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Hunters of Satan’S Monsters: Rise of the Rolling Calf
Hunters of Satan’S Monsters: Rise of the Rolling Calf
Hunters of Satan’S Monsters: Rise of the Rolling Calf
Ebook240 pages2 hours

Hunters of Satan’S Monsters: Rise of the Rolling Calf

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The journey continues the battles are endless as the war between good and evil rages on. The Hunters of Satans Monsters who were taken to another realm made it back to earth. At least some did, but what the difference, when demons and monsters are hell-bent on turning the earth into another hell. While the remnants of the HSM laid out their plans, how effective will the execution of these plans be when the enemy is so many steps ahead? Whats the use of having powers, when the enemy is more powerful? There are traitors in the camp thats a fact, but just how many is another story. New friends and new foes watching our backs and attacking us on all fronts, the hunt is on, are they the hunters or the hunted? What do you do went mysteries become more mysterious and the enemy will stop at nothing and isnt afraid to bring it, face to face and toe to toe. Their one and only mission, the total and unapologetic Annihilation of Adams seed, is this the final Armageddon?

Slated to be a five part Series of Novellas
Hunters of Satans Monsters Legend of the Rolling Calf Book one of the Novella series
Hunters of Satans Monsters Rise of the Rolling Calf Book two of the Novella series
Hunters of Satans Monsters Return of the Rolling Calf Book three of the Novella series
Hunters of Satans Monsters Carnage of the Rolling Calf Book four of the Novella series
Hunters of Satans Monsters Death of the Rolling Calf Book five of the Novella series
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 22, 2015
Hunters of Satan’S Monsters: Rise of the Rolling Calf

Horace S. Mallette

Born in April of 1969 in Kingston, Jamaica, Horace S. Mallette has been writing songs and poems since primary school for his friends and for personal use. A few of his poems have been published in the local newspaper the Sunday Gleaner under the moniker Kevin Garfield Brown (KGB), an alias he created while going to high school because of a fascination with world politics at the time. It is an interest he still holds. Horace, who has two teenage daughters, is trained in accounting and spent most of his work life in the local shipping industry. He enjoys spending time with his kids, gardening, and writing. As an author, he appreciates all genres of literature, and in this, his debut children's book, he is writing in one of his favorites.

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    Hunters of Satan’S Monsters - Horace S. Mallette

    Copyright © 2015 by Horace S. Mallette.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 05/21/2015




    This book is dedicated to the one—the one and only one, the one that understood, then went on to understand. The one that came, saw, however never conquered but added to the plan. The one, the soul mate, never a mistake, learning to give and take. The one sent by God.

    Recheck your GPS, Robert directs us.

    Just as we were about to, the spontaneous, simultaneous, melodious, and orchestral sounds of eleven XTE 200cz phones ringing were enough to make a few of us jump.

    Text, all texts, were being delivered to our phones, all dated February 14, 2012, were only now being received by our phones.

    Congratulations to the newly elected archway, to the chair arch, and his twelve senior archers. We know that in this time of calamitous cataclysm, they will rise to the challenges of leading us through a fast recovery, an eager renewal, and a burning revival. To Sebastian Shepherd, our new chair arch and the other members of the board of directors of HSM Worldwide International, congrats. You have all our support, the text read.

    In one synchronous turn, we all look in Sebastian’s direction, and we were all thinking, What the hell is going on?

    Sebastian was sitting between Fiona and Kayla, his handcuffed arms behind him. He seems absolutely mystified about what we were discussing. Robert requested a quick meeting with all of us to review the latest happenings.

    We were gone for much more than nineteen days, Robert informs us.

    How much more? Kumar inquires.

    It appears that we’ve been gone for forty-four days. Today is the twenty-ninth of February, not the fourth, Robert answered, looking at Kumar.

    That’s more than double the time we thought we were in the Damferno Realm, Kumar responded, looking at Sebastian.

    The days were going by more than two times slower there, Crystal added.

    Sebastian? Kenneth called. How long did you say you were gone?

    Just over a year, Sebastian responded, muscling up his face in deep concentration, his temples twitching as he did while beads of sweat form at his hairline.

    Do you remember a date? Robert asked while signaling to Fiona and Kayla to raise Sebastian up.

    Um, er, 2009, October. No. Ah, September 2010, and you are saying it’s February… 29… 2012? Sebastian stammered while asking.

    You’ve been gone since September 2010. That’s two years and five months, I said to Sebastian. So you and I have never met? I asked him while looking from Crystal to Kenneth curiously.

    First time I saw you was when you and the others rescued us, he answered, looking puzzled. What is it?

    By this time, Robert was standing behind Sebastian and releasing his handcuff.

    Something is not quite right, Robert said, looking in the direction of the Fumans.

    You think? Kenneth said resentfully.

    What’s going on? Sebastian asked, sounding lost.

    What’s going on is either you are lying or there is a clone of you that has just been appointed as chair arch of HSM Worldwide International, the Fumans said in unison.

    I am not lying! Sebastian said defensively. But I am still fuzzy as to all the details.

    You said you were taken sometime in September of 2010, Kenneth said to Sebastian slowly.

    Yes, I was, Sebastian answered, knitting his brows once more and rolling his eyes in exasperation at Kenneth.

    But we never miss you. You were still here with us, Kenneth continued, almost counting his words to ensure Sebastian was following his line of responses and questions.

    But I was taken and tortured for information. All this time, I wasn’t here, Sebastian protested. How can I be in two places at once? he continued with a duh tone in his voice.

    Trust me, you were here, Kenneth assured Sebastian, rubbing his friend’s shoulders as he did.

    So we are dealing with a clone or shape-shifting demon, Alice, one of the Fumans, added, interrupting the banter between Kenneth and Sebastian.

    To keep up sure a convincing masquerade for almost two and a half years. It has to be a Blokid Replice demon, Bianca, another Fuman, indicated.

    Yes, said Jamie, the next Fuman. You are right. Did they frequently take blood from you? she asked and turned to Sebastian.

    As a matter of fact, they did, religiously, about a pint each week, he acknowledged, showing his hands riddled with puncture marks like that of an intravenous drug addict.

    That’s the only reason you are alive. They needed your fresh blood, Bianca asserted, taking Sebastian’s hands one after the other and examining them.

    It was definitely a Blokid Replice demon, the Fumans declared.

    It’s a duplicating humanoid blob. Once it ingests a gill or quarter pint of your fresh blood, every six or so days, it becomes more you than you are. If it touches you, it is able to mimic your speech, actions, behaviors, thoughts, and responses more genuinely than the real you, Jamie advised us. And it only has to touch you once to assimilate and store all these.

    So the Blokid Replice will soon run out of fresh blood, and that will be that, Fiona remarked.

    No, Crystal answered. At the right temperature, blood can be refrigerated and kept fresh for thirty to forty-two days. In addition the demon is not using it to stay alive but to clone Sebastian’s appearance, which means it could probably use frozen blood. With the right chemicals and after oxygenation, frozen blood can be stored for up to ten years. Crystal apprised us from her vast wealth of knowledge.

    We can never catch a break, Fiona answered Crystal, sounding disheartened.

    Not to kick you when you’re down, Fiona, but they must have been stockpiling Sebastian’s blood. They were taking a pint each week and only using a quarter of it, I interjected.

    Maybe they were putting the rest in that sickening soup they were making, Kenneth countered.

    That conceivably, I said to him smiling. Or they are smarter than we think, ensuring they have an abundant supply should Sebastian ever escape or die.

    So what’s the plan? Kumar asked, gazing intently at Robert. If the HSM has been compromised, how do we proceed?

    Firstly, we needed to find out where we are and then—

    Aaaaaaaah! A screaming Olivia cuts off Robert midsentence as he responded to Kumar.

    She was sitting upright on her makeshift stretcher, her head searching around from side to side while her hands were patting down her body in a frantic motion.

    I am alive! I am alive… I am alive? she cried out. But how? she asked, sounding disconcerted. I was falling forever, screaming, falling, and bracing for death. How… How did I get here? she asked, looking round about her.

    By now, the twenty-one of us had all gathered, crowding, surrounding Olivia, with smiles on every face.

    I knelt down before her, placing my right hand to the left side of her face while stroking her cheek with my thumb.

    You were in a coma of sort. Must have happened when you were falling in that fathomless fissure, I said to her as I check her vitals.

    You passed out from that terrifying, traumatic tumble you took. Must have been a dire and dreadful feeling, Eve said to her. She had joined me in comforting and trying to ease Olivia’s disorientation.

    Where am I? I felt like I was plunging into a pit, and I started screaming. How did I get here? she asked once more.

    The Lake of Fire portal was activated in the pit while you were plummeting downward, then you reversed direction and started spiraling upward in the dimensional gateway. We joined you in the portal’s light stream as you passed, and here we are. Where are we? Jamie said to Olivia as she turns to look at Robert, her eyes seemingly inquiring what our present location was.

    Robert was checking his GPS. We are in Australia—Victoria, Australia. East Gippsland, the Buchan Caves. We have six locations in Australia, Robert answers Jamie and making reference to the HSM network in Australia at the same time.


    Bianca accesses her phone’s browsing capability, while Robert makes his announcements; meanwhile Eve and I assist Olivia to her feet. She was a bit wobbly, and Kumar offers to be her living crutch. Bianca reads from the screen of her phone.

    Buchan Caves: a honeycomb of caves formed in the limestone rocks almost four million years ago. The caves and this region were once below the ocean. The Buchan Speleological system has almost three miles of cave networks with six known entrances.

    Six entrances, Fiona repeated.

    Yes, six, Bianca answered.

    Crystal and I look at each other. Six, she said psychically to me.

    I held up my V fingers, pointing back and forth to her eyes, then mine, signaling to her that I knew what she was thinking.

    Crystal had a strong suspicion that Bruno was still alive and that we needed to check the other five entrances as quickly as possible. She communicated our intention to Robert and then gestured to Jamie and Alice to come with us.

    As we set out, Crystal instructs Bianca to update us with the latest 3-D mapping of the area. She was to send it to us en route. The four of us, along with Bianca, were the fastest in the twenty-two-member team. We could easily and speedily explore the three miles of cave formations and were the best equipped to treat Bruno if he was injured. Crystal and I could run fast, and the two Fumans could fly as well.

    It was Alice who located him after traversing the network of the dark and damp grottoes in pairs for over an hour and a half. Alice and I stumble upon our third entrance; the glow from my hands illuminated the environment of the caves’ many cracks and crevices, but also played tricks on us by casting flickering shadows of the stalactites and stalagmites against the walls of the caves. The babbling whispers of the cave system, many waterways flowing underground, and the pattering splashes of dropping water dripping from the roof created echo vibrations, which only serve to confuse our mechanical and biological sensors, making our search that much more difficult. The 3-D map Bianca had sent to us helped us to detect the many dead-end passageways, avoid the steep and sudden vertical drop-offs, and monitor the areas we had explored before. However, it was the bio scanner Alice had in her possession that first detected the wounded and dead rolling calf thirty meters away from the mouth of the third entrance.

    We approach the rolling calf carcass as if we were walking on eggs, trying not to break them. The beast was lying facedown and was indeed dead but was somehow moving ever so slightly as if taking shallow breaths.

    Cover me, I instruct Alice while I lean forward, took its horns and flip the hefty creature over, and there he was lying facedown as well, his plasma cannon still in hand.

    Bruno! It’s Bruno! Alice screeched as she immediately radioed Jamie and Crystal to inform them of our findings.

    Bruno’s six-foot frame was entombed between the floor of the cavern and the hulky sixteen-foot figure of the ferocious brute, its claws still lodged in both his shoulders where it grabbed him. The creature had a massive wound just where its head joined its thick neck. It appears to have been hit with a plasma blast that exited through the top of its colossal head, dissolving most of the beast’s bulky brain.

    Is he alive? Alice asked as she reaches out to check his pulse.

    I was trying to dislodge the beast’s talons from Bruno so as to clean and heal his wounds.

    He is barely hanging on, and he has lost a lot of blood, I answered Alice while calling Crystal telepathically at the same time. Where are you? Bruno is mortally wounded. He is going to need blood, lots of it.

    We are right here, Crystal answered. She and Jamie enter the section of the cave where we were, just as I was imploring her to hurry up.

    I sever the creature’s fingers from its claws. I had decided against removing the claws from Bruno’s shoulders as it would increase his blood loss, and we needed to move him. Crystal pitched the beast’s body aside and instantly started to incinerate it. The smoke and smell that rose up from the burning carcass was like that of a thousand dead dogs and tires smoldering. It was times like these that I was glad I could hold my breath indefinitely.

    Go and take him to the others. He’s going to need human blood. I will join you shortly. Have to get rid of this abomination, Crystal directed us.

    I cradled Bruno in my arms and ran as fast as I could with him. Alice accompanied me, calling ahead to Robert to meet us along the way. Jamie and Crystal stayed behind to clear the cave of an evidence of paranormal activities. Cover-up or not. Every day, humans were not ready to be confronted by the influx of supernatural phenomena. We were not only here to protect but to keep them in a state of ignorant bliss.

    Eve, Kenneth, and two of the other humans had catheters attached to their arms, collecting blood for Bruno. We laid him out on the stretcher Olivia occupied earlier and hooked him up to the blood bags. Color was returning to his ghostly, pale flesh as I unfasten the five pairs of talons from his shoulders. Crystal and Jamie were back, and as I remove the claws one after the other, Crystal cleans and seals the wounds with her healing powers. We had found him just in the nick of time as he was bleeding out. His system took all the blood we drew, his heart was beating stronger, and he was on intravenous therapy. It was 9:30 p.m. His system needed time to adjust to its new red fluid, time to create its own red liquid.

    How is he doing? Robert asked in an apprehensive tone. He

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