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Re-Creation: “Born Again of Water and Spirit”
Re-Creation: “Born Again of Water and Spirit”
Re-Creation: “Born Again of Water and Spirit”
Ebook149 pages2 hours

Re-Creation: “Born Again of Water and Spirit”

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Dr. Truitt tries to answer the following age-old questions from a philosophical, psychological, scientific and spiritual perspective:

When a person dies, where does their spirit go? Are they born again? Does God want you putting words in his mouth? What makes living things intelligent and gives them life? Is a persons soul immortal? What happens to a persons soul after death? How can a soul be judged? What is the number one reason that a person should strive to make the world a better place for its future inhabitants? What is the ultimate truth, the ultimate reality?

What is Dr. Truitts perception of reincarnation, being born again, and what he calls the re-creation or God and Mother Natures plan to perfect the souls of man and to turn the paradise that we call earth into the ultimate form of the good?

Our purpose in life is to serve God and Mother Nature for the common good of all living things! Most religions are merely perceived by man to satisfy mankinds innate (God-given) need to know and understand. Gods instructions for living their lives are firmly ingrained in the souls of all his living creatures!

To know and understand the truth is one of mankinds most essential innate or God-given needs. The ultimate truth, the ultimate reality, Gods laws, and the laws of nature are universal and never change; they never contradict each other.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 9, 2015
Re-Creation: “Born Again of Water and Spirit”

Paul E. Truitt

The author has spent his entire life caring for the growth, health, and safety of animals of all kinds. He grew up in a Christian family on an award-winning livestock farm near Stanley, Kentucky, with seven siblings. The author received a number of student achievement and athletic awards. Dr. Truitt graduated from Auburn University’s School of Veterinary Medicine in 1972. During his midlife crises, the author intensely studied psychology, philosophy, education, logic, interpersonal communication, and comparative religion. As a college instructor, Dr. Truitt taught “Biology—The Nature of Life” and “Human Health and Biology.” As a single parents’ leader, he gave lectures on interpersonal relationships, love and friendship, forgiveness, and innate human needs.

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    Re-Creation - Paul E. Truitt

    Copyright © 2015 by Paul E. Truitt, DVM.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Rev. date: 01/02/2015





    Foreword My Purpose in This Life

    Introduction Our Spiritual Connections

    Chapter One Love God, Nature, Others and Yourself

    Chapter Two Spiritually Inspired Innate Needs

    Chapter Three The Way of Truth and Love

    Chapter Four God the Father and Mother Nature

    Chapter Five Cultivate the Good - Weed Out the Bad

    Chapter Six Love of the Game

    Chapter Seven Our Spirits

    Chapter Eight Positive Change of Heart and Soul

    Chapter Nine Love and Friendship

    Chapter Ten How to be a Good Friend and Lover

    Chapter Eleven Judgment Day

    Chapter Twelve The Re-Creation



    About the Author


    I dedicate this book to a number of good souls that have shown me how family, friends and neighbors should love one another.

    My wife, Salvacion: Salvie is truly the best soul that I have ever met. She is a kind and cheerful giver. Salvie was a single mom with four children. Because of her extraordinary intelligence and work ethic, she graduated college with degrees in chemical engineering and business administration. Without any outside help, she also unselfishly paid for all four of her children to attend and to graduate from college. Salvacion is truly a blessing to those around her.

    My brother Charles: Charles Evans Truitt was my oldest brother by ten years. After Charles got married and was farming on his own, I often worked for him. From the age of 9 until I went to college, I often worked side by side with Charles - driving tractors, building fences, and working in the fields. I have heard people say that Charles was a bad businessman. The truth is - Charles was filled with a good spirit; others were more important than material gain. I could not have asked for a better example to follow. Charles loved people; he never met a stranger. I once heard a farm hand ask Charles if he could borrow some money. Knowing that the man would have a hard time paying him back, Charles kindly and cheerfully replied, I would rather just give it to you. Charles was not a wealthy man. A long battle with cancer took Charles’ life at the age of 55. To the end, Charles was more concerned with those that he was leaving behind than himself.

    My Mother: Ersie Mildred McKinley Truitt was a kind and gentle soul. She raised 8 children and made us all feel special. We were not financially wealthy, but Mother made us feel rich and smart. My parents and all their children were rich in spirit. Mother was the valedictorian of her high school. She was offered an academic scholarship to college; but instead, she blessed her eight children with a rare kind of motherly love. Mother had to be one of God’s favorite children. Both my parents were cheerful givers.

    My Dad: Evans Mayo Truitt was a righteous man. He regularly worked as many as 16 hours a day - without complaint. He usually would only stopped long enough to eat and sleep. He provided all his children with a lot of love. My dad worked hard and played hard. If he was not working, he was playing with his kids. He and mother were the best life coaches that one could imagine. He believed in raising excellent quality livestock and crops – and kids. My parents made sure that we all got a good education. He had to be one of God’s favorite sons. Daddy died a poor man; not because he did not work hard and make money, but because he gave it away about as fast as he made it. If you needed it, both Daddy and Momma would literal give you their last dollar!

    Ken Travis: Ken is another good neighbor. Although we live hundreds of miles apart in different states - and I had never met him until he offered to help - Ken spent his money; used his truck and trailer; and, his farm to help me rescue some of my Charitable Trust horses from a group of ecoterrorists. Ken did mail me a bill, but before the bill arrived, Ken called and told me just to tear it up once it arrived. Ken is rich with brotherly love.

    My great-nephew, Collin: Collin Truitt Poynter was a big handsome kid with a joy for life. A rare form of lung cancer, took his life at the age of eleven. Being terminally ill never dimmed his spirit; you might even say that even death did not dim his spirit. Rather than feeling self-pity, Collin courageously told the doctors at the hospital that they could use him as a guinea pig, if it would help other kids in the future. Collin was literally the brain-child for a non-profit organization, Collin’s Classic for Kids with Cancer. Collin wanted kids like himself to enjoy the rest of their short lives. Collin has been an inspiration to me and many others. Collin’s charity, The Make-A-Wish Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are the three of the charitable beneficiaries of our charitable trust.

    Willis Geesaman: Willis and his son, David, could have not been better neighbors. They give special meaning to love you neighbor. Like the neighbors in my childhood days, Willis and David (barely knowing me) cut and bailed hay that fed our Charitable Trust horses for an entire winter. They were there with their farm equipment anytime they were needed. They even repaired my old farm car and refused to accept payment.


    My Purpose in This Life

    Love is the gifting of oneself to meet the needs of another with the growth, health and happiness of the loved one as the ultimate concern. – Paul E. Truitt, DVM

    I am not a professional writer. This is my first book. I am simply a senior citizen whose livelihood as a veterinarian and Thoroughbred horse trainer has been maliciously destroyed by a group of corrupt government officials who followed me from Nashville, Tennessee to Grantville, Pennsylvania and conspired with a group of domestic terrorists that were masquerading as animal rights activists.

    During my adult lifetime, I have experienced corrupt govern agencies; law enforcement agencies that tolerate blatantly obvious criminal activities; and, a Justice System that ignores their legal duties and obligations. Apathy is their deadliest sin.

    I consider myself a righteous man. More than that, I seem to be a convicted man in the sense that I am naturally compelled to tell the truth and to do what is right no matter what the cost. I attribute my conviction to the Spirit of God within me. If there is one thing that I have learned, it is that our purpose in life is to serve God and Mother Nature for the common good of all living things!!!!

    Ancient Greek philosophers used the term - Form of the Good - which meant beauty and perfection in all things. I believe that this is God’s ultimate plan for the world.

    The God of gods planned for Mankind to be like the gods and to be caretakers (not takers) of the Paradise that we call Earth and all living things.

    God created Mankind to be His servants – the stewards of Earth and all living things. I obediently consider myself a humble servant of God and Mother Nature. My purpose in life is simply to serve God, Mother Nature and all living things. This has meant fighting one battle after another against evil-spirited people.

    While many in my position would be angry at God for seemingly not answering their prayers, my adversity has left me a better person and more accepting of God’s ultimate plan for me - and Mankind.

    Seemingly standing alone, I have fought a number of battles for what is good and just. Because I opposed evil and corruption, I was often targeted by mean-spirited people; especially, evil-spirited ecoterrorists and corrupt government officials. I am willing to stand up for what is right because I can now see the big picture and my purpose in this life - and my next. Wisdom comes from God; therefore, I no longer feel that I am the one being tested by God. I now feel that the ones being tested are the wrongdoers - and those who stand by and do nothing about wrongdoing.

    My beliefs and convictions have been changed by the last fifteen years of continual oppression and persecution; they go far beyond religious beliefs; now, I simply do what is right for the greater Form of the Good – the common Good for all living things.

    I now see that there is a divine plan for an Ultimate Form of the Good; therefore, I respect the fundamental good and truths of all religions and cultural beliefs. Mankind is here on earth to serve Nature and Nature’s Creator and not the other way around.

    Filled with His Holy Spirit, Mankind is God’s bodies, minds, and souls. Nature and Nature’s Creator give us Life and Love. We should not ask for or expect more. What is planned for Mankind is far beyond what our human minds can comprehend in this stage of our transformation and Re-Creation.

    I have always believed in a just and good Creator; however, I have often felt that my prayers were not answered as my religious upbringing taught; and, that divine intervention in times of dire need did not happen like the Bible promises. Only with the help of my loving wife, family, and a couple of real friends - and my strong desire to complete my mission for God - was I able to survive the last fifteen years of government malfeasance and nonfeasance – and the relentless attacks of my evil-spirited adversaries.

    Most of my Christian friends - like the priest and Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan – crossed over to the other side of the road and walked on by while I was robbed and relentlessly attacked. Like the expert in law in the parable, most of the attorneys that I have asked for help were only interested

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