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56 Notions of Success
56 Notions of Success
56 Notions of Success
Ebook241 pages2 hours

56 Notions of Success

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About this ebook

Success is not becoming a superstar; that is fame. Success is fulfilling and exceeding your personal goals. 56 Notions of Success takes you across its magic compass pointing to results, thoughts, motivations, and actions.

Each point contains fourteen distinct notions of success. The fourteen notions for results confirm time-tested tools proven to gain success. The fourteen notions for thought draw from personal experiences of the authors own success. The fourteen notions for motivation will inspire you onto success through self-empowering principles. The book ends with fourteen notions for actions: practical tools for reaching your own success.

The inspiration to preserve these success notions is interwoven throughout the book. At the time of writing, the author conducted weekly workshops for independent agents setting up life insurance agencies. The book 56 Notions of Success preserves many of the key examples still being used in these workshops. It also contains minor secrets revealed through personal anecdotes.
PublisherXlibris NZ
Release dateJan 16, 2015
56 Notions of Success

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    56 Notions of Success - Timothy Rose

    Copyright © 2015 by Timothy Rose.

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    Rev. date: 01/13/2015






    1 Words Create What Thought Imagines

    2 Tap Into Higher Powers

    3 Its Okay To Love Yourself

    4 Brotherhood & Sisterhood

    5 You Don’t Accidentally Create Success

    6 You Must Dream Big

    7 Failure Is How You Go Forward

    8 The Past Is Key To Your Future

    9 The Power Of Choice

    10 Teach As You Learn

    11 Purging Is Necessary For Growth

    12 Giving With Receiving

    13 I Am Responsible

    14 Staying True To Your Core Values


    15 It’s In Writing

    16 Right Division

    17 Find Peace Within And Stay There

    18 Tradition Will Kill You

    19 Recover From Your Wounds

    20 You Must Empower Others

    21 You Attract Success When You Divorce Defeat

    22 Sometimes You Do Need Help

    23 Be Wise As A Serpent

    24 Its Already Inside Of You

    25 Move Even If You Are Not Ready

    26 Learn To Love People

    27 Get Back Up When Knocked Down

    28 Being Right Is Not Enough


    29 Passion Moves Intention

    30 Take Charge Of Your Own Destiny

    31 Focus Your Passion

    32 Prepare For Opportunity’s Door Knock

    33 Complete The Person As Well As The Project

    34 Passion Takes Away Work

    35 Refine Your Recipe As You Create

    36 Victory Through A Greater Good

    37 Encourage Yourself

    38 Ethos Of Self-Empowerment

    39 Willingness To Endure Suffering

    40 Do Not Personalize Opposition

    41 Never Forget The Why

    42 Move Now, Explain Later


    43 You Are Already A Millionaire

    44 Be A Student Of Abundance

    45 The Rules Change To Sustain Success

    46 Become A Specialist

    47 Negotiate Through Your Calculated Plan

    48 Learn The Art Of Negotiation

    49 Invest In New Projects

    50 Demonstrate Your Appreciation

    51 Cultivate Your Talents

    52 Share Your Wisdom

    53 Enjoy The Fruit

    54 Order From Chaos

    55 Being Good With Your Abundance

    56 Success Not Superstardom

    About The Author

    Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.—Zig Ziglar



    Formulating Your Success Through Sacrifice & Surrender



    Words Create What Thought Imagines

    Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits.—James Allen

    It is a privilege to empower persons from different cultures. At the time of this writing, I am contracted as a Corporate Trainer to a major Insurance Corporation. It is wonderful to empower persons from all backgrounds, equipping them with tools for success.

    Being based in Auckland, New Zealand, it is rich in culture. One out of every three persons living in Auckland was born outside of New Zealand! It is also home to the largest population of Polynesians in the world. Every week I have new persons from different parts of the world united before me. They all want to be successful.

    English is a second language for many of these aspiring business owners. This fact alone challenges me to be ever learning as to how best communicate success principles. My favorite way to get their attention is by using the following statement:

    This is where Christians and Witches agree!

    Polynesians in particular are embedded with a culture of Christianity. The statement arrests their attention—and even more so the attention of the many Christian ministers sitting in my workshops.

    I love it!

    The context of my statement is introducing the concept of magic numbers.

    Sales is a numbers game. You work out how many prospects you contacted; calculate the ratio of presentations given; and then count how many closes you made. Learn those three numbers and then put pressure on the system. It takes the pressure off your prospects and yourself.

    Where I am currently contracted, the magic numbers are 30-20-10. 30 appointments each week produce 20 presentations of the products. 10 of the 20 presentations average out to be sales. Those three numbers work like magic.

    I appreciate Disney and Harry Potter might have tainted our idea of magic. We expect to wave a wand and receive instant results. True magic, however, promotes belief and intent as key to results. Your intentions are of utmost importance! And, of course, whether or not you believe there is a power within you or beyond you to produce the results. That is why I say Witches and Christians agree: both accept faith and heart attitude are required to move mountains.

    There is a mutual understanding that created results begin in the mind.

    Christians teach God desired to create the worlds and thus spoke them into existence. Creation, by their teaching, is a direct result of spoken words that were first conceived as the Creator’s intent.

    The first notion of success begins inside of you. What is it you want to create? What is your idea of success? How will you define success? What is the project you wish to complete? You are already thinking about what you want to create. Your intention is to do it. Now believe you can!

    That is why daily affirmations are so important. Every day you should audibly affirm something positive about yourself, your intent, and your belief. Christians do this by memorizing texts from their bible. Affirmations are encouraged by Jesus where he taught:

    Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23

    This eternal mother principle of fertility, beauty, happiness and productiveness begins inside your heart. It proceeds from your heart out through your mouth. It leaves your mouth and becomes a reality. It works like magic!

    Each notion of success you read ends with a related affirmation. You are encouraged to adapt them for yourself. Every morning state them audibly. You’ll be amazed what it does for you inside and out.

    Affirmation: I am abundant with unconscious power.


    Tap Into Higher Powers

    He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.—Isaac Newton

    This notion is not new. It definitely is not original—and it still must be emphasized.

    You are inspired about certain ideas, projects, goals, and opportunities. You daily remind yourself of your dreams and aspirations. You want to bring to life those things that alive in your heart and mind. You are conscious of these inner desires.

    Success follows those who acknowledge personal limitations. That is why it is so important to embrace this notion: success is found when tapping into a Higher Power.

    I appreciate you may not believe in God as a Person. In the least, consider there is a Power greater than your Self. Recognize even Nature has powers beyond you. The strength of a cyclone and power of a king tide ought to create awe. To create what you imagine, depend upon the support of Higher Powers.

    Business has come to embrace two key concepts related to personal growth and indirectly related to tapping into outside sources: synergy and interdependence.

    Synergy is the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements. In other words, 1 + 1 = 3 or even 4, 5, or 6.

    This phenomenon is recognized in biochemistry and pharmacology. They have learned that two different drugs which have a particular effect on an individual can be enhanced once combined. So the result is greater than just one drug’s benefits put together with the other drug’s benefits. It is by combining the drugs that additional benefits are created.

    Synergy comes from Greek language into English. Even back in 1827 the English term (synergy) meant combined activities of a group. Working together to create more than each person can on their own is why interdependence works in relationships.

    Dependent relationships are not healthy unless you are a baby. It is understandable that a newborn must depend on its mother for nurturing and protection. As the child grows it reaches the stage of independence. The classic catch 22: I love the fact my baby is grown up; I enjoyed the time of dependence.

    I am not suggesting you become dependent on a Higher Power; only to tap into that Power. When two adults have a dependent relationship, it is not normal. The same can be said about a dependent relationship on God. Relationships are about mutual respect and growth, not about one domineering over the other.

    Many assume that successful relationships are when each respects the independence of each other. However, that is merely a stepping stone. True success in relationships comes when there is synergy. When your child becomes an adult, there are two adults living independently who draw strength from each other. It works the same in marriage. It works the same in business. And that is why it works when you tap into a Higher Power. There is synergy.

    To accomplish all you dare, you must have the support of an outside Force. As a visionary, you learn to mediate between the worlds of your mind and the place you want to accomplish your goal. When you master this unseen tide through daily communication, you become a surrogate for others. Your business product becomes more than a means to obtain a profit: it becomes a manner for others to fill a need or desire.

    As a father, mother, husband, wife, and/or business owner, you are a leader. It is important that you find a well to draw fresh water that is outside of your Self. For you to communicate strength, passion, and commitment; for you to guide others to something more than just profit; you must possess an insight and force with which to be reckoned. That force comes from tapping into a Higher Power. It comes from the act of praying. Tap into that Power and become a Godfather to many.

    Affirmation: I am a loving visionary leader.


    Its Okay To Love Yourself

    You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.—Gautama Buddha

    Being reared inside of Fundamentalist Christian circles, I was taught it was evil to love yourself. For many years I obediently propagated this falsehood. Joy was taught as the acronym: J.O.Y. The acronym was made of three words: Jesus, Others, and You. The teaching is that in order to obtain inner joy, you have to love your Self last. You must love Jesus firstly, others secondly, and aways lastly your Self.

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