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Absolute Abundance: Your Inspiration to Success
Absolute Abundance: Your Inspiration to Success
Absolute Abundance: Your Inspiration to Success
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Absolute Abundance: Your Inspiration to Success

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About this ebook

The purpose of this book is to get something deep within you stirred, exposed, and enriched. If you are a politician, you will begin to win elections. If you are in business, you will begin to attract more clients, and your sales and profits will increase.

If you are stuck in your current reality, you too will discover your own true calling in life. If you want to be your own boss, you will discover your own springboard that will lead you to your own success.

Read this book carefully and apply all the strategies and principles mentioned herein. It may be that when you have done so, your life will infallibly take a quantum leap.
Release dateOct 16, 2015
Absolute Abundance: Your Inspiration to Success

Clever Zulu

Clever Zulu is a great man with a grand vision! He is able to get out of the box and discover his own unique brilliance by being a change agent. He is a hospitality professional who believes that there is more to life than meets the casual eye. Born in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, the author is dedicated to improve the quality of life worldwide by creating products and services with likeminded people who have a common purpose to live and work in a prosperous environment that encourages productivity so we can improve the quality of service we render to our families, companies, communities, cities, and ultimately, our nations.

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    Absolute Abundance - Clever Zulu

    © 2015 Clever Zulu. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/15/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-9287-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-9288-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-9289-3 (e)

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    The New World Order: A Poem

    About The Author

    About The Book


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Absolute Abundance

    With love to my family, friends, and co-workers

    Prosperity, health, and happiness to all

    Behold, I show you a mystery.

    The New World Order: A Poem

    If I may speak, my tongue would pour out speech

    Like a pen in the hand of a skilled writer.

    I will declare my story

    Within the illusions of time and space.

    My divine heritage and sacred destiny

    Is the dream for everlasting peace and happiness –

    An illusion to be pursued but never attained?

    For to live above fear

    Is every person’s noblest desire,

    And to rise above want

    A much coveted goal of the nations of the world.

    With courage I have pioneered into illusion

    Adventurously into the unknown.

    With heroic exploits I have

    Lifted the veils and illuminated the darkened paths.

    Herewith the New World Order.

    With great humility and honour I have worn my badges.

    Beyond reason I have freely given.

    Daily I ask myself, What more can I give?

    Beyond hope I have cared for many.

    In spite of fear, I have reached out.

    In my wonderful becoming, I stretched out my hand.

    My gaze has healed the broken-hearted

    With traits of immortality and hallmarks of godliness.

    Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain be made a plain.


    Born in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Clever Zulu is a great man with a grand vision! He is able to get out of the box and discover his own unique brilliance by being a change agent. He is a hospitality professional who believes that there is more to life than meets the casual eye.

    He is dedicated to improving the quality of life worldwide by creating products and services with like-minded people who have a common purpose to live and work in a prosperous environment that encourages productivity so that we can improve the quality of service we render to our families, companies, communities, cities, and ultimately, our nations.


    The purpose of this book is to stir, expose, and enrich something deep within you.

    If you are a politician, you may begin to win elections.

    If you are in business, you can begin to attract more clients, and your sales and profits will increase.

    If you are stuck in your current reality, you too can discover your own true calling in life.

    If you want to be your own boss, you can discover your own springboard that will lead you to your own success.

    Read this book carefully, and apply all the strategies and principles mentioned herein. It may be that, when you have done so, your life will infallibly take a quantum leap.


    Do you remember learning to ride your first bike? How impossible it seemed at first! And how impossible now it is to imagine it was ever hard! Life within the illusions of time and space is like that too.

    First, you checked it out from the side-lines. Then you dreamed of your own experience, and the next thing you knew, off came the training wheels.

    If I may speak, my tongue will speak like the hands of a skilled writer. Even the most obscure possibility that your thoughts have any bearing on your current reality should get you sitting up straight in the most uncomfortable of chairs. This is something to really think about. Must your own life be proof that you become what you think about?

    I have nothing but profound gratitude and great humility that our paths have finally crossed. This brings tremendous excitement and joy to my heart because the raison d’être for this meeting is for us to communicate at a much deeper level.

    We become what we think about.

    The human mind is a great unexplored continent here on earth. It contains a vast supply of wealth and riches beyond our wildest dreams. The workings of this mysterious, inexplicable phenomenon is subtle, and it is a subtlety worthy of a lifetime’s full attention.

    Beyond belief, I am impressed by your determination and courage to succeed and prosper. Beyond measure, I am stunned by your natural talent and ambition to grow.

    Just like a body’s circulatory system, prosperity has a pulse and a rhythm. Ride the pulse, and prosperity will be yours for the taking.

    Ride on, oh brave heart!

    Clever Zulu,

    the author



    Each one of us wants something out of this life, and each one of us is afraid of something. Life is meant to be a great, bold, exciting adventure, and it should never be a bore. Everyone must be glad to be alive and get up every morning with joy. We must be glad to do the jobs we love, because we do them so well.

    Anyone who wishes to prosper must only focus his or her attention on those things he or she wishes to accomplish. Never permit your mind to wonder around things that you are afraid of or things you do not want.

    Did you know that when you take one hundred men at random, all in their youth, and ask them what they would like to achieve in this life, each one of these men will tell you how passionate he is about life and how he wants to succeed in life and make a difference? You will notice the spark in their eyes as

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