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Be a Standard Not a Runaway
Be a Standard Not a Runaway
Be a Standard Not a Runaway
Ebook240 pages3 hours

Be a Standard Not a Runaway

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Fear is the first spirit the enemy uses against us. It leads us to feeling worried and anxious, when we should be keeping our eyes on the Lord. The Lord gives us wisdom, to stand still and enter His rest. We need to focus on the salvation of the Lord in all of our circumstances, not the enemys doings. The act of un-forgiveness can stop us from receiving all of the blessings from Him. Remember that the Lord forgives us unconditionally of all sin. So let us walk in love, because love never fails. Continue to use the word of God over circumstances that we face in daily life, and let us protect ourselves from the enemy with the word of God. Learn to trust the Lord and know that He will battle for us. God will resurrect what you believe to be dead. He is the God of the impossible. He will show Himself strong when we are weak. Let the Lord work out the events in your marriage; dont try to fix situations yourself because it will not work!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 13, 2015
Be a Standard Not a Runaway

Mildred Louise French

Mildred Louise French (June 24, 1921 – October 3, 2010) Mildred “Louise” French Passed away peacefully on Sunday morning October 3,2010 at the age of 89, with her loving and devoted husband of 64 years Wayne T French by her side. She is survived by Wayne along with two twin daughters and countless caring friends. Louise led many bible studies in her home with Wayne for 30 plus years, and many people.

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    Be a Standard Not a Runaway - Mildred Louise French



    Do you find yourself unable to fix your own marriage? Are you ready to believe your marriage can be restored and be better than when you first got married? Do you need help overcoming the hurt, pain, loneliness, confusion, depression, shame, guilt, embarrassment, and defeat? Is your world falling apart?

    Have you tried to restore your marriage but failed, and the problem is only getting bigger and bigger? What if I told you that you could overcome all of this through the word of God? The promise is yours and to all those who want it. There is a way it can be done with more benefits than you can ever imagine.

    This book will help you learn to grow your faith in the Lord and believe your marriage to be restored, healed, and blessed. Discover the way in which you can walk in the spirit and love your spouse the way the Lord meant it.

    Master the five essential techniques to restoring your marriage even when you are the only one fighting for it.

    Believe the Lord will restore your marriage.

    Learn to love your spouse the way the Lord intended.

    Have faith in complete healing for your spouse and yourself.

    Have complete commitment to the realization of your restored marriage, no matter what happens.

    Learn how the enemy operates to protect yourself and your family.

    Our mentor, Louise, who was given the wisdom and the passion for restoration of families from the Lord, wrote this book. She was passionate about helping people and teaching them the word of God, the truth, and increasing their faith. She helped countless people with her mentorship, and you will be one of those too.

    This book will give you the biblical truth and spiritual knowledge needed to stand for your spouse’s deliverance. The word of God exposes many of the enemy’s lies that break up marriages. The Lord will liberate the one you have been praying for. You are to see that God loves that person and will work with them in the same way that He deals with us when we have failed Him.

    If you have a desire to seek the Lord for the restoration of your marriage and family, even if you are the only one, know that you have been called and chosen by the Lord and that your family has been called by the Lord out of darkness into salvation. You need to know and understand that you are the one chosen by the Lord, and He wants to use you for His purpose. Even if no one else in your family is motivated to accomplish this restoration, shout for joy, because you are the one and know that you are in the great company of the called and chosen. Your family is called, but you are called and chosen. It is important for you to understand this because you have an enemy who doesn’t want to allow you to accomplish what God has called and chosen you to do, and the first attack by the enemy is to get you to wonder whether it really is true and whether the Lord heard your prayer. Remember that Satan lied to Eve and made her think that God didn’t really mean what He said in the Garden of Eden about not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    A few of the illustrious ones who you are in the company of are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and Daniel. Each one was called and chosen to lead either an entire nation or his immediate family out of bondage. Moses, Joshua, and Daniel were chosen to lead the entire nation of Israel out of captivity. If you do not know the Lord, you are in slavery.

    I want to focus on Noah. Jesus said that the end times would be as the days of Noah, so it behooves us to find out what He meant for we are in those end times. Noah was called and chosen to build an ark in order to save his family from the destruction of the flood that the Lord told him was to come upon the earth.

    Genesis 6:6–8

    And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved at heart. So the Lord said, I will destroy, blot out, and wipe away mankind … But Noah found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord.

    If you are called and chosen, you have found this same grace and favor in the eyes of the Lord.

    Daniel 10:11

    Gabriel said to Daniel, O Daniel, you greatly beloved man, understand the words that I speak to you and stand upright, for to you I am now sent …

    Exodus 33:11

    And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.

    Genesis 6:9

    Noah walked [in habitual fellowship] with God.

    Genesis 6:13

    God said to Noah, I intend to make and end of all flesh, for through men the land is filled with violence; and behold, I will destroy them and the land.

    We are familiar with the story of Noah, but most of us have never thought about it in connection with our own life and circumstances. Noah was called and chosen because of his relationship with the Lord, and he put the Lord first in his life. Noah walked with the Lord and was obedient to the Lord’s call. This is a true picture of what I refer to as a stander. He understood what following the Lord’s instructions would mean to him and his family. He cared about his family.

    In Genesis 6:14–16, the Lord gave Noah instructions as to how to build the ark. He knew that God would not lie. Noah built the ark just as you build the word of God in your life when you obey the leading of the Lord and His principles in order to succeed. In our lives, the Ark of the Covenant represents the covenant word of God. The Israelites had the Ark of the Covenant with them. It represented the presence of God. God’s word in your situation is the same thing, and if you can get hold of that Truth, you will not falter in your stand.

    Hebrews 13:5

    God has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax my hold on you). [Assuredly not]!

    Today we are not expecting a flood to cover the earth, but we are forewarned of the destruction that will come upon the earth by fire. We who are called and chosen need to heed and obey the Lord’s call and be diligent for we too have favor and grace from the Lord, and when we hear His voice, we shouldn’t harden our hearts. Only Noah and his family were saved from the flood.

    Hebrews 11:7

    [Prompted] by faith Noah, being forewarned by God concerning events of which as yet there was no visible sign, took heed and diligently and reverently constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of his own family …

    This is what, as a stander, you have in common with Noah concerning your family’s salvation. Settle it in your mind and heart that the desire to see your household walking with the Lord has been put there by the Lord, and then answer His call and know that you are God’s beloved.

    Noah was mocked and jeered at, and so will you be. Learning to know who your real enemy is will help you to focus on his tactics rather than taking the circumstances into yourself as hurt feelings and self-pity. Know your family is not the real enemy; they are not innocent but just pawns of the devil.

    Know that they are ignorant of God’s principles, so Satan can easily take them captive and use them to try to get you to believe your cause is hopeless. There was a process in the deliverance of Noah’s family, and it wasn’t done overnight. So impatience and complacency cannot be a factor in your faith walk. It will happen on God’s appointed time. It took time to build the ark, and it takes time in God’s word to build your faith so that you can stand firm until all that God has called you to do is accomplished. The ark had to be built to specifications in order to have it work correctly, and so does God’s word have to be built in you in order to have it work for you.

    Walking in the kind of love expressed by God is necessary for God said that faith works by love, and without faith, you cannot please God. You need to know who your enemies are and how they operate. The Amorites are one of the attackers in your stand.

    In Joshua 10:5, five Amorite kings are attacking the Israelites. Likewise, the spirits of these kings are sent to discourage you and attack your faith in God’s word and His ability to bring about the restoration you seek. (Amorite means the crowd spirit.)

    In other words, the Amorite spirits want you to go along with the world system. They want to block your path of faith and relationship with the Lord. The first and most preeminent of these spirits is Adoni-Zedek (Lord of Righteousness). His form of attack is to cause you to question your right to seek God.

    Adoni-Zedek was the king over Jerusalem, which means dual peace shall be taught. How much peace do you have when you are torn between God’s promise and whether you have a right to stand? Who is your righteousness anyway? It isn’t Adoni-Zedek. Your righteousness is of the Lord. So can you stand for that promise? You bet you can! The Adoni-Zedek attack is designed to delay you or to cause you to turn away from God’s plan for you and your spouse.

    Hebron means communion. The king of Hebron was Hoham, which means alas, he crushed. This spirit will try to block your relationship with the Lord. It wants to keep you so busy with the world and everyday activities that you have no time for the Lord. It is important to give the Lord first place in your time. You need to hear from God before the day activities begin so that you will be ready for any trap that the enemy has set for you.

    In Genesis 13:3–4, Abram built an altar before the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord before he confronted Lot. If Satan cannot get you to quit, he will try to delay you from God’s purpose and plan for you. You have heard people tell you that they don’t have time to read the Bible because they have to make a living among other excuses. I have heard homemakers say, I haven’t time for the Bible. The children and upkeep of the house take up all my time.

    These people fail to see that if they would take the time, the Lord would cause their days to be much easier. God calls us to order. The Lord told Martha that Mary had the better part when Martha complained that Mary was not doing her part and was leaving all the work to her. Mary was sitting in front of Jesus’s feet. Dethrone the king of Hebron. He has no right to block your communion with the Lord.

    Jarmuth means he will be lifted up or elevated; and the king of Jarmuth was Priam, which means their wild ass. When you have conquered the first two kings Adoni-Zedek and Hoham, Jarmuth will try to keep you so busy and occupied with self-elevation that you will be tempted to lift yourself up as the one who is really in charge. You will try to take all the glory for yourself. This gets in the way of the Lord. Nebuchadnezzar fell into this trap, and he ended up eating grass until he came to his senses. The glory belongs to the Lord. If you take the credit, how else will people know that God can deliver them?

    James 4:30 says, Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. Jarmuth wants you to pick up your do-it-yourself kit. You will want to take the Lord’s place in your family to watch over them, correct them, and guide them. You are not called to be God in their lives. Don’t fall for Satan’s delaying tactics. Pray and do the part assigned to you and believe that God can do the changing. If you could have accomplished this feat, you would not have had to ask God to intervene. Know that God is the only One who can get through to others.

    The king of Lachish, which means walk of man, was Japhia, meaning causing brightness. This spirit is akin to the attitude of Lot. This spirit wants you to walk in your own understanding and to make you think you are perfectly capable of running your own affairs.

    Psalms 94:8

    Consider and understand, you stupid ones among the people …

    When will you be wise?

    Proverbs 14:12 (NKJV)

    There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

    Matthew 23:12

    Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled and whoever humbles himself shall be raised to honor.

    The work of Lachish is to block you from God’s glory working in you. The hallmark of the king Eglon, whose name means a bull calf, is to get you into stubborn rebellion when it seems as though God is not doing anything about your problem. This is a real foe to your faith walk. Recognize the game plan of these two spirits; and instead of allowing them to defeat you, shout for joy, as you have been called and chosen by God! You are God’s champion, and He is on your side. Eglon’s king is Debir, and his name means an oracle. We do not need to listen to oracles, and this one is especially up to no good.

    Love Scriptures

    Ephesians 3:14–21

    For this reason I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whom every family in heaven and on earth is name that Father from Whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name.

    May You grant me out of the rich treasury of Your glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in my inner man by the [Holy] Spirit, Himself indwelling my innermost being and personality.

    May Christ through my faith actually dwell, settle down, abide, make His permanent home, in my heart! May I be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.

    That I may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints, the experience of that love. What is the breath and length and height and depth of it.

    That I may come to know, practically, through experience for myself, the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience; that I may be filled throughout my being unto all the fullness of God. That I may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself!

    Now to You Who, by the action of Your power that is at work within me, is able to carry out Your purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that I dare ask or think, infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams.

    To You be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

    1 Peter 3:8–13

    Finally, all of you should be of one and the same mind, united in spirit, sympathizing with one another, loving each other, as brethren of one household, compassionate and courteous, tenderhearted and humble minded.

    Never return evil for evil or insult for insult, scolding, tongue-lashing, berating, but on the contrary blessing, praying for their welfare, happiness and protection, and truly pitying and loving them.

    For know that to this you have been called, that you may yourself inherit a blessing from God, that you may obtain a blessing as heirs, bringing welfare and happiness and protection.

    For let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days keep his tongue free from evil, and his lips from guile, treachery and deceit.

    Let him turn away from wickedness and shun it, and let him do right. Let him search for peace, harmony, undisturbedness from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts and seek it eagerly.

    Do not merely desire peaceful relations with God, with your fellowmen, and with yourself, but pursue, and go after them!

    For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, those who are upright and in right standing with God, and His ears are attentive to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who practice evil to oppose them, to frustrate, and defeat them. Now who is there to hurt you if you are zealous followers of that which is good?

    Luke 6:27-33, 35-38, 43-49

    But I say to you who are listening now to Me, in order to heed, make it practice to love your enemies, treat well, do good to, act nobly toward those who detest you and pursue you with hatred.

    Invoke blessings upon and pray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God’s blessing, favor upon those who abuse you, who revile, reproach, disparage and highhandedly misuse you.

    To the one who strikes you on the jaw or cheek, offer the other jaw or check also; and from him, who takes away your outer garment, do not withhold your undergarment as well.

    Give away to everyone who begs of you, who is in want of necessities and of him who takes away from you your goods, do not demand or require them back again.

    And as you would like and desire that men would do to you, do exactly so to them. If you merely love those who love you, what quality of credit and thanks is that to you? For even the very sinners love their lovers, those who love them.

    And if you are kind and good and do favors to and benefit those who are kind and good and do favors to and benefit you, what quality of credit and thanks is that to you? For even the preeminently sinful do the same.

    But love your enemies and be kind and do good, doing favors so that someone derives benefit from them and lend, expecting and hoping for nothing in return but considering nothing as lost and despairing of no one; and then

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