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Street Blind: Kalyebulag
Street Blind: Kalyebulag
Street Blind: Kalyebulag
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Street Blind: Kalyebulag

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Marissa was found on the outskirts of Kalyebulag, a visually impaired village. Her adopted parents found her and raised her as their own. Marissa learns that the people of Kalyebulag are born blind and were outcasted from their families as infants. These villagers were taken in by a priest, who created a community for them. The villagers were together and have a caring society, but when the night falls onto the quiet town, an evil witch, Zimiria, that haunts the all villages of the mountain. Marissa is curious about where she came from and the village of the blind, Marissa wonders why she isnt blind. Marissa questions if she can release the villages from the clutches of Zimiria, the evil witch. Marissa heads out on an adventure to find Zimiria and to learn the truth of where she comes from.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 29, 2016
Street Blind: Kalyebulag

Heidy Ramos

Heidy Ramos, an recent graduate from Institute of Children’s Literature, has always had a passion for writing. Author of Island of Dreams-A Memoir, Secret Whisper, and her first children’s book, The Girl Who Wears Gumamela Flower, has found that she enjoys creating children’s stories. Heidy was born in raised in the Philippines and brings her culture to the state side. Stories she heard as a child differ from children’s stories here in America. Heidy loves to embrace her culture and enjoys sharing her culture with others. Heidy lives in New York with her two of her five children. When Heidy is not writing she is cooking, hiking, or kayaking with her family.

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    Street Blind - Heidy Ramos

    Copyright © 2016 Heidy Ramos.

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    Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4161-2 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4162-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016907556

    WestBow Press rev. date: 7/28/2016



    The Village of Kalyebulag


    Bamboo Field


    Leandro-The Protector and Conqueror


    We all have an angel


    Leandros’ Conquest


    The Harvest-Abundance


    Leandro’s Hometown


    Leandro’s proposal of marriage to Lily


    Jesse-A unique Friend




    The Jungle


    Another path to take


    Brave Blind Men


    Blind Village (Shape like a Clock)






    Enchanting Tree-Old Grandpa Tree

    Angel-Lily (Leandro’s wifes’ spirit)


    A Vampiric Witch-Zemiria



    Proverbs 15:29 .

    The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayers of the constantly righteous.

    From excerpt of POE


    Depicting the untamed spirit of the life on earth, the Daily Life is an innovative wall clock that makes use of symbolic living beings and landscapes to tell the time. Replacing the hour, minute and second hands with mock-up figures of grandmother, grandchild and dog respectively, and numbers with different natural scenes, the wall clock presents the circle of life that human beings experience with each passing second, minute, hour and day of their existence.


    The Village of Kalyebulag


    Although this village is inhabited by blind people they thrive through their faith. They also thrive through each other working as a whole-teamwork. They are secluded from the outside world. The village shape like a clock is extremely important as a symbol. The time piece represents time itself as it relates to the members of the village lock away in apparent safety. The villagers has number one rule to follow the clock. It is like maze like sequence of numbers. The villagers proceed with their life in peace and in harmony.

    When the darkness creeps in, the witch will come out to hunt. The sun shining through the mountain but when the sun sets in, the village is shrouded with terror. As time evolved the life in the village is ordinary.

    Job 5:12-14

    He frustates the plans of crafty men. They are caught in their own traps; he thwarts their schemes. They grope like blind men in the daylight; they see no better in the daytime than at night.

    Marissa weeps silently, wearing plain black dress silently throwing the ashes to the river, Juan reading a verse in the bible emptied the white cloth with the ashes. As the river carried away the ashes and dissolved it away into the deep end of the river, the flock of birds have taken a flight, the forest awake with sounds of trees banging to each other, pratatat, pratatat!

    The wind caress her skin, her black long hair elongated the drooping shoulder she took a deep breath and inhale. Her small set of eyes wet with tears nearly look closed. She wiped her tiny bud of nose and blew it, her brown square face radiating from the tears she shed, only four foot tall but her muscle toned physique shows of her active life.

    They walk hand in hand towards the village and the sky cast a dark shadow over them … …

    As they enter the village …

    The entrance is inviting, where a violet Bougainvillea is shape like a gate this is where the 12 o’clock. The first house on the right 1 o’clock is where Sister Mara and Abigael lives-nuns that is outcast from Catholic Church. Borak lives at 2 o’clock, he is known as the fastest runner in the village and also the guardian of the rice field he is responsible for farming the rice field. The main beauty of the village is Azaria-Lily of the village she is at the 3 o’clock, she tends to the growing vegetable vines.

    A couple named Abraham and Beulah is at the 4 o’clock they take care of the spice garden. As you are nearing in the center at 5 o’clock Nakana and Nastasia lives, they live nearby the pond.

    Marissa and her parents Juan and Minerva is at the 6 o’clock, they are also facing, the entrance of the village and where all the green and leafy vegetables are planted. Marissa’s house is located at the right corner of the village church.

    Her neighbor Grandma Lidia is next at 7 o’clock; she is the neighborhood Grandma and also she lives in front of the church she takes care of the church maintenance. At 8 o’clock next to her is Leo he is responsible for harvesting fruit trees, he lives alone . Peter is in the location of 9 o’ clock nearby the cornfield maze. Then a couple Solomon and Ebiline is at the nearby live stock shelter, they are the one who takes care of the animals … they are in 10:00 o’clock.

    .. And then there is Pedro at 11 o’clock, Pedro is the blind hunchback in the village. The meadow field is located behind him. It is told by stories that when he is born, when his father found out that he is born blind, his father tried killing him by breaking his back-that’s how his got the hunchback.

    Leah is at 12 o’clock where the entrance of the village is located. She takes care of all the leafy vegetables. She is serene, quite and yet she held grace. Her beauty is like nature.

    Pedro is Juan’s helper in the church- he is the most knowledgeable of the entire village, he is also a healer just like Minerva.

    In this village, in the middle of this whole village, they lay to rest there dead in the middle. This is a sacred ground where there villagers lay to rest, and each day they come visit to pay respect and bring flowers to cemetery.

    The whole cemetery is bursting with white Lilies, White Sampaguita, and White Daisies and most scented are the White Roses. This Cemetery is so pure white that most villagers hang out here and in peace with themselves, nearby their love ones.

    • Leahs Father is buried in Kalyebulag’s cemetery. He is a blind man when he uncover the truth about his beloved wife-The Witch, he run off with his child took her away from her mother to raise her in Kalyebulag.*

    Leah is emerging-like a seed of a pod- a flower emerging through the light.

    Although this village is inhabited by blind people they thrive through their faith. They also thrive through each other working as a whole-teamwork. They are secluded from the outside world. The village shape like a clock is extremely important as a symbol. The time piece represents time itself as it relates to the members of the village lock away in apparent safety.

    The villagers has number one rule to follow the clock. It is like maze like sequence of numbers. The village people’s hut are sequence also like the clock. The villagers proceed with their life in peace and in harmony.

    When the darkness creeps in, the witch will comes out to hunt. It only hunts embryos and fetuses, or young child. The sun shining through the mountain but when the sun sets in, the village is shrouded with terror. As time evolved the life in the village is ordinary.

    This village is hidden in the middle of the forest far, far away from reach from townspeople. It is called Kalyebulag, in this village mostly inhabited by blind people. The village is live by everyone, who can’t see. They all live in the darkness all there life.

    In the midst of this village natural habitat is thriving. Acacia tree, Avocado, Mango, Star Apple, Tamarind are growing strong and tall, surrounding the forest with tall Hickory trees, old, young and newly sprouts. Flower tree like Lilac, Plumeria, Magnolia, Ilang-Ilang, Sampaguita blooms everywhere. Lilies covered the ground and the wild flower grows every corner of the village. The village would wake in the morning by the cuckooing of the rooster and the tweeting of the birds tending their young over the trees.

    They know when the daylight is over by the felt of the heat of the sun on their skin. They sleep-when sleeps comes to them. They eat when they felt hungry. They listen through all the echoes of the forest, cascading waterfalls that lies beyond the mountaintop, the

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