40’s, early 50’s and sooner or later the research you will need to do on Wicca will come. But first we must go back further than that and begin our research on Paganism in general. We would dig back into the history of our ancient Pagan peoples, finding out how they lived and what they believed before and after the downfall of Paganism during the Roman Empire, through the Inquisition and continue on reading and studying about it until we reach the resurgence of the Pagan movement in the present day. We would then begin our research on Witchcraft. During the research on Paganism you will more than likely cross paths with Witchcraft especially while reading and studying about the Inquisition. Either way, the research begins there, with ancient Paganism and Witchcraft. You can begin doing research on the internet or in libraries and reading materials by reputable scholars being sure to purchase recommended, credible and reliable books by reputable authors of our Wiccan and Witch community as well. Some of our books are written by our reputable Elders, some are not. It isn’t too hard to find out if someone is reputable or not. It may take a bit of digging, but if you are persistent, you can find the information you need and want about anyone’s credibility. We have to be cautious about where we are getting our information because there is tons of erroneous, incorrect and inaccurate information out there. If you read something and you’re not quite sure, just keep reading and refer to more than one reliable resource. You will eventually find the truth and/or the answer you are looking for. While you are reading and studying about these historical theories and facts of our ancestors, some of the information will seem disheartening and sad, sometimes even overwhelming. Some of it may sound foreign and some of it almost unbelievable. Keeping an open mind through your studies and reading through the varying information of facts and theories will help get you through your studies and if you really like history it won’t be a problem for you at all. I

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