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Resurrecting Chivalry: Love, Through Her Eyes, Lust, Through His
Resurrecting Chivalry: Love, Through Her Eyes, Lust, Through His
Resurrecting Chivalry: Love, Through Her Eyes, Lust, Through His
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Resurrecting Chivalry: Love, Through Her Eyes, Lust, Through His

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Women are thinkers and takers. Men are scorers and breakers. Reality sucks. The truth hurts. Lies appease. The genetic code of each species cannot be changed. The animal in every man is caged. He is happy locked away, behind bars, in his prison of silence. Entice the beast and hell murder the prey. Women are the keys to control the fury. If the curiosity of the howling sounds lures them towards the mating call that every wolf seeks to taste, they will ravage the meal. They must keep the doors to that pleasure locked and the beast remains shackled. Women are magnetic fields, emitting a mighty force through the language her body speaks. She walks like the moon and the motion of her sways linger, leaving behind marks on mans territory. She is beautiful, flawless, hypnotic and perfect. A species with such attributes must be the jewel in the museum, to be admired for her miraculous existence. Displaying the priceless ornament will tempt the insatiable thief to steal and blemish the purity of a unique stone. We are different. To tame the wild nature of man, her distance from the wolf is imperative. Crawling towards him, with her spineless motives and empty words, pretending to be victual, his hunger will exacerbate and his greed, impossible to control. Women must be modest. That, which is not on show, cannot tempt and that, which cannot tempt will be safe and that, which is safe is protected and secured and out of harms way.
Release dateMar 4, 2015
Resurrecting Chivalry: Love, Through Her Eyes, Lust, Through His

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    Resurrecting Chivalry - Mohammed Muflahi

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    The Jealousy Trap

    The Want

    Her Belief

    The Illusion of Fame

    The Love Game

    Subliminal Consciousness


    Politically Correct



    Indeed all Praise is due to Allaah. We Praise Him and we seek His Help and His Forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of ourselves and the evil of our actions. Whomsoever Allaah Guides no one can misguide him and whomsoever He misguides no one can guide him. I bear witness that there is no deity, (false god, animate and inanimate) that is worthy of worship except Allaah Alone and that He has no partners and I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad (sollallaahu ‘alayhiy wa sallam)¹ is His slave and final messenger.

    O ye who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam.

    (The Family of ‘Imraan, chapter 3 verse 102).

    O mankind! Fear your Guardian Lord, who created you from a single person, created out of it his mate and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women. Fear Allaah, through Whom ye demand your mutual (rights) and be heedful of the wombs (that bore you), for Allaah ever watches over you.

    (The Women, chapter 4 verse 1).

    O ye who believe! Fear Allaah and make your utterance straightforward, that He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins. He that obeys Allaah and His messenger has already attained the great victory.

    (The Confederates, chapter 33 verses 70, 71).

    Verily the best Book is the Book of Allaah, the best guidance is the guidance of prophet Muhammad (sollallaahu ‘alayhiy wa sallam), the worst matters (in creed of worship) are those innovated (by people), for every newly invented matter (in religion) is an innovation, every innovation is misguidance and every misguided matter leads to the fire.

    To proceed:


    The first book I wrote,² I mentioned that even though I had another book in mind I wanted to write, I said that I didn’t know whether or not I’d ever get the chance to write it because of many factors in life that could otherwise prevent me from doing so. I was referring to time, family responsibilities, the usual and natural worldly trials that every human being is tested with and the most obvious factor, death. For how could I have ever completed this book if I was dead? Quite naturally, I couldn’t. The Palpable Universe took me, on and off five and a half years to complete because of what was happening in my life at that time. However, all Praise and Thanks is to Allaah, the One to whom all Praise and Merit is due, from His Munificence and Bounteousness, for allowing me the opportunity, once again, to succeed in completing this book. I had, for a very long time wanted to write about this subject, to share with women the reality of men’s thoughts and to open men’s eyes to the reality of a woman’s mind. I will reveal why so many women are complaining about men, in general, what it is exactly they want from them, why their expectations are majorly unrealistic and why they think the way they do and why a man is apprehensive and almost frightened to wholeheartedly commit to a woman. Why are our sweet roses finding it hard to get a man to love them and why does the mind’s eye, of each sex, see relationships and the world, in a broad sense, differently? I will be discussing it from the influences of society, the sources who give women their wings in trying to convince them they are as free as a bird and have the ability to fly. The indispensability of looking at it from two distinct pairs of eyes in trying to understand, which of the two genders is making it difficult for the other and why, cannot be ignored. It must be tackled with balance and honesty. Without the correct lens to focus on the image clearly, the picture will be blurred. The first pair is the 20-20 vision pair that’s never been to an ophthalmologist for a check up and the other pair is the pair that undergoes regular treatment due to the blotted stain of the reflection it obscures. I would also like to look at this subject matter from the corrupt heart whose condition is deteriorating and is ready for a transplant. I also want to discuss love from a delusional point of view and warped mind that claims sanity and the sound mind that has been labelled as corrupt and to understand why the mind has opposed what should naturally and humanistically be looked upon as abnormal, immoral and sick and a twisted perversion to all who possess sound minds and logically recognise the clear wrong of those who have deludingly convinced themselves their concept of love is right.

    I also want to share with you some of the views of those who have looked at love from different body shapes and sizes, which we find almost impossible to believe how such feelings could possibly exist and how it could ever be considered as love, simultaneously attempting to understand why it’s so important in our lives and why we need it. I was reluctant at first in writing about a subject that society has considered, to some degree, taboo because of how some people take what’s been said, the wrong way and due to their emotional and ignorant misunderstanding; they cause outrage and commotion and make embarrassing spectacles of themselves in public and on the streets and this is something, I pray, no one, due to the contents of this book, will remotely entertain. I had to take a number of things into consideration before making my decision as to whether or not I should write this book because of what a lot of its contents will reveal. I had to consider if women, especially women are ready for a reality check and if they’re honest enough to admit what is impossible to deny and ready to comprehend the magnitude of their world. I had to be vigilant as to whether or not they will grasp the facts put before them because it will feel like an uppercut to the jaw. Not because of my own personal views or opinions or I believe that everything I say is right and no one can argue or diverge, no, because you cannot pretend that a lion can freely walk the streets of our societies without feeling its natural wild instinct to attack and kill innocent bystanders. Women serve a distinct purpose on this planet solely befitting their gender and men, theirs.

    I eventually realised that this world we live in, to a limited degree is so free and liberated and democratic, that as a civilian of this privilege I would use my democratic right to speak to the sleepy masses of our societies who seem to know the reality of both species but haven’t got a clue how to address the problem and to convey the concept of freedom of speech in the correct manner and speak the truth, no matter how much people hate it. Like the first book I wrote, the operative words here are Truth and Facts not lies and exaggerations. I have no need for such childish and feeble minded calumnies. After all, democracy gives you that right. Egalitarianism has some benefits, but when it’s interpreted to mean: "let people say and do as they please," that’s when the spark turns into a flame and sets places alight. If people enjoy reading fictitious books on love, sex, relationships and fantasies and show excitement over things that arouse the imagination, sometimes harming the individual that does lead him/her to act inappropriately, despite the explicit and graphic material that many would find offensive, then no one should feel in the least offended by me writing about absolute, hardcore and brutal truth about the condition of our womenfolk’s morals and the reality of what we witness, in this cobweb of a world where no man is safe from the clusters that approach with stealth and the men who have stooped to the lowest level of proving they are low life, dirty dogs who live like the pigs they’ve become. The truth, to some people, is too weighty to bear, naturally, as the saying has it: The truth is heavy. If you caught your spouse having sex with someone else, the truth’s not going to be light, is it? You’re not going to feel a sense of relief, are you? The weight will pull you down to your knees and boiling rage will brew from deep within your churned and twisted gut that you will not be able to control and sometimes, something as little as a text message caught on your partner’s phone can escalate till bloody and battered, as was the case with Chris Brown and Rihanna, a couple whose relationship I will briefly discuss as a classical example of the delusion of a perfect romance and living proof that, as some say: Bullshit fantasies, which is exactly what they are and please excuse me for this inappropriate language as I very rarely use profanity in real life and when I write unless it’s pertinent to the discussion. As much as I don’t want to, when need arises, you can’t really avoid it due to the point you have to get across because it’s the way it’s understood in society today.

    Writing about a subject that opposes the free indulgence of sexual liberty becomes a hard tablet to swallow, so in order for the pill to go down the throat smoothly, we must take it with clean water. That way, we will be able to differentiate between natural love and sex and that, which opposes its naturalness. Therefore, I will put you through two rigorous tests. The first is an eye test, to see if what you’re looking at appears before you the way the ophthalmologist expects all his patients to recognise what they’re looking at the way it’s supposed to be seen. If after the examination he’s happy you don’t require spectacles, then you have normal vision, but if he clearly sees there’s something wrong, that you’ve proven incapable of identifying an image correctly, despite the number of tests he performs then you need treatment. The second test is a cardiology test to check the heart for irregular beats. If the pounding sounds unlively then emergency defibrillation must be performed to revive it. I will then diagnose the failures exactly the way they’re supposed to be diagnosed and give my prognosis. If you think my projection is incorrect or wrongfully explained, then please feel free to differ with my medical observation if you have an alternative opinion. We can then both face the medical board to judge.

    Love and lust are just two aspects of what I will be discussing. I will also be tapping into the outlandish and wonderful mind of the female species in trying to understand why our gemstones are working hard and over exerting themselves in wanting man’s role and responsibilities and to some degree, aim to strip away his manhood. Why has it come to this? Who or what has made them believe they can rule and run the world and honestly believe they will share a portion of his masculinity by doing so? This, we know, is absolutely impossible because a woman will always be a woman, no matter how mentally and freakishly strong she is and no matter how rich and successful she is. Wanting masculine traits for a woman is logically unnatural and a man wanting feminine traits is also logically unnatural and a man will always be a man no matter what he thinks or believes he can do to reverse it.

    I haven’t written this book because I’m claiming to be an expert on intimacy, love, relationships or sex because there’s no expertise involved when it comes to these matters because you understand and feel them as you mature with age. The reality of love cannot be taught in a classroom. In theory, love, like any subject, sounds breathtakingly incomparable, wonderful and elating, but the absolute essence of its bond can only be understood correctly, based on sound morality, in mind, heart and soul. You don’t go to school, college or university to learn about it because it’s not a subject on the curriculum. You can’t be a student of love, expecting to receive a certificate at the end of it to show you are a qualified love specialist with an educational board stamp, signed, as proof of your position. Thankfully, love is not a subject in any course. If it was, imagine how unrealistically it would be taught. You can’t deceive your natural God given feelings into loving someone you’re not attracted to; even if someone strove to make you love that person, in the hope your heart would accept it. No one can match make you because those deluded individuals who believe they can match make the perfect couple need serious help. Don’t be fooled into letting them tell you who the right person is for you. Don’t be tricked into letting others tell you that you must marry a film actor or singer, doctor or lawyer because this is where true love and happiness lye. If you marry for these reasons alone, this is where true destruction will be found. Profession and money are not magical commodities that can make you fall in love with someone you know you can’t love, no matter how much some deluded individual believes it’s possible or tries convincing you it is. By pretending to love someone because of their wealth, you will never know what it truly means to love someone who reciprocates equal love and an emptiness inside that yearns for this love will never be found if women continue playing the black widow game and emotionlessly use spades to unearth men’s loot and clean out their bank accounts and men persist in using women like open goals, believing they can score because every goal has a defender that is there to protect it against the onslaught. Men and women can be as bad as each other, but who, of the two sexes, cheats the most and why? I will come to that later on.

    It will get to the point when you will eventually feel the loneliness, despite living with a partner you only married for reasons other than love. Only you know the one you want in your life, no one else. Your eyes, your heart and your soul immediately know when the right one comes along. I’m sure, at some point in our lives we’ve been told by family and friends that the person we intend on marrying is not the right one for us, that they know best and we’ll end up regretting it. Some people disapprove of our prospective bride/bridegroom because of looks, believing that either one is too good for the other or the compatibility in life style and upbringing is the complete opposite. Others disapprove because of employment and wealth status not really considering the feeling of the one who intends on marrying is unconcerned with all materials and only truly intends on being loved and requiting it. This is happening in every culture around the world, east and west and mankind’s fixation on such things will never cease. So let us not be fooled into believing that theoretical love is a practical reality. There is no such thing as The One, the fantasy partner you hear most western women talking about. They call him The One because their minds are filled and stuffed with fantasies of all sorts of love stories. There is no such thing as the perfect couple, not Brangelina, despite Brad Pitt’s good looks and most men saying how painfully beautiful Angelina Jolie is or any famous couple that most westerners look upon as the perfect match, but there is such a thing as the right one for you.

    I would like to cordially reassure every woman that reads this book to firstly grasp the reality of this fact, whether you wish to believe it or not that you are our sweethearts, our darlings, our princesses and queens, our priceless pearls and sparkling diamonds, our radiant treasures, our dazzling and luminous gemstones with faces that scintillate and glow resplendently, the most precious and dearest species we love and cherish, the most beautiful existence known to man, our happiness and joy, the greatest gift bestowed upon man from Allaah the Most Generous and Most Kind, to be rest assured that what I say about you is in no way meant or intended chauvinistically or maliciously, no matter how negative, inappropriate or offensive it may come across to you. If I don’t speak the truth, this would have been a pointless book to write. You may even feel that I’m talking about you personally, as if I’m speaking to you face to face. Be rest assured I’m only talking about women who are guilty of inhumanity, whose hearts are as cold as the winter nights that gnaw at every man’s skin. I’m talking about the invertebrates that can squeeze their bodies in the tightest of spaces and squash their prey like a helpless insect. These are not exaggerated words. They are a vicious reality, stalkers who go to work in search of trophies, vampiric women who know how to suck the blood of men dry and leave them hanging to drain like prunes. I know this must sound contrary to what I said and sounds like I’m talking about a horror movie, but the indisputability of the real life stories mentioned in this book will probably leave most men’s jaws hanging and women unsurprised because where beauty meets wealth, insatiable greed turns ravenous. Women already know how sick, dirty and evil most men can be and the stories I reveal about them will just go to show that even though they have proven they can act like diseased animals, there are still among the male species those who are great examples that women should never lose hope of finding an exceptionally rare gentleman.

    All I will be doing is speaking the truth and stating the facts and that is to talk about the positive and negative sides about both sexes, men and women. Read this book with an open heart. Be honest to yourselves and don’t show enmity towards men for how they feel. Absorb the advice given and try to be empathetic in trying to understand the male species, in exactly the same way you expect us to understand the female species. Know, understand, acknowledge and be true to yourselves to grasp that what you are about to read, is happening across the globe. When I speak about who you are, what you want, how you think, feel, work and do things etc., please bear one very important lesson in mind. I am not picking on you or believe you are worthless; rather, man’s sanity, to a degree, is retained because of your breathtaking beauty and existence. What I say about you, is said in truth, in the hope that women will understand why chivalry is being monitored by doctors on a life supporting machine. Gallantry will only awake from the coma when women realise and accept that they should not feel abashed and never should be ashamed or feel ashamed of being inferior, weaker and dependent on their men, because it is our job to protect the rarest jewels from the blemished hands of thieves who attempt stealing the gift from the fortress. Every man should be a sentinel, on high alert, to guard and protect, twenty four hours a day the most prized possession he will die shielding. His body must be an impenetrable armour against those who aim to assail his precious stone. Men will be shown no favouritism and they will most definitely get their fair share of criticism, I promise you that. As a matter of fact, I think I have unleashed greater disparagement towards them than women. Balance and honesty is the key to everything in life. Also, know of a surety that I AM NOT referring to all women when I expose them for who and what they are, their intentions and the plots, plans and schemes they live by, but I am referring to a majority of them. It would be unfair, wrong and a complete lie to say they are all the same because they’re not and quite frankly a lot of them have brought pleasure and delight to most men’s lives that died happy and thankful for the women Allaah blessed them with and these women are simply irreplaceable.

    My sadness stems from the lack of honesty many authors fail to address when it comes to dealing with relationships, the lies and deception between men and women, individualistically, in exposing the problems we are faced with and why, out of fear they will be criticised or accused of having sexist views, baseless arguments and primitive ideas when they are absolute 100% facts. If you’re lying, then yes, you should feel that way, but if you’re educating mankind about the truth and making them see that it’s happening in reality, not just stereotypically, then you have nothing to worry about and people can say what they want to about you because ignorance and lack of intelligence in society will always exist. So instead of being truthful, they only say nice things for fame. What’s the point when a feel good book will never change a marriage that is on the brink of divorce? We know how relationships should be, but there’s going to be trouble, arguments, tears and pain. That’s part of our humanity and emotions and wanting different things as two opposites. The whole point of me writing this book is to be that person who will say what others are afraid to speak about. I just hope that people can at least be honest with themselves in acknowledging what they’re about to read is a global problem, even if they don’t like reading about turmoil in relationships. Who does? Happy endings are for children, not broad minded and mature adults. I have outlined the many reasons why problems in a relationship occurs and presented a real life account of the truth and if you can’t handle the truth and can’t bear the thought of accepting it, then this book is not for you and you shouldn’t read it because it could be new material, which is the complete opposite to what you’re used to reading and it could throw you off balance. When you read any book, you read it for two reasons:

    A - You hope that you will learn something new and benefit from that knowledge and

    B - To see if the author has made valid and legitimate points in his arguments of the subject matter discussed.

    If you are a realist and understand the reality of grasping logic and have the ability to think the way you’re supposed to think as the man or woman you are and have a curious mind, then this book is definitely for you.

    The Jealousy Trap

    The stigma in our present day society is that despite every man wanting a beautiful woman, beauty has become precautionary, even secondary for a lot of men. A lot of men say they’d rather be safe and be happy with an average looking woman than to have to spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders or end up heartbroken and live with the pain of distrust and betrayal. Why? A number of reasons! The first and most common one is jealousy, which both, men and women are susceptible to. A man’s jealousy can and does sometimes go too far, suffocating the woman he loves because of it, always believing and convincing himself she’s up to no good, leaving her no choice but to leave him, despite her being completely innocent and in this case, he only has himself to blame for losing her and deserves it, but that frenzied jealousy only happens when it comes to finding out another man has defiled his bed sheets. Being blessed and fortunate to have a woman that is an exception in every way that pleases your heart and losing her, is like losing a limb. As the saying goes: You don’t know a good thing until it’s gone.

    Walking down the street and listening to other men whistling at his lady or hearing sexual comments no man wants to hear is another reason that can escalate and as strange as this sounds, even though women may feel uncomfortable with strangers commenting on how good they look, deep inside, they like it because to them, it’s like a reassurance or confirmation that someone acknowledges their attractiveness and it makes them feel good and a woman does feel good when she’s complemented. I know this sounds contradictory, but this is something women will not tell their men out of fear they’ll show jealousy that could potentially end nastily. So how come I seem to know this, you’re probably wondering? Because when you do your research and speak to single women who gain your trust, they open up. A single woman will divulge these little woman secrets a married woman won’t. The reason why they don’t mind it is because when they are told how gorgeous they are, it lifts their confidence and gives them a reason not to feel down, despite the nasty and hurtful comments a man may begrudgingly make towards them. There are some women who know they’re beautiful and know other men and women know they’re beautiful, so when a man tells her contrary, it’s like a slap across the face and to be whistled at and approached is most definitely a comforting reassurance to her that she’s not unappealing. That’s just the nature of a woman and women always like compliments and want to hear nice things said about them by men. Sometimes, the man blames the woman for being whistled at, for reasons she won’t comprehend, despite her sincere efforts in telling the other man where to go, but why would a man blame his woman for being whistled at?

    It is within the very nature of man to be attracted to beautiful women, just as it is within the very nature of women to be attracted to jewellery, rich and powerful men. When a man’s eyes make contact with beauty, his mind sends signals to different parts of his body that arouses his thoughts and when I say beauty I don’t necessarily mean facial beauty. I’m also referring to how sexually beautiful she looks dressed. It’s not easy for a man to lower his gaze at Allaah’s most desired creation. To not be able to stare, even if it’s for a second, though knowing that one second look only plays on the man’s mind, with all sorts of images going through it, he still manages to have that quick glance to satisfy the urge he knows he can do nothing about, if he’s a decent and faithful man, that is. So one of the reasons why any man would look at another woman, when she’s with her partner, is because of the way she’s dressed. Tight trousers, miniskirts, high heels and open toed shoes, low cut blouse, transparent attire and clothes that reveal all a woman’s prized possessions is enough to make any head turn and pretending it’s not is like pretending you can walk in a swamp of hungry crocodiles and not get ripped apart or letting loose a gazelle to a pride of lions and they’ll look the other way. This may sound like a shocking example and a mighty exaggerated one to women, but this is the reality of man’s mind and women have yet to learn so much about the male species. Just get one woman dressed in this manner and get her to walk through a group of men and look at their faces, their body language and see how they react. It will be hard to hide their predatory instinct and pretend she’s not potential bait. Do you expect her to pass through them without one comment or being approached? It’s not going to happen. At the very least, they will picture in their minds what they would do to her. I’m sorry ladies, I don’t mean to sound crude or make it sound as if you’re trash because I’m just being brutally honest, unlike some men who will lie. Every man has a wild side to him. Every man has a hidden beast that is chained tightly and no one possesses the key to unshackle him except a woman. She can either control his rage or set the animal free. I know this must sound shocking, but think about it properly before fuming. Would you call a rapist a man or an animal? Under no circumstances whatsoever can rape ever be justified, but what tempts the beast, burning with such evil desire to take an innocent woman’s sexuality and turn it into prey? So when a woman has a beautiful face and a beautiful body to go with it, it’s double the excitement for the man who’s looking and double the jealousy for her partner.

    Another reason men consider looks secondary, is paranoia that she will cheat on him, believing that if a man gives her a nice look, she’ll like it and will find it hard to resist seducing him or worried men will always come on to them because there are players out there who are swift in speech. To some degree, this is true and a man’s will power to walk away must be as firmly rooted as a mountain.

    Sometimes, men can feel intimidated knowing there’s other men better looking than them and think their wives will go off with them because of their good looks. It works both ways. Women do not hide their jealousy and are well known for showing it and if it means being invidious, regardless of who’s present, then so be it because they don’t want other women coming on to their man, naturally. So when she sees another woman talking to her chap, she feels the woman is flirting because of his wealth or good looks and even blames her husband, despite the fact nothing happened and the conversation was casual. So jealousy works both ways, but a woman’s jealousy is truly a mighty force to be reckoned with and when you have a woman who is jealous, emotional, hurt, upset, angry and menstruating at the same time, run for your life because it’s game over for you. Leave her alone and give her space for as long as she needs and never attempt to prove you’re right, even though she knows you’re right because your ugly mug is the last thing in the world she wants to see in front of her. Make yourself scarce until she’s ready to see you and be absolutely certain you DO NOT go back to her without a present that will make her know how truly sorry you are and reminding her how much you really love her. If she needs a little more time and she’s not fully calm, give her that time, otherwise it’s dangerous for both of you. Always remember one golden rule, no matter why she’s upset, who’s upset her and if she’s clearly in the wrong, she’s always right and men will always be to blame. I’m sorry to say fellas, unfortunately that’s the way it works and one part of our lives we have to accept and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. I

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