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Flowing with the River: By a Tween Poet
Flowing with the River: By a Tween Poet
Flowing with the River: By a Tween Poet
Ebook73 pages12 minutes

Flowing with the River: By a Tween Poet

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About this ebook

Most of the poems in this book Flowing with the river express a deep insight into life. The profundity of the philosophy surprises as the author is an eleven year old child. All of these poems have been written between the ages of nine and eleven. Athmaja passionately writes poems. This little girl is an ardent lover of all forms of life on earth.
Release dateJan 21, 2015
Flowing with the River: By a Tween Poet

Athmaja Kavia Bijo

Athmaja Kavia Bijo is an eleven year old girl of Indian origin who resides in the United Arab Emirates She is a student of GEMS Millennium school Sharjah, UAE.

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    Flowing with the River - Athmaja Kavia Bijo


    with the


    By A Tween Poet



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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/14/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3549-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3550-0 (e)

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