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Achieve Wellness with Therapeutic Care
Achieve Wellness with Therapeutic Care
Achieve Wellness with Therapeutic Care
Ebook323 pages3 hours

Achieve Wellness with Therapeutic Care

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The primary objective of this Wellness Workbook is to help many struggling individuals understand the comprehensive guidelines of therapeutic lifestyle modifications, which are necessary for changing unhealthy behaviors and developing lifesaving habitsin order to live happier, healthier, and longer life. These programs have helped many people achieve the state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This workbook is also well programmed to keep you perfectly healthy for fifty-two consecutive weeks and beyond! "Take good care of your heart, and it will do likewise." Start wellness in your home today!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 23, 2015
Achieve Wellness with Therapeutic Care

Dr. Olu-Victor Sunmoni

Dr. Olu-Victor Sunmoni is the current director of Integrated Care Services at Wellness Clinic, USA, in Orlando, Florida. He has written several wellness workbooks including “Doctor’s Wellness and Survival Guide,” which has helped many people prevent the risk of obesity, coronary heart disease, and various forms of cancer. He is well known for working with many medical specialists around the world to promote “wellness awareness” and help many struggling individuals accomplish their health goals. Dr. Sunmoni is currently on a mission of taking integrative medicine to a new dimension of helping increasing number of health-conscious individuals change the pattern of unhealthy behaviors by developing the willpower to participate actively in their own health improvement, incorporating healthy habits into their daily routine, and documenting new behaviors in “wellness journal.” This new project also involves helping all Americans live healthier lives by taking advantage of all preventive care services offered by the new Affordable Care Act. The primary mission of this wellness workbook is to promote easy transformation to living healthier life through the principle of “Educating before medicating.” Dr. Sunmoni has provided life-changing wellness programs for many clients, pharmacy, and nursing staff for more than ten years. His current project is focused on helping many well-informed individuals make a difference by developing healthy behaviors and taking full responsibility for all the actions affecting their health—most especially the choices they make about their daily diets and fitness routine. All the money raised on this project is going toward advanced wellness researches, which are necessary for making America a healthier nation. Together, we can prevent the epidemic of obesity and heart disease through fundamental behavior changes and making healthier choices every day. “Take good care of your heart, and it will do likewise.”—R. Sunmoni

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    Achieve Wellness with Therapeutic Care - Dr. Olu-Victor Sunmoni




    Copyright © 2015 by DR. OLU-VICTOR SUNMONI.

    ISBN:                   Softcover               978-1-5035-3065-2

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    This lifesaving wellness workbook is dedicated to my wonderful children—Victoria, Yinka, and Tony. You have brought great joys and happiness into my life. Thanks for giving me the courage to make life a lot better, especially for your generation and future generation. You already know that it’s always my pleasure to set outstanding examples for VYT (very young talents).


    The primary objective of this wellness workbook is to help many Americans enjoy the lifesaving benefits and preventive-care services offered by the new Affordable Care Act. It’s absolutely necessary to change old patterns of reckless lifestyle and adopt effective lifestyle modifications in order to accomplish all your health goals. Medical experts at Wellness Clinic, USA, are committed to assisting all Americans until everyone fully understands the essential aspects of Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, particularly weight management, fitness routine, health benefits of wellness-journal program, nutritional healing, natural remedies of herbs and dietary supplements, essential medication regimen, and more. There are five aspects of Fundamental Behavior Changes that will effectively improve your health. They include eating natural foods instead of processed foods, exercising daily instead of inactivity, drinking plenty of water daily instead of sodas, suppressing stress so that you can sleep well every night, and adding natural supplements to your daily diet. All these programs will enable you to change old patterns of unhealthy behaviors, develop lifesaving habits for improving your daily routine, and document accurately your healthy behaviors in the Wellness Journal section of this lifesaving workbook. These are the best methods to reap various health benefits and prevent many life-threatening diseases. Do you have the courage to modify your lifestyle and start living happier, healthier, longer life? You too can make a difference if you try. For your health improvement, join increasing number of well-informed Americans who are preventing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer by changing old patterns of careless behaviors and living healthier lives. Start this lifesaving process by participating actively in your own health improvement and eliminating excess sugar, salt, and saturated fats from your diet. This wellness workbook will help you every step of the way, until you accomplish all your health goals.

    There are two main sections in this workbook devoted to helping you reap all the health benefits of lifestyle modifications. The first section consists of ten wellness lectures, which will lay a solid foundation for committing yourself to lifestyle changes and smooth transformation to a healthier person in few weeks! You have a total of fifty-two consecutive weeks to change your eating habits completely, participate in more physical activities daily, drink more pure water and natural juices, add natural supplements to your daily diet, relax more often, and sleep well every night. Our medical experts are strong advocates of common-sense approaches to healthy living. These top-notch specialists are promoting wellness awareness and advocating the principle of educating before medicating. We have helped many people lose weight and stay perfectly healthy in all four seasons. If you comply with all the wellness tips in this workbook, you’ll reap various health benefits, including improved circulation, healthy heart, boosted immunity, elimination of daily stress, and decreased blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

    The second section of this wellness workbook is devoted to practical application of lifestyle modifications so that you’re able to practice every day all the healthy habits acquired in ten wellness lessons. You’ll be able to document accurately every meal and drink consumed at breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Pay more attention to quantitative and qualitative analysis of your meal and drink because this is the best way to evaluate essential health benefits of every meal consumed daily. For instance, it’s possible for two or more people to stay on the same diet but achieve totally different results based on the quality and quantity of the meal consumed by each individual. Check for complete details in section two. The wellness journal provided in the closing chapter will also help you plan all your meals and daily physical activities ahead of time each week for fifty-two consecutive weeks! There is no room for relapse in this lifesaving program. Keep this workbook as your daily companion so that you can record every meal and drink consumed immediately before forgetting the important details. The best part is that you’re able to take Evaluation Test at the end of each week to monitor your progress and Wellness Energy Levels accomplished each week. Concentrate on improving every habit that affects your health, and you’ll successfully reap all essential benefits of Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes in order to enjoy the most delicious life. The results of your Weekly Test will also motivate you to make all necessary adjustments in your eating habit and exercise routine so that you’ll continue to improve your health every week until you achieve all your goals!

    This lifesaving workbook has helped many people change all bad habits, cultivate healthy behaviors, and stay perfectly healthy in all seasons. After more than a ten-year study, our wellness experts were able to conclude that LA-SHO (Lifestyle Approaches to Stop Heart disease and Obesity) plan is the most comprehensive and very effective approach to living a healthier life. The LA-SHO plan is well-researched to help many struggling individuals add all natural foods; nutrient-rich, high-fiber fruits and vegetables; lean source of protein; and delicious seafood to their daily diet. You’ll learn more about practical applications of these wellness strategies in each lesson of this workbook. Each program will help you make smart choices at breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Many of these lifesaving programs involve practical, common-sense approaches to living the healthier life you always dream of! The LA-SHO program is a very effective, therapeutic breakthrough because you quickly cultivate the healthy habit of keeping accurate records of every food and drink consumed daily in the wellness journal for fifty-two weeks. It becomes a lot easier to control what goes into your system so that you can successfully manage your health improvement. The wellness-journal program provides the best opportunity to plan all your meals and physical activities one week ahead of time. This transformation empowers you to take all necessary actions and become more responsible for all the actions affecting your well-being. Our most important priority is to help every American achieve his or her health goals, especially by encouraging you to record smart contingency plans in the wellness journal.

    We sincerely hope that this lifesaving workbook will meet your expectations and provide ample opportunity for reaching all your health goals. For best results, digest all the health benefits of the LA-SHO plan in lesson3, and formulate the best strategies for changing your lifestyle to enjoy active, longer life.

    The wellness lectures and recommendations in this workbook are useful tools for changing unhealthy behaviors and taking advantage of all preventive-care services of Obamacare. They are not meant for diagnosis or treatment of any disease. The programs are not substitutes for your primary doctor’s recommendations. Visit your health-care providers regularly, and comply with taking all your lifesaving medications. Lifestyle modifications will improve every aspect of your life, particularly if you’re committed to changing all unhealthy habits and cultivating new behaviors for eating healthy and exercising daily. For every minute invested in lifestyle modifications and active participation in your health improvement, you’ll reap the health benefits of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being—and a longer life.

    The medical experts at Wellness Clinic, USA,

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