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Live to Bounce Back and Be Reborn
Live to Bounce Back and Be Reborn
Live to Bounce Back and Be Reborn
Ebook132 pages1 hour

Live to Bounce Back and Be Reborn

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About this ebook

This book is a self-help book for people to use that differs from most as it is a book that has been designed in a fashion to help the reader, step by step, how to change their own lives fashion using my own poetry, examples of my past, and the revelations and insight that came to me as I went about changing my own world.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateOct 20, 2014
Live to Bounce Back and Be Reborn

Justin Time

I grew up as one of the few that were considered bottom of the barrel so to speak in many waysphysically, intellectually, and emotionallybut I possessed a very inquisitive mind, often pulling things apart and putting them back together to understand them. After I completed my schooling where I learned how to learn, I joined the military where I became involved in the leadership and management of people who seemed to bring me their troubles in their lives. Often I would work them out, sharing my experiences. I started pulling my life apart in an attempt to rebuild it better, taking notes as I went; the end result is this book that I believe anyone can use to change the circumstances in their own lives much quicker than I once did.

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    Live to Bounce Back and Be Reborn - Justin Time

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    Metanoia—the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life.

    Darken the Sky

    A Father’s Son

    Named as the Person Involved Held in Confidence

    Go to Hell

    The Phoenix

    The Tallest Cliff

    Words may mean different things to different people.

    You Can and You Choose

    Trouble Brewing!

    Trouble in General Explained

    The End

    The Mind Was Sick

    Hope Exists Even in the Darkest Corners of Our Minds

    The Snowball Effect

    The Good Stuff

    The Darkness in Life

    Hitch-Hikers through Life

    Building Your Dream

    Attention Can Be Poison

    The Battleship

    Changing Our World for the Better


    Your New Life Begins Now

    Your Turn to Change

    Change Is Inevitable but You Can Choose

    You Must Find Yourself

    Study Yourself

    Exercises for Your Mind in the First Two Weeks to a Month

    Negativity Explained

    To Change Your Life, Change Your Attitude as well as Your Words

    Gratitude and Desire


    So Try It Now with Some Gratitude

    More on Desire


    Strangers, People, and Opportunities

    Don’t Choose Apathy over Serenity for the Sake of Consistency

    More about Me Again

    Your Inner Voice

    Mistakes and Regrets

    More on Your Darkness

    My Three Ds


    Online vs Offline

    Anger Is a Disease


    My Personal Blowouts

    The Power Given to You

    You Can Sprint to the Finishing Line

    A Deeper Look into Yourself

    Back to Your Path, Your Yellow Brick Road

    Your Gifts in Others around You


    Lightening Rod

    Finding Love

    Love Waits for Me

    My Next Discovery, Sharing

    Past Failures Repeated

    Like a Merry-Go-Round

    My Treasure

    Learn Faster Now, The Rain Maker, Think and Grow Rich, and The Secret

    Metanoia—the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life.

    My life, like many others, has been filled with trials and tribulations, hope and devastation, love and pain, life and death.

    But when I look back and take stock of my life, I make a comparison with others I have known and see them go through similar experiences and handle the situations entirely differently.

    Which made me ask the question, why did I handle my situation the way that I did? What was different in me as opposed to them? And could it have been done better? What is the best way to handle the situation? And is there a universal way to handle all situations?

    This is a story of my life, a story of things that have gone wrong, my mindset, how I got myself out of my own trouble, and the lessons I have learnt, which I will share with you to work out your own life, your very own—how to fix and repair your life by using some of my life as an example.

    I have also found that I was my own worst enemy and that no one can destroy my future and my happiness better than me and, more recently and importantly, that no one else can build my happiness and my future better than me. In fact, no one is going to help me at all, so it has to be me or I will remain in misery.

    I’d like to share with you parts of my life and my discoveries through my life.

    Maybe they can help you. Maybe you will find your own discoveries through my process, which will help you find your very own process or shortcut to your individual happiness, using my life and experiences as a guide, as an example, and hopefully as an inspiration to achieve your own change more easily than what you have done by yourself.

    I will show you some of my life, some of my troubles, and how I believe I have discovered a shortcut for anyone to use to turn his life around and start a new life.

    As I mention this, I want you to know that I have come out of severe depression, from a position of hitting absolute rock bottom to being a very normal and, quite frankly, much stronger person than I once was.

    What has taken me many years to figure out I hope will help you much sooner.

    At one point in my life, I viewed my very own life to be worthless to myself and, seemingly in my mind, to all those around me. In my mind, the world would have been better off without me.

    Whatever your situation may be at the present, and whatever you would like your life to be in the future to achieve your very own metanoia and to bounce back from your trouble and be reborn into a new way of life as you choose it to be.

    This is not a religious text or even a spiritual one. It is not a bunch of instructions or affirmations, and it is not a feel-good text.

    What I have discovered within myself will fit any religion or belief; it will even work for an atheist. You will be able to take control and begin the process of feeling good about your own life. In my life, I have used affirmations, but I believe I have improved on them.

    But before we start, I think you should know a little about me, to bring to light my life and my experiences so that you may see that maybe I was just as troubled as you are now, and to see how I discovered the very framework that could work in your life and your own personal situation.

    Now I do realise that everyone has very different circumstances, but the realisation I have come to know that fits in everyone’s life is that it is more about how we feel at the time that will be relatable.

    This life is not a contest about who has had the best or worst life; there are experiences in life I know I have never had to deal with, and the same goes for everyone else. From one person to another, scenarios may be similar, but we are all so very different and have completely different lives and worlds shaped by our past experiences and the people that surrounded us at that time in life, the people that helped us, the ones that hurt us, and the people that just didn’t care.

    But the feelings from one person to another are similar; we all know guilt, remorse, pain, anguish, hurt, fear, dread, shock, turmoil, etc. And we should openly recognise them and have compassion for them for the pain, as we have experienced it and recognise that it is also within them right now, and when these feelings are shared from one person to another in confidentiality, they should keep it in confidence with each other to avoid the spread of that pain and torment and further anger and resentment.

    Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have experienced a broad range of situations and ways of dealing with and working with various people, both male and female, in both combat-based environments and in general teamwork situations and in life. In general, life in the military has given me some skills and thought processes to accomplish the task, fix it, and find a way if at first I fail, to improvise, adapt, and overcome.

    I have had leadership and management roles through the Australian Defence Force. I have seen, led, and participated in teams to accomplish specific tasks or stated goals, and I have done this with many people with a wide range of personalities, also with various religious beliefs.

    I have been a part of a conflict resolution process and also have led discussions with other people in their conflict with one another, and as I think back on it all, there is one underlying aspect that we all know is true and essential to everyone all the time, and yet we undervalue it and even, at

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