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A Talk with God
A Talk with God
A Talk with God
Ebook99 pages1 hour

A Talk with God

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About this ebook

See if you can find yourself a part of the agony of despair,

the bliss of joy, gratitude, and hope.

In various aspects of lifes challenges, turn the pages and

sing with me, laugh with me, be humble with me,

and weep with me.

Your tears are mine, shed by the same human experiences and held by the same creative hand. To Him, to God,

we turn with our questions for answers.

His power is marvelous and teaches our hearts to love.

We have to mourn, we are given strength to lay

our wreaths and flowers and move on.

Touched by these trying circumstances of life, there is one common desire, to talk to God

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 11, 2014
A Talk with God

Sylvia C.A. Tonge

Sylvia Tonge is a mother of three and lives on the beautiful island of Antigua, in the Caribbean. She is a poet, song writer, and her creative talents spills over into pottery making miniature clay pots, and souvenirs that depict the ancestral culture of her native island.

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    Book preview

    A Talk with God - Sylvia C.A. Tonge

    Praise God

    My Father, my Father, great God of the universe, Sustainer of life, and Creator of all.

    How special you have made me, unique in my own way, for there is no other human being on earth who can claim the prints of my fingers. Your design on me is profound and special, for you have placed a part of yourself in me—my spirit.

    Have mercy on me, for I cannot measure your endless love, which I have no reason to doubt. You have poured your grace and your mercy upon me generously, so I pledge the rest of my life to you. You have involved me in the greatest love expression ever known: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. (John 3:16 KJV).

    Help me not to forget the blood of Jesus. Place it upon me as a covering of protection from the storms of life. Place it upon me as a garment to cover my nakedness. Place it upon me as a shield from the brutal storms of persecution so that I am not defeated by the Enemy.

    I know you love me, Lord. I know you love me because I am special to you. Oh, how I love you, Lord. Wonderful you are to me.

    Thank you, Lord, in Jesus’ name.


    Prayer of Thanks

    Heavenly Father, I am so happy that you have invited me into your holy presence. As your invitation reads, Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 KJV).

    Lord, the report of my life is filled with willful deeds. I have hurt myself and disappointed you. Hear the voice of my heart, Lord, as I ask for your forgiveness. Please do not turn your ear from my voice because of your displeasure.

    I know there is no other God but you, and you pardon iniquity. You do not retain your anger forever because you delight in mercy. Therefore I pledge my life to you, to serve you and do your will all the days of my life.

    Thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness. Fill my emptiness with your Holy Spirit so that I will be strong when tempted to do wrong.

    Thank you for waking me each morning for life, for health and strength, for food and shelter. Without you, Lord, I am

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