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Hope: A Devotional of Sorts
Hope: A Devotional of Sorts
Hope: A Devotional of Sorts
Ebook292 pages3 hours

Hope: A Devotional of Sorts

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About this ebook

This is a book of invitations and exhortations from the heart of Jesus. It is written with the lost and the bride of Christ in mind. It is for anyone who can receive what is written within its pages. There are words of encouragement for both the lost and the church. The spectrum is wide, as it invites, encourages, admonishes, and corrects, but yet its done by a gentle hand and a loving heart. The heartbeat of Jesus is strong when it comes to His inheritance, and His hearts cry is Come.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 30, 2014
Hope: A Devotional of Sorts

Wilma June Houston

I have been writing for approximately thirty years, with no formal training. I write everything from stories to poetry. I have kept many journals along the way, which have covered personal stories to dreams. I suffered writer’s block for a few years, but I can happily say it has been broken.

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    Hope - Wilma June Houston

    Copyright © 2014 Wilma June Houston.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/22/2014




    1 His Approval

    2 Fear Not!

    3 Follow Me

    4 Promises, Precious Promises

    5 Invitation to be Loved

    6 Are You Finally Ready?

    7 Gentle Rebuke

    8 Just a Little Longer

    9 Are You Willing?

    10 Spirit, Soul, and Body

    11 Some Titles of Jesus

    12 A Little Exhortation

    13 Do You Realize?

    14 Trust Me, for I Am Worthy

    15 Remember?

    16 Moving Forward

    17 Free to Keep Walking

    18 All Is Well, but Be Careful

    19 Be Free

    20 Precious Assurance

    21 Don’t Be Afraid

    22 Repent

    23 Stand on the Word

    24 Ouch!

    25 A Little Correction

    26 A Home, You Say?

    27 Will You Pray?

    28 Be Careful What You Say

    29 First Things First

    30 Be Faithful

    31 Fellowship

    32 Thank You

    33 Hello, Father

    34 Just Obey

    35 I Know

    36 Trust Is So Important

    37 The Word and His Promise

    38 Don’t Fret or Give Up

    39 Again I Say to Trust

    40 Soul Support

    41 I Love …

    42 I Need You to …

    43 Showered with Praise

    44 New Job

    45 Formal Introduction

    46 Sweet Emotions

    47 All Is Well

    48 Tidbits

    49 Do You Ever Wonder?

    50 A Call to Repentance

    51 Instructions

    52 A Mandate

    53 Pray!

    54 A Loving Invitation

    55 Assorted Exhortations

    56 Love and Beauty

    57 Keep Up the Good Work

    58 Remember When?

    59 A Little Praise

    60 Further Encouragement

    61 Stand and Be Blessed

    62 A Couple of Suggestions

    63 A Letter to the Bride

    64 Some Very Good Advice

    65 Remember My Love

    66 Circumference of Encouragement

    67 A Request and Prayer Requests

    68 Assorted Guidance

    69 Loving Counsel

    70 Always Obey

    71 Ever Increasing Hope

    72 A Wedding Invitation

    73 Instruction and Exhortation

    74 Tell Her

    75 Gentle Admonition

    76 Questions and Answers

    77 Mercy Trumps Judgment

    78 Obedience Swells His Heart

    79 Renew and Meditate

    80 Do You Trust Me?

    81 Abide in My Love

    82 Gentle Reprimand

    83 I say Rejoice!

    84 Balance

    85 Jealousy, the Bitter Herb

    86 Good to Have You Back

    87 Happy New Year

    88 The Importance of Obedience

    89 Here’s to a New Year

    90 A Kingdom Awaits You

    91 A Diamond in the Rough

    92 Overcoming

    93 Destiny Awaits

    94 Just Do It

    95 Almost Done

    96 A Constant Battle

    97 Let Me

    98 My Bride Is Precious to Me

    99 I Am Coming Soon

    100 One Last Appeal

    To my Bridegroom and friend, without whom this book would never have taken shape. Thank you, Jesus.

    To my sister, Christ’s bride, the church, which is the reason this book was written.

    To my mother, Violet, who helped make this project possible.

    To my children—T. J., Serena, and Elise—who never judged me, no matter how crazy things got.

    To my grandsons—Kye, Blake, Riley, Jake, and Brody—who look up to me and love me unconditionally.

    To my twin granddaughters, Violet and Amelia, who are still under construction. I wondered when you would come. Surprise! Double blessing!


    I would like to acknowledge those who believed in me and encouraged me in this project by their approval and interest.

    I acknowledge also those who expressed support after hearing about the potential.

    I also appreciate those who were open ears for me.

    Thank you.


    Today is March 10, 2013. This is my attempt to permit Jesus to speak through me in the form of letters to us from Him. He asked me to write a book a couple of times, but it is only now that I have purposed to obey Him and to permit Him to speak. I am putting my hands to the keyboard and trusting His anointing to kick in. I pray that He will relay what’s in His heart, what He wants to say. I truly long for Him to have His way, as my own way is rubbish.

    Many of us have become sharply aware that we are in what the Bible calls the last days. There is a great deal of diverse teaching circulating, and we all have our own opinions. Some of the information is scary, and some of it is encouraging. I guess it depends on what end of the spectrum you’re on. A lot of fear is swirling about, and it is somewhat staggering. Yet I believe that God is still on the throne and that His will ultimately will be accomplished, regardless of the present circumstances. He still has a plan, and that plan is for our redemption. Jesus paid a great price for our salvation, and God will not let any part of it go to waste. We need only to believe and receive.

    This book tolls a bell for us, beckons us in the way we should go. It is a book of exhortations and invitations. It is about God reaching out to us in His love. It is about Jesus, in His compassion, bidding us to come. Will you accept the invitation?

    My desire is that this book will instill hope into the hearts of its readers, that it will shine a light for those who find themselves in a dark place. God bless you all.



    His Approval

    Listen to me, O my people. I am coming soon. Get yourselves ready. Be watching, be waiting, and be expectant. Keep your garments clean and your deeds pure. I am bringing your people with me when I come. Keep your eyes on the skies, and don’t be afraid. Don’t let your surroundings make you fearful. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I know how it started, and I know how it will end. I have told you as much in the book of Revelation.

    Study to show yourself approved, and study to know. It has all been laid out for you. Don’t be afraid to look up. The end is sure, and it’s secure for My heart, My body, and My bride. I have the victory, and you are victorious in Me. I love you, and I paid a dear price for you. I paid with My life. I spent My blood to gain eternal redemption for you and the forgiveness of your sins—yes, past, present, and future. You are eternally secure. Nothing can pluck you from the palm of My hand, My hand of love.

    Stay close to Me. Keep looking to Me for your needs and for the approval you seek. I approve of you. Man is hard to please and is incapable of giving out the approval man craves, but I approve of you. I approved of you when you were conceived in your mother’s womb, and I’ve been with you ever since. I have cried when you cried and laughed when you laughed. I love you. I’ve watched you sleep, and I’ve watched you play.

    I am always amazed by you. You always amaze Me with your strength, your patience, your love. You are indeed a reflection of Me. I am the express image of Father God, and you are an extension of Me. I am pleased with you. Be at peace, for all is well with you. I have you under the shadow of My hand. I have you covered. You are covered with My blood, and My angels surround you on every side.

    Be at peace, for all is well. You will see the punishment of the wicked, but it will not come near you. You are blessed, and My grace overshadows you. I know this all sounds hard to believe, but it is My love that I am drowning you in. It is the heart of God, and the Father and I are one. This love is what took Me to the cross, where I paid the price and won the victory, where I won back what Adam lost—mankind’s union with God.

    It’s all possible again to come into fellowship with the Father of lights. I call, but you need to respond. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I will lead you straight to the throne room where Father God sits, where I sit at His right hand, and where you can sit also. There is a place for you there. Let My grace be sufficient for you. In doing so, you make grace inviting for those who are watching you.

    And there are people who are watching you. This is why it is so important to walk the walk of love, especially for the sake of the little ones. They are always looking up to you, to see whether you approve of them or if you are angry. You are their soul support, their means of provision, their foundation, and their security. Be careful not to rock their world. I love these little blessings. Children are a heritage from the Lord. It’s the same as when a man finds a wife; it shows that the Lord is being good to him.

    Come forth and be blessed. The Lord wants to be good to you. Blessed is the man who receives from the hand of the Lord, who receives His loving kindness, and who sets himself in the right direction, in the direction of the Lord. Keep pursuing the Lord, and you will find yourself in His presence. Keep the door open, and He will step through, bringing His blessing with him.



    Fear Not!

    Thank you for your cooperation and for permitting Me to speak. I have much to say, and I ask that you record all that I reveal of My heart. Fear not; only believe. Believe Me when I say that My return is closer than most would like to admit. However, there is nothing to fear. You will be transformed and translated in the twinkling of an eye. It will be that fast and that effortless.

    Do not be afraid at what you see happening around the earth, but stay in My Word. Remember Psalm 91. Declare it and claim it. Rely on what the Holy Spirit has written and the promises that have been made to you. Father God has made a commitment to save My church, My body, and My bride from the wrath to come. Keep in mind that the wrath to come is for the unbelieving and the wicked. I died to set captives free. The free are those who believe in Me and have received My grace.

    I love those who put their trust in My finished work of the cross. I paid too great a price for it to be any other way. All I ask is that they believe and rest in My arms. I am coming back to gather My sheep, to open the gate, and to lead them to life everlasting.

    Fear not; only believe. Believe that what I tell you is true. I love you. I have loved you from the foundation of the world. I know that things look bleak and you wonder sometimes if maybe I have forgotten about you. But you are always at the forefront of My mind. You are special to Me. Like I said, I paid a great price for you. Do not be weary in well doing, and do not be afraid. I am coming back, and I am bringing your people with Me.

    I cannot stress it enough: fear not! I have not forgotten you. I will not leave you, nor will I forsake you. I love you so much that sometimes when I think of you, I can hardly wait to be with you and speak with you face-to-face. I see the things you do and how hard you try, but I am already pleased with you. No, I have not abandoned you; neither have I come and left you behind. You are with Me always, for you are in Me, as I am in you. We are one. I am the head, and you are the body. We are one.

    A lot is happening in the earth, and it is all leading to a culmination of the fulfillment of prophecy, but you have nothing to fear; I have overcome the world. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying. Soon the books will be opened, but first some things must happen. Father God is a gracious God, and He desires that none should perish but that all should come to repentance and be saved. Men think that God is asleep and doesn’t notice—and worse, that He doesn’t care. But He both sees and cares, and that is why the volcano has lain dormant for so long.

    People forget that they are in the age of grace. Still, God’s redemptive plan must go on. Continue on in the Lord’s work. Do not be afraid, nor let your heart be troubled.

    I am coming soon. Tell those I send to you, that I love them. Tell them what I did for them, and always remember that I am still to come, and it is most immediate. Tell them they need to be ready. Tell them how I died and laid my life down for them so that they will be able to escape judgment and the coming wrath of God. Tell them that they are in a season of grace and mercy. Tell them it is not too late. Tell them there is still time for salvation. Tell them I can use them and that there is room in the kingdom of God. Tell them there is still room at My Father’s table and that it is no trouble for My angels to set out another name plate. Tell them how everything is almost ready.



    Follow Me

    I know you struggle and are unsure about so many things. I know you don’t know what you should do, and when you think that you finally have it all figured out, someone comes along and tells you that you have it all wrong. Be true to My Word, and be faithful. Remember what I tell you, and be careful to obey what I ask. Do not look to the right or to the left, but keep your eyes fixed straight ahead. Whatever you do, don’t look back; rather, look ahead to the future, to the road before you.

    Hold on tight, for Father God will begin to shake things, and whatever can be shaken will be shaken, and whatever can’t be shaken will rightfully remain. Fear not; only believe. Although you quiver sometimes, your feet are secure, for you have asked Me many a time to plant your feet upon the Rock. I am that Rock. I have you, and I will not let you go. I am coming again, and when I do, I am coming for you and your family. It is My love that has kept you all this time, My love has brought you this far, and I will be and am faithful to take you to the end. Trust Me. Just put your trust, faith, and hope in Me. I am able, capable, and yes, willing to get you to the finish line.

    Oh, I love you so much. I am the first and the last. I know how things start, and how they will end. I saw when you were conceived, and I saw when you were born, and I know how your life will end. Trust Me when I say that your end is good. You have no need to fear, I have seen your end. Your end ends up with Me. Do not be afraid. Just trust Me. I paid a dear price to get you to My Father, our Father. Believe Me when I say, I have the keys of hell and death, and no one—no one—can take them away from Me. This means that I have dominion over heaven and hell, and I have made it possible for man to come to My Father.

    Pray. Pray that man will humble himself before Me, that I may exalt him in the proper time. Pray for My people, for My church, and for My bride. Be faithful to your call, for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. Study and meditate on your call, and then begin to venture out in faith. Your steps may be tiny. Just be sure to take one step at a time, one day at a time, until you find yourself in the place God wants you and has called you to. That’s all you have to do, one step at a time. What you do here and now is the first step. Walk on, My love. Follow Me, and you will be sure to arrive. I really do love you, and I am eager for the day when you see the fullness of My love, as did My beloved disciple John.

    You too are My beloved. You are accepted as My beloved. I hold you in the palm of My hand. I have plans for you. I know the plans I have for you: plans to do you good and not evil. I have waited a long time for you to come into conjunction with My heart. Ah, but finally you are here with Me, and I shall not let you go again. Actually, I have never let you go, for you were always within My reach.

    You have gifts that are beneficial to the body. You can be trusted, and you can be depended upon. I have given you a talent, and you have invested it, and it will produce a return. This gives Me joy. I shall shine a light on you and your work, and it will minister to many. It will succeed in the purpose for which it has been created. Keep Me in front of you always. Let Me always stand before you, in front of you, and you shall not fall into temptation. I will protect you from pride. However, I may test you on it at some point.



    Promises, Precious Promises

    It’s nice to have you back. I am always glad to have you near. I look forward to our times of fellowship. I rejoice when you set your ear to Me, your hearing ear. I love speaking when you set yourself to listening, and I appreciate you putting down what I say for others to glean from. When I speak here at this point in time, I have many hearts in mind, hearts I know will come

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