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Generation Reborn
Generation Reborn
Generation Reborn
Ebook69 pages39 minutes

Generation Reborn

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About this ebook

We live in fast-paced times. With new technology, we are connected to more things around the world than ever; with that, we are also experiencing new troubles. Where can the youth turn for answers to these new troubles? Generation Reborn is a devotional and testimony that has taken the answers for all these issues from scripture. God is still here; he is still healing and saving. His word is more relevant than ever. Together we can change this world; together we can be a generation reborn.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 27, 2014
Generation Reborn

Cristina M. Salazar

Cristina Salazar Tharp lives in a small Texas town with her husband, Zachary, her daughter, Novalie, and their dachshund, Willie. When she is not writing she works as a substitute teacher’s assistant in special education classrooms. She also teaches religious education and spends her spare time researching possible cures for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, both conditions of which she is a fighter.

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    Book preview

    Generation Reborn - Cristina M. Salazar



    Understanding His Love (John 3:16–18)

    It’s A War Out There (Ephesians 6:11–12)

    On Judging Others (Matthew 7:3–5)

    There’s No Stopping Us! (Romans 9:31)

    No Need To Argue (2 Timothy 2:14)

    Don’t Feed The Fire (James 4:11)

    On Dealing With Loss (John 14:1–4)

    Think Positive, Be Positive (Philippians 4:8)

    Be Slow To Anger (Ecclesiastes 7:9)

    So Very Thankful (Colossians 3:16)

    Whistle While You Work (Philippians 2:14)

    Peace In Stillness (Psalm 46:10)

    Nothing Is A Secret (Matthew 10:26)

    To Sum It Up

    Go Forth Now

    This book is dedicated to my entire family: my daughter, Novalie; and my cousins Erika, Alex, and Emmanuel. Each of you have so greatly inspired me. Thank you!


    It is tough these days to be young. It is even tougher to be a young Christian. Our morals and beliefs as people of Christ are not seen as a cool thing anymore. The last thing on most young adults’ minds is God. I felt the exact same way at one point, but now I have seen a new way of life. I have experienced horrible lows and unbelievable highs. My life has just begun at the age of twenty-four. I am finally seeing what is so cool about living in Christ.

    My story begins when I turned twenty-one. I was living the fast life, working a good-paying job, living late nights and early mornings to make enough money to go out every weekend with my friends and buy whatever I desired. I was a newlywed bride, having married my high school sweetheart. We dated five years before we ran off to the courthouse and made it official. I had landed a cool job as a magazine columnist along with my full time job, and things looked amazing. I was on top of the world. Unfortunately, just when I was sure my life was officially awesome and could only get better, it all came crashing down, hard.

    The tragic, unexpected loss of my aunt threw my family into despair. I was so angry, I cried out, Why God? She had two children! She was all that they had! I asked God why he did such terrible things, how could the great I Am take away a single mother when her youngest child was only eleven years old? How could he be so cruel to my family? We were born and raised in the church, so why were we being punished? Unbeknown to me, my aunt’s passing was only the beginning of more tragic events to come.

    Three months after my aunt died, I became ill. At first it seemed like a cold that just wouldn’t go away. My condition worsened steadily for almost a year. I quit my job and fell into a very deep depression. I never left my bed. I was sure if this was living, I would rather die. I saw many doctors, therapists, and specialists. I was eventually given a diagnosis, chronic Epstein-Barr virus and chronic fatigue syndrome.

    The doctor told me, There is no cure. We can treat the symptoms, but that is the most we can do. It was not fair. I was only twenty-two. How could I have an incurable illness at my age? Why was I being punished?

    No, I would not let this illness own me or

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