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Everyone Needs a Bundini: Inspiration and a Coach
Everyone Needs a Bundini: Inspiration and a Coach
Everyone Needs a Bundini: Inspiration and a Coach
Ebook65 pages46 minutes

Everyone Needs a Bundini: Inspiration and a Coach

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Everyone needs a Bundini coach. Why? Because everyone needs inspiration and FIRE (fierce intensity rules emotion).Everyone needs someone who value their time, who listens, asks thought-evoking questions, who rarely gives advice, who uses information wisely to inspire transformative change and impact. Coaches get maximum results because they value time. With limited time, coaches utilize their time effectively to get the most out of the time rendered. They maximize the moment for coaching. They are outcome driven and their conversation is in the forwarding of this reality. They listen with the desire to hear the personal motivation of the prospect or mentee to take them to their desired objective.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 19, 2015
Everyone Needs a Bundini: Inspiration and a Coach

Samuel Shabaka

Savior-Sha Shabaka, formerly (Samuel 6x Shabaka) is an avid student of African studies, sacred science, psychology, theology, and organizational development and team building. Through this consciousness, he quickly became interested in the history of his people. What initially began as an escape became an interest with unquenchable thirst for knowledge and truth. The history of his people soon became his outlet on life. In its place the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the nation of Islam became his foundation, his life force, his passion. It revolutionized his way of thinking and changed his outlook and interpretation on life. Shabaka has a BS in behavioral science and an MS in organizational leadership from Mercy College and is currently completing (2015) a PHD in psychology with specialization in addictive healing. Shabaka is a certified NLP master practitioner and a certified addiction specialist alcohol counselor (CASAC), certified master coach. Shabaka is CEO and cofounder of Nubian Development Services LLC, which is dedicated in youth transformation and nation building. He is also the recent cofounder of 2014 of Nubian Recovery Advantage LLC, a drug treatment and training and coaching facility for recovering addicts. Shabaka is a program director of scattered site housing for people suffering with co-disorders, mental illness, and substance abuse. Shabaka is a prolific reader and writer; his most recent books are “Yacub and the Drugging of the Original-man, 2015” and “Saviours Art of War, 2015.”

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    Everyone Needs a Bundini - Samuel Shabaka

    Copyright © 2016 by Samuel (Savior-Sha) Shabaka.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5035-5094-0

                    eBook           978-1-5035-5095-7

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    Rev. date: 01/08/2016









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    This book is dedicated to my wife La’Rae Hardy-Shabaka, who first used the term Bundini whenever she needed and instant burst of YES YOU CAN coaching she would call me to be her corner coach. Meaning, she had a request for an explosive instant coaching session. These sessions were brief three minute conversations of inspiration designed to remind her of her gifts, skills and talents. Like many champions boxing in the ring called life she took slugs, upper cuts and low blows. When the bell rang and she returned to her corner like many of you she needed someone there (her Bundini) to remind her that she has the definitive ability to win.

    Usually during this time she was either going into a very intense board meeting, or executive conferencing with vice presidents and senior management from one of the leading hospital in Newyork City. Throughout the years when we see someone down they may need a burst of inspiration and possibility thinking. We would say that person needs a Bundini, or whenever we had a moment or event that we were entering that needed our full attention or better yet our A Game! We called that a Bundini Moment. At every advanced level of your development you may need a guide; a practitioner, a coach that can lead you psychologically, mentally or spiritually to the next level of your development. From Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson or a Venus or Serena Williams they all had a coach that helped catapult them into that evasive zone of excellence and peak performance! That’s a Bundini moment the Zone of excellence!The Zone of greatness, the zone of Awesomeness!


    I would like to give special thanks to all sports enthusiast that helped me with this book. Particularly: Lawrence Palmer, Dudley Edwards who provided insight and recalls about the great Muhammad Ali, his coaches and trainers. Special thanks, also to Ms. Kesheana Shaw who helped type and provided some research on Drew ‘Bundini’ Brown. Blessings and thanks to everyone who helped me in this endeavor who allowed me the space and time to complete this project.

    This small book would be incomplete without mentioning the extraordinarily gifted coaches who sacrifice time and effort who go daily the extra mile who believe in the infamous and empowering Coaching Moments. Recognizing the need and desire to teach and motivate at all time. To the millions of coaches who are never recognized but play a significant impactful role in the lives of their mentees and students. I sincerely believe that it would be one less shooting, one less murder, one less crime committed, and one less crying

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