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Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit
Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit
Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit
Ebook227 pages2 hours

Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit

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About this ebook

Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit mixes together a collection of recipes that come from the kitchens of cooks who shared their creations with their church communities. Added to this bounty are devotions that reflect upon the challenges of daily living and the nourishment the Holy Spirit offers for surviving and thriving in the midst of lifes changes. The author, Mary Roberson, has brought together these two main ingredientsrecipes and reflectionsto create a guide for ones eating that takes into account all of the aspects of the human creature: mind, body, soul, and spirit.

In addition to the inspiration served up by the devotions and the invitation to cook enticing food provided by the recipes, the book seasons its offerings with a sprinkling of quips and quotes.

Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit traces its roots to the collaboration of the author and her late husband, Hubert Roberson, who served as the minister of the congregations from which the recipes in this collection arose. Dedicated to his ministry and memory, Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit promises to deliver a healthy and enticing diet of food for all parts of ones life and to leave the reader with a sense of spiritual and culinary satisfaction.

Release dateOct 29, 2015
Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit

Mary Roberson

Mary Roberson is retired from her work as a secretary. She and her husband, Hubert, shared twenty-seven years of marriage before his death in 2013. In those years, she worked in the church together with her husband, who was a minister. She has one grown daughter, who is a nurse.

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    Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit - Mary Roberson

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    iUniverse rev. date: 10/28/2015


    Recipe for Unleavened Bread for Communion

    Scripture Cake

    Scripture Cake Ingredients, Deciphered


    Walk in My Ways and Keep My Charge

    A Bit of Blue Ribbon

    Angels Ascending and Descending

    Apple Crumb Pie

    Bean Soup (15 Bean)

    Angels Before and Behind, Part 1

    Angels Before and Behind, Part 2

    Bread Pudding

    Blueberry French Toast

    A Brand Plucked from the Fire

    Anoint Your Eyes

    Poori (Fried Bread of India)

    Chicken Alooi (Potato)

    A Chair for Messiah

    At Evening Time, It Shall Be Light

    Broccoli-Cauliflower Salad

    Easy-to-Bake Brownies

    Birth Pangs of the New Age, Part 1

    Birth Pangs of the New Age, Part 2

    Cherry Salad

    Chocolate Waffles

    Backpacking on the Via Dolorosa, Part 1

    Backpacking on the Via Dolorosa, Part 2

    Back Packing On The Via Dolorosa, Part 3

    The Arnios or Little Pet Lamb

    The Arnios, Part 2

    Will There Be Two Messiahs?

    Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

    Cheese Olives

    Mango Bread

    It Shows on Your Face

    Cheese Ball

    Cheese Tarts

    Beef Vegetable Soup

    Beef Stroganoff

    Can Mankind Write a New Bible?

    Can Man Write a New Bible?

    Chicken Casserole

    Chicken and Rice

    A Certain Nobleman

    A Change of Raiment and a Fair Miter

    Caramel Corn

    Buttermilk Bread

    A Snare

    A Snare, Part 2

    Pecan Pie

    The Broken Snare

    Chicken Lasagna

    Chinese Coleslaw

    Consider Ourselves

    Consider the Lilies

    Chicken and Rice Casserole

    Chinese Beef

    Forgiveness—Dare We Hope for It?

    Cinnamon Rolls


    Forgiveness and Forbearance

    Forgiveness—It’s Value

    Corn Chili Peppers

    Granola Bars

    First Church Conference

    Conference at Jerusalem

    Cream Pie

    Gethsemane, Part 1

    Gethsemane, Part 2

    Devil’s Food Cake

    Earthquake Cake

    I Thirst

    Heaven Loves Trumpets, Part 1

    Heaven Loves Trumpets, Part 2

    Strawberries Romanoff

    Egg Pasta

    Eggplant Parmesan

    I Saw God’s Face

    The Stranger from Galilee

    Green Bean Casserole

    Hot Slaw

    Jochebed’s Son, Part 1

    Jochebed’s Son, Part 2

    Best Coffee Cake

    Jumbo Chunk Cookies

    The Least Commandment, Part 1

    The Least Commandment, Part 2

    Meat Loaf

    Melt-in-Your-Mouth Cookies


    The Reproaches Are Fallen on Me

    Mock Bleu Cheese Dressing

    Monkey Bread

    Something to Say to Simon, Part 1

    Something to Say to Simon, Part 2

    Microwave Peanut Brittle

    Mincemeat Cookies

    Something to Say to Simon, Part 3

    The Potter’s House

    Mounds-Type Candy

    Homemade Noodles

    The Kingdom from Above, Part 1

    The Kingdom from Above, Part 2

    Madonna Salad

    Walking to Emmaus, Part 1

    Walking to Emmaus, Part 2

    Double Crust for Pie

    Peanut Butter Bars

    What If There Had Been No Jesus Christ? Part 1

    What If There Had Been No Jesus Christ? Part 2

    Pretzel Candy

    Prune Bread

    What Do You Have Going for You? Part 1

    What Do You Have Going for You? Part 2

    Raspberry Claflouti

    Rhubarb Custard Pie

    The Winds in His Fists

    Which Is Easier to Say?

    Rich Butter Cake

    Extra-Special Rolls

    When Life Hangs by a Thread

    Wash in the Pool of Siloam

    Rhubarb Jam

    Oven-Barbecued Ribs

    Who Touched Me?

    When There’s No Way Out

    Sour-Cream Crumb Coffee Cake

    Without a Bucket, Part 1

    Without a Bucket, Part 2

    Seven-Layer Salad

    Sweet Potato Casserole

    Through Gates of Pearl, Part 1

    Through Gates of Pearl, Part 2

    Sweet Lime Bread

    Longhorn Brunch Casserole

    Zion, Part 1

    Zion, Part 2

    Strawberry Cookies

    Sour-Cream Sugar Cookie

    Zion, Part 3

    Zechariah’s Vision, Part 1

    Zucchini Jam

    Vegetable and Jell-O Salad

    Zechariah’s Vision, Part 2

    Zechariah’s Vision, Part 3

    Poppy Seed Cake

    Taco Dip

    Zechariah’s Vision, Part 4

    Zechariah’s Vision of Women with Wings

    Baltimore Cheesecake

    Overnight Cheese Soufflé

    All Thy Billows Have Gone Over Me

    Zucchini Cake

    The Lion Who Is a Lamb, Part 1

    The Lion Who Is a Lamb, Part 2

    Zucchini Marmalade

    Tuna Casserole

    He Also Descended First

    Salmon Puffs

    Come Ye to the Waters

    Chicken Lasagna

    Black-Eyed Peas Patties

    Once in the Holy Place

    Marinara Sauce


    Baptize Me Too

    Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Spiritual Wrestling

    Chicken Pot Pie

    Clay in the Potter’s Hands

    Chocolate Banana Bread

    A Brand Plucked from the Fire

    Spaghetti Sauce

    Laundry Pre-treatment

    Window Cleaner

    Schott’s Miscellany of Eat and Drink

    Manly Cooking

    To my husband, Hubert, who went home to be with the Lord, October 1, 2013. He was a faithful servant of the Lord for over forty years, and I had the opportunity and privilege of working with him for twenty-five of those years.


    Food for Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit

    A delightful cookbook with recipes,

    devotionals, and Quips and Quotes

    guaranteed to brighten your day


    My husband (Pastor Hugh, as he was called by most people) began his ministry as an unofficial chaplain in the US Navy at age eighteen aboard a navy destroyer. He was a graduate of Central Bible Institute and Seminary, Springfield, Missouri, and attended Eden Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He also was a volunteer chaplain in hospitals and nursing homes in southeastern Missouri and southern Illinois. Hubert had an eloquent and powerful biblical style of teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus, especially as it relates to the Jewish people in the recovery of Israel.

    I am the daughter of a pastor—or PK (preacher’s kid), as we were sometimes called. I was an executive secretary most of my life, as well as church secretary. I love to collect and try recipes.

    Hubert and I had lost our respective mates to cancer, and we met while working with a grief-recovery group. We were married in September 1985.

    Hubert and I worked together to make this an interesting book of devotionals and good home-cooking recipes, many from the churches we pastured. We also offer a section called Quips and Quotes to make you laugh.

    The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.

    The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

    The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.

    The ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

    More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than fine gold.

    Sweeter are they than honey, yea, than the honeycomb!

    Moreover, by them is thy servant warned and in the keeping

    Of them is great reward.

    Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from my secret faults.

    Keep thy servant from presumptuous sins;

    Let them not have dominion over me! Then I will be upright

    And shall be innocent of the great transgression.

    Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be

    Acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

    —Psalm 19:7–14

    Thank you,

    Hubert Roberson\

    Mary Roberson


    Credit is due so many who contributed to this book. I think of my mentors, who guided me when I was unpracticed in ministry. Many of their thoughts and teachings contributed, in part, to this devotional. Thanks go to those named in these pages and to the recipes they offered. In all, about sixteen different church-related institutions shared recipes and ideas—and devotionals too, which have been edited from sermons preached in these churches. The majority of the quips that liven these pages were gleaned from the McCausland [Iowa] Centennial Cookbook, 1882–1982. Many of the recipes were shared by people from North Adams Home, Mendon, Illinois, and Sunset Home, Quincy, Illinois. Hubert and I merely pasted things together for your pleasure.

    Recipe for Unleavened Bread for Communion

    2½ cups flour

    1 tablespoon sugar

    ⅛ teaspoon salt

    ¼ pound butter or margarine

    ¼ cup cream

    ½ cup milk

    1. Mix flour, salt, sugar, and butter, as you would do in making pastry.

    2. Add remaining ingredients.

    3. Roll out thin on greased baking sheet, and score into squares. Pierce and stripe with fork.

    4. Bake in 425 degree oven for 12 to 15 minutes.

    Scripture Cake

    1 cup Judges 5:25 (last clause)

    2 cups Jeremiah 6:20

    2 teaspoons Amos 4:5

    to taste: 2 Chronicles 9:9

    ½ cup Judges 4:19 (last clause)

    2 cups Nahum 3:12

    2 cups 1 Samuel 30:12

    2 tablespoons 1 Samuel 14:25

    4 cups 1 Kings 4:22

    Pinch of Leviticus 2:13

    2 cups Numbers 17:8

    Cream Judges with Jeremiah. Add 1 Samuel 14:25. Add 1 Kings, Amos, 2 Chronicles, and Leviticus. Alternate with Judges 4. Add Nahum, Numbers, and 1 Samuel 30:12. Bake in tube or loaf pan at 325 degrees for 1½ hours.

    Recipe by Mary Roberts, Sunset Apartments

    Quips and Quotes:

    If you haven’t got time to do a job right, when will you have time to do it over?

    Scripture Cake Ingredients, Deciphered

    1 cup sour milk

    2 cups sugar

    6 eggs

    2 teaspoons baking soda (leavening)

    spices (recommended: 1 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. each cloves, allspice, and nutmeg)

    ½ cup milk

    2 cups figs or dates

    2 cups raisins

    2 cups chopped almonds

    2 tablespoons honey

    4 cups flour

    pinch of salt

    Recipe by Mary Roberts, Sunset Apartments

    Quips and Quotes:

    Thanksgiving begins in the heart and not on the table, as some believe.


    Makes seven and one-half pints

    1 gallon green tomatoes

    ½ quart green peppers

    ½ quart green onions

    3 stalks celery

    1 quart apples

    2 cups white sugar

    2 tablespoons brown sugar

    1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

    1 teaspoon turmeric

    1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

    1/2 teaspoon pickling spice

    1. Soak tomatoes, peppers, onions, and celery in ice water with 5 tablespoons salt.

    2. Drain, and add apples.

    3. Mix sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, turmeric, cloves, and pickling spice.

    4. Pour this mixture over drained vegetables.

    5. Grind everything in a food processor until finely ground.

    6. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally to keep from sticking.

    Sue White, Shelbina, Missouri

    Quips and Quotes:

    Computer chips are small because computers take little bytes.

    Walk in My Ways and Keep My Charge

    Zechariah 3:7

    The Lord made Zechariah 3:7 a real part of my life more than thirty years ago. I had spent six years out of the ministry because of my own spiritual and moral flaws in a denomination that had brought me in the ministry and trained me. One day, the Lord renewed my call, not in the original denomination but in another that really needed pastors.

    Settled in the new charge (two churches), God caused me to read this passage in Zechariah. What happened

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