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Curses from a Kiss
Curses from a Kiss
Curses from a Kiss
Ebook152 pages50 minutes

Curses from a Kiss

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Some say
The blacker the berry
The sweeter the juice
Come into this room
And let me put that phrase to use
Release dateApr 24, 2014
Curses from a Kiss

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    Curses from a Kiss - Enaesha Clay

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    © 2014 Enaesha Clay . All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/21/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9920-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9921-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9919-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014905614

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    A, B, C.

    Angelita Love

    Beautiful Mind

    He BGF’N Me

    Burning Black Rose



    Love A Million Times More

    Dark Walls

    Day Dreaming

    Deep in my feelings



    Fictionist Heart

    Flowers/Without You

    For Always

    Forever 21

    Forever I’ll Wait


    Good Girl With Bad Habits


    He Got A Wife

    His Heartbeat

    I am the city



    Lady Mackay

    **Late Night Tears**

    Love Existence


    More Than Words

    N 2 Deep

    Night Cap

    Night terrors

    Night’s Candle Light

    No Name

    No Room Left For A Broken Heart

    One Man’s Woman

    Owner of A Lonely Heart

    Piano Keys (As I Am)


    Prisoner of My Own Mind

    Remember Me, My Love

    Ruptured Heart

    Saturday’s World

    Sexual Senses

    Silhouette love frame

    Special Planet


    Standing Ovation


    Sweet Escape

    The outer limits

    The Pattern

    Throw Back Kinda Love

    Unbridled Passion

    Unchanged Love

    Until Later

    Was it just a game?

    Wasn’t Ready

    Writer’s Block



    I want to bring my audience to the peak of great sexual experience as I have when I wrote this poetry book.

    I want to thank God first and foremost, my family Terrion, Terrance, Luther and Victoria Massengale, Everett, and Armada also friends for always being there to listen to my poetry, my readers, my editors, consultants, publishers, and Jon Lopez because she never gave up on me for the 3 years I was trying to avoid her. She finally convinced me that it will be all worth it. Thank you

    A, B, C.


    you flow through

    my mind

    like electricity

    keep me vibrated

    while we do sex

    in the city

    its more to us

    then explicity

    let me express


    about what you

    mean to me

    you see

    when your at

    your best

    we don’t settle for less

    hugging and cuddling

    its worth more then sex


    when your at

    your best

    all I can do is

    touch and caress

    but let me make

    a correction

    I’ll take you to

    outer space

    when I fulfill your


    use my body

    and my tongue

    to perfection

    have you stunned

    and sitting at


    did I mention

    I’m guaranteed

    your satisfaction?


    oral, anal, missionary


    anything else and we’ll

    end up looking like

    an contraption

    aint nothing wrong

    I like a man who

    can go strong

    last all night long

    but that’s not what

    you mean to me

    you are more then sex

    its plain to see

    I like you for your


    I thank you for your


    and hopefully

    we will fulfill your


    but for right now

    let’s take it slow

    and start off like

    our abc’s…

    Angelita Love

    I fien for her

    more then dope

    her words I cope

    she don’t inside joke

    cause she’s always


    when I’m around her

    all I do is choke

    cause she brings that

    sexual smoke

    I can drink her

    like coke

    she a beast in bed

    she got that animal



    I got a man

    but I love being lesbian

    she’s more then my best


    she’s my companion

    and I’m her champion

    she got me higher then

    the sky

    I touch base with God

    just by looking in her eye

    I never see her cry


    Cause she’s stronger

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