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The Price of Life
The Price of Life
The Price of Life
Ebook286 pages1 hour

The Price of Life

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About this ebook

The Price of Life is poetry full of chaos as is life. These poems are not in any emotional order because life is not in order emotionally. Life and emotions are thrown at you every day the sun rises and sets. The Price of Life will take you on a ride as if driving on an old country road with twisting curves and steep hills as you turn the pages you may be surprised, thrilled, scared, brought to ecstasy or to tears. You might even go down memory lane or laugh at a few. They are mostly based on true life, nightmares or pure sexual fantasy. You don't have to be a great poet to emotionally connect with a person. Making the connection is the only thing that counts. Enjoy life with Ecila...Poetry taking you to new realms in life.



"I will flap my wings
By your side
Until this life span ends
Make me a butterfly...again"


"Like a real life fairy tale
Who knew death could be so beautiful
In its horrific end of existence story
Your last vision being a rainbow of fire"
Release dateMay 7, 2014
The Price of Life


She woke up from a coma almost 9 years ago with a burning desire to write. This was her gift from God. An arsonist set her bedroom door on fire and trapped her inside to die but her Guardian Angel blanketed her with her wings and saved her from getting burned alive. She died several times during her ordeal and spent four thousand years with God. She is still in therapy for the PTSD, agoraphobia, anxiety and depression that developed from the fire. Most of her time is spent writing poetry and a novel about her experience during and after the fire. It is her hope that her writing will reach out to people, help them see that nothing can break you if you have the will to survive and have God in your heart. You're never alone and the price of life is too precious to give up so easily. She lost everything precious to her in the fire and realized those were material things. She still had her life and rebuilt a new foundation. From the ashes came a new person and more spiritual spirit. She prays that somewhere in her writing you will relate to the love, passion, fantasies, memories, loss, grief and spirituality that she has written in her own poetic style. She lives in the beautiful state of West Virginia with her fiance. She has four beautiful daughters, three granddaughters, and one grandson. Her ma has always been her inspiration with all her spunk and beauty. She is an honest and down to earth country girl from a large family hoping to help people with her writing that comes straight from her heart. If one, she would be happy; if more, that would be even better. -

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    The Price of Life - ECILA

    © 2014 ECILA. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/30/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0656-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0654-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014907533

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    List of Poems

    My Love Is On Fire

    Life… Passed Away

    Almost In Tears


    Just Me

    The Thorns Of Winter

    Spread Your Mighty Wings

    Two Wedding Bands


    The Pendulum Of Time

    Passionate Electricity And Grains Of Sand

    Monsters In My Nightmares

    Staring Into A Teacup

    The Day I Died

    Hands All Around Me

    Butterfly Roses

    Our Ghostly Shadows

    God, The Artist

    My Dad’s Feet

    Depressed In Fired Desire

    Feelin’ Alone In The Shadows

    With Arms Wide Open

    A Sexual Feeling

    Closing My Eyes

    The Country


    Horrors Of No Escape

    I Never Finished

    Good Woman Gone Bad

    Lift Me Up

    Make Me A Butterfly




    Demons Dance

    Cutting Words

    So Trusting… So Naïve

    He Heard Me Tell Another Man

    I Died Last Night

    Like Diamonds

    I Want To Feel You

    Raindrops On A Tin Roof

    Stepping From The Ashes

    Winters End

    Their House Of Love

    Have You Found Someone?

    My Love Is Free

    Rub Away The Scars

    Sending A Prayer

    The Millionth Tear

    Lovers At Night; Strangers In Daylight

    Why Did You Hurt Me?


    Two Ships Passing In The Night

    My Minds Ghosts

    Sitting Here All Alone

    The Light

    I Am Pining Away

    Guilty By Guilt Not By Heart

    If I Were An Angel…


    The Rose

    I Am Safe In Your Arms

    Laying In The Darkness

    The Ecstasy Of You

    Missing Mr. Moe

    She Holds Him

    Next To You

    I’ll Be Your Blanket

    You Left Me

    When We Danced


    I Looked For You

    Guardian Angel

    Loneliness And Hurt

    Heart To Heart

    Your Breath

    Why Can’t A Woman?

    Did You Remember Me?

    Filled With Fears

    God’s Child

    As I Sit In The Darkness

    Don’t Stop Loving Me

    An Overwhelming Love

    Clouds Are Hanging Over My Head

    First Sight

    A Beautiful Tree

    Couldn’t Have… ?

    I Am Scared To Death

    Loneliness Is…


    Old Comforts

    The Slams


    Two Hearts

    I Miss

    Your Love Is Like Breathing

    When The Love Is Gone

    Trapped… Cursed


    I Saw A Man

    Don’t Throw Away My Love

    Forgive Me

    At The Foot Of My Bed

    I Fell In Love

    Heaven Sent Love

    Fluffy Clouds

    Bubbles And Candlelight

    I’m Afraid To Open My Eyes

    April’s Fiery Demons

    Come To Me

    Drifting Apart

    The Stars In Your Eyes

    Societies’ Castaways

    Like A Leaf

    Feelings Of The Heart

    Gods’ Pristine Earth

    When You Turn To Your Lover

    I Ache For A Man

    Sadness Builds

    Rainbow Of Fire


    The Tears In Your Eyes

    I Loved You

    Wiping Tears

    Your Own Words

    Couldn’t Give Up

    Are You Feeling?

    I Long For

    The Old Cherry Tree

    Separate… Yet Together

    Red And Fuzzy

    On Father’s Day Weekend

    My Path

    God’s Tears

    You Say You Love Me

    A Bed Of Roses

    Unburden Their Heavy Heart

    My Imaginary Lover

    Sinful Delights

    I Am Sad

    Alone Inside My Soul

    Toiling Over Troubles

    When I Call Your Name

    A Whisper Soft Kiss

    Years Of My Life

    Drowning In A River Of Tears

    Anger Flashed

    You Are Going To Be Singing The Blues

    I’m Always Me

    Praise for Ecila from individuals who bought LIFE AT A PRICE

    A must read

    Passionate and heartfelt, her poetry takes you on an emotional journey worth tagging along. She shares a variety of poetry that would catch the interest of many different readers. Some steamy, some sad, many a lot of people could relate to in their lives.

    Passionate and sensual book of poetry

    A very passionate, poetic write about a person who has gone through tragedy in life and is still willing to help people through her writing. These are heartfelt poems to sensual poems. This book has a full rollercoaster ride of emotions that will keep you turning the pages.

    All quotes are from

    Titles by Ecila


    This book is dedicated to my brother, Thomas, who died of lung cancer on August 29, 2013.

    My four beautiful daughters

    Who almost killed me during three emergency C-sections.

    You were all preemies, brave and the loves of my life.

    My heart was captured when I heard your first cries;

    Saw your tiny, fragile hands and toes,

    Bright eyes so inquisitive,

    Little button noses,

    Pink lips smile.

    I will love you all

    Till God calls me home.


    My, Ma, who I received my spunk, temper and stubbornness from;

    you taught me never to give up.

    My very special friends on my poetry site

    who make my mundane life more exciting and bearable.

    God, who is so awesome, He placed the love of writing in my heart and out my fingers.

    My fiancé, Brian, who I love with all my heart;

    Never to change from the first day

    I laid eyes on his sheepish grin,

    Saw my future in his eyes,

    Connected my soul with his

    When he tenderly moved a wisp of hair from my face,

    Ignited passion that had fizzled out,

    Shared a rock on a cold summer night.

    I wanted him to be mine until I died.


    My seven brothers and sisters;

    We may be scattered

    Out of touch

    I love you all

    Very much.



    I have added a few blank pages in the back of THE PRICE OF LIFE

    for you to write down your desires, secrets, passions, thoughts or notes

    as you read the poems or have ideas of your own.

    Ecila xx


    My love is on fire

    For the gentle touch

    Of your warm lips

    All over my silky skin

    It’s been far too long

    Since I have drank

    From the source of your love

    And I need my fire ignited again

    I desire you in the darkness

    Of my most secret places

    Only a woman can know

    The pleasure you light in me

    My fierce wanting

    Will never wan

    But only gets stronger

    With each passing melancholy night

    Loneliness sets in

    And my mind conjures up

    The intriguing memories

    Of our passion filled nights

    I am eager for your virile manliness

    To be inside my warmth again

    I need your smooth strokes to satisfy my need

    To light my love that is on fire within

    Come wrap yourself in my eager embrace

    And give me a taste

    Of the sustenance I need

    To ignite my burning desire tonight

    Only your hot and eager touch

    Will satisfy my burning essence

    On the cold winter nights

    I only want with you, Baby

    My love is on fire

    For the gentle touch

    Of your warm lips

    All over my silky skin


    Life takes turns and twists when least expected

    Leading you down paths mysterious and dark

    Into realms unforeseen to the human eye

    Whether you are ready to take a new path or not

    Falling down into oblivion when bad news comes

    Thinking the whole time you should be the one

    When God had His chance to take a family member

    Why send you back just to choose another one?

    Confusion encircles every thought and feeling

    Depressing you further into your thoughts of frustration

    Because you were already there and feel

    You should be the one suffering now instead of him

    Heavy at heart and sick to death from hearing the news

    With no warning to prepare that your loved one

    Will be gone before the shock is worn off

    And you will never see him again after three weeks’ time

    Insidious cancers not only affect the person that it is eating alive

    They destroy every life that person has touched

    Causing a cascading effect that never ends

    Until you feel so sick to death you crawl into a fetal ball

    Facing depressing times ahead of you it seems

    Having another curveball thrown in your face

    With nowhere else left to turn but the heavens

    Praying for another chance at life for him

    God brought you back for another life

    Why not the brother you never got to know and love

    The way a brother and sister should have

    Because their lives got in the way

    Life takes turns and twists when least expected

    Leading you down paths mysterious and dark

    Into realms unforeseen to the human eye

    If taken now as You want lead him into the light

    Life took those twists and turns when least expected

    Leading us down paths mysterious and dark

    Into realms unforeseen to the human eye

    Whether you are prepared to take that new path or not

    Falling down into oblivion when the call came

    That the cancer ate your lung and you had passed away

    Around ten o’clock last evening in Hospice House

    Surrounded by the beautiful mountains in South Dakota

    We went and visited dad’s grave the other day

    And set a colorful basket of fuchsia and yellow

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