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Unreasonable Expectations
Unreasonable Expectations
Unreasonable Expectations
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Unreasonable Expectations

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About this ebook

Two best friends plus two best friends equal a new formed sisterhood. Best friends Lisa and Tanya decide to travel to the Island of Barbados for vacation. Once Lisas friend Keisha becomes aware of their plans, she informs Lisa that she desires to join them. She also wishes to invite her best friend Rachel to come along.

Three of the ladies have previously visited the island, but for the fourth lady, it will be an entirely new experience. Come join them on their trip as they let their hair down, explore areas that they would have avoided in the U.S. and just wild out. Its time to shut the island down.

The four of them travel to partake in fun and games when one of the games develops into an unexpected situation for one of them. This situation is definitely not what she went searching for, but she will be returning to the island alone to continue it.

Her new formed sisterhood believes its unsafe due to her receiving disturbing calls and texts on a daily basis from a seemingly deranged person on that island. Is the situation that she discovered worth ignoring the minuscule amount of fear that she has developed deep inside?

When youre in love with the idea of being in love, it will cause you to behave unusual. Is this game guaranteed to evolve into a lifetime adventure or does she have, UNREASONABLE EXPECTATIONS?

For now, lets just pray that she returns back to the U.S. safely.
Release dateApr 1, 2014
Unreasonable Expectations

Robin Summers

Robin Summers is an Illinois native who works in public policy in Washington, DC. Her debut novel, After the Fall, is the winner of two 2012 Golden Crown Literary Society Awards, two 2011 Rainbow Awards for LGBT Fiction and Non-fiction, and a 2011 Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Award. She is currently working on her second novel.

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    Unreasonable Expectations - Robin Summers

    © 2014 Robin Summers. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/31/14

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0177-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0178-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0176-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014906110

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    First Work, Then You Can Play

    Let The Games Begin

    Party Time In St. Lawrence Gap

    Day Two - What To Do

    Day Three – Who Wants To Play

    Day Four - Let’s Do This

    Day Five – We Should Have Known Better

    Day Six – All Good Things Come To An End

    Back To Reality

    Let The Drama Begin

    Family & Friends

    Day One – Let The Adventure Begin

    Day Two – Go Rachel, It’s Your Birthday

    Day Three – Life’s A Beach

    Day Four- Suspected Inspection

    Day Five – Out And About

    Day Six – Just Being Me

    Day Seven – Getting By With A Little Help

    Day Eight – Wiped Out

    Day Nine – Time Sure Flies

    It’s All Good

    That Crazy She Devil Bitch Is At It Again

    Something’s Going Wrong

    Knocked Out

    Searching For Closure


    About the Author

    This book is dedicated to Katrina Johnson, Yolanda Snowden and

    Terri Green. My love for you ladies can never be replaced.

    Everyone, please continue to Ride this thing called Life,

    Until the Wheels Fall Off!

    Unreasonable Expectations

    By Robin Summers

    TWO BEST FRIENDS plus two best friends equal a new formed sisterhood. Best friends Lisa and Tanya decide to travel to the Island of Barbados for vacation. Once Lisa’s friend Keisha becomes aware of their plans, she informs Lisa that she desires to join them. She also wishes to invite her best friend Rachel to come along.

    Three of the ladies have previously visited the island, but for the fourth lady, it will be an entirely new experience. Come join them on their trip as they let their hair down, explore areas that they would have avoided in the U.S. and just wild out. It’s time to shut the island down.

    The four of them travel to partake in fun and games when one of the games develops into an unexpected situation for one of them. This situation is definitely not what she went searching for, but she will be returning to the island alone to continue it.

    Her new formed sisterhood believes it’s unsafe due to her receiving disturbing calls and texts on a daily basis from a seemingly deranged person on that island. Is the situation that she discovered worth ignoring the minuscule amount of fear that she has developed deep inside?

    When you’re in love with the idea of being in love, it will cause you to behave unusual. Is this game guaranteed to evolve into a lifetime adventure or does she have, UNREASONABLE EXPECTATIONS?

    For now, let’s just pray that she returns back to the U.S. safely.

    THIS NOVEL IS based mostly on true events. Please use your imagination as I did when writing this book, to decide what is real and what is false. The names of the characters being utilized are due to my creative thinking. Most of the events do occur on and around the Island of Barbados. A description of each place visited in this book such as Barbados, Ocean Spray Beach Apartments, Miami Beach, Oistens, Black Pearl Party Cruise aboard the Jolly Roger, The Gap, Bridgetown and Bus Transportation was gathered from the internet using:,, and


    AT THIS TIME I would like to thank God for blessing me with a talent that I didn’t even realize I possessed. He blessed me with the gift of insight, to memorize events clearly, allowing me to pen my experience to paper.

    Thank you to my two children Master Michel Summers and Princess Jeanae Summers, for not excessively disturbing me while I worked on the new addition to our family. UNREASONABLE EXPECTATION is my new baby. It was days when you inquired what’s for dinner only to be ignored.

    Thank You, Charles Bassett, Author of I’ll Take Your Man, Friends and Deceitfully Yours; Screenplay writer of Learn to Live and Tears From a Broken Mind. Your critiques were most helpful and much appreciated. Words cannot describe the growth that I have accomplished with your guidance along the way. You forced me to search within myself to locate the hidden talents. You are as a brother to me and I love you.

    Thank You, Monte Harris, Author of From Every Angle and Beyond the Boundaries . Your professional advice means everything to me. I appreciate every detail of your knowledge that you felt free to share with me.

    Thanks You, Katrina Johnson, my BFF (Best Friend Forever). You made this trip possible therefore you made writing this book possible. I know I worked your nerves majorly while working on this project, but that’s what friends are for.

    Thank You, Yolanda Snowden, you never grew tired of me continuously discussing this project. I appreciated all your input for advertisement and publicity. You possess the heart of an angel.

    Thank You, Marisa Davidson, for your continuous support during this project. You were there for me every step of the way both personally and legally.

    Thank You, my sweet sister-niece, Serena Summers, for your financial support. The day you communicated to me your willingness to front me the publishing funds, I felt as if heaven opened up and poured blessing upon me.

    Thank You, my sweet niece Samirah Baxter, for your assistance with designing the book cover.

    Thank You, Lance Lewis, for listening. During the heart filled conversation, while explaining the circumstances, you expressed to me that I had, Unreasonable Expectations and those words were the perfect fit for the title of my book.

    Thank You, Cynthia Smith, for your great editing skills.

    Thank You, to all my family and friends, for the continued support along the way.

    Last but not least, I want to thank the man that I fell in love with. Thank You, Quacey Samuels, for helping turn my trip into an adventure. You allowed one of my wishes in life to become a reality without realizing. You helped me to believe that it’s alright to take chances. I will forever be thankful to you for this experience. Thanks for the Unreasonable Expectations!


    The really magical things are the ones that happen right in front of you. A lot of the time you keep looking for beauty, but it is already there. And if you look with a bit more intention, you see it.

    — Vik Muniz

    RACHEL DOESN’T POSSESS any problems regarding her sex life, but you are more than welcomed to address her as Stella, although she’s never lost her groove. Let’s just state, she’s involved with a man that handles business sexually, financially and when required, emotionally. Homeboy intimately serves her any and every way imaginable that home-girl desires and she compensates him equally in return. Best believe she possess stories to narrate that would cause a woman’s panties to become saturated and cause a man’s instrument to attempt poking a hole through his trousers. My underwear is soaked at this moment, picturing the sins they are both guilty of partaking in. The biggest sin of all is…He’s married. From the commencement of this forbidden relationship, they postulated an agreement that when she discovers true love, the affair would discontinue.

    This man rewarded her finger power meaning, when she states that, it equates to: Anything her finger points to, he guarantees that she will possess it. This man communicates that she should continue exhibiting the behavior of a strong black woman that she has portrayed with him.

    This strong black man provides for her, not only because it pleases him, but because he believes that she deserves the best and she forever shall remain grateful of him for the royal treatment.

    However, this chronicle isn’t based on her being conjoined with him. This chronicle basically refers to the love that she discovered for and in Barbados.

    First Work, Then You Can Play

    RACHEL SCREAMS, DAMN, this place is wreaking havoc on my last remaining nerve. I love my job, I love my job, I………..job! If I reiterate it enough maybe I will successfully convince myself that it’s true.

    Rachel has been employed with the Federal Government since graduating High School. Most people believe she’s a crazy black woman with security, weapons and self-defense skills, but in reality she’s a down to earth sister.

    Rachel complains, I’m working hard as hell earning a dollar to carry home merely a dime after Uncle Sam rapes me with taxes. Uninvitingly, my pimp Bill graces me with his presence, seizing majority of the dime, allowing me to possess a penny. Maybe I can utilize the remainder to reward myself with something decent.

    We all possess that same pimp in our lives, but he utilizes a first name differently. He painfully fucks us while allowing us a miniscule amount of pleasure. He utilizes first names identical to Water, Electric, Cable, Credit Card and Gas, but he consistently attaches the last name Bill. Sometimes he displays trickery to avoid performing his own dirty deeds, thereby dispatches his partners, Mortgage and Car Note.

    He raises the pimp hand if you attempt to steal from Peter to compensate Paul. The Bitch Slap he administers alias is called Late Fee. Thank God both of my children are employed, presenting me with a little extra cash to spoil myself with occasionally, boasts Rachel. Bill demands payment from that also.

    Rachel logs onto her computer, What the hell are they complaining about now, she questions her coworker, Jill?

    She discovers twelve complaints that are expected to be resolved by the due dates or someone will be phoning over here wreaking more havoc to her damn nerves.

    Rachel jokingly states to Jill, I definitely yearn to hit the Powerball, but the odds of winning are one in a few billion. You are required to play to win, but if my pimp discovers I foolishly wasted money, there’s no telling what the consequences will be. Shit, I refuse to jeopardize being bitch slapped with additional late fees if I utilize the money and fail winning. I’m deciding to remain in my lane.

    Rachel’s phone won’t cease continuously ringing. She professionally answers, Federal Government, may I help you? No, that isn’t included in the range of my responsibilities. Furthermore, how were you able to obtain this number? Enjoy your day. Click.

    The phone rings again, she professionally answers, Federal Government, may I help you? Yes, I received your application, but if you recognized the memorandum that was attached, you would have acknowledged that the procedure requires two weeks to be processed. Administer a return call in two weeks. There’s a possibility your application may be processed before then, but remember to re-administer your call within two weeks. Enjoy your day. Click.

    The phone rings for the third time, she professionally answers, Federal Government, may I help you? Yes, I recognize who you are speaking of. No, I’m not allowed to release the information to you regarding the person unless I have in my possession an authorization with their signature allowing me to. No, I will not obtain that person’s signed authorization form for you. Isn’t that a responsibility in which you receive payment for? Thank you, have a.

    She hears a click. Rachel exclaims, Hello, hello? Oh no he didn’t, I can’t believe he rudely discontinued the conversation before my conclusion!

    The phone rings for the fourth time, she professionally answers, Federal Government, may I help you? Yes Sir, I did communicate with that person. Yes, your knowledge of the conversation appears similar to the topic of our discussion. Did he inform you of his failure to perform his duties, but have the audacity to complain to you about my performance? Yes Sir, thank you and have a nice day. Click.

    Rachel complains again to Jill. If this phone rings another time, I will strike a match and burn this bitch down. I refuse to continue answering this phone today, she grumbles.

    The phone rings again.

    Rachel answers the phone, Federal Government, What’s up?

    The caller queries, How are you allowed to answer your phone in that manner? You are not home!

    Rachel complains, I might as well be home. Considering I spend equally the amount of time here, as I do there. Girl, you are aware that I possess a snitch phone. This environment is causing me irritated nerve affliction.

    Then queries, What’s up BFF?

    Keisha and Rachel’s friendship began developing over twenty years ago. They established a bond while residing on the same block. Their residences were separated by a few homes and according to Keisha’s interpretation, Rachel is the one responsible for the behavior she occasionally parade. She blames Rachel for her mischievous side.

    Rachel continues complaining, I was involved in a conversation with myself before you phoned. It consisted of, self, if this phone rings one more time……you are aware of the conclusion. I was going to ignore this incident, but I am fortunate enough to possess caller ID. It’s the best invention other than the pocket vibrator, while laughing.

    Keisha laughs and states, Girl, you are crazy!

    Then she inquires, How much leave have you accrued?

    Rachel inquires, Who wishes to be furnished with this information and why?

    She then informs Keisha that she has five weeks of annual leave that she will be forced to utilize before she loses it.

    Keisha continues the conversation. I guess I phoned at a great time since you appear to be in need of a vacation. I was logged on Facebook and noticed that Lisa and one of her girls have booked a trip. I am contemplating on going. Would you like to join them?

    Rachel expresses, Girl, you are aware I lack the funds until I receive payment from the birthday club in June. When that time arrives, then we can plan a get-away for my birthday in July.

    Keisha declares, I have no intentions of an excursion for your birthday this year. We celebrated your birthday in Jamaica two years ago. If anyone’s birthday deserves a Caribbean designated celebration, it definitely should be mine.

    Rachel sucks her teeth and agrees that they will attempt to travel for Keisha’s October birthday, even though it’s going to cause discord.

    Rachel’s daughter and Keisha shares the same birth date. Every year, for the last nineteen years, there has been conflict concerning how Rachel celebrates. She is consistently confronted during that time period, because someone will not be honored with her presence. It’s less complicated when Keisha is involved in a relationship. Keisha’s other half is guaranteed to reward her with a celebratory excursion to a special locale, thereby saving Rachel from any drama.

    Keisha interjects, Whatever! Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted. Lisa and her girl Tanya are traveling April 9th through the 14th. It would be pleasurable if we could join them.

    Rachel emphasizes, April 9th through 14th, that’s next month. Actually, it’s three weeks away from today. I’ll also be required to request the 8th and 15th off as well. My boss will refuse to approve leave with such short notice; and amounting to over a whole week, she is going to be displeased. And as I previously mentioned, I won’t possess that amount of funds until….

    Keisha interrupts her, mumbling, I’m aware, I’m aware…June when you receive your birthday club money. Girl, I’ll handle this. I will pay for our trips, and upon you receiving your funds, you can reimburse me.

    Rachel requests Keisha to hold on while she phones her boss on the other extension.

    Hi Boss Lady, how are you feeling? What are you doing? Will it be possible for me to utilize leave, April 8th through the 15th, requests Rachel?

    Boss Lady replies to Rachel expressing feeling great, that she is handling a huge case and then questions her need for time off.

    Rachel replies, Keisha desires a get-away so that we can allow our hair to hang loose,

    Boss Lady has met Keisha on a previous occasion. Boss Lady is cool as hell. She is the type of boss an employee dreams of. She is humorous and down to earth, but serious when it involves business.

    Boss Lady declares, Yes, but under certain conditions.

    And what are these conditions? Rachel inquires, trying not to display attitude.

    Boss Lady playfully states, I’m joining you and I’m also including my children. You two aren’t allowed to vacation without me. Just kidding! You are approved leave. Remember to enjoy for me, but practice safety.

    Rachel responds, Okay Boss Lady, I will abide by your orders, thanks.

    When Rachel reconnects to the other extension, she realizes that Keisha is conversing with someone. Keisha informs Rachel that it’s Lisa, but Rachel has the slightest idea who Keisha is referring of.

    Lisa speaks, Hi Rach.

    Rachel utters a, Hey Girl.

    Rachel discloses to Keisha that her boss approved her leave for vacation, but based on two conditions.

    Keisha pauses and demands, So what are these conditions?

    As Rachel discloses what her boss proposed, Keisha shouts, Hell no, we are vacationing for the opportunity to turn loose and it definitely won’t include kids as part of the equation. Once Hurricane Keisha touches land, I refuse to be held responsible for any structural damage or casualties which may include someone’s children.

    Rachel laughs while stating, I was joking. Her wish is for us to have fun. But not too much fun, because she refuses to be forced into the position of seeking a voucher from the Big Boss for my extradition back to the U.S. from a foreign country.

    Lisa begins speaking. My girl Terry and I have booked a vacation to the Island of Barbados. We are hype.

    Rachel questions Lisa, What is a Barbados?

    Lisa instructs Rachel, Log onto the internet and search for Ocean Spray Beach Apartments, Inch Marlow, Christ Church, Barbados. That’s the name of the establishment that Tanya and I will be staying at. A few rooms remain available. If Keisha enquires at this moment, it’s a possibility that she can successfully secure a trip for the equal amount that we paid. We booked with

    Lisa describes her previous visit to the island, stating, When we visited last year, we stayed all inclusive at some establishment, but felt we over paid. Don’t misunderstand, the hotel was beautiful, the drinks were bountiful, but the food wasn’t too appetizing. This time, we wish to be afforded the opportunity to experience a Bajan lifestyle. We’re choosing to patronize the locals, enjoying their crafts and food. We discovered the food is much tastier in comparison to what most hotels serve.

    Keisha interjects, Why are you denying knowledge of Barbados, Rachel? That’s the locale I traveled to last year, accompanied by my people. I shared with you the amounts of fun that I enjoyed. I posted the pictures on Facebook. Do you recall the pictures of me on the yacht, one of me swimming with the giant turtle and the picture of the little monkey perched on my shoulder? They were snapped in Barbados.

    Keisha further states, It’s definitely a beautiful island with transparent bluish green water, affording you an opportunity to observe the fish swimming at your feet. My only complaint was carrying sand to the beach, but since my ex funded it, I display no regrets. I enjoyed the trip none the less. I’m definitely excited about traveling back accompanied by the ladies this time. Yes, I’m hype. Yes, Yes, Yes, we intend to turn that island out. They’re not prepared for us.

    Oh yeah, my memory is functioning, mumbles Rachel.

    Meanwhile, Rachel is positive that the ladies are wondering why she’s not reacting in as hyper of a manner regarding this trip as they are. She possessed other intentions for her birthday club money. What would possess her BFF to invite

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