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The Book of Satyr Magick: Otherkin Shamanic Sorcery
The Book of Satyr Magick: Otherkin Shamanic Sorcery
The Book of Satyr Magick: Otherkin Shamanic Sorcery
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The Book of Satyr Magick: Otherkin Shamanic Sorcery

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The Book of Satyr Magick presents a path of shamanic sorcery for the Otherkin practitioner. Complete with meditations, spells, and rituals specifically designed for the Otherkin experience, it includes daemon correspondences for over thirty different daemons as well as obscure workings such as Ordeal Rites of Predator & Prey, Kitsune-Bi crystal talismans, and using shrunken heads as artificial entities. This is a book the Otherkin community has needed for a long time and is written for all practitioners, witches, shamans, and Otherkin alike.
Release dateApr 24, 2014
The Book of Satyr Magick: Otherkin Shamanic Sorcery

Lotuswulf Satyrhorn

Lotuswulf Satyrhorn is a certified crystal healer, shamanic practitioner, and meditation teacher and has been practicing magic for almost twenty years. He has been a practicing shapeshifter and Otherkin Satyr for the last seven years. He resides in Central Texas with his two sons.

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    The Book of Satyr Magick - Lotuswulf Satyrhorn

    2014 Lotuswulf Satyrhorn. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  03/24/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-7431-8 (sc)

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    Table of Contents


    1)   Becoming the Satyr/Inner Daemon

    2)   Working with Daemons

    3)   Meditations & Energy Work

    4)   Divination Practices

    5)   Otherkin Totemism and Shapeshifting

    6)   Otherkin Spells & Rituals

    7)   Obscure Spells & Rites

    8)   In Conclusion…

    Bibliography and Suggested Reading

    For Gaylen & Riley with love.


    A H, THE SATYR! WHAT a glorious being! Horned forest spirits of fertility and growth, a dancer and musician with Dionysus’ cohorts. The satyr is a sacred piper, a keeper of magic and wild poetic wisdom. He is the trickster and spirit of the crossroads and appears as the devil of the witches’ sabbat. From any account, the satyr is a very magical being; capable of both mystical healing and joyous revelry or the satyr can take us into the dark aspects of life and death. The satyr embodies aspects of both man and animal, wild and domestic, masculine and feminine. They are divine trickster spirits of life, love and joyous abandon. So what would it be like to channel one of these wild creatures and learn their ways, applying their wisdom and eventually becoming as like them as possible? Being Otherkin, I use the satyr as my spirit form or alignment. As an Otherkin practitioner, I work to embody the energy of a satyr and learn their ways through spiritual trance and ecstasy, with the highest place upon the path to be as an avatar of satyr energy in this life on Earth. I combine shamanic practices of journey and healing with daemon spirits of the grimoire traditions as well as pagan gods and goddesses.

    Whether you already live part of your life as an Otherkin or are simply curious about the magic that these wild spirits can bring you, this book is intended to bring the magic and wisdom of the satyr’s to life. I have been a practicing spiritual shapeshifter and satyr for almost seven years and have been practicing magic for almost twenty. Within these pages you will find my spiritual practices and magical workings, however eclectic they may be. You will learn much secret wisdom to add to your life as you follow the satyr through the deep forest and into mystical unknown realms. You will learn how to safely cavort with daemons and ignite the inner black flame, to burn away the blinding lies of society and reveal the truth of spiritual freedom. By finding your own matron or patron daemon and following the sacred daemon teachings, you can learn to transform your life into the life that resides in your inner most heart. What, sacred daemons and your inner heart? Yes, that’s right! For it is through opening your heart that we are able to face our fears and by facing our fears, we open our heart, finding our divine soul within. This is the key to other realms of shamanism and of the magical powers of the ascended masters, whether daemonic or otherwise. It is not meant to be spooky or oh, so gothic, but mystical and spiritual. Can you learn to communicate with daemons, learning to invoke and evoke their powers and aid into your life and being? Yes! But in these pages I will also remove some of the fears of dark magic and the occult, and hope to present a balanced practice of healing and empowering the inner self, light and shadow, to live a more fulfilling life. The daemons are ancient divine beings that teach a different way of life and spirituality than our society at large. Just as many world religions and witchcraft, the daemons teach and encourage us to take responsibility for our selves and for our life path. So brush off your drum, dig out your rattle and get your hooves ready as we take a mystical journey of transformation.

    Chapter One

    Becoming the Satyr/Inner Daemon

    I F WE ARE TO become anything in this world or any world for that matter, we first need to spend time learning as much as we can about what we want to be. Becoming a satyr is truly no different. We have to study the stories and folk-tales, constantly digging under the surface of these stories to find the inklings of truth still there but hidden from view. Even changing our beliefs and learning witchcraft, Wicca or some other religious path is a part of the life process of transformation. With diligence and perseverance, we can achieve enlightenment and become as a light unto ourselves whether becoming a daemon, faery, or satyr.

    In beginning our study of becoming a satyr, let us look at the many different traits that this wild forest being embodies. Satyrs are well known as fauns or goat-men of some sort or another all across the European country-side. They are, as are most faery or daemon beings, thought to influence events, being able to inspire men and women to poetic states of revelation or madness, to cause rain with their dance or song, to lure people into the forest for seduction, or to take them away completely. Early pagans called upon satyrs for healing or love spells, Dionysus, Faunus, Pan and Bacchus being of the main satyr gods. If we consider the horned men stories of many native cultures, some times they are the trickster or spirit of the crossroads, being related to goats, coyotes, donkeys, foxes and many other animals. In the African Voodoo and Hoodoo traditions from the Caribbean and Americas, we find deities and spirits of the crossroads that can be called upon in times of need for many different things. Horns are said to represent a higher state of intuition and spiritual wisdom although these spirits are demonized by modern culture and tradition, they are a necessity of balance. The personalities stay the same no matter the culture, always considered a wild being, sometimes helpful and sometimes destructive. For this work, we learn to understand the destructive traits, as equal and necessary in bringing about change, as magical beings are wont to do. We will focus on the procreative aspects for most of this work and teach about the dark aspects when the time is right.

    The satyr has even wormed his way into the grimoire tradition as the chosen form of various daemons. In the story of Faust, keep in mind that the demon Mephistopheles appears to have, through most of the story, goat-like legs, short horns and a beard. He uses his daemonic ability to influence Faust to push him into spiritual growth. As for the different endings to the story, I feel that much of this is according to the author’s belief in the church and Christian doctrines. From my stand-point, the daemon gives Faust an opportunity to see the workings of the universe and to gain a state of peace and wisdom. As the divine trickster, Mephistopheles has influenced him to rid himself of the constraints of life and society and grants him the gift of spiritual freedom. In this way, no matter the ending, he gets to become a realized being in a higher sense. Even with the ending of Faust being ripped apart by demons, this is a misunderstood view of shamanic transformation and the dying away of the old or lower self. The process of becoming a satyr or Otherkin is much the same as the shamanic transformation and initiations. So what we are trying to accomplish here is to break away from the ego or small self and to realize and attain our hearts true desire, to be as our knowing daemon self. We must learn and practice many types of meditations to clear and focus our minds and even be able to teach and guide others. We also need to learn musical instruments or improve our talents, if we already play music. The satyr spirit, when channeled can teach us magical techniques for music and sound for influence magic, trance, or healing. Of course, the classic satyr’s instrument is debated and differs from culture to culture. Sometimes the forest daemon plays a drone or double flute-like instrument, shawm, or transverse flute, at other times a pan flute or pipes. Through use of music and sound we can reach deep states of meditation and visualization, which we use for astral travel and journeys. We can also learn to cast spells with our chosen instruments through the realization that music tends to draw attention and express emotion anyway. A satyr will use drumming for shamanic trance, healing and journeys, as these are also instruments from Dionysus’ wild and noisy retinue of spirits and fae. If we are to complete this path, we need to become a strong spell caster and crafter, well versed in magic and herbal lore and able to heal or cast a curse as we need. We learn to invoke and evoke spirits as guides in the otherworld and helpers in this one. The satyr can perform healings or magical workings for the community or those that call upon him or her. The Otherkin practitioner can perform divinations to learn and expand the art of seeing in-between or predicting future events. In short, we need to bring the magic and joy out into our lives and into every aspect of the self.

    So what’s the difference between this path and the typical magical path? Most magical schools of thought give you more rules to frighten you and keep you from being true to yourself. You cannot find spiritual freedom if you are restrained and scared by too many rules, nor can you grow if you do not learn from different perspectives and/or religions. With the daemon teachings, you are encouraged to learn many paths and practices from all over the world, so that your process of becoming an enlightened being will happen of your own accord. By claiming your divine spark and knowing, we attain the realization of the multi-dimensional self and can eventually ground that magical self into the material world.

    Working with Aspects Of the Self

    Any Otherkin or shamanic practice is about the realization of the many different aspects of our self. Through this series of realizations over a period of years, we are able to bring them all together for the process known commonly as self-realization. To begin understanding our self, we must focus first on all the things we do, our aspects. Some of the things we do or enjoy, hobbies, our overall way of life, comes from our lifestyle and experience. Some of our aspects are brought about by relationships or emotional turmoil. Other aspects are according to our connection to nature and our inner animal, or power animal, totem, etc. Through finding our aspects, we become aware of the problems within our self and life. This is why most people, don’t like to talk about problems; it requires self-reflection, which many of us try to avoid. Understand that throughout this book, we will often be creating and working with various aspects of the self in order to learn to transform in spirit. The Otherkin is an aspect of the self, usually considered the representation of the higher self or divine spirit and can also represent the faery or otherworldly self. This is the magical loving and open being that resides in each and every person on earth. It’s just that many of us never find it.

    If a person is in a poor mental or emotional state, dealing with depression or have a mental illness, I would not advise working with the aspects of the self without the guidance of a psychiatrist or other medical professional. The problem would be that if you get stuck in one aspect mentally speaking, it could develop into a split or multiple personality disorder. If done in a controlled situation, the person can overcome traumas from life and honestly heal their self by realization that this is but a small part of them and integrating it into their being. Later we will be working with integration rituals for bringing forth our shadows, the aspects of the self that we try to ignore or fear, and healing them through understanding.

    Concerning Infernal Shamanism

    To write the words infernal and shamanism in the same sentence might seem contradictory, even for a satyr. Amongst the pagan and even satanic occult realms, shamanism is for healing and the infernal is about dark magic. What about the tribal and often taboo stories of shamans doing other, darker magic perhaps, relating more to a sorcerer? Well in daemon teachings, as you will learn later, it’s not what you do, its how you do it. A shaman or in modern terms, shamanic practitioner, is capable of journeying between worlds and can gain powers and insights through the very practice of it. Some shamans are called upon to work with the dead to help them cross over, as in cases of hauntings. Other shamans or practitioners of the art mainly work as healers in the community. I, as a shamanic sorcerer, work extensively with many different daemon spirits from the grimoire traditions for whatever magical ritual, spell or working is needed, whether for healing or crafting a magical entity.

    The word infernal, according to Webster’s New World Dictionary means of the mythological world of the dead or of hell. This means that the infernal shaman has become one of the underworld beings himself! This brings us to the shaman, being or becoming what we call Otherkin! I can still journey to the higher realms but my love is of the darkness and mystery of the underworlds. It is in the darkness that I find what I need for others or myself by finding my own light of wisdom in the shadows within. The shaman sees in the dark because he IS the light.

    To relate this to the astral sabbat traditions, which accompany the old grimoires and traditional witchcraft, the satyr is the central devil figure and the teacher and initiator of the sabbat as a patron of magic and witchcraft. The sabbat was an astral celebration amongst a coven that had attained or learned to make the witches flying ointment. This ointment was said to have been given to the witch by the black man of the forest, possibly in the form of a satyr, so that they could attain the power of astral flight. They can then be whisked away to dance with the demons. This is also the way of the satyr, to be a teacher of the craft of magic, but without the constant restraint and fear that worms its way into the normal world. The satyr/shaman can travel to the sabbat through journeys and join the revelry of the spiritual celebrations, or be a teacher in the physical plane, thus making him or her self, the leader and initiator of the new astral sabbat tradition.

    Concerning Otherkin Magick

    Magick as is commonly defined by the quote from Aleister Crowley as the art of causing change in accordance with will. Sometimes the new age community speaks of magic as being psychological self-help. Still others think of magic as a spiritual transformation. Some say that magic is about crafting spells and worshipping the Moon or Satan. So is there a correct definition? Well, yes and no, in this path. The Otherkin must realize that these are parts of the pathworking; the whole comes from the realization that we get all of these things from the practice of magic. So it is spells, it is psychological self-help and it is a religion as well as many other things. Magic for me, is all encompassing as my life’s passion.

    Understanding The Tools Of Magick

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