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Bluegrass Dynasty
Bluegrass Dynasty
Bluegrass Dynasty
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Bluegrass Dynasty

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Carly Brooker grew up in a dysfunctional household, with an adulterous father and an alcoholic mother. From an early age, he grew up feeling somehow responsible for the families problems. Now with the loss of his mother and youngest brother, and his sisters marriage to an old family enemy, he tries to bring love and stability to the Brooker family.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 9, 2014
Bluegrass Dynasty

J. Lennington

About the Author The Innkeeper is Judy Lennington’s twelfth novel to date. She grew up listening to stories told by her father and grandfather and hopes to keep the tradition alive by sharing her stories with others.

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    Bluegrass Dynasty - J. Lennington

    Copyright © 2014 by J. Lennington.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014905028

    ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4931-8724-9

    Softcover 978-1-4931-8723-2

    eBook 978-1-4931-8725-6

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    Thank you David for your love and support. You are the backbone that holds me erect and on course.

    I would like to dedicate this book to my grandsons; Tim Hostetter and Corey Baker. You brighten my day and make me laugh. I am proud of both of you and I love you very much.

    A special thank you to my friend Robin Humphrey for your help in my hour of need.

    Carly stood near the office door. Robert was at the desk while Carly’s brother Paul stood looking over his shoulder. What’s going on today? Carly asked.

    Jasper is leaving today. Robert said without looking up.

    Carly sighed. I suppose I better go say my good byes then. He said. He turned to walk down the corridor. He passed Andy’s stall. Andy had been Carly’s mother’s Morgan. He was the second Andy she had purchased for her own riding pleasure. Andy was older and John, the veterinarian, had been giving him regular injections of vitamins to keep him mobile. Carly reached through the half door to give Andy a dried apple chip. Then he moved onward.

    Gabby’s stall was next. Gabby was the Arabian mare that gave birth to Jasper. Gabby was beautiful. She had always been one of Carly’s favorites. He stroked her head and spoke softly to her. He gave her a treat while talking to her softly. He could hear Jasper fussing in the next stall. Carly laughed. He moved over to Jasper’s stall.

    What’s all the fuss about Buddy Boy? Carly asked as he handed Jasper his treat. You sure are a handsome devil aren’t you?

    Jasper put his ears back and nuzzled Carly’s watch band. He raised his head and pulled Carly’s ball cap from his head. Hey you, stop that. Carly said reaching for his hat. You won’t get any more treats acting like that. Jasper nodded his head up and down as if he was laughing at Carly. Carly stroked his head. I am really going to miss you; you ornery cuss. Carly said laughing. This place isn’t going to be the same without you.

    He stood playing with Jasper until his brother Paul approached him saying, We are all going to miss that boy.

    Carly turned to look at his brother Paul. Carly was the oldest of the Brooker children. His father Murphy Brooker ruled the family with an iron fist. Carly’s mother had died two years ago from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism. Paul was two years younger than Carly. Then came his sister Dana who was a super model living in New York City. Dana had ran off and married Jason Hart, who was also a breeder of thoroughbreds. Jason also raced a few horses at the track. The Brookers and the Harts were not on the friendliest of terms. In the old days, Jason’s father had been caught drugging his horses in order to win at the track. The Brookers did not like the way the Harts did business. They also took advantage of their employees. Dana’s marriage to a Hart was not a popular subject at the dinner table. Carly had a baby brother who also died two years ago. Edward had gone off to college to become a lawyer. He came home on spring break and accidentally killed himself upstairs in his room.

    Carly could still close his eyes and see Edward lying on the floor, naked from the waist up, with a belt around his neck. It was a kind of high the younger generation was getting from blocking the circulation to the brain. The belt was supposed to slacken when Edward collapsed. He had apparently been doing this for a long time. This time the belt did not slacken and Edward died. It was shortly after that his mother died.

    Murphy Brooker had always been hard on Carly. Carly often thought his father hated him. The past two years had found Murphy softening some. Carly was beginning to feel more comfortable in his father’s presence. Right after Edward was born, they discovered that Murphy was having an affair with Celia Garfield. Carly stood on the upstairs landing looking through the banister as his mother confronted Murphy. Murphy broke up with Celia and Allison Brooker broadcasted the affair all over town. She had embarrassed her husband at every possible opportunity and eventually Celia Garfield moved out of town to avoid the gossip. Even after all of that, Allison never forgave Murphy. Allison turned to alcohol and social activities. Murphy became bitter and distant. The one most affected was Carly. His mother was gone nearly all of the time. It was their housekeeper, Janet, who stepped in and became cook, housekeeper, and substitute mother to the children.

    So this pretty boy is leaving today. Paul said reaching over to stroke Jasper’s head.

    Yes, that’s what Robert says. Carly replied.

    You have one hell of a step-son in there. That boy really has a head on his shoulders. It was a good call to allow him to take over out here. Who knew we were capable of what he has going on in there. Paul said.

    Carly nodded. I have to give the credit to Father. He listened to Robert’s plans and set it all up. All I did was give the boy the reins. He said.

    Who knew all of this would come from one trip to Dennis Hershey’s farm. Paul said shaking his head.

    Carly smiled as he stroked Jasper’s head. Things will never be the same around here, will they Paul? He asked.

    Hell no. Paul laughed. Come on Carly; don’t tell me you are having regrets,

    Carly shook his head and replied. No, no regrets, really. It’s just that we were small and comfortable. We were making money well enough. We could hold our own up against the big boys. Now we have construction going on with the apartment over the big garage and the construction of a new and bigger stable out back. I just don’t want to get too big for our britches, you know what I mean?

    Paul laughed and slapped his brother on the back. We will be fine, Carly. This is a whole new chapter in your life. You have a new family, Marla is back where she belongs, and you have that new baby boy. How is Richie doing these days?

    Carly smiled. It was obvious to Paul that Carly was very proud of his new son. Richie is fine. He’s five months old now and teething. He isn’t sleeping very well and he acts like he has a bad cold, but Dr. Phelps is telling us that is all part of the teething process. Carly said.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve dealt with teething. Paul said. I guess it brings back some memories doesn’t it?

    Carly smiled. Marla will be getting married soon. I imagine it is mind boggling for Julia too, as both her boys are out of school. Now she’s starting all over again.

    Paul leaned against the wall. He said, The old man sure has lightened up with the arrival of Richie. He’s like a whole different person.

    Yeah, go figure that one. He plays with him all the time. Of course we won’t let him carry Richie around. You never know when the old man is going down. I have to say losing all that weight made a difference though. Poor Janet took a tongue lashing nearly every day for putting him on a diet. In the end he is praising her for how good he feels and looks. Carly said laughing.

    Paul pushed himself away from the wall. Janet’s been a good old girl over the years. I don’t know what we would have done without her. Well, I have work to do. Robert said he’s going to look up a horse I heard about in Tennessee. I might be looking to breed Darla’s Dollar again. I better get things done down there. He nodded at his brother and began walking to the lower end of the stables where he kept his own horses.

    Carly watched him as he went. Let me know if you need any help. Carly called after his brother. He turned his attention back to Jasper. I’ll be back buddy. He said as he moved on down the line of half doors where his horses were kept. Jezebel Rose was the next one in line. Hey there my pretty one; what’s your problem today? You want to go outside don’t you? Don’t worry; you’ll get your wish in a minute. Just hang in there a little longer. He said stroking her face and jaw. He handed her a treat. Good girl. He said before moving on.

    Next in line was Taking Dixie. She was a light bay colored mare with a dark mane and tail. Carly stroked her. She seemed to be falling asleep. Carly laughed as he pulled an apple chip from the bag he carried in his back pocket. Dixie’s eyes opened wide and her ears came forward. I knew you were faking it, old girl. Carly said.

    Next in line was the latest of Carly’s purchases. Black Onyx was a raven beauty. Carly had been making a lot of money off this horse. People Carly had never met before were paying a hefty price for Onyx’s stud service. This horse had been a life saver to Carly and his family after Carly paid off his brother Paul’s gambling debts. He suddenly found himself and his family just making ends meet. Thanks to Onyx, they were back on their feet and bringing in a profit that allowed them to expand their family business.

    Julia’s oldest son, Robert, was going to the local branch of Kentucky State University. He was majoring in business. A couple of years ago, Carly had taken the boys with him to Dennis Hershey’s farm to purchase a couple of saddle horses for the boys. Robert was intrigued with the Hershey spread. Ever since that day, Robert had talked about expanding the Brooker stables into another business like the one Dennis Hershey had.

    Robert had been drawing up plans for a newer and bigger stable. He had discussed all of this with Murphy Brooker, who took an interest in the idea. With Murphy Brooker’s financial backing, Robert’s dream was about to come true. It all started with the installation of computers in the office. Now they were breaking ground on the new building that was currently under construction to the left of the garage behind the stables. Robert’s dream was coming true. Carly decided to support the young man’s dreams and let him take the lead.

    The last couple of years had been terribly trying for the Brookers. After the death of Carly’s youngest brother and his mother, his younger sister ran off and married Jason Hart. Carly thought his father would never recover from the disappointment he felt toward Dana Gail Brooker. To Carly’s surprise, Murphy did put his feelings aside to keep the peace in the family. That was so out of character for Murphy Brooker.

    Paul’s wife, Darla, had been diagnosed with breast cancer. After extensive chemotherapy, she was now cancer free. Her hair was beginning to grow back and she was getting stronger every day. Paul’s three children were also all out of school with Sara just graduating this past spring. Paul had put his family through a lot two years ago. He nearly lost them. Now his life was back on track as well. Things seemed to be looking up at the Brooker estate.

    Carly moved down to the next stall. Razors Edge was waiting for him. Robert was about to put Razor out to pasture. He was the oldest of Carly’s horses. He had come from a long line of winning thoroughbreds. He himself had produced a first place winner in the Kentucky Derby. Dwight Hart had offered to buy Razor many times, but Murphy was determined to keep him until he died just so Dwight would never get his hands on him. He was passed down to Carly when Murphy retired with the stipulation that Razor’s Edge was never to be sold. And so it was; and now he was too old to be of any value. He would spend the remainder of his years, running the pastures with Andy.

    Carly crossed the aisle to a small corral where a group of saddle horses were kept. He placed a lead rope on four of them and began to lead them toward the indoor arena and on out back to the pasture. It was a beautiful day for them to run. Phillip arrived in time to get the last two and followed Carly to the open doors and warm sunshine. The horses knew where they were going. They were anxious. Carly released them and one by one, they broke into a run. They would all be going out today with the exception of Jasper. He had been groomed to perfection and his new owner would be picking him up sometime today.

    Carly and Phillip began taking the thoroughbreds outside next. They would not go into the same corral as the others. They would be separated, with the mares in one corral and the studs into corrals of their own. Jasper became very vocal once he realized that he would not be joining the others outside. His constant whinnying was beginning to get on Carly’s nerves. It was a relief when Randy approached him to announce that a trailer was backing up outside for Jasper. Carly would miss him. He had such a unique personality. Every once in a while; one would come along like Jasper. Carly hated to sell him. He was hoping to keep the next colt of Gabby’s. Hopefully he would be another Jasper.

    Carly went to Jasper’s stall. He stroked the colt and spoke softly to him, giving him all the apple treats he wanted. They snapped a lead rope to Jasper’s halter and Jasper began to prance like the thoroughbred he was as they led him out. Carly laughed. He looked over at Phillip and said, Poor Jasper, he thinks he’s going outside to pasture. He’s in for a big surprise.

    Phillip laughed. He’s never rode in a trailer before. He is not going to be happy.

    I don’t reckon so. Carly said. I can’t watch any longer. I’m going inside to see what mischief Richie has gotten into today.

    Carly tugged on his ball cap and went out the small, man door that led into the drive. He saw them fighting with jasper to get him into the trailer. Carly turned away. He walked down the paved drive to the back servant’s door that led into the kitchen.

    Once inside, Carly removed his hat and boots. There was a small sink there and he washed his hands. He could smell the homemade cookies before he was in the kitchen. Janet was at the island. She turned to look over her shoulder at him. She smiled and said, waving the spatula at him, Don’t even think about it. I just took the first dozen out of the oven and they are still warm. You can have one later with the rest of them.

    Carly went to Janet, slipping his arms around her waist. Oh poor Janet, they left you out here slaving away in the kitchen all by yourself. He said.

    I know what you are up to Pet. Just be on your way. Janet said.

    Cary released her. Alright, Janet. If you say so. He said. He quickly snatched a warm chocolate chip cookie from the tray and ran for the swinging door that led into the dining room. He could hear Janet calling to him as the door swung shut behind him.

    Julia was standing near the sliding door that overlooked the garden. She was holding Richie on her hip. She looked up at Carly and laughed. You stole one of Janet’s chocolate chip cookies, didn’t you? She asked.

    Carly held the cookie in the air. Yep; want a bite? He asked.

    Julia shook her head. I need to loose seven more pounds and I’ve reached my goal. She said.

    Carly waved the cookie under her nose. You look fine to me. He was saying.

    As he passed the cookie under Julia’s nose, Richie’s mouth opened and followed Carly’s hand. They both laughed. Carly broke a small piece of cookie off and placed it in his son’s mouth. Carly, you’ll give him a belly ache. Julia protested.

    But he likes Janet’s cookies just like the rest of the family. Carly said as he leaned over to kiss his son on the forehead. Richie held his arms out to Carly and Carly took him from Julia. Have you been a good boy today? Carly asked his baby boy.

    He is teething and he isn’t sleeping well. He’s about got me wore out today. I tried to get him down for a nap, but that didn’t go very well. Marla ran upstairs for a shower. She said she would play with him for a while so I could get a nap. I’m just waiting on her to come down. Julia said.

    Carly nodded his head toward the stairs. Go on upstairs and take a nap. I’ll watch him until Marla comes down after him. Carly said.

    Are you sure? Julia asked.

    I’m sure, Honey. You need your rest. Go on. Richie and I will be fine until Sissy comes down. Carly said blowing on Richie’s belly. The baby burst into laughter.

    You are wonderful. Julia said kissing Carly’s cheek. Thank you. Then she went upstairs.

    Carly put Richie on the floor. He stretched out on the floor beside him and began to play with his five month old son. Richie was reaching out for everything and once he got it in his hands, it went straight into his mouth. He had blue eyes like Julia. He was perfect and Carly couldn’t believe that at this point in his life he was starting a new family. His only daughter, Marla, had left with her mother after their divorce. Jennifer kept Marla from Carly and his family. When Marla graduated high school she began to call her father from time to time. Jennifer’s constant intrusion into Marla’s life eventually drove Marla to come live with her father.

    Jennifer had re-married for money. The marriage failed and Jennifer once again found herself divorced. She traveled all over the world trying to find happiness and another rich husband.

    Marla and Daryl had been seeing each other for some time. They had recently become engaged. Marla had not told her mother of her engagement as of yet. She wanted to set the date first. Last week they had agreed upon a late summer wedding. Marla had been trying to muster up the courage to call her mother with the news. She was dreading the thought of seeing her mother again. Jennifer did not approve of Daryl for he came from a hard working family without money or fame. Jennifer stressed how important it was for Marla to find someone with more to offer.

    Marla came bouncing down the front stairs. She smiled at the sight of Carly lying on the floor with Richie on his stomach. Oh Daddy, what a Hallmark moment this is. She said.

    What, you find this funny? Carly asked. You probably don’t remember, but I used to play with you this same way. He said.

    Marla sat down on the floor next to him, folding her legs under her. She laughed and said, I think I would remember that.

    Oh you do, do you? Carly asked. He lifted Richie into the air and held him out for Marla to take. As Marla reached for him, Carly pulled him away. This little game amused Richie and he began to laugh out loud. They were all laughing.

    Did Julia go up for her nap? Marla asked.

    Yes she did. Carly said as he continued with the passing game.

    Good. Marla said. She needed a nap pretty badly. I don’t think she’s been sleeping much at night. She leaned close to Richie and said, Because this little man is up fussing all night. Isn’t that right, Richie Brooker? You won’t let Mommy get any sleep at night, will you?

    Carly stood to his feet and waited for Marla to do the same. Then he passed Richie over to her. Thank you for doing this Marla. It’s very nice of you to help Julia out this way. He said.

    Oh that’s alright Daddy. Marla said. It’s the least big sister can do. It’s nice that I get to spend some time with my baby brother. Soon I’ll be moving into my own place and I won’t get to see Richie every day. I’ll really miss him.

    Carly smiled. He stroked Marla’s hair, He’ll miss you too. We all will.

    Daddy, Marla began. We are just moving into an apartment in town. It’s not like I’m going back to Tennessee or anything like that.

    Carly replied, Yeah, I know; but I kind of like having you around.

    Marla leaned over and said, I like spending time with the family too, Daddy. I promise you will see me every week. Besides, Janet has promised to have her famous Sunday dinners every week and Daryl and I will come.

    That is good Princess. I’ll be looking forward to it. Carly said.

    Marla put Richie on her hip and said, Daddy, I am going to take Richie upstairs to my room to see if I can get him to take a nap early enough that he will sleep for Julia tonight. Do you mind?

    Not at all, Princess. I think that is very thoughtful of you. Carly said.

    Okay little man; kiss Daddy bye-bye so he can go back to work. Marla said leaning Richie over toward Carly. Then she carried the baby up the front stairs to her room.

    Carly went back through the swinging door into the kitchen. Janet was washing the cookie sheets in the kitchen. Carly noticed the cookies cooling on the island and proceeded in that direction. Janet began to chase him with the dish towel. You get away from there. Don’t you touch my cookies! Janet was calling out as she swung the dish towel at him.

    Carly laughed and dodged Janet’s swinging dishtowel. He grabbed a cookie and quickly took a bite of it. Oh you are so bad. Janet said standing with her hands on her hips. What am I ever going to do with the likes of you? She asked.

    You know you love me Janet. Carly said smiling with cookie in his mouth.

    Get out of my kitchen. Go on; go back to those smelly old stables. Janet said watching him.

    I’ll have you know the Brooker Stables do not smell, Madame. Carly said standing in the open door. He blew her a kiss and closed the door behind him. He finished eating the cookie as he walked back to the stables. The truck that had picked up Jasper was gone. Carly felt a lump come up in his throat. Paul’s truck was still parked in its usual spot. Randy’s truck was gone. He was probably running an errand.

    Carly looked off in the distance where the construction of the new stable was taking place. The frame was completed. This time next week the roof would be on and most of the outside walls would be done. Just to the right of the present stables was the big garage. Above it was old George’s apartment. Janet had always lived in her suite in the basement. She and Charlie Lock married nearly a year ago and her suite was too small for the two of them. After old George had died, Murphy had his apartment remodeled and Janet and Charlie moved into it.

    Carly entered the stable by way of the man door and went straight to the office. Robert was still sitting at the desk working on the computer. What’s going on now that Jasper is gone? Carly asked.

    Robert smiled up at Carly and said, Come look at this. He said.

    Carly walked around the desk to look at the computer screen. There was a picture of a beautiful Arabian stallion. His markings were very similar to Gabby’s. What do you think of him Robert asked.

    Carly smiled. He’s a pretty boy alright. He said. What are you thinking?

    Robert looked up at Carly. I’m thinking of breeding him and Gabby. What do you think?

    Carly shook his head and asked, Can we afford it?

    I think we’re in a good place. I’ve been careful with Grandfather’s money. He keeps a close watch on me, you know. But I think this would be a really great opportunity for us. You always said you wanted to keep the next one. I don’t think we can do any better. Robert explained.

    Carly rubbed his chin as he thought for a moment. You’re in charge, Robert. Myself, I think it’s a good idea. You’re running things now. Carly said as he slapped Robert on the back. Make me proud. He added. He left the office with a spring in his step. He began cleaning the stalls before the horses were brought back in for the day.

    Carly sang softly to himself as he worked. He felt confident that Robert would do well in charge. He had no reservations about stepping down to let Robert take over. He had lost his desire to run things himself once his father began showing interest in the stables again. He had retired and turned everything over to Carly two years ago. He even had Julia taking over his duties in the office. Now everything was turned over to Robert. Carly knew that Murphy would be watching the young man closely. Robert didn’t seem to mind Murphy’s involvement. Of course the Murphy Brooker that was watching Robert was not the same Murphy Brooker Carly had to deal with over the years.

    Carly stood up straight and sighed. He shook his head and went back to work. Murphy had never showed any signs of approving of anything Carly did. He was always very critical of Carly and often spoke harshly. He seemed to soften shortly after the death of Carly’s mother. Lately he was like a totally different man altogether.

    Carly had finished with the stalls. He began to measure out feed for each individual horse, placing it in the feed bags. Then he moved over to the corral where the saddle horses were kept and began to clean it out. Robert had begun to breed his own saddle horses. He would have a handful for their use at home, and a few that he would sell. He was starting out small and working his way up to a business like Dennis Hershey’s. At the rate he was going, it would not be long until he achieved his goal.

    Carly was proud of Robert. He was proud of both of Julia’s boys. They were good boys. Jeremy had worked busing tables at the All Day Diner to help pay his college loans. They had been in a bind after bailing Paul out of his gambling debts. Jeremy was currently going to college full time to become a corporate lawyer. Paul’s oldest son, Murphy II, was also going to college full time to be a doctor. He had always been interested in business, but after his mother’s experience with cancer he became interested in medical research.

    Carly had finished for the day. He went back to the house. Julia was up from her nap. She looked outstanding. She wore no make-up. She didn’t need it. Her light brown hair was streaked with blonde highlights. They weren’t the kind of highlights women went to the beauty parlor for. These were natural. Julia’s blue eyes were clear and sparkling. Carly smiled at the sight of her. He would never get over her beauty, and how amazing it was that she loved him. She loved Carly despite his weaknesses. For years Carly thought there was something wrong with him, for his own mother and father never seemed to show any signs of affection. Then his wife, Jennifer, divorced him. How could someone like Julia love him? He didn’t know the answer to that, but he was happy that she did.

    Julia smiled at Carly from where she sat near the garden window. The drapes had been pulled to block the hot afternoon sun from shining into the sitting area. Julia sat in the overstuffed chair Carly’s father usually sat in. She was holding Richie on her lap. There’s Daddy. She said.

    Richie immediately turned to look at Carly. A wide smile formed upon his innocent little face. He began to bounce with his arms outstretched toward Carly. Carly laughed as he picked his son up into his arms. How was your nap? He asked Julia.

    It was wonderful, thank you. Julia said.

    You look like it did you a world of good. Carly said.

    Oh it did alright. Julia said. I was up nearly all night with this little guy. She tugged on Richie’s foot as she spoke.

    Is Marla upstairs? Carly asked.

    She’s on the phone with her mother. Julia said. She may need someone to talk to when she’s finished. She’s been avoiding Jennifer’s calls all week.

    Carly shook his head. Poor Marla, she might as well tell Jen about the engagement and get it over with. He said.

    Julia sighed. You know she’s only holding back because she doesn’t want Jennifer rolling in here and spoiling everything. You also know that is exactly what Jennifer would do. She exclaimed.

    I know. Carly began. I don’t know why Jennifer won’t just let Marla live her own life and let it go at that. She’s dead set on Marla marrying for money. She can’t admit that it hasn’t been working out very well in her favor. He shook his head. Jennifer is Jennifer; what can I say?

    Well, she wasn’t always like that. Julia said. I remember her in school. I remember that the two of you seemed so perfect for one another. Everyone thought so. You were the perfect couple. It was certainly no surprise to anyone that you married right after graduation. It was a surprise when we heard you were getting a divorce.

    Carly looked over at Julia and smiled. It’s a good thing we did. Look where it brought me. He said coyly.

    Julia leaned over and kissed Carly on the forehead. Her loss was my gain. She said smiling at him. I love you, Carly.

    I love you back, Julia. Carly said. He kissed Richie on the cheek. I love you too, Son. He handed Richie back to Julia. I better go upstairs and get a shower before dinner. I’ll stop to check on Marla while I’m up there. He said. He began to walk toward the front stairs. Julia watched him as he climbed the stairs. As Carly reached the landing above, he sighed as he passed the spot where he watched through the railing the night his mother confronted his father about his affair with Celia Garfield. He was reminded of it every time he used the front stairs. That is why he often used the back servant’s stairs that led to the kitchen. He had passed his father’s room. The door to Murphy’s room was standing open. He was not in his room. He must be in the stables or in the office downstairs.

    Carly tapped lightly on Marla’s door. He was surprised when it swung open right away. Marla was standing there in a pair of sweat pants and an oversized T shirt. Daddy, come in. She said. I just got off the phone with Mother.

    How did that go? Carly asked.

    Marla sighed and said, Its over; that’s the best part.

    Carly laughed. Did you tell her? He asked.

    No way! It was hard because she kept asking all of those nosey questions she always asks me. She wants to know every detail of my life. I try not to lie to her, but sometimes she leaves me no choice. And before you say it, I know I shouldn’t lie to her. If I tell her the truth; she would be knocking on our door within two days with all of these plans to try to get me to break off the engagement. You know I’m right, Daddy. Marla said as she sat down on her bed.

    Carly sat down beside her. I know. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make her different for you. Carly said.

    Marla laughed. You mean you wish you could make her disappear.

    Carly laughed too. I suppose you are right.

    I think Daryl and I should set two dates; one date for the wedding and another to tell my mother about the wedding. Marla said laughing.

    Well, Carly began. It’s your big day. I’m certainly not going to tell you what to do. You do whatever you need to do to make it the happiest day of your life.

    Thank you Daddy. You are the best Daddy ever and I love you. Marla said leaning over to kiss Carly on the cheek.

    Carly rose to his feet. I’m going to get a shower before dinner. Are you okay? He asked.

    Marla nodded her head and said, I’m fine. I have to change too, because Janet said Daryl could come to dinner tonight. He gets off at five today and we are trying to save our money so we won’t be going out.

    Carly laughed. I remember those days. You know if you need help, we are all here for you. He said pausing at the door.

    I know Daddy. Marla said. We want to do this on our own. You are paying for the wedding and I think that’s helping plenty.

    Okay Princess. I’ll see you downstairs. Carly said before leaving the room. He went to his own room. He laid out a pair of dress pants and short sleeved shirt. If Daryl was coming to dinner, he wanted to be presentable. He undressed and pulled his robe on before leaving his room to go to the bathroom for his shower.

    Carly bounced down the front stairs. He found Julia and Marla playing with Richie. They were both dressed for dinner. Marla had her long red hair piled up on top of her head, while Julia had her natural light brown hair pulled back into a mane clip. They both were wearing dresses. Carly whistled at them as he approached. What a pair of beauties. He said.

    Julia laughed. You talk like we are a pair of your thoroughbreds. She teased.

    Oh you are a pair of thoroughbreds alright. Carly said teasing back. He looked to his left to find Jeremy coming through the swinging door that led into the dining room from the kitchen. Here comes Jeremy. Carly said looking back at Richie.

    Again, Richie began bouncing in anticipation of Jeremy’s arrival. Julia handed the squirming baby to her son. Jeremy instantly began to play with his baby brother. It reminded Carly of his days playing with Edward when he was a baby. Carly was eight years old then. He smiled as he watched the two of them playing.

    How was your day? Julia asked Jeremy.

    It was fine. Junior and I are painting the fence out by the lake. It was a beautiful day for it. We even took time for a swim while we were out there. That water is still pretty cold. He said laughing. Junior went home to clean up for dinner. He said Aunt Darla may stop over tomorrow for an hour or so to see if she can help Marla with anything.

    Marla smiled. Oh that is so nice of Aunt Darla. I’m not sure I want her working on the wedding though. She still has a ways to go before she is back to normal.

    Jeremy shrugged. That’s between you ladies. Paul Jr. said she is hoping to have more hair before the wedding. You girls worry about the strangest things. I’m just glad she is going to be able to go to the wedding. He said.

    We all are, Honey. She had been through so much this past year. Julia said.

    Carly said, Your Aunt Darla is a hel… ; I mean a heck of a woman. She has proven just how strong she really is. Paul is a lucky man. He paused and then said, He’s almost as lucky as I am.

    They all laughed. Nice save Daddy. Marla said.

    Julia replied, I’ll say it was. She poked at Carly’s belly.

    The swinging door opened and Robert and Murphy came through. What’s going on in here? Murphy asked.

    Grandfather, Daryl is coming to dinner. Marla announced.

    I better go upstairs and clean up. Murphy said.

    Robert said, I better get a shower too. I’ll see everyone at dinner. He bounced past them and on toward the stairs with a spring in his step. Carly smiled as he watched him go.

    Murphy sighed and said, I’m going up too, but I can’t take the stairs like that boy.

    They watched Murphy making his way toward the front stairs. Julia turned to Carly and said, I’m going to the kitchen and see if Janet needs a hand. You look after Richie for me.

    Will do. Carly said while smiling. He watched her as she went through the swinging door. Once she was gone, he began to play with his son.

    Daryl arrived about twenty minutes before dinner. He and Marla walked outside in the garden. Carly watched the two of them together as he held his son on his lap. Everyone was soon gathered in the sitting area when Janet and Julia announced that dinner was ready.

    As the family sat around the table talking and laughing, Carly found himself wishing that Marla and Daryl would change their minds about moving into an apartment. He sat listening to their plans for a big wedding and reception at the Georgina’s Banquet Hall. Finally after listening for a while he found himself saying, You know, you could save a lot of money on rent if you took up residence right here. We could move the boys down to the second floor and you would have the whole third floor to yourselves.

    Marla swallowed the food she had been chewing and stared at her father. Daryl smiled and reached out to take Marla’s hand as he said, That is very kind of you, Mr. Brooker.

    Carly; please call me Carly, Daryl. Carly said.

    Carly, Daryl said looking from Marla to Carly. I think maybe we should talk about it before we decide.

    Marla was nodding her head as she said, That is very nice of you, Daddy. Daryl and I will talk about it after dinner. We will let you know what we decide. She smiled at Carly and went on, We do have an announcement, though. She looked at the faces staring at her from around the table. We’ve decided to get married in August. Actually we have decided on August twenty-eighth. Do you think that is too soon?" She asked.

    Julia cleared her throat. That doesn’t give us much time, Honey, but if we set our minds to it, I think we can pull it off alright. Why so soon?

    Marla smiled. Mother has reservations for a cruise with her friend Sherry and they were planning on leaving Monday the thirtieth of September. She won’t have much time to interfere if the wedding is right before her cruise. I know she won’t cancel the cruise because they have been planning this for so long. They are going to Italy and she will be so preoccupied with preparations. If I wait much longer, she will make sure she is back and have her appointments cleared. We have to be smart about this. She explained.

    Carly shook his head and smiled. How sad it was that Jennifer’s own daughter felt this way about her. How sad for Marla too. He said, We will do this any way you want, Princess.

    Thank you Daddy. Marla said.

    Murphy spoke up, You don’t have to tell her you’re getting married. Just call her after it’s all over and make the announcement.

    Daryl said, That’s exactly what she wanted to do, but I told her I didn’t think that was a good idea. Her mother can’t be all that bad. I mean, I know she doesn’t approve of me and all; but come on, she is Marla’s mother.

    Carly cleared his throat. He glanced over at Julia and said, I agree. Jennifer is never going to change. Don’t think for a minute that keeping her from the wedding would make a difference. After you are married for ten years you will find her just as disagreeable as she is right now.

    Daddy is right. Marla said. I would really rather she wasn’t there at all, but I know it would be terribly evil of me to keep her from my wedding. Somehow we will get through it.

    I can keep her away if you want me to. Murphy said.

    Marla laughed, Then you would miss the wedding too because you would be in jail.

    They all laughed.

    Robert said, Don’t worry grandfather; Jeremy is going to be a lawyer. You can be his first client.

    Jeremy has a long way to go before he is representing anyone. Julia replied.

    Murphy nodded and said, This family is going to be blessed with two lawyers. Jeremy is going to have his own office, and Paul Jr. is going to practice corporate law.

    Jeremy pointed his fork in the air as he said, Jr. and I have been making plans. We want to have our own firm right here in town. We are both going to practice locally.

    Murphy raised his eyebrows. He looked over at Julia and said, I told you that those boys of yours were something really special.

    Carly felt the familiar tightening in his chest. What he wouldn’t have given to hear his father talk like that about him when he was Jeremy’s age. When Carly was Jeremy’s age, Murphy wouldn’t even look at him. It was only the past two and a half years that Murphy softened when it came to Carly. He swallowed hard and took a drink from his coffee cup.

    Marla cleared her throat and said, Grandfather, Daryl will graduate next year. He will have his engineering degree and hopefully he will find something local. She reached over to take Daryl’s hand.

    Murphy looked from Marla to Daryl. He smiled and said, I don’t believe we have ever had an engineer in the family before. He raised his glass in the air and went on, I propose a toast to Daryl, the first in the family to become an engineer.

    Everyone raised their glasses. Here, here. They all said in unison. Then they took a drink from their water glasses.

    Robert said, Marla is going to be the first journalist.

    Marla interrupted, I have at least another two years before I get there, Robert.

    Murphy frowned and said, Just do your grandfather a favor and never camp out on some families lawn like those idiots that were stalking Dana when her mother died.

    Oh Grandfather, that must have been awful for all of you; not to mention poor Dana. Marla said. I hope I never have to stoop that low. I am sure they were instructed to do that, and I would bet that they hated it as much as you did.

    I’ll bet they did. They about froze their asses off. Murphy said laughing. His eyes met Julia’s and he frowned. Excuse my language at the table.

    Julia nodded and said, Thank you, Father.

    The swinging door opened and Janet came through wringing her hands in her apron. Excuse me, Mr. Brooker. Charlie just learned that his sister in Columbus, Ohio has died. Would it be possible for me to have a few days off? She asked nervously.

    Oh Janet. Julia said rising to her feet.

    Of course you can have some time off. Take as long as you need, Janet. Murphy said. Just promise to come back. This place would fall down around our ears without you.

    Thank you, Mr. Brooker. That is very kind of you. Janet said.

    Julia went around the table to stand next to Janet. When are you leaving? She asked.

    Charlie said we would drive up that way first thing in the morning. Janet replied.

    Well, don’t worry about the dishes, Janet. I can do them. Julia said.

    I will help her, Janet. Marla said.

    That is very kind of you both. Janet began. I can help clean up and get the dishwasher loaded. Then I will go to the apartment and pack.

    No, no. Julia began. You go pack and get to bed early so you will be prepared for that early morning drive. We can do this.

    You are too good to me. Janet said.

    Janet, you are family. Go on now; go get packed. Julia instructed.

    Janet hugged Julia. Thank you Miss Julia. You have no idea how much those words mean to this old lady.

    Carly rose to his feet. Is there anything I can do to help? He asked.

    Janet shook her head. I don’t think so, Pet. Charlie is pretty shaken up.

    Is he going to be able to handle the drive alright, Janet? Carly asked.

    I think so. It seems he just went through this recently, although it’s been a year. The older we get, the more of this kind of thing we have to endure I suppose. Janet said. Well, if you don’t mind; I’m going to the apartment. I will call you when we arrive safely; thank you all again. She said before going through the swinging door.

    Julia sat back down at the table. She took a drink from her glass. It was suddenly very quiet. Robert was the first to speak. I’ll help you girls clean up.

    Julia smiled. Oh honey, that won’t be necessary. You can help carry everything into the kitchen and Marla and I can do the rest.

    Carly rose to his feet. Would anyone care for a drink? He asked.

    I’ll pass. Julia said.

    I’ll have mine near the garden. Murphy said. He pushed his chair back and rose to his feet. As if by command, everyone else rose as well. Carly and the boys began to stack the dishes. Julia, Marla, and Daryl began to carry the remaining food through the swinging door into the kitchen. Soon the dining room was cleared. Marla and Julia were in the kitchen loading the dishwasher. It wasn’t long before they too, were back in the sitting area. Daryl and Jeremy were playing with Richie on the floor near Murphy’s feet.

    Murphy looked up at Carly and asked, What do you think about that mare Robert bought?

    Carly looked over at Robert and smiled. She’s a beauty. When is she arriving?

    Robert cleared his throat. His face flushed as he said, She should arrive in another week. I think all the paper work went through alright.

    Murphy was beaming. He was proud of his step-grandson. Carly was proud of him too. He looked over at Murphy and asked, Did he show you the stallion he wants to breed Gabby to?

    Murphy nodded. We talked about that. He’s a perfect match. I think it shows good business sense. We need to go over our books tomorrow; but I think we can handle it.

    Robert smiled. I wouldn’t suggest it if I hadn’t already researched our finances first.

    See? He has this breeding business running through his veins. Murphy said smiling over at Robert. Someday, this boy is going to be the richest man in Kentucky.

    Robert laughed. I don’t know about that. Have you forgotten about the Sheik that has that big spread near Burton?

    You better start drilling for oil out behind the lake somewhere. Jeremy said laughing.

    That is where Daryl comes in. Marla said smiling over at her fiancée.

    There you go; I suppose an engineer in the family fits right in here. Maybe you should reconsider moving in here with the family. Murphy said.

    We have to talk that over yet, Grandfather. Marla said. Don’t get your hopes too high. We have had plans for our own apartment near school and the Mall where we both work.

    Think of the money you would save by living here. Murphy said.

    Daryl smiled but remained silent. Carly took it as an indication that he was not fond of the

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