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Are You There?: A Remarkable Story of Telepathic Communication with the Spirit World
Are You There?: A Remarkable Story of Telepathic Communication with the Spirit World
Are You There?: A Remarkable Story of Telepathic Communication with the Spirit World
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Are You There?: A Remarkable Story of Telepathic Communication with the Spirit World

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

As a young child, author N.L. Sher had experiences of enlightenment, but forgot about these instances until hitting the age of the early 40s. The author then began remembering these experiences, which came with new elements and happenings such as telepathic communication. But it wasn’t until the passing of Sher’s mate Carol that these gifts truly came to light—that telepathic communications and other talents were actually being realized.
Are You There? shares Sher’s journey of discovering that death is not final, that there is a way to keep loved ones who have passed, close. It tells how these communications provided peace, comfort, and joy. Through this story, the author narrates experiences of the metaphysical, of coincidence, and of channeling sessions and how these helped Sher stay connected to Carol.
With interviews from others included, the testimony provided in Are You There? offers evidence there is a way to maintain a connection with loved ones after they have passed.
Release dateJul 29, 2014
Are You There?: A Remarkable Story of Telepathic Communication with the Spirit World

N.L. Sher

N.L. Sher grew up in Duluth, Minnesota, and attended college in Washington, D.C. Sher moved to St. Petersburg, Florida, in the late 1960s and has been residing there since, spending summers at Sugar Mountain, North Carolina.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea
    By Chelsea Handler
    Simon Spotlight

    Any Chelsea fans out there? Whether you love her or loath her, you will definitely react to her humor. And this collection of essays is typical Chelsea. She is mean.....nasty.....insincere.....a shit storm on the horizon. Her cold and unfeeling slant really brings home the humor and will love her or hate's hard not to laugh. We have all been there! The humor will offend some......
    I liked this, overall but the best essays were the first 3. And chapter 10, in my humble opinion.
    Interesting quotes:
    Chapter 2: Chelsea In Charge
    " I have always been suspicious, but from that moment on, I knew without a doubt that my parents and I were not on the same page. We weren't even in the same book."
    "There was more adult supervision at the Neverland Ranch than there was in my house growing up. When a week before my fourth birthday, my parents told me to plan my own birthday party -I knew I was pretty much on my own."
    Chapter 3:Prison Break
    "It was quickly becoming apparent to me that this situation was much more serious than I realized. This was turning into a full blown episode of 'SuvivorWoman:Women of The Outback'. Not only were some of these women behaving like wild indians, but looking around the room, I knew that if I had any hopes of blending in, I would have no choice but to get a tattoo. "
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I picked this up on a whim while house-sitting and I really enjoyed it. I definitely laughed out loud often.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This girl is really funny on TV: raunchy, but not gross, it just is better on TV. Reading it requires me to imagine her delivery, and that is a strain. It is astill funny, but not as funny as watching her tell these stories live!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    If you like to listen to a person drone on about how drunk they got or how many people they slept with, then this book is for you. I don't mind the subject material, but it wasn't funny. Literary equivalent of shag carpet. Read some David Sedaris instead.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely entertaining the whole way through. This is the follow up to Chelsea Handler's first book "A collection of one night stands". In this book you get to know Chelsea's crazy, all over the place personality. She is funny and at times over board with her crazy antics. Her humor is over the top but I love her honesty. You will enjoy hearing more about her making up stories and meeting new people along the way.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    She is a great author. It was one of those books I never wanted to put down! It was hilarious and very well written.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I've never watched Chelsea on television, but had heard good things about her books, so I decided to listen to this audiobook. While there were parts that were amusing, I found her sense of humor too lewd for my taste. Without her sarcastic comments about everything, the stories were dry. But I guess that's what makes a mildly entertaining comedian - taking the ordinary and inserting as many obscene jokes as possible to amuse some people (no offense to people who like her - just not my taste).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was laugh-out-loud funny, but not the kind of funny you want your mom to know you understand. Every chapter gave me at least one guffaw-worthy moment. My favorite was when Chelsea's boyfriend admitted to some slightly questionable behavior with a dog - and with a peke-a-poo for that matter! If you're easily offended, this isn't the book for you. (Although if you're easily offended, you're probably not picking up a book with 'vodka' in the title!)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely hilarious! I made the mistake of reading the book in public--I looked like a crazy lady laughing hysterically by myself.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great and quick read... Chelsea is a great storyteller and while some stories may be quite a bit embellished, they're always funny. She's candid, frank and unapologetic - qualities people rarely have these days. It's refreshing and entertaining.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I read the first couple of chapters and couldn't get any further. Didn't find much humour.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very funny. I actually listened to it as an audiobook and have to say that I think that's the best way to enjoy the book. She reads it herself and has a perfect delivery, naturally. I accidentally inhaled my cheesy gordita crunch (love to eat when i drive) because I laughed so hard--thought I was going to wreck my car. Don't miss this one!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is her follow-up to her debut book, My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands. While I pretty much adored that book, I didn't like this one quite so much. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely funny; some of its chapters were funnier than others. I think it was mainly that the offensive nature of some of the humor and some of the comments was enough to make me feel a bit more uncomfortable reading it.In the first book, her father made some pretty disgusting comments that had an incestuous undertone to them. Those sorts of comments continue into this, and they always made me want to vomit. If he was really like that toward her, then it explains a lot about not only her humor, but her personality in general. Other things from the first book were addressed in this book. Her compulsive lying issue was mentioned in the first chapter of this book, when as a child she had to write Goldie Hawn to ask for her to back up some of her lies. This book marked the first time she'd talked about her dislike of redheaded men in one of her books. It was actually kind of enjoyable. I hope that saying that doesn't make me the worst ginger ever, but I kinda liked seeing her making fun of redheaded me; probably because I don't find them attractive either. It was also enjoyable to read about her tales of regifting, going to jail for fraud, and, oddly enough, Peekapoos licking her Persian boyfriend's genitals. (Yes, that last one is in there, and yes, that part was funny to read.) And sometimes I wondered if this woman who comes across as being so crass is also equally naïve.The funny parts of the book were good, but it wasn't really great. In fact, it felt like there was nothing truly extraordinary about this book. It definitely could have been better. As I mentioned, there was some offensive humor, which might seem like something you'd expect from Handler, but some of it was just way out there. The offensiveness and crassness of this book was just a little more overwhelming than I felt it should be. Maybe that's just me, though.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Mildly entertaining, but largely a waste of time.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Not nearly as funny as I was expecting.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I can't seem to comprehend why or how people think this woman is funny.

    With the exception of one line on page 137 where she's writing about her friend Ivory's blunt honesty: "Her style is more direct and she doesn't lie. While she's a very supportive friend, she makes no bones about telling people the absolute truth, no matter what. When months earlier I had gotten my eyebrows bleached in hopes of making my hair color look more natural, she said, 'You look like an albino, and not one of the fun ones. You need to get your money back and have them fix it. If they can't fix it, you're better odd without any at all.'

    Other than that, I didn't laugh or even crack a smile......
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    How did this become published? And why is it selling so many copies? While it's mildly funny, and totally sarcastic, I didn't really find any purpose to this book. It's written somewhat as a diary of experiences, none of which were exceptional.First of all, I picked this up (and a copy of My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One Night Stands) on a recommendation from my sister. I happened to listen to this one before reading the first one. (I'm not sure that I'll read the other, but since it's on my Kindle and I paid money for it, I might try.) I'm aware that some people really like Chelsea. My husband for one, likes to watch her show on late night T.V. I'm not that fond of it myself, but still thought I'd give this book a try.I did finish the book, and I did occasionally laugh out loud, other than that, I can't say anything else about it. There's no real story line, and it certainly didn't leave me wanting more. I also didn't make me think, or leave me with anything. Sorry, but no recommendations for this one from me!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was hilarious. i highly recomend it for everyone. i laughed really hard. If you watch her show Chelsea Lately you will love it. it is not the most appropriate book but it is good.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I've never seen Chelsea on television, but I had heard great things about this book, so I decided to pick it up anyway. The first two chapters weren't funny at all, and I didn't bother reading the book again for a few weeks. The rest of the chapters were mostly funnier, but there wasn't anything side-splitting here. Sure, I laughed out loud a few times and I am definitely not a prude, but I just didn't find her type of humor all that funny. I've already bought another of Chelsea's books (My Horizontal Life), so I'll read another book by her, but I really can't see myself recommending it to anyone.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A hilarious collection of stories from the author's life. The topic runs the gamut from dating to family to awkward social engagements to travel. I laughed out loud several times and even did an actual spit take at one point.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    She is not anyone that I would want to be or for my kids to look up to, but I so want to be her friend. She is naughty and funny, wild and mouthy. I can't wait to pick up her next book. she is just out there. DO NOT read if you are prim and proper and think that every lady should be. Only read if you can laugh at the horrible thing that you did or said the last time you REALLY got drunk. Chelsea....CALL ME!!!!!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Filled with fun, cheap laughs, and very easy to read. Immature? Yes, but nothing more or less than what I expected from Chelsea Handler.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book is a really good light read. Chelsea is able to accurately portray herself through the wacky and offbeat stories she tells. I frequently found myself snickering to myself while reading this book. The only downfall is that I felt as though I was reading a trashy novel. It can get a little too raunchy and I felt less educated after reading it. Overall, this was a mildly entertaining quick read, although I wouldn't share it with my mother.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book had me laughing out loud a ton, and of all the books I read last year it's the only one I can recommend to anyone looking for an easy, fun read. If I had to pick one chapter that I liked more than the others it would definitely be the regifting story, but the entire book is filled with sharp, clever dialogue from an unapologetic drunk and miscreant.This book was published in 2008 but I've run into a shocking number of people who have read or who are reading it in the last 2 months. It seems like it's the perfect gift for a girl, and if you're talking about books the one (besides Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse) that you're almost sure to find common ground on, even if the rest of your book shelf is Robert Jordan.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This hilarious (and completely inappropriate for any school) book is a collection of comedian Chelsea Handler's recollections of her life. Highly recommended for anyone over 18 with a sense of humor. I rarely laugh out loud when reading any more, but this one had me belly-laughing a great many times. I look forward to reading more of her titles.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    God, I hated this book. Yet, I kept reading until the end and I don't know why. I didn't laugh once.
    More specifically, I hated the version of herself that Handler presents. It reminds me of a teenager who is desperately trying to be cool (I'm so funny because I'm rude to my Dad! Drink driving is so cool and fun! I am such a drunk because I had two martinis and carry vodka around in a flask! Eww, redheads are gross!) It's obviously an exaggeration of her personality, because I doubt she would have any friends left if this was the only side of her, and this just made the book seem insincere to me.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Chelsea writes as she talks, which you know if you watch her show on E! I am not sure if she is as funny as she thinks or if not, This book left me feeling sadder, more than laughing, because I thought that MY family was dysfunctional until I "met" hers. Mine can't hold a candle to hers. Took a lot to get thru this. I like her better in person.....
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was an embarrassingly guilty pleasure.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Watching Chelsea's show I haven't always been a fan of her humor but after reading her book I liked her all the more. Her sarcasm and blunt humor is hysterical. Her stories of her childhood as she made up lies to make herself seem greater are hilarious. She tells a lot of the book through short tales of various occasions in her life. Her small tales here and there kept me turning the page. She is crude and out there which makes this book not for all people. At times it can offend those for are sensitive on certain issues but in all I found it refreshing and a unconventional kind of humor that not everyone agrees with. Her very different perspective on the world makes her life interesting. The book was a quick read due to my inability to put it down.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea is written by Chelsea Handler, who is an American stand-up comedian and host of her own show, Chelsea Lately. In her hilarious memoir Chelsea talks about her childhood, her family, her friends, drinking and men. She discusses a few funny predicaments she's gotten herself into, like when she was in the third grade and told her classmates that she was working on a film with Goldie Hawn to impress them. Or how when she was fish-sitting her boyfriends goldfish and it died while he was away, she replaced the fish with a bigger one and told him it grew due to the vitamin supplements she was feeding it. She talks about her DWI arrest and the time she served in jail, which is definitely not funny, but her observations when she was in jail had me laughing out loud. There was also a part where she discusses the male anatomy that had me in hysterics, I cried from laughing so hard. This book started off really funny, it had me in stitches, but then it fizzled toward the middle and kind of died out for me. Chelsea has a sarcastic humor that is great, but sadly, the book slowed down and the big laughs were mostly in the first half. All in all, this was a funny book and i'm glad I read it. I just wish she had kept the momentum going and gave me one final laugh.

Book preview

Are You There? - N.L. Sher

Copyright © 2014 N.L. Sher.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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ISBN: 978-1-4917-3965-5 (sc)

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014912034

iUniverse rev. date: 10/15/2014


Foreword By Jaden Sterling


Chapter One: Jaden

Chapter Two: Early Happenings

Chapter Three: Metaphysics And Remembrances

Chapter Four: Coincidences

Chapter Five: Channeling Sessions

Chapter Six: Happenings With Carol And Others

Chapter Seven: Interviews



This is

dedicated to my soul mate, Carol, with love and gratitude.

Carol, my SOULMATE, and I have been together over numerous lifetimes. Where as before we have always been there for one another, she now watches over me and gives me DIVINE PROTECTION, enlivened by the fact we are the greater Soul Mates to each other. Sharing greater energies and being blessed with having a telepathic communication, which continues between us after her crossing over from this physical plane to a non-physical plane.

Loss, even for the strongest amongst us, is never easy to handle. It saps one’s energies, throws them against the walls of comfort and bangs them around to leave little in place of contentment.

N. L. Sher


By Jaden Sterling

Losing a loved one to death can be difficult and even devastating, yet death is unavoidable. After a loved one passes we find ourselves holding onto memories, cards, letters, and gifts from them hoping to keep their memory alive. What if a way exists to maintain the connection with our loved ones even after they pass on? What if you could still feel your loved ones around and communicate with them?

My dear friend wrote this book for you to know there is a way to keep loved ones who have passed, close and that death isn’t final. This beautiful story is a journey my friend took to knowing that much more exists than what is seen and processed via five senses. That much more has given peace, comfort and joy to many who have opened up to the possibility that death is not final which makes life that much sweeter.

Enjoy All Possibilities

Jaden Sterling,

Author of The Alchemy of True Success


"The minute I heard my first love story,

I started looking for you,

not knowing how blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.

They’re in each other all along."


From the moment I found Carol, or, we found each other, she changed my life forever and I knew I was blessed. Even the way we met was magical, astonishing and set the tone of our relationship.

I had seen her picture in a couple of personals and thought she was lovely. I had tried to send her a message or two but, because I was not a member of the particular site, I was unable to do so. In the end I decided to join the site only to find out, when I did, that she was no longer a member. Was this the end of the story, I wondered? No, as I would find out, it was not! The Universe had other plans….

One day, out of curiosity, I went onto a different personal site, and low and behold saw this same lovely lady, although now using a different photo. Without hesitation I joined right then and there. We started corresponding, talked on the phone and in no time had set a date to meet.

Even before we met I could feel the connection. It was so exciting. I was amazed by this, as I was unable to figure out how it was possible, given we had not met in person yet. From the moment we met I knew Carol was an extraordinary person and my feelings towards her were very positive. As time went on it became clear as to why. She was sensitive and giving to others and everyone loved her. Her intelligence, humor, style and passion for life were obvious to everyone and when she would enter a room her eyes would light up and her smile would engulf those around her. All this, combined with the fact that we had so much in common, including that we had both been married before and had children, heightened my sensitivity in recognizing the woman I would always love, my soul mate.

We were together for only a brief moment in time, only nine years, when Carol went in for a simple procedure which did not work, in fact she had to be air lifted to a specialized hospital for an immediate operation, which did save her life, but in the end other complications set in and her body shut down.

On the day she was supposed to be released from the hospital I was on call and waiting to receive the hospital bed, which would be set up at home. She sent me a message from her iPad that day which lives on in my memory:

"Still going forward….Toward discharge.

Thanks for helping to make this happen honey.

I love you-more than you know"


"The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe,

is the discovery of another human being with

whom one’s relationship has a growing depth,

beauty and joy as the years increase.

This inner progressiveness of love

between two human beings is a most marvelous thing;

it cannot be found by looking for it

or by passionately wishing for it.

It is a sort of divine accident, and the

most wonderful of all things in life."

Hugh Walpole, Sr.



"If the doors of perception were cleansed

everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."

William Blake

When Carol was with me on the physical plane we were connected, our vibrations also reaching out to each other. It wasn’t until a close mutual friend,

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