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How About Taking Care of Yourself?
How About Taking Care of Yourself?
How About Taking Care of Yourself?
Ebook108 pages1 hour

How About Taking Care of Yourself?

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My personal wake up call was when I found out I was clinically depressed. That made me realize I had taken my body, mind, and spirit to their limit. I knew I had a soul emergency that needed urgent attention in order to heal.

Paulina Torral

How about taking care of yourself is an invitation to nurture and take more care of the most important person in your life: you. This invitation is made with the sole purpose of helping you learn how to live your everyday life, including its ups and downs, without damaging your mental, physical and spiritual health.

Through her personal story, Paulina shows how difficult life situations can burn you out in different aspects of your life when there is no adequate care of yourself. She explains how, through a different way of being, she has been able to heal her emotions living her life in a more peaceful and joyful way than she did before.

Paulina shares ten habits that anyone who wishes to improve their whole well being and self care can start practicing in order to experience their powerful benefits, and become healthier.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 15, 2015
How About Taking Care of Yourself?

Paulina Torral

Paulina was born in Mexico. She started her spiritual journey in 2011 after living some difficult experiences during her childhood and teenage years. This is her first book, which she wrote with the intention of helping others find the wisdom she has found essential to her self-care, healing and personal growth. She loves spending time with her family, and she enjoys being in contact with nature and children.

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    How About Taking Care of Yourself? - Paulina Torral

    Copyright © 2015 By Paulina Torral.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3270-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-3271-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 6/11/2015



    Chapter 1 Living Difficult moments without taking care of my mind, body and soul.

    Chapter 2 Living the consequences of not taking care of my body, mind and soul.

    Chapter 3 Adopting new habits in order to take care of my body, mind and soul.

    Habit 1 Changing the way I used to think, and accepting life as it is

    Habit 2 Letting go of fears through faith and trust

    Habit 3 Letting go of resentments and forgiving

    Habit 4 Living in the present moment & learning to practice mindfulness

    Habit 5 Learning to give time to myself through silence and meditation

    Habit 6 Living with Gratitude

    Habit 7 Resilience

    Habit 8 Helping others

    Habit 9 Exercise, nutrition and sleep

    Habit 10 Loving yourself and having fun

    Chapter 4 The difference between taking care of your body, mind and soul, and not taking care of them.


    To my inner self

    To my wonderful husband, who everyday helps me and teaches me so much in my spiritual path.

    To my beautiful daughters, who have teach me, through their innocence and simplicity, how to live a more joyful and peaceful life.

    If you want to know the person that will change your life, take a look in your mirror!

    You are what you are looking for.


    The most important relationship we have,

    is the relationship we have with ourselves.


    The only intention to write this book is to share, with all the people who read it, how I discovered a new healthier and better way of living as a consequence of various sad and difficult moments I lived. These difficult and sad experiences that I will mention, slowly and silently damaged my emotional health drowning me into a depression from which I came out successfully, thanks to a proper medical treatment and the discovery of spiritual wisdom. I want to share with you how now I am physically, mentally and spiritually healthier by shifting old habits into new habits which I learned from the wisdom of several spiritual traditions, and how they have taught me to take better care of myself. I think learning about these habits can help improve the health and well being of many people suffering from depression or any other emotional or physical disease.

    My book is not only addressed to people who is going through depression; it is a book that can help any person dealing with poor emotional and/or physical health, which unfortunately are most of the human beings in this planet, although many of them they don´t even know it. It will tell you how to take care of yourself practicing pure and powerful spiritual wisdom. It is a book that can also help anyone struggling with life challenges, and anyone who does not know how to nurture its body, mind and soul on a regular basis. It is basically addressed to all those who lack any kind of self care and thus, have a soul emergency and may or may be not aware of it.

    This is not a medical book, it only describes what has helped me for my healing, hoping it can help others in their own healing and spiritual growth. Also it is important to mention that is not a religious book, it is just a book that talks about a spiritual path that can be experienced by anyone, no matter their religious beliefs, as long as they are open to recognize that we are all a Divine creation, full of magical tools within us that are there to help us heal, thrive and live in more harmony. In this path that is available to all of us, you will discover that we all are able to have a more whole and abundant life by changing some wrong day to day habits that we are used to live with, and that have lead us to the exact opposite direction of spiritual growth.

    You will find out how and why I ended up with a clinical depression and how I discovered a spiritual path that helped enormously to my recovery, leaving behind the use of antidepressants, and more importantly the practice of wrong habits.

    Then, as you keep on reading you will understand why I now say that in my 44 years of life, I have been born twice, one biologically 44 years ago, and the other spiritually 3 years ago, when at age 41 a new spiritual me was slowly born.

    When you read this book, you will understand that we all have very important spiritual needs that need to be attended in order to really take care of ourselves. You will be able to discover the magic of being in contact with your inner self so you can attend those needs and feel the enormous benefits it brings to us to listen to that inner self and nurture it, so you will never forget about it. You will understand that happiness is not determined by what is happening around you, but rather by what is happening within you. You will learn to be in touch with your wise inner self, which will bring you peace and will teach you, among other things, that you can be stronger, healthier, wiser and happier. As my personal story includes grief, you will also learn the importance of grieving well in order to live well.

    You will unlearn wrong habits that all of us were taught since we were kids and will learn to practice healthier ones. You will learn the basic habits I think are necessary to be practiced as often as possible to take appropriate care of yourself.

    I am sure that you, as all human beings, have had or has difficult times, but I am sure these habits will help you deal with them in a different and

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