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In the Arms of God: A Testimonial
In the Arms of God: A Testimonial
In the Arms of God: A Testimonial
Ebook52 pages40 minutes

In the Arms of God: A Testimonial

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About this ebook

These are true events in the life of Ed Delk,

where God intervened to alter or save his life.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 26, 2015
In the Arms of God: A Testimonial

"Ira E. ""Ed"" " Delk

Ed Delk was born in Weldon, Iowa, the fifth of the nine children of Bernice and Charles Delk. At age thirteen, the family moved to Des Moines, Iowa. Ed received a BA degree from Drake University. After serving in the air force during the Korean War, he received a JD degree from the University of Iowa. He practiced corporate law in Sioux City, Iowa, for thirty-two years. While there, he received a MBA degree from the University of South Dakota. He retired as senior vice president and general counsel of Midwest Energy Company. With Barbara, his wife of sixty-three years, he moved to Bella Vista, Arkansas, where he took writing classes at the University of Arkansas and at Northwest Arkansas Community College. They have two children, eight grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren.

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    In the Arms of God - "Ira E. ""Ed"" " Delk

    Copyright © 2015 Ira E. Ed Delk.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8180-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8179-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015908437

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/24/2015



















    This Testimonial is dedicated to the Glory of God and to Barbara Jean Delk, whom God took to her heavenly home on May 29, 2015.


    W e all have a tendency to take many things for granted. We expect each day to follow a particular pattern; certain things are to happen at certain times. We have our rituals and our routines. Sometimes we get very upset when things do not follow that pattern.

    But life has its ups and downs. Sometimes things occur that we cannot fully understand or appreciate. We call these occurrences by several different names: coincidences, acts of fate, pure luck, miracles, and divine interventions.

    But what do we mean by these different terms? I believe that it’s a coincidence when several events occur at the same time by accident but appear to have some connection. Fate seems to be the reason things happen that we cannot otherwise explain. Luck seems to be those things, good or bad, that happen to people as if by chance.

    A miracle is an event that can only be explained by divine intervention in human affairs. It is then necessary to define divine intervention. I believe it to be something directly proceeding from God.

    There are those who say nothing is a coincidence and that God’s hand is in everything we do and all that is. This theory denies the free will of man; I do not subscribe to it. I believe there are coincidental things, but I also believe there are many instances when God is directly involved in our lives. I believe that a coincidence can occur when the results have no impact, one way or the other, on our lives or how we live them.

    Let me give an example. In September of 1993, my wife and I flew to Boston to spend a couple of weeks in New England enjoying the fall foliage and the historical sites.

    One day we walked the Freedom Trail in Boston. We did not cross the Charles River to Bunker Hill or Old Ironsides because we were going

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