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A Danish-American Knight’S Reflections: Book Two
A Danish-American Knight’S Reflections: Book Two
A Danish-American Knight’S Reflections: Book Two
Ebook148 pages2 hours

A Danish-American Knight’S Reflections: Book Two

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Looking back, a lot has happened since Dan graduated from high school. He joined the Navys Ready Reserve, went to sea, and visited many med ports. One of his buddies that he went ashore with on liberty was a civilian working on a book about the USS HUNT DD-674, going by the name Andrew Jackson.

Dan finished his two years of active duty and got out of the active service to go to college at JU as a business major. Unbeknown to Dan, Professor Wade (a.k.a. Andrew Jackson) worked undercover there as political science professor at JU.

Dan entered college, and two and a half years later, President Kennedy was elected in November of 1960 and took office in January of 1961. In March 61, Russia became the first country to put a man in space. Our president responded with a rousing speech that challenged Russia by saying that we would put the first man on the moon and would do it in ten years. He asked all Americans to ask not what our country could do for them, but what we could do for our country.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 13, 2014
A Danish-American Knight’S Reflections: Book Two

Viggo Conradt-Eberlin

Storyteller Viggo Conradt-Eberlin created an alternative history of military strategy and humanitarianism concern in his debut novel, A Danish Knight and an American Lady. Now he continues the story with Book Two, A Danish-American Knight’s Reflections. Fiction inspired by real life, he uses his own life experiences as the jump point of his creativity. From seaman recruit to full commander, Viggo served in the United States Navy for twenty-four years. A survivor of the Cold War and the second Berlin Crisis, he also served aboard in Vietnam, Gitmo, the Pacific, and the Mediterranean. His dry land duty stations included Washington, DC. An avid fisherman, Viggo learned the basics of storytelling spinning the catch of six-inch minnows into an epic battle with fish the size of whales. But entertaining children, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren with fanciful tales, packed with scary spiders and shining knights, gave Viggo the practice he needed in refining his storytelling skills. Married in 1960, Viggo celebrated almost fifty-two anniversaries with Nancy, who passed in 2012. His first published book is dedicated to her, the love they shared, and the life they carved out together.

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    A Danish-American Knight’S Reflections - Viggo Conradt-Eberlin


    Looking back, a lot has happened since Dan graduated from high school. He joined the Navy’s Ready Reserve; went to sea and visited many med ports. One of his ‘buddies’ that he went ashore with on liberty was a civilian working on a book about the U.S.S. HUNT DD-674, going by the name Andrew Jackson.

    Dan finished his two years of active duty and got out of the active service to go to college at JU as a Business Major. Unbeknown to Dan, Professor Wade (aka Andrew Jackson) worked undercover there as Political Science Professor at JU.

    Dan entered college and 2 ½ years later, President Kennedy was elected in November of 1960 and took office in January of 1961. In March 61, Russia became the first country to put a man in space. Our President responded with a rousing speech that challenged Russia by saying that we would put the first man on the moon and would do it in ten years. He asked all Americans to ask not what our country could do for them, but what we could do for our country.

    The next month on April 17, 1961, the U.S. covert war with Cuba erupted with the Bay of Pigs invasion which failed. Problems between the US and Russia continued to grow as the Russians completed a Trade agreement with Cuba. Khrushchev was determined to expand the Russian territory to our very door step, if not take the door step.

    Dan at this time felt he had the world in his corner, a job with Johnson Service Company (albeit not much money) and was getting closer to finishing college having completed his third year of college and was beginning his fourth year.

    Then on July 25, 1961, the hammer fell. The President announced on TV "Russia was challenging the United States by saying Russia was unilaterally going to unite East and West Berlin under East Berlin and the GDR’s control and he (JFK) was calling up a large number of troops including the Ready Reserve Units, including Dan’s ship the USS HUNT.

    Dan got his orders to join the HUNT at the Boston Naval Shipyard and the ship left for Germany via the Earl NJ ammunition piers and then into the North Atlantic headed to Germany. On the way the HUNT fought a Russian Sub, a hurricane and some more Russian ships.

    As the Hunt arrived at Germany, Wade (who had joined the ship undercover as a political science professor on leave to observe first hand history in the making) left the ship on a covert mission while Dan stayed with the ship as it went up the Elbe River to Hamburg to show the flag.

    After the Pilot almost blew up the harbor and the Hunt, Dan was chosen to head up the fleets’ Shore Patrol and went ashore for several weeks of adventures with the Green Door, the lady in red and numerous German Police Officers and their families. Dan received many mementoes including an SS Officers sword and 3 boxes of wine labels. Towards the end of his tour ashore, Dan was chosen to go to West Berlin and return with information as what was happening for the ship’s personnel. He arrived at the height of the Russian/American confrontation.

    Wade was also there, gathering much needed information from spy’s on the other side, for the President.

    Following Dan’s return to the ship, the HUNT sailed for the Netherlands and Holland. There he again was a ships representative with the population.

    During this time, JFK and Khrushchev both became very busy. JFK, smarting from the Bay of Pigs fiasco, formed the SGA to put an end to Castro including another possible invasion. General Lambswool inserted 4 tactical teams into Cuba to stir up the population and set the scene for another invasion. In early December, detailed invasion training begins and a number of Amphibious Ships, destroyers, a cruiser, oiler, and an ammo/supply ship are assembled at Mayport, Florida, ostensibly for underway deployment training to the Med.

    Khrushchev smarting from a blunting of his expansion into East Germany hears of JFK’s renewed planning for Cuba. Feeling JFK is weak, Khrushchev negotiates a trade agreement with Cuba to buy their entire sugar crop and supply Castro much needed fuel, domestic goods, arms and technicians. He promises to make Cuba a model of Communism and place a large army there to protect them (and threaten the US).

    JFK gets word of a Russian-Cuban trade agreement but little other information. JFK directs the Farm to find out more. The Farm has some contact through Denmark and find out from Andrew Jackson that they have a potentially new agent unknown to the trade, who has close connections in Denmark and direct his employment through channels.

    Being of Danish heritage with a family of many Danish Knights, some of which still meet with the King informally, Dan is recruited by the ‘Farm’ and goes to Denmark covertly via a sailing ship through the Kiel Canal. At Denmark he is met by Strong Dove (Osoa), taken to an orphanage just outside Copenhagen and in a hidden apartment, joined forces with an elite Danish Special Forces group led by Bold King and Peaceful Ruler. They go to St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace and make their way to The Summer Palace a mile away.

    Their meeting with a Russian spy is successful but other Russians try to stop all of them and a shootout occurs. Dan is seriously wounded. Upon return to Denmark, Osoa nurses him back to health and they fall hopelessly in love. Finally he has to return to the Hunt which is where we pick up Dan now.


    A New Role

    It was the 21st of November 1961 when Dan came back aboard the USS HUNT DD-674. Dan went directly to the Ship’s Office to check in.

    Smiley greeted him Welcome back! By the way, you are out of uniform ENSIGN! We missed you and like last time I have only a few hours to brief you he said as he handed me some papers smiling all the time.

    What! What are these papers for?

    Smiley continued to smile as he said, Read them. You have been promoted to Ensign, Supply Corp. After you are sworn in by the Captain and given new duties plus new quarters, you can change into your new duds. I will give you a quick knife and fork training course and then introduce you to your ‘staff’. Chief Pot Luck is now Senior Chief Pot Luck (also known as Gary Faulk) since you will be traveling a lot and he will still run the show, training you when you are around in your duties and Big Ears (James Oakley) is SN2. By the way, meet your new assistant, YN1 Jack Smelby. He has been fully briefed as to your multiple identities and is fully capable of running the office. You have a Storekeeper also by the name of SK1 Hammermill but called Pencils" by everyone. He is busy taking inventory currently and squaring away the storerooms.

    Ensign Knight Jack said saluting Dan, Sir! Ready to assume my duties—and best of luck Sir. Hope you will fill me in a little on your adventures—sounds very interesting. Oh, by the way, since you won’t be using this bunk in here anymore, I have moved in—okay, Sir?

    At ease Jack. When no one else is around, just call me Ensign or Dan—okay? And by all means use the bunk in here—I found it quite comfortable. By the way do you play Chess?

    Smiley broke in and said, Enough chit chat for now, time to go up to the wardroom and get sworn in! With that Smiley led me first to my new stateroom which I had to myself. He quickly helped me change into my new uniform (which fit perfectly) and then we continued to the wardroom.

    As we walked in, the Captain and the Executive Officer were standing at the head of the wardroom dining table facing me and the other officers turned and smiled. Pot Luck was there also.

    I walked forward and stopped in front of the Captain. The Captain asked me to raise my right hand and said, Say after me, … Upon completion, he then introduced me to the wardroom and said Ensign Knight, I could not be prouder if you were my own son and I wish you smooth sailing Pot Luck took some pictures and then the captain said, Gentlemen, we sail next Monday the 27th and I know we all have a lot to do. Knight, the XO will brief you on your duties one of which will be Underway OOD. First Lieutenant Be lieu Johnson will train you for those duties as well as the XO. Wardroom dismissed.

    As the CO left, the XO took me to his stateroom and started my indoctrination. In addition to checking all my stores and ordering whatever we needed, I was reminded that Thanksgiving was 2 days away and the XO expected it to be the best ever. He let me know that ‘mincemeat pies’ was a must if Thanksgiving was too be successful. I assured him that I would not let him down.

    I went to my stateroom and rang up the phone to Senior Chief Pot Luck. Senior Chief, I know you are very busy but we have a lot to talk about. Maybe if you could come up to my stateroom we could have an undisturbed conversation. Would that be okay with you?

    I knew that officers didn’t ask enlisted if it was okay, but I figured this situation was different and giving the Senior Chief his due couldn’t hurt.

    Yes sir, be right up but first have to get several things underway!

    Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the open door way and Senior Chief saying, Permission to enter Sir.?

    Come in, come in Senior Chief. I pointed to a chair and said Have a seat please, there is a lot to go over and I know you don’t have all the free time in the world. Probably the hardest worked person aboard!

    Senior Chief sat down and I started to speak. Damn, thought I had several lined tablets and pencils. Wait just a minute Senior Chief while I go and get them!

    Sir, if you could wait just a minute. Also, may I use your phone?

    Yes, of course?

    The Senior Chief picked up the phone and dialed a number. A second later I heard Pencils speaking. "Pencils, this is Senior Chief. Your boss and I are trying to work and you have not outfitted his office properly. We need NOW, a package of lined 8x11 tablets, a box of #2 pencils and

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