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Up from the Ashes
Up from the Ashes
Up from the Ashes
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Up from the Ashes

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The book for our times that needed to be written, Up From the Ashes identifies that we are living through a period of societal breakdowns. The book discusses the corrosive impact of Political Correctness on the body politic. Political Correctnesss media bias and the self-guilt they propagate are leading to the demise of Democracy throughout the world. Up From the Ashes understands that the true friends and allies of Democracy are beginning to stir and pull back against the tide of Political Correctnesss dictatorship on thought. Its a story that predicts and outlines the coming struggle between said dictatorship and the growing forces willing to defend Democracy at any cost.
Release dateJan 23, 2015
Up from the Ashes

Bob Mannino

Bob Mannino is a student of history and a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel who, among other duties, worked for a little more than ten years as a covert agent against the Soviet KGB and GRU, oftentimes meeting with them in East Berlin and undergoing Soviet-administered lie detector tests. After his retirement, Bob worked a number of years for defense contractors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Upon returning home, he volunteered to work at the ground level for political parties to understand how politics are conducted at the street level.

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    Up from the Ashes - Bob Mannino

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-5868-7 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date: 01/22/2015



    The Collapse


    The Battle

    The Start


    Political Combat

    The Meeting

    Months Later

    Three Days Later

    And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If… if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.

    -Aleksandr Soltzhenitsyn-

    We have the ignorance or arrogance to call ourselves ‘the land of the free and home of the brave.’ We who are afraid of airhead media types with their blank stares looking at a teleprompter that a faceless crumb wrote some words on.

    One of the females cut in, what I love is the when the actors start to pontificate. Actors, who have to have their lines written for them and need a director to make sure they say them correctly. We are in a sorry state. So much for the land of the free and the home of the brave!

    We’re going to have to do a lot better to be worthy of that moniker again…

    -Up From The Ashes-


    As we watch the lengthening shadow of political correctness reach out to the welcoming darkness, the looming dictatorship, it is useless to ponder about how we reached this point. What we need now is action—swift, quick, and forceful. What we need is decisive action.

    The once honored bastions and gatekeepers of our democracy—the media, the universities, and the courts—no longer serve that function. They have been corrupted and co-opted to such a degree by the professional politicians and their special-interest supporters, the master class, that these once great institutions have become the beachheads and entrance points for the enemies of Democratic America.

    They have become the strongholds of the cancer of political correctness, that euphemism for the Marxist/Leninist takeover of our system, of individual rights, and of economic freedom. They are the creators, designers, and enforcers of what thinking and speech is allowed.

    They are constantly on guard for any independent thought, serving as the enforcers to severely punish any person or institution that dares challenge their power. They are the enemy of Democracy and individual freedom. And, most ominously, they are winning.



    The collapse came with frightening immediacy and completeness. America’s power and values seemed to disappear overnight. In hindsight, the melting pot theory of America, as imperfect and slow acting as it was, seemed preferable to the diversity approach’s inherent contradictions.

    Diversity was, in reality, a government program designed to divide society into groups and then designate the winners and losers, establishing a pecking order of preference among the groups. It seemed America had become a nation at war with itself overnight, with economic recession and Socialist policies forcing costs upon the bill-payers to for handouts to the layabouts. Each group now began to nervously eye each other. The fight for the gradually dwindling pie caused the people to lose their fear of the master class: politicians, police, media, academia, and courts.

    This was the inevitable result of forty-plus years of political correctness: master class-enforced diversity combined with social engineering, code words for the internal disintegration of America. Although seemingly powerful American military forces remained overseas, aggressor nations, America’s allies, and, most importantly, America’s enemies clearly saw them for what they now were—impotent lions. Overnight, not only had America fallen into internal chaos, but, in the morning, awakened to a new world order, one very hostile to America. Many nations were more than willing to get involved in the domestic turmoil. And why not? There was no such thing as an American anymore, just a bunch of disconnected people living within a geographic boundary, just lines on a map, like old Yugoslavia or present-day Afghanistan. Nations began to look to their particular hyphenated American group and quietly asked if they wanted support in the obvious civil war to come. The other nations justified their interference by pointing out that Mexico had no reluctance at all demanding concessions from the Americans at local, state, and federal levels on behalf of the Latino population living in America. Hell, the Mexican president poormouthed America in the White House and in front of Congress. Democrats clapped and applauded. How could America ever be taken seriously as a nation again?

    Just as foreign powers had intervened in the Balkans and in Afghanistan, nations—rather, independent groupings of different nationalities and races sharing no common cultural heritage—had no right to demand recognition as nation-states. Thus the socially, culturally, and financially teetering EU began looking to add the vast, still-untapped American energy resources to replace their depleted lands by appealing to Americans’ national ancestries. America had unlimited amounts of coal, natural gas, and oil shale; these the energy-starved Europeans hungered for in order to break their reliance on an increasingly aggressive Russia. Hispanics from all parts of the globe became partners in one large coalition. Mexico, with their internal disintegration well underway yet ignored by the media and master class, led the charge. Russia and China, with their vastly increasing numbers in America, also made contact with their nationals.

    China in particular, rapidly developing but potentially riding a cataclysmic bubble holding most of America’s debt, wanted to make sure they had land to bankroll them if a total financial collapse occurred. Despite facing economic issues of their own, they were increasingly worried about America’s economic policies. So worried, in fact, that they undiplomatically told America to get its economic house in order. Quick to realize that America was coming apart internally under the strains of fighting a politically correct war on Islamic terrorists, China now upped the ante. It was suddenly determined that North Korea was much further along on the development of nuclear weapons then anyone had imagined. The smaller Asian nations with groups living in America drifted into the Chinese orbit.

    Overseas, the world initially broke into hasty or natural groupings. An unspoken, uneasy alliance between America’s Cold War enemies, Russia and China, temporary but functional, saw them achieve their worldwide ambitions long denied them by the United States overnight. Being financially vulnerable, they first moved to cement their military, economic, and political ties with Latin American countries of the world in order to control a major source of the world’s resources and energy supplies. They then moved to create a new world reserve currency and pushed to have the United States excluded from the worldwide financial community. The African nations, now with no choice, fell into the Russia-China orbit. Eastern Europe, what the Russians termed the near abroad, was to see their short-lived freedom from the Russian colossus come to an abrupt end.

    Japan, South Korea, and the Southeast Asian nations now opened up comprehensive negations with victorious and ever-strengthening China. Even if there were to be a Chinese bubble, they still had no other place to go.

    Taiwan was isolated and began trade talks with Mainland China, an opening move into eventual reintegration. As a first step, Taiwanese universities for the first time began to take students from the mainland.

    The Southwest Asian nations, Middle Eastern nations, and other mainly Muslim societies were quietly encouraged by the expanding Iranian-Turkish alliance and an opportunistic China to press jihad at the national level against America. The result was increased success against a weakening and divided America. They launched a two-pronged campaign against the United States. Overseas they kept the pressure on American interests around the world. Counter-initiatively, on the domestic front they began to send selected personnel to augment and expand the quiet, if unreported, massive influence over the federal government already achieved by Muslims in America.

    The Russians and Chinese patiently ignored Canada, New Zealand, Australia, England, and Western Europe. They correctly concluded these nations, with their politically correct, lazy, hedonistic societies, would be more trouble than they were worth. These nations just had to be denied influence in the post-civil war America world order. The unspoken Russian-Chinese policy: isolate them politically, take the best from them economically, then allow them to stew in their rot from within. They were to be left alone to pick through the coming filth and rubble of their once great civilization. Then, by default, they would become satellite states to the Russia-China colossus.

    Israel and the Philippines stood naked before the world! Israel, in desperation, quietly opened negations, mainly in the arena of military technology, development, and the production of drones or unmanned aircraft, with Russia. Israel also began to quietly make evacuation plans for an emergency airlift of Jewish Americans if and when Christian America ceased to exist. They were to be flown to Israel to make a last stand with the Jewish people.

    Hindu India, seeing Pakistan and the jihadist threat as very real, asked the Americans to stop giving Pakistan up-to-date military equipment, requests which the Americans ignored. India then, as a hedge against America’s failing to do so, cautiously approached China for rapprochement.

    The Philippines, alone now, prepared to deal with mounting and externally supported Marxist and Islamic insurgencies. The success of their efforts, heroic as they may be, was very much in doubt.

    At home, on the surface, things seemed normal enough. On the street level, however, things had changed.

    The master class now sensed they were being seen by many as not only the instigators of the coming societal meltdown, but the cause of it, especially by the middle- and working-class. Those were, coined by Pat Buchanan, the silent majority, those who don’t feel the guilt supposedly felt by Progressive Democrats and country-club Republicans. Not feeling guilt, as prescribed by the master class, meant independent thought and action that is feared by the master class. They must be destroyed by any means necessary.

    Police, long the first-line enforcers of political correctness, augmented by the huge and expanding federal security apparatus under Big Sis, were now met by a sullen hostility from their neighbors. Individuals in isolated settings now began to warn the police, choose carefully those you serve. It was being made clear they could not be oppressors by day and neighbors by night. They had to choose one or the other.

    Religion began to play a major role in the reorganizing of America. While all the racial/ethnic groups had tentatively retreated within themselves, it was beginning to be clear that the ruling class’s assault on Christianity and favoring of Islam was providing an unexpected unifying issue that went far beyond ethnicity and race.

    This was, in fact, the last barrier to all-out civil war.

    Many people now realized they were confronted with a looming dictatorship consisting of an unholy trinity: a Marxist/Leninist government, enforced by a Gestapo-style police state, choosing for its state religion a theocratic Islam practicing Sharia law. All this was cocooned and protected by a corrupt media.

    The largest bloc of this realignment was called the legacy group. People of European descent began to realize their common heritage, especially their centuries-long struggle to protect Europe and Christianity from Muslim subjugation. The master class in America, in their haste to use Islam as a tool to destroy Judeo-Christian America, had awakened the centuries-old danger. They were just taking an old war to a new theater of operations. Asians and Africans of the Catholic and Christian faiths, plus all who wanted to join, were readily accepted and welcomed by this legacy group.

    African Americans, forced to face reality, acknowledged the Muslim role and deep complicity in the ancient and modern slave trade. Theirs being the most religious of any group in America, they began to see again the importance of the Christianity that had given them hope in the dark night of their long passage, and the Christianity that had given strength to their friends in the desperate struggle to break their bonds.

    These religious ties now began to break the struggle for America down, not between many groups, but between three main and distinct groups. The first, the master class secularist dictators, who wanted to destroy religion and make themselves the new Gods. They understood that the destruction of Christian America, for them, opened up an unlimited future with countless opportunities for power. The second, the Muslims, with their long-term thinking, clearly saw that Islamic America was the lynchpin of the new Caliphate, for it meant the death of Christianity. The third, Christianity, long the sole barrier against Muslim conquest of the world. Both Muslims and Christians realized that if American Democracy fell, the concept of individual liberties and responsibility would fall with it. Now people began to rethink their view of politics and the world.

    Females, long the ruling class’s political base of support for the expanding nanny state, began to look seriously at the status of females in Muslim countries under Sharia law. What they saw, needless to say, scared the crap from them!

    The LGBT community, also the true darlings of the Progressives, took a serious look at what life in a Muslim society under Sharia law would mean for them.

    Short, for starters!

    Suddenly people began to look more at what bound them together than what pushed them apart. Thus, the hesitation and reflection before the pent-up frustration of forty-plus years of political correctness exploded into all-out violence in the streets. Ironically, it was the master class’s accelerating war on Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, plus the state department’s bulling of Israel, that gave urgency to rethinking this coming revolution against the status quo.

    People old enough to remember now looked back to the rough-edged fairness of the melting pot in which all groups were to try to become American. Many now saw the melting pot as the concept to build a future on. For it was the melting pot that allowed America to be a place where passions and people could cool and fuse rather than fester and boil.

    But for one group there was no escape—the master class and their demagogue supporters. The master class sensed this ill-formed growing tide that would culminate in their annihilation. To prevent this they counterattacked, calling their enemies racists and homophobes. They fully mobilized the palace guard media to paint their enemies in the most negative light. They quietly cut deals and made arrangement with the Muslims while demonizing Christians. They called in their union activists and community groups. Big Sis, with Mueller at the FBI and Holder at the Department of Justice, brought the coordinated police power of the federal, state, and local levels down on the new enemy of the Obama administration: those dreaded Christian militias. The master class knew they must create an enemy, even where none existed, to divert attention from their real goals: the destruction of Judeo-Christian America, where individual rights were paramount over the State’s authority. Most individuals were having none of it. For their part, people instinctively realized it was the master class that brought on the disintegration of the once great republic. A guerilla war now began to be waged between the master class and their supporters, against all the master class had deemed their enemies.

    Additionally the passing of the health care bill, which the Democrats who

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