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Eight Horses
Eight Horses
Eight Horses
Ebook73 pages24 minutes

Eight Horses

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About this ebook

In the fall of 2001, I began to be gifted with inspired words. They came to me in the form of poetry and prose. At times it seemed as though I could not get them down on paper fast enough. I found them to be eloquent and inspiring, and for me, they contained many beautiful messages.

At some point later on in the following year, twenty six such poems had been written. The seemingly strange thing about all of this is that I had never written poetry until this time in my life.

The twenty seventh poem written was some of my own thoughts compiled to try to explain my feelings for this gift of writing, and even at that, I had some beautiful help, because the words came out with eloquence as well. The poem titled "More Spoken Word" is presented as the first poem here in hopes that others will understand that "these are not my words.

The twenty-five poems that make up this short collection are from a larger collection that now numbers one hundred and eighteen. Ten of the twenty-five poems here are about eight horses and the influence that they had on me as I traveled the path of a seeker, seeking my own truths. The first four poems about the Horses came to me somewhat quickly. But the remaining seven came as the years have passed by. The last one coming to me in the spring of 2010.

I feel this collection is meant to be shared with all whom care to read it in further hopes that each individual will find their own message within. With great gratitude and sincerity;

Steven L. Young
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 19, 2014
Eight Horses

Steven L. Young

Born in Rexburg, Idaho in 1950, Steven L. Young retired from the nuclear industry and now resides on the edge of the desert near Blackfoot, Idaho. He owns and operates a small trucking company based from that area. Much of the inspiration in his poetry comes from the freedom he has realized that comes from learning that one can live through life circumstances while being unattached to the outcome. "To be able to see the World for what it truly is............and to have great reverence for Earth Mother". With great gratitude; Steven L. Young

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    Eight Horses - Steven L. Young

    Copyright © 2014 by Steven L. Young.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 01/12/2015





    1 More Spoken Word

    2 The Lion

    3 The Bear

    4 Ones’ Quest

    5 Surrender

    6 Ones’ Teachings

    7 Famine

    8 War

    9 The Milk

    10 The Warrior Within

    11 Life

    12 As Above, So Below

    13 The Table

    14 The Horseman

    15 Let Those Horses Run

    16 The Sleeping Indian

    17 The Horse Called Truth

    18 Gods’ Will

    19 Cascades Of Time

    20 Chudan Mind

    21 The Patriarch

    22 The Gifts Of Healing

    23 The Indigenous One

    24 Love And Consequences

    25 That Of Which We Gave



    One never quite knows

    About the poetry and prose

    That has been gifted to him

    After many journeys within

    What feelings are invoked

    By the words that are wrote

    Do the words mean much

    And whom will they touch

    When words of inspiration

    Are gifted again

    Will I put them on paper

    With this hand and this pen

    Will the messages get carried

    To the ones they are meant for

    Will it help others

    To open new doors

    Will I listen to Spirit’s words

    Or listen to mine

    Could they be the same

    Just one more time

    Will others see the message

    That they have just heard

    Or will this remain

    Just More Spoken Word


    ~ THE LION ~

    What now seems like a long time ago, I embarked on a journey, like many seekers do. Ones’ quest for enlightenment seems to take us to many places.

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