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The Flying Kangaroo: Book 2
The Flying Kangaroo: Book 2
The Flying Kangaroo: Book 2
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The Flying Kangaroo: Book 2

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About this ebook

Book 2, is the sequel to Book 1. With all the same characters, and even more exciting adventures.
It tells of how Holyjo and all the other mountain dwellers save their homeland from sure destruction. And in the process, do their bit towards bringing to bare, more awareness of what mankind are doing to the environment.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateOct 20, 2017
The Flying Kangaroo: Book 2

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    Book preview

    The Flying Kangaroo - Irene Drummond

    Copyright © 2017 by Irene Drummond.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2017915271

    ISBN:                   Hardcover                     978-1-5434-0443-2

                                Softcover                       978-1-5434-0442-5

                                eBook                            978-1-5434-0441-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 10/06/2017





    Chapter 1.   A New Start

    Chapter 2.   Holyjo’ Shocking Discovery

    Chapter 3.   Making Plans.

    Chapter 4.   The Midnight Hour.

    Chapter 5.   Party Time.

    Chapter 6.   The Festivities Continue

    This sequel to The Flying Kangaroo, with all the same characters and even more exciting adventures, tells of how Holyjo and all the other mountain dwellers save their homeland from sure destruction and, in the process, do their bit towards bringing to bare more awareness of what mankind are doing to the environment.

    Chapter 1

    A New Start

    It was now, a year later: And thoughts of that dreaded fire, and the averting of yet another, had begun to fade a little in the bush dweller’s minds.

    All Mystery valleys’ old inhabitants had returned. And because of their heavy rainfall during the rainy season, gum trees, and all others that had survived, were now covered with golden-tipped leaves. Tree ferns sprouted new growth, tall grasses grew lush and green, and bracken and fine ferns grew in abundance, in every crease and crevice along the banks of the creeks and rivers.

    And it was here, in these beautiful, tranquil Blue Mountains, revolving around Magic Rock, deep in Mystery Valley, that a most intriguing chain of events was about to unravel.

    It all began, on a day in late spring. Everything in the early morning sunlight glistened with raindrops after a sun-shower, a brilliantly coloured rainbow arched across the sky, seeming to end on a ledge half-way up Magic Rock.

    And it was at this precise moment in time, that a small girl called Natasha, having wandered off from her campsite, eager to explore the countryside, arrived at the Rock.

    Gazing up in awed wonder at the brilliantly coloured rainbow, and mesmerised by its glistening beauty, she walked up to the huge jutting rock, and straight away, began to climb.

    She had always loved climbing - fences, gates, stairs, trees; anything that took her up, where she could look down, she climbed.

    And so, higher and higher she climbed, and up and up she went. And the higher she climbed, the fresher and sharper the air became, and a clearer view she had of the whole surrounding countryside. Her thinking too, she noticed, had become much clearer, and still, she climbed.

    She climbed, until she reached a small narrow ledge half-way up, as it was about here the rainbow ended, she thought. It was very difficult to tell now though, as it had begun to fade at the ends.

    Feeling quite disappointed at not finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and deciding to take a rest before beginning her climb down. Ever so carefully, she turned around, until her back hugged the rock.

    Looking out over the golden-tipped tree-tops, breathing in the sweetly scented, invigorating air, she suddenly realised, the birds, singing their little songs, were talking to one another.

    Breathless, she listened, finding she could actually understand some of their musical, sing-song trilling and excited chitter-chatter.

    Spellbound, she murmured, ‘My, they are all worked up. I wonder what it’s all about,’ and eyes wide and sparkling with excitement, she searched them out.

    They, all the while, flitted and fluttered and bounced about amongst the leaves, coming to rest fleetingly on branches, boughs, and trunks of the trees.

    ‘My!’ she breathed with enchanted fascination. ‘They are in a state. I wish they would calm down. I’ll never find out what’s troubling them at this rate.’

    Just then, a mob of quarrelsome birds arrived in a flurry, extremely agitated, wild eyed, and full of worry, and coming to rest on a bough close by, a tiny blue wren twitted his angry reply.’

    ‘Don’t call me a crazy twit, you raving nit!

    You reckless, headless neckless nerd!

    You artless, brainless, tiresome bird!

    You are the rudest bird I’ve ever heard.’

    Cranky Willy’s flickering fanned-tail fluttered, as he crossly muttered,

    ‘Well, any poor fool can see,

    They’re not here for the good of you and me,

    And the sooner everyone else can see,

    The better off we’ll all be.’

    Right then, Magpie Lark, set in to hark,

    ‘But how will we know, they’re not our foe

    Unless we give them

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