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A Revised Interpretation of End of Days
A Revised Interpretation of End of Days
A Revised Interpretation of End of Days
Ebook68 pages57 minutes

A Revised Interpretation of End of Days

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A Christian interpretation of the end times that breaks away from orthodox view points. It covers the events of the end times as they are predicted by Old Testament prophets and the Book of Revelations. This version is different from others in that it considers a revised history. The revised interpretation takes into account time periods that have not been formerly considered by other theologians.
Release dateMar 13, 2014
A Revised Interpretation of End of Days

Anthony Lyle

Anthony Lyle is a father, a grandfather, and a great grandfather. A truck driver, a programmer, and a brief stint in the Air Force during Vietnam. His wife passed away some years ago from cancer and has since remained a widower. He cares a great deal about his step-daughters and family. He has no main ties to any particular Christian denomination, but is a devout believer in Jesus Christ and God. He has spent some 30 years researching and studying the Bible, archaeology, world history, and some of the sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Geology, and Biology to get a full round picture of the world. His objective is to help others understand their place in the Plan of God.

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    Book preview

    A Revised Interpretation of End of Days - Anthony Lyle

    Chapter 1 The Deed to the Earth

    During the temptation of Yeshua by Satan, the last temptation was that Satan would hand over the entire kingdom of the world over to Yeshua if Yeshua would bow down to him. Yeshua never once challenges Satan’s claim, because Satan has the Deed to the Earth. It is his until the Kinsman (our kinsman is Yeshua) comes back to retrieve the deed.

    Why is this important and why start a book about the end times with this? I think many modern historians miss this important aspect of when and why Yeshua is coming back. They concentrate on Him coming to retrieve His bride (the Church), but they don’t spend much time on His retrieving the deed to the earth. That’s the ONLY way He can rule for a 1000 years during the Millennium (talked about later). This retrieval of the deed is mentioned in the Law of Moses as being related to the Yovel or Jubilee Period / Celebration. This single fact has everything to do with calculating the end of days and the end times.

    Satan was not in power during the time of Adam and Eve in the garden. The earth belonged to HaShem and Adam and Eve were in charge of taking care of that, at least that particular part of the earth that was called Eden. The moment Adam and Eve disobeyed HaShem, they SOLD the earth to Satan, and handed the deed over to him.

    In Jewish times, a family was allowed to sell their land to someone within Israel / Judah. At the end of a Jubilee or Yovel, a kinsman was allowed to retrieve the deed to the land back to the original family. In this way, land never really fully left a family, unless a family line ended and there was no one to retrieve the deed to the land. This was seen in the Book of Ruth. Boaz gave his shoe to the rightful kinsman for the right to the deed that would allow him to take possession of Naomi’s family land AND the right to marry Ruth. This could only take place on a Yovel year.

    This story epitomizes what Yeshua will do when He returns. He will retrieve the deed to the earth AND retrieve his bride, just as Boaz did. The bride is fully accepted by most Christian churches, but the deed part is often overlooked and forgotten. It is this part that gives us a HUGE clue as to when Yeshua will return to claim what is rightfully HIS. At that time, Satan will be bound for 1000 years, no longer having the right to wander to and fro throughout the earth and heaven.

    Chapter 2 The Yovel or Jubilees

    The Yovel is defined in the Laws of Moses as being a period of 7 sevens of years (or 49 years) + 1. The orthodox Jewish position is currently that the Yovel is only 49 years, but there have been many Jewish historians and theologians who do not agree with that and stick to a 50 year interpretation.

    The next question is when did the Yovel start? According to the Law, it was to start when Israel fully occupied Israel. In this definition, they had to be eating from their own production in the land, not from the farms of the preceding inhabitants. In Joshua, on the day of his death, it indicates that they had not fully inhabited the land as of yet and there was much work to be done. This means that the Yovel count could not start yet.

    The Hebrew standard is that the Yovel count started 14 years after the invasion of Joshua. This revised version disagrees with that interpretation based on the verse in Joshua that says that they had NOT inhabited the land fully yet.

    This obviously is a point of contention and irrelevant to the concept of the Yovel in this interpretation. It is proposed here, that the true Yovel count started when Adam and Eve inhabited the land in the 1st year. This starts the true Yovel count because that is when they lost the deed to earth and they needed a redeemer to redeem the deed! This also starts the 6000 year count for the work of HaShem typified by the first 6 days of Creation. (It is the belief here that the first 6 days of creation were not only literal, but figurative in telling us what HaShem intended to do in the next 6000 years).

    The year 6000 marks the end year for the 120th Yovel. This number has untold repercussions throughout the Bible. Noah and Moses both typified this number in their lives. Noah typified the 6000 years, by his life before the flood which was exactly 600 years, (1 tenth of the time of HaShem’s

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