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The Jade Skull
The Jade Skull
The Jade Skull
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The Jade Skull

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Several years had gone by since 12/21/12. The world was still spinning and life went on as usual.

- All except for a small group of home schooled friends in Knoxville Tennessee.

- Friends that would see myth turn into reality; reality turn into pain with the loss of friends and family. All for one man’s lust for the power contained in……….

Release dateApr 14, 2014
The Jade Skull

Danny T. Jewell

I have witnessed many things in my personal life and 8 years as a Marine. These things have set in motion my love of the Spiritual side of mankind and given me the inspiration to write. I started out my life as a 6 month baby weighing in at less than 2 pounds. A thunderstorm had knocked out the power and I was birthed by flashlight. The doctor said I would not make it through the night. I live in Apopka Fla. and have a love of the written word and want to use this love to relay my beliefs in mankind and eliminate the stigmas given to someone for their color of skin, sexual orientation or religious background. I do not believe in indoctrination, only in information with a positive outcome. Thank you Authorhouse forgiving me this opportunity.

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    The Jade Skull - Danny T. Jewell

    © 2014 Danny T. Jewell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse   11/19/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0386-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0388-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0387-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014906615

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    Chapter 1     A Dream Gone Bad

    Chapter 2     Diggers Mystery

    Chapter 3     Ralphs Hot Dogs

    Chapter 4     J.M. Bailey

    Chapter 5     Making The Rounds

    Chapter 6     Memory Lane

    Chapter 7     A Friend Says Goodbye

    Chapter 8     Interrogation

    Chapter 9     A Downpour

    Chapter 10   The Doctor Is In

    Chapter 11   Best Friends

    Chapter 12   Bar Room Chaos

    Chapter 13   Hide And Seek

    Chapter 14   Best Laid Plans

    Chapter 15   Jack Be Nimble

    Chapter 16   A Broken Key And A Riddle

    Chapter 17   The Doctor Is In

    Chapter 18   Hitting Home

    Chapter 19   Sadie’s Friend

    Chapter 20   Down On The Farm

    Chapter 21   The Good Senator

    Chapter 22   Old Friends

    Chapter 23   South Of The Border

    Chapter 24   Naked And Screaming

    Chapter 25   The Spirits Within

    Chapter 26   A Tall Tale

    Chapter 27   Tribal Law

    Chapter 28   A Fitting End

    Chapter 29   Pretty As A Picture

    chapter 1



    C apt. Dan stood at his favorite place in front of the big bay window in his home with a cup of coffee and took in the peacefulness of the wooded field across the street while taking in the smell of breakfast being cooked by his wife.

    His wife Sandy put her hand on his shoulder and said Breakfast is served Officer. He smiled, turned and started across the living room towards the kitchen.

    As he crossed the living room the phone rang and on the other end was dispatch.

    The voice on the other end said We have the report of a homicide between the railroad tracks and Jackson Avenue behind the music store.

    He turned to his wife and she said You look troubled.

    Dan asked Who is it?

    The Dispatcher answered I figured you would ask; It is Digger!

    He replied Will be there shortly.


    Dan replied I figured that when I became a Police Officer and later a Detective I knew that in time my career and my family and/or friends would cross paths. It has, No breakfast for me, just a muffin and coffee to go.

    She looked at him and he knew that inquisitive look. He said Honey; It was Digger.

    With a hand over her mouth she said Oh my!


    She watched him go out the door and called for their pet Beagle and said Sadie; there ain’t no sense in this going to waste.

    As she emptied the eggs and bacon into the dog dish she recalled her husband taking her to The Goldenrod a bar owned by a retired Marine named Dewey Slusher. He had bought the bar with his wife Jo-Anna.


    Early in his career as a marine he had come across a disabled vehicle on the outskirts of San Francisco.

    After assessing what was wrong with the vehicle and got it to running again he struck up a conversation with the owner who only introduced himself as Sal.

    Dewey told him where he was stationed and that he had a love of growing flowers and that his favorite was the Goldenrod due to its simplicity and color.

    A few weeks later his Company Commander approached him with a package.

    He opened it and inside there was a beautiful painting of a Goldenrod. It was signed and accompanied a letter that read "If I can ever be of any help to you, please; let me know and it was signed, your friend Salvador Dali.


    Soon after they started the renovation of the bar his wife was diagnosed with cancer.

    Before her passing she told him We came here because of the people and the beauty of the area. We bought the bar to live out our dream, now it’s up to you to carry out that dream. I will always be with you, name the place after your painting and think of me often, Love Ya.


    Business started slow. Not long after, the local Gays started showing up. Among them and not part of the usual crowd was a couple of guys Thomas Keider and Glenn Digger Adrington.


    She recalled Digger as a charismatic talker who worked for the Archeological Dept. at the University of Tennessee.

    Thomas on the other hand was just the opposite, an unhappy introvert that kept to himself.


    They would get out of hand from time to time and one day he called them a Bunch of Homos then one of them turned around and called him a Moho.

    Soon after he started to bond with them and realized they were great at keeping the place clean. They paid their tabs and twice a week they would go Dumpster Diving from 10:00 to 1:00 a.m. and bring back food and anything they could sell to help them get by,

    They became his estranged family.


    As she watched Sadie finish her bacon and eggs she got an uneasy feeling and said as much to Sadie. Something in my woman’s intuition tells me that his is far from over and we will be right in the middle of it.

    chapter 2



    D an drove along thinking of what to do next and pulled into the lot where a bar once stood across from the Bus Station.

    Instead of walking to the crime scene he went into the Bus Terminal and asked at the ticket window as to who was around that he could speak to.

    The manager on duty was a well-dressed woman

    He recognized immediately. Her name was Cindy and she seemed to add some elegance to the aging station.

    She stated I figured you would show up here this morning. Here are the ticket records and videos from the last twelve hours.

    He asked her Anyone see anything unusual?

    She replied "Other than the night janitor Robert Gaebler, no one knows anything. There he is now, feel free to ask him anything you wish.

    The Janitor approached and extended his hand.

    Robert Gaebler is the name, and yours?

    Dan Jacobson, Captain of Detectives here in Knoxville.

    Robert said All I can tell you is that in the beginning of my shift I was cleaning up around the station and noticed this guy getting off the night bus from Atlanta. He seemed to be waiting for a Cab at the pick-up zone. You know it is hard to get a taxi around here on a football night, even if it was just a pre-season rally for the players. He was looking over at the lot across the street and saw a late sixties Chrysler parked there, it was the one with the slanted trunk. Three people got out and he took off up the street at a quick pace I couldn’t make out the faces. One was average size, one was tall and thin, funny thing though the other one looked like a woman and they followed in behind the guy that got off the bus. Now if you don’t mind I have some metal detecting to get too on the south side.

    Dan shook his hand and said Will be in touch. Come by the station and give me a statement later. By the way, metal detecting is a hobby of mine too.

    The janitor smiled back at him and said; Will do.


    As he walked to the crime scene he noticed papers strewn all over the place.

    Halfway there he noticed spots of blood here and there.

    Dan walked across the tracks and looked fifty yards up the way where the crime scene tape was up, Officers were on the watch and the Coroners wagon was in place.

    As he approached the crime scene he saw the two people he wanted to talk to the most, Forensics Investigator Kipp Haddix and Sgt. Tomlinson, a beat cop who had been on many homicide scenes and knew how to conduct one properly.

    He looked at the two of them and said Kipp, Sgt. Tomlinson. What do you have for me?

    In unison they both replied Capn.

    Kipp looked at him and said; Didn’t take long to see the guy was hounded and stabbed, not with a knife but with something more like an Ice Pick, almost as if someone was torturing him.

    Dan looked at him and said Gather up everything in papers between here and the bus station and don’t forget to get photos, even the blood trail halfway between here and the station. I want it all on my desk as soon as possible and label it for my eyes only.

    Walking off and giving a wave of his hand Kipp said No Problem.

    Dan then turned his attention to the beat cop and said; How about a wrap-up in this and take a ride with me to Diggers Apartment.

    Sgt, Tomlinson’s spirit seemed to lift as he said; Sure thing, glad to get away from here.

    After checking the body for confirmation and speaking to the coroner Dan called over to Sgt. Tomlinson and asked; You ready to go!



    Silence was brief in the car as Capt. Dan filled Sgt Tomlinson in on what he had learned at the Bus Station.

    The old Beat Cop couldn’t help but exclaim Oh Crap, you know who as well as I do who owns that car, that two-bit gangster wanna be Jimmy Pallenger and from what hear on the streets he is working for Senator Lindstrom. I ain’t none too sure who the woman or the other guy was but this seems to rule out a mugging or a hate crime.

    A few blocks later he looked over to Captain Dan and asked; What the hell is going on here?

    As they drove up to the apartment building Dan turned to Tomlinson and said; I don’t know, that’s why we are going to his place and who knows, maybe Thomas is there and could supply us with some answers. Tomlinson thoughtfully asked; Has anyone gone to The Goldenrod and asked if anyone there knows anything?

    I called Dewey and he says everyone is on edge and in fear of it being a hate crime. I’ll stop by when things calm down and I have more facts to give them.


    They went up to the Managers door and knocked. It opened and there stood Steve Adams. They had crossed paths before due to health code violations and maltreatment of the guys from the bar.

    There stood a balding man of about 5’6" with a tank top that barely covered his protruding belly and looked as if it hadn’t seen soap and water for quite some time.

    The manager exclaimed Oh crap; I haven’t done anything to that bunch of flakes!

    In a sharp tone Dan said; First off, I am here on official business and while you are in my presence you will show them respect!

    The manager looked at him in disgust and said OK, then what are you here for?"

    I need to get into Glenn Adringtons apartment.

    With a smirk the manager replied; Got a warrant.

    The old beat cop stood back and watched to see how well the Capt. would handle this kind of circumstance and he got a mild surprise when Dan said; There has been a homicide and if I have to get one I will bring back Senator Atchley and half the health dept. with me.

    That do-gooder is all I need on my case. He went in and moments later came back with the key. Bring it back when you are done with it.

    As they walked Sgt. Tomlinson said; I thought you was a by the book kind of guy.

    Dan grinned and said; Sometimes you got to leave the book closed and wing it.

    They came to the door and Dan knocked…… No answer. He then slipped the key into the lock, turned it and the door opened.

    He let out a low whistle and said; Oh Frick. The place had been ransacked.

    The last time Dan had been there the place was neat as a pin.

    Over his shoulder he told Sgt. Tomliinson Take a quick pass through.

    Thomas Dan called out.

    Dan couldn’t help but take in the fact that each room was no different than the next. He came from the back of the apartment and said; Call for a team to come in here and see if they can uncover something.

    Tomlinson looked at him and said; What have we gotten ourselves into?

    Dan looked at him and told him to let him know what they came up with.


    Dan walked down the hall and knocked on a door he knew all too well.

    The door opened and there stood a sleepy guy he had met before and went by the name of Johnny Klemmer."

    Dan said; Hi John; I figure you know why I am here.

    I guess it’s about Digger.

    Yes, that and we are trying to locate Thomas.

    What are you trying to find that hateful turd for?

    Johnny turned a little pale and stated; ‘Do you think they will come after us too Capn?"

    Hope not; just tell the guys not to go anywhere alone.

    Johnny didn’t even reply, he just closed the door and Dan couldn’t help but feel sorry for the guys who lived here.

    He turned the key in and as he was pulling out the investigative team was pulling in and true to his reputation Tomlinson was directing them as to where to go.

    chapter 3



    O n his way back to the station Dan realized he had not eaten much that day so he decided to stop at Ralph’s Hot Dog Stand. Not only was Ralph’s the best place in East Tennessee to get a hot dog but it also was a good source of information.

    He stopped at the corner of Ogden Street and W. Depot Avenue, walked up to the window and said; Hi Ralph.

    Ralph smiled and said; Hi Dan, The usual.

    ‘Yep; that and any news you might have."

    The vendor just grinned and replied Word gets around this muddy little town by the river pretty quick does it not. He hung his head and said Sorry to hear about Digger. You know he will be missed around here and even more so over at U.T. Campus. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. As far as the guys that followed him; the tall one was Jimmy Pallenger and the shorter one was Phillip Walsh. Both of them are low key hoods. Now Dan, What I am about to tell you goes no further than the two of us.

    As always Dan said.

    Ralph took a deep breath and said; Do you remember several years back there was a Coroner that got caught with everything from pedophilia to necrophilia.

    Yeah, so what’s that got to do with Digger?

    Everything and nothing, go back in your archives and watch the news tapes on it. You will see two young adults, Otha and Barbara Stensen. They were at Dr. Drake’s apartment when he was Arrested and the police thought they were his next victims. Truth is, they were his students and friends. It was Barbara that was with Jimmy and Phillip when Digger was killed, furthermore, I am willing to bet Digger didn’t die quickly. She is a sick and sadistic spawn of Satan and her brother isn’t much better. Their idea of recreation is to join a bowling league just before and just after a kid’s league. They go to the hospital and look through the maternity ward window and call it Window Shopping. That is what you have to look forward to during your investigation.

    Dan looked down at his half eaten hot dog and realized he had just lost his appetite.

    He looked at Ralph and asked; Do you know why they singled out Digger?

    Not a clue.

    Dan put his hot dog in the trash can then came back up to Ralph and asked Is that all? I mean, you can’t make me stress any more than this can you? Without the WHY" I am left with more riddles

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