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The Enchanted Alligator
The Enchanted Alligator
The Enchanted Alligator
Ebook139 pages2 hours

The Enchanted Alligator

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The Enchanted Alligator is a book about a royal family that lived in the Land of Royalties and Fairytales.
The king and queen desired to have a child. The day came when they had a baby boy. The king and queen were happy to have a baby prince. All the servants were delighted to have such joy in the palace.
The Witch of the Air was envious of the queens beauty, wealth and of her baby. She put a spell on the baby prince turning him into an alligator. When the alligator grew, he was placed in a large pond decorated with exotic flowers. His mother read to him and trained him to be a prince, hoping that someday the curse would be broken and he would rule the kingdom.
The gardener had three daughters that liked to play with the alligator. When the alligator became a teenager he asked one of the girls to marry him, she rejected him. He asked the middle girl and she also rejected him. Eventually he found true love and the curse was broken. His beloved wife Selah called him Princes Allik.
The witch threatened to put a curse on the queen and on the princes child. The gardener decided to use his resources and send the prince, princess Selah and their four year old daughter Zion into space in special suits. They landed on different planets, stars and constellations. Along the way they received gifts to share and teach by example in the Land of No Return. (The gifts represent the Beatitudes Mathew 5:3-11) Because they shared their gifts with the people of that land, they were able to go to the Land of Wonders. They returned to Fairyland with the found book of books that combats and defeats all evil.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 10, 2014
The Enchanted Alligator

Lupe Marie Acosta Larsen

Lupe Marie Larsen was born in Romita Guanajuato, Mexico. She is one of thirteen children in her family. Since she was a child she’s had a passion for writing. She published an inspirational biography book call “Race for Acceptance” in March of 2009, and now she invites you to read her second book “The Enchanted Alligator.” This book is not only excellent for young adults it is also a great book for parents to read to younger children. The story is clean and motivates children and young adults to fantasize and apply its teaching and adventures in their real lives. Lupe Marie Larsen is not only an author, she is also a teacher, artist, executive translator-interpreter and she is semi-retired from the hair industry. She spends her time writing, painting portraits, visiting family in Mexico, and going on vacations with her husband to different parts of the world. Lupe Marie and her husband Henrik (who is a Danish native) are parents to three children: Manolo, Morgan and Samuel. Lupe Marie is currently writing more books for your enjoyment. For now enjoy “The Enchanted Alligator’s story. And please make sure to write a review. It is available at Barnes and Noble and

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    Book preview

    The Enchanted Alligator - Lupe Marie Acosta Larsen



    Long ago in The Land of Royalties and Fairytales lived only those who had made a difference in the imagination of the young and old. Among them were the handsome king and the beautiful queen. They were newly married and excited to raise a family in their amazing palace. The young king liked to dance with his young queen each looking into one another’s eyes almost every night. One could see through the large window their bodies moving gracefully to classical music after dinner.

    Without them noticing, a strange woman with piercing eyes full of envy and hate would observe them from outside the palace. She was the witch of the air who did not have a single soul who would care for her nor did she have any friends that wanted to spend time with her for she was mean and selfish. She found delight in making people’s lives miserable, especially the young queen’s. One day, being in the mood of doing harm as she was observing the young king and queen dance, she thought about a plan that would have to take place in the near future.

    The king had a strong desire to be a father to a prince or princess. He suggested this to his wife and she agreed with much happiness. Together they decided to have a baby to love and to cherish; an heir who someday would inherit The Kingdom! The good news of the queen being pregnant made the young couple very happy. That day the entire palace was celebrating the occasion; and so it was for the malignant witch of the air.

    The king and queen went for walks in the gardens of the palace and when The queen got tired they would sit by the lake on a white bench and talk about their baby of whom it was almost time to be born. The gardens where full of blooming flowers that the young queen collected from different parts of the world.

    As the time passed the witch was developing evil plan that would take place very soon.

    The time came for the young queen to give birth to her baby. She longed to have a little girl who would be the princess, but she knew that her husband the king would enjoy a baby boy who would be the prince and she decided that it was the same for her as long as the baby was healthy, but to see her loving husband happy, she wished the baby would be a boy after all. When the time came for the birth of their royal child the wicked witch could see through the window how the young king held his beautiful young queen as he helped her walk. They waited for a team of midwives, nurses and doctor, including a pediatrician for the baby to assist the queen and baby during the birth of the child.

    The more love the young king demonstrated to his wife, the queen, the angrier and more hateful the witch of the air would get. Her face had grown ugly with wrinkles and had a mold that hung from her chin like a drop of mud. She had an odor that would make someone’s stomach turn. Even her body had taken the shape of an old, old woman. No one knew how old she was, although there were rumors that she was not as old as she looked. Pacing the floor as we know men have done for generations when the wife is in delivery, the young king waited in another room next to the queen’s delivery chamber. The queen was being encouraged to breathe and to push. Finally the most awaited cry of the baby was heard. It is a Boy, the nurse announced as she placed the new born on the mother’s bosom right after she had cut the umbilical cord. The young queen was happy to be the mother of such a beautiful and perfectly made baby. He surely would be the pride of his father, the king who she absolutely adored. The young king smiled and at once ran to the nursery where the baby was placed on his outstretched arms.

    When his little prince was placed on the king’s arms he had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. He was also very thankful to be the father of such an amazing little one. Everybody in the palace was happy for the new arrival, but not so the wicked witch, who was jealous of everything the young queen, had and was. She was jealous of how she was loved by her husband and all the servants in the palace, of how beautiful she was and even of her humble heart, for the witch knew that she could never be kind herself, for she had grown bitter and more bitter with the years. She wished to be the young queen and live in the palace, have servants; carriages pull by horses, she wished for the queen’s beauty, and for the king as her husband, and even to be the mother of that precious baby.

    So with that in mind, she started her plan to do harm to the young queen and the young king. It would be the ultimate harm that no one could ever change, not even her, but only reversed by unique and unexpected love accompanied by a set of words that only she knew. From her horrid surroundings behind the old woods that she called home, she started gathering all of the evil ingredients to do her incantation.

    Meanwhile, in the palace it was mid-day tea time. It was a major effort for the little royal family to attend the tea time. All the servants had been up from early morning before the sun was out cleaning, gardening, collecting flowers to decorate the entire house, and most importantly to be useful for the young queen to get her and the baby prince ready. Every one of the servants was happily singing a melody or gracefully moving, almost dancing as they walked. Since the prince’s birth, there was much contentment in the palace. The tea room was finally all done; table was adorned with fresh flowers, fine porcelain dishes, and appetizing pastries. The classical music was playing their favorite tunes. Once the young queen was helped by her personal servant to get ready, by putting on her shoes, jewelry, and her house crown and perfumed with her favorite imported fragrances, the queen walked to the nursery where the little prince was being groomed by a group of nannies. He was dress all in off-white with pale yellow booties and bonnet and was loosely wrapped in a light white cotton muslin blanket. When the baby was ready with his full attire, the young queen collected him. She told him what a blessing he was in their lives and how much she loves him. She walked straight to the hall escorted by another servant, to the young king’s chamber. The young king is ready. Together the two of them walked slowly and majestically with their heads that once had been held high now looking at their baby prince tenderly. Baby Prince was placed in a basinet adorned with a white ruffled quilt. It was a perfect picture of a Royal Family in a palace with all its exaggerated luxuries and amenities for these three human beings that for a good or for whatever reason they were born with the privilege of being part of royalty.


    Chapter 1

    The Witch of the Air

    The wicked witch of the air was now busy preparing the potion for her evil work that would change and disturbed the calm and peaceful life in the palace.

    Every night after the young queen tucked Baby Prince in and sang to him a lullaby, she would go to retired in her own room leaving the baby under the nannies’ care. In an appropriated manner the nannies would watch over him alternating turns every night.

    The witch’s plan was all settled. Carrying her ultimate mixture of incantation in a small bottle, she left her witchy quarters, directing her steps towards the palace. Her plan was to make herself appear as one of the nannies to be able to enter the nursery. Her intentions were very, very bad, and that makes her happy, so she laughed showing her toothless gums and her uvula vibrating as she throws her head back in delight. She was now in front of the palace. Reaching inside of one of her packets, she took out a string with the tiny bottle with the potion and a tiny bag hanging from it. She placed it around her neck. She opened up the little bag and took out some yellow powder. First she sprinkled some inside the palace gate and then some on herself. Immediately she transformed into a tiny kitty cat with the bottle of the potion and the little bag hanging from his neck. Gently the kitty entered the gate. He was small enough to fit between the gate spaces. Once inside the palace; the kitty licked some of the powder on the ground and at the blink of an eye she changed, looking like one of the nannies in the nursery. Directing herself to the nursery, she entered slowly almost not touching the floor with her feet, making sure she did not awake the nanny on duty. She got close to the basinet and as she saw the baby prince, she experienced even more envy to see such a beautiful baby who, if he was not hers, neither can he be the young queen’s, she thought. She reached up to her neck and opened the tiny bottle containing the potion prepared with much effort to harm the baby prince. Reciting her memorized witchy words, she opened the baby’s mouth with her filthy finger with over grown nail and pouring a few drops inside, she moved her hands in a circular motion above the baby. She observed with delight the transformation that was taking place before her eyes. First the baby prince started changing color from that tender rosy to pale green and his little body took the form of that of an impressive baby alligator. When her spell was done she rapidly closed the bottle, sprinkled some of the yellow powder from the tiny bag on herself before she turned into her ugly self. Taking her previous form of a kitty, she went out of the room before anyone could see her transform back into her real evil self.

    One hour later, when it was time to switch the baby prince’s nanny in the nursery, the nanny on duty was so surprised to see a baby alligator in the baby’s crib that she screamed loudly, waking up the entire palace wing where the queen and king lived with their servants and helpers. When the nanny in

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